Windows 10 Update KB5001716 Released, but also Fails to Install with the Dreaded Error 0x80070643

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hi brench here where Tech is Made Simple so Microsoft is once again rolling out the update for Windows update service components for Windows 10 KB 51716 which they do roll out and from time to time and this update was downloaded and installed automatically onto my Windows 10 device this morning when I booted up my system on the 6th of March 2024 and the last time this update was downloaded and installed onto my system was on the 4th of October last year 2023 KB 51716 so Microsoft does push this update out periodically for Windows 10 now just a quick recap regarding the update um it does do a couple of things once it's installed and according to Microsoft when this update is installed Windows may attempt to download and install feature updates to your device if it is approaching or has reach the end of support for your currently installed Windows version and something else it will do is that after the update is installed Windows May periodically display a notification informing you of problems that may prevent Windows update from keeping your device up to dat and protected against current threats so those are a couple of the things the update will do and once the update is downloaded which it will do automatically and by the way just on a side note it's a very small update it really takes a couple of seconds to install and it doesn't require a system restart so once all that is done what it will also do if we just head back quickly to our apps apps and features list on Windows 10 if we scroll down here to the bottom of the installed apps list uh it's also listed here under installed apps update for Windows 10 base systems kb5 1716 and as mentioned very small only 836 kilobytes so um a very small update that has rolled out now you may have noticed though if we head back to my update and security and my Windows update page that although the update is downloading and has been installed it's generating this error and I find this quite ironic and quite funny actually because Microsoft says there are know no known issues with this update and there are already reports after I noticed this this morning that are starting to do the rounds online where users cannot install this update and you'll notice that this error is exactly the same 0x 87643 is exactly the same error that this update which is now the infamous update that I've been posting on kb50 341 has been generating and for a lot of users has been failing to install uh because the recovery partition hasn't been large enough and I'll actually leave a whole playlist in the end screen of this video regarding this update and yeah you can see that KB 51716 although it says successfully installed on my machine um is failing to install so it's installed the update but if we head back to my main Windows update page it keeps generating and trying to reinstall itself although it's installed and successfully installed so I found this quite actually amusing so once again the dreaded error um has made itself known once again and I did do a couple of things I ran the update troubleshoot I did sfc scan now I did a whole lot of different things and this update um kept failing to install although the first time it successfully installed on my device so some crazy things gain on you and I found it quite funny that Microsoft is rolling this update out to basically keep your device up to date and protected but yet this error is being generated now um I'll leave a playlist in the end screen of this video for a couple of things sorry a video in the end screen of this video on a couple of things you can try to do if you are faced with update issues and what I would suggest with this is just ignore the update um on my device as you can see it's downloaded and installed successfully and then after that when I went back to check for updates it says it's not failing it's failing to install so funny things going on here and I would just ignore the update or something else you can do as I've mentioned previously and I'll leave this video down below if you're like to try and hide the update which I actually did earlier today because I was getting quite annoyed with the update failing to install is you can download this little tool from Microsoft Windows update show hard and I've posted a tutorial on how to use this tool it's quite safe to do and you can actually hide the update if you don't want to see it being displayed but nonetheless there we go that's the update for Windows update service components KB 51716 which is generating the same error as the now Infamous update KB 5341 and obviously watch the space I'll keep you guys posted if I get any more info so thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: BrenTech
Views: 10,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KB5001716, KB5034441
Id: vN1nwAtSSjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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