Windows Subsystem for Linux with GUI (wslg) in Windows 11

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hi guys my name is karthik and i am from and welcome to another video from user automation and today we are going to see how we can work with wslg or windows subsystem for linux graphics so this is a new feature which is available in windows 11 so if you have windows 11 you can use this particular feature it is quite awesome and quite interesting to use so i'm going to show you what is this wsl g is all about so if you go and search for wslg you can see that it is going to tell you that this is going to be a windows subsystem for linux with graphical user interface so this is the most important thing that we need to know about and this wslg as you can see over here it tells you that the purpose of this project is to enable support for running linux gui application which is using the x11 and wayland on windows in a fully integrated desktop in experience which is quite good because that's the reason you can actually get all the gui interfaces that you can see over here in your windows machine itself and this is quite interesting so if you have windows 11 as there is a requirement over here you could use this particular wslg and the most interesting thing is you could install certain applications that you can use on your jubintu machines and i have tried like firefox and tuner or something like that it's all working pretty fine and i'm going to show you pretty quickly instead of just wasting the time of reading the documentation so all i'm going to do is i'm going to open the windows terminal over here and this windows terminal is actually running on the powershell and i have already installed the ubindu wsl too again this wsl2 is something that you need to be installing basically from the features and update of your windows so if you just go to the turn on windows features something like this you will see that over here there is this option called as windows subsystem for linux so make sure that you check this and then once you do that in windows 11 they also brought this new what is called as the wsl in the windows store so if you just search for wsl there is something called as windows subsystem for linux preview you can see that there is not even a single icon there which is crazy but you could able to install it so i have already installed it that's the reason it is just showing me an open button there but you could do an installation from here basically that's it that's the installation part and you can choose multiple different operating system over here so you can do something like probably not from this guy over here so if you just go do something like w as a list it is going to show you all the linux distros that i have installed within my windows machine it also shows you the docker desktop data and docker desktop itself because it is using the wsl as well but if you go to the documentation over here you can also see that it shows you the w is a list hyphen v which is going to show you the different distros along with the versions probably so if you just do that it is going to show you the versions like two so make sure that you have the the version number two if not you can just use the wslg itself so this is the most important thing that you need to do but i want to show you the gui interface itself so i have already did the sudo app to get whatever to make sure that it updates and stuff and now i'm going to show you running a firefox browser straight from the ubuntu environment this one so you can see that i don't even have a firefox browser within my windows machine so if i just search for firefox you will see there is no firefox so this firefox browser is actually coming from our ubuntu operating system and you can see that it is showing me the youtube which is pretty cool and i've also tried playing an 8k video on this particular uh browser and it looks like it is playing pretty fine you can see that the details are pretty good it is actually quite faster i mean even though it is running on a wsl the performance is super good it looks like i'm actually working on a linux operating system the performance is quite good you can do all sort of things over here not bad at all and you can also do something like tuner dot dot so this is the file manager of linux operating system i mean quite interesting you can just install that and you will see that it is going to show me all the file systems over here but you don't really have to have a file manager over here or something like this rather in windows 11 you can actually have the file manager straight into your file explorer itself so this is my c colon but you can see that within over here i also have what is called as a linux option where i can get the docker desktop docker desktop data and the ubintu operating system coming up for me which is cool so now i can browse all the directories of the linux operating system straight in from my windows 11 operating system itself which is again another insane thing that we could do i mean this is pretty cool so that is the another feature about the wsl 2 itself and now if we want to install something like a the g edit of the ubuntu is something that i don't really have so probably i can just do that and if i hit install and see that it is installing the application for me over here the genome text editor is installed so now if i just do genome g edit probably there we go and i already have the editor it's quite fast actually so now i can select the open or here and then i can go choose any one of the file system and then i can run it that's pretty fast that's about this wslg another thing which i actually tried doing myself is this one so if i wanted to run a core application and if i want to access that in my windows machine i could do that as well that's super easier i mean it's very very faster because of the file system access so if i just do something like this cd um and i think i don't know where it is it's on the cd uh sample no it's i think it's cd sample yeah this one and let me do an ls yeah it's the graphql net uh and i think if i just do a dotnet you could see that i'm actually building a dotnet application on that particular linux machine which is the wsl2 and now if i just do a dotnet run i could able to run a dotnet application over there which is over here so let me just copy this particular url you can see that it is actually showing me the application coming up and now i can just try to access the application pretty much like how i used to do it so you can see that it is showing me the products uh probably its products and i can get the id the name and the description something like that so this is a graphql application that i developed it is up and running which is cool as well so i could able to do all sort of things from the wsl very very faster it is working pretty much faster like it is running as if like i'm running in my windows machine so that's the power of the wslg so that's it guys this is about the wsl 2 with the g support or the graphic support it is quite interesting and awesome
Channel: Execute Automation
Views: 17,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wsl, windows, windows 11, Windows Subsystem for Linux, wslg, Windows Subsystem for Linux with GUI, executeautomation, testing, qa, Windows, New OS, OS, ubuntu, docker
Id: 0mYaFGC99hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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