windows 10 VM game bot tutorial GYM and Tensorflow

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all right guys so in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to run this bot on a virtual machine just in case you're having um dependency and packaging issues on your on your own machine so let's just get started minimize this so we're going to go ahead and open Virtual box we're going to add new let's just call this Windows [Music] 10 we're going to go to our ISO images you should already have the windows 10 ISO pre-installed um there are numerous tutorials on how to do this it doesn't take that long once you have this just set everything up go to next start allocating your resources I'm going to go ahead and go with six 2 um that's okay hit next finish and you're going to get an error and I'm going to show you how to fix that error right now all right there's the error if you're getting this error I'll show you how to fix it right now we're going to go ahead and close the machine we'll power off the machine we're going to go to the machine obviously that you just created with the Windows 10 um operating system we're going to go to settings we're going to go to storage and right here this is what you're looking for you're going to hit that you're going to right click remove the attachment hit okay and we're going to relaunch the Machine by the way you're your CPUs should support virtualization if you're trying to run any type of machine on your um Local Host machine there's a lot of tutorials on how to do that also there we go English cuz I'm in the United States I'm going to install and and I do not have a product key next um let's see [Music] here yeah so we're going to do that hit next in so we're just waiting on this Dam that thing's getting h well that's [Music] hot multiple programs obviously you can fast forward this all right temperature went down it's good let it do it thing so this is I'm making a tutorial to show you how to run this um neural NES um open a I gy python bot uh just in case you're getting errors I'm going to show you what version of python to install and that's basically all you need the version that you need is 3.10 and I'm going to show you everything right now but the setup for Windows 10 takes like at least 15 minutes feel free to fast forward needs to restart itself hi there I'm Cortana and I'm here to help and cortana's a little sign in here touch a Wi-Fi there and we'll have your p sir finishing this big us I'm going to skip so yeah if you're getting that error when you're trying to launch your Windows 10 virtual machine uh yeah I just showed you previously how to fix that just go to your storage and you delete that little floppy this and you save your changes and you rech the mission um let's see oh crap it's not going to show my password is I remember no no no no no than here definitely no yeah and yeah [Music] that's yeah that's you don't need to do that you what on that part let me skip this and I'm going to put no thanks uh decline deine oh if you guys haven't tried Game Pass ultimate you can literally play on any x64 even Android arm CPU it's pretty cool what is this um cour time again I'm running this with six gigs of RAM and only two CPUs or cords I should see two cores two core CPU virtualized obviously TR specs this might take several minutes yes it does [Music] all right we are in everything is working all right so let's uh continue temperature's going down so this is a fresh machine um first thing you want to do is install python you type python there is no version of python installed so it just takes you do not don't install python from the Microsoft store because you need to need to install it as path so that you can execute your uh execute your programs directly from the terminal here so that's very important otherwise your programs are just going to open open and close open and close I'm going to show you how to fix that right now let name oh confirm continue um continue also Microsoft Edge is a really good browser it comes pre-installed with read out loud feature Express Yourself by customizing Microsoft edge with themes all right let's I'm going to go to python damn my computer ass dude go to Windows and you want to install 3.10 otherwise you're going to get errors with the code here that he has so we're going to set up the environment basically here we are download Windows installer 3.10 we're going to open this on of the gun and we're going to add it as PAAD that's super important right here don't skip that step install yes check our CPU it's not bad I'm doing this on an Acer five Nitro 16 gigs of RAM uh the processor is the I5 9300h clock speed 2.4 I believe and it only has four cores so that's why I keep that's why I keep going back and forth making sure I don't you know overheat my computer going to exit some of these set up was successful all right we're going to exit this now we going to type in Clos this terminal actually python you should have 3.10 this is the one you need otherwise your the neural 's program is not going to work all right um now I already have the program here we can open with I mean I open it with a text editor it doesn't really matter notepad file open desk sh hold on one moment let see here no don't do that let me just log into my Gmail what hell it's on my sorry about this guys there you go starting [Music] one f for for so here's the code don't switch just going to copy it and again this code comes directly from this here neural n this is neural n's code you can do that on your own time once I copy it open up notepad paste it you can do it in Visual Studio code doesn't matter save it let's call it BP save it in the python programs folder save it once it's save now here comes the fun part here comes the what's really important [Music] I'm going to CD into it and we're going to run the code right off the bat I'm going to show you how to configure it you should get errors you see there's our first error I'm going to show you obviously python to and then use Services is that you check out package that we want to install is the open AI gym package which is going to provide the environment for reinforcement learning to install it with we're going to State gy because we need this to be compatible with the version of and this module here this right here here is compatible with this rlt I'm going to get more errors and I'm going to show you how to fix those as well e this one takes a while just be patient for sure e for there we got ignore this for this project that's okay we need we don't need a newer version of pip so we're going to go ahead and run the bot again and should get another error and this is what you want to install here it's not install run pip install gy so pip install j exactly as the computer tells you oh I'm sorry classic control oh I'm sorry I forgot another one pilet yeah you're going to need that and then we're going to install gym classic smth we got piget now we're going to install this right here install gy classic control make sure you have your spelling correctly that bad boy all right guys so now should be ready we're going to run it I'm sorry two there you have it one more time okay I hope this tutorial tutorial was helpful for you and and I'll catch you guys later
Channel: Jesus Arreola
Views: 31
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cED5IfKwSHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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