Wind Waker Randomizer, THE IMMORTAL GRANNY! - Pt. 14

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What a ride. Can't wait for the next randomizer! So many options. Banjo Tooie. Another Mario game, maybe Sunshine? Twilight Princess. Maybe Dark Souls 1. RE Remake?

Can't wait.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Brizn 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really hope we get a 10 minute video of Michael tracking down and killing the toucan.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/AbeVigoda76 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

tf wrong with apple juice

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/HeroSoulReaperX 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

Apple juice is delicious and so are pears, fight me

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/CosmicAstroBastard 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Can't wait for next week's video, it'll be only 5 minutes long, but I can see the title now. Wind Waker Randomizer, Granny shows Toucan Sam, Who's Boss - Pt. 15

In all serious though, not killing that one Wizzrobe is just super upsetting. I couldn't care less about the boss fights and dungeons they skipped, but skipping that one Wizzrobe makes this series feel incomplete. Anyways can't wait for the next randomizer, hopefully they take a break from Zelda and Matt gives Michael a break with a relaxing randomizer maybe Pokemon Quetzal, Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, or any of the Resident Evil games.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Mikecall 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

So do we have a final count for how many rupees Michael tossed into the sea across all the parts now?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sere1 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
Matt we are almost finished here we need according to you a known truth teller that's true we need the light arrows yeah and the hook shot and that's it then you gotta go down there and go Gannon we also and every boss in the game we also wasted the last 30 minutes of the last video or more completing the entirety of the second dungeon for no reason we did but there was a chance something good could have been in right yeah there wasn't but well I mean it was the whole chances there there was a ton there were so many chests which are mostly now I think we're just down to the two items we need money and heart pieces yeah is what that's really cool um I said it last time Matt a minute what yo let's go water these plants you gonna do it let's just do it let's just get out of the way right it's just right out of the top just grab the gate okay so I gotta go to the Forest Haven yeah you could also I suppose get the uh the fairy thing or the oh yeah yes they don't die I don't think do you what do you put it in a bottle this bottle okay yeah I'll grab that stuff is good too forever spray except for the water yeah the water do you have to refill the water every time what do you mean like when you pour it does it just empty or no I don't think so I think it's like I If I recall it's you have a time and it's like infinite yeah I've only done this like twice I've beaten this game so many times but that was not one that got a repeat why but it's a check I mean that's great I normally don't check it but are you normally down to this dire strait normally no normally I haven't gotten then after that the other ultimate check step um the [ __ ] cave is it Cave of Origins you're actually gonna do the cave I'm not saying I'm gonna do it but I'm just saying that's the next like insane check that one I would do probably before this you would do that before it well it certainly simple slime yeah see I think I think yeah I think it probably takes less time to do the uh oh my God the water 90 degrees back but it's certainly more convoluted and complicated that's really more what it is like the water is absolutely I just run over oh okay absolutely less time but like that's just annoying [ __ ] yeah it's just it's just such busy work did she swing into The Rock it looked like she's [ __ ] swung into it and just accepted it she is the rock it could be it but that's the thing I can just get the water from here yeah where's the Firefly yeah okay but so what's the difference what oh I get water versus Firefly because they're both in the same spot uh well the water you put the water in the bottle right how do I get the Firefly Firefly you put the Firefly in the box right so how do I tell the bottle what to grab oh these aren't the fire okay that's what I'm asking yeah oh sorry I'm like I thought you were just like trust me like that it's a very specific looking Firefly see I didn't remember what the hell it looked like so I should grab that first yeah he's not in the water the Firefly get out all right then I'm gonna take a list of where all this [ __ ] is oh right let me pull that up granny God damn it I wouldn't when she doesn't climb the ledge right in front of her it [ __ ] pisses me off oh yeah she's she's not great is it just around here somewhere I think it's like in that back corner to your right a little bit it could be around here though that right there too hey you hey hey you come here [ __ ] Miss Miss uh okay missed Miss missed Miss missed got it uh okay I've got the locations all right um You Can't warp to some of these I thought you'd let that Firefly go no way we are fairy list now though all right I don't think so let's take a let's take uh just getting where it's like okay I got it I got it here we go there we go look like wet grass yeah is it possible that you know you talked to them before right who the the tree people the thirsty men yeah the thirsty men yeah all right we've got Magic Water okay you can use it multiple times but it loses its Forest freshness after just 20 minutes so we need to sail around the game essentially and water a bunch of dried out plants but we only have 20 minutes to do it and they all have to be watered in that 20 minutes yes or they'll just say [ __ ] yes it's not like it's not like you redo it and you just have to get the ones you missed you have to do all of them at once in 20 minutes yeah now is there anything that resets the timer or like [ __ ] it up uh let me see after that becomes normal water I don't think so because it didn't tell you don't didn't say anything yeah it probably can still uh can you what's up I guess my question is okay it tells you how much time you have only 20 left so pausing pauses the time which is good you would hope and it tells you well I mean I would hope we know because it should now it would say be 19. oh I think it probably just says minutes oh oh weird I don't think they're going to give you specific like second why would they put the seconds that's a great question I mean that I'm just I'm just I'm just saying does it count down at all or does it always say only 20 minutes left I'm just saying can you check your own time or no could we alter the time in our in the computer to go back I don't know I don't think we need I don't think we need to but all right let's just get to it I was just trying to see like if we could keep track of it so [ __ ] time might still be counting I don't know all right Matt where am I going uh so they're a needle Rock aisle wait hang on you're gonna need to go to the boat start but you can pour it multiple times so you're already in foreign thing about that so you can either wait 20 minutes to get rid of that or get another bottle full of it you could you could give water to the all the people you know dude of the earth that's how the flood started this is like this is like Dragon Ball oh here you go I'm filling the river I'm filling the river yay yay hooray yay she just like opens the bottle turns it over and leaves it on windfall everyone's dead I don't think it's been a move it says within 20 minutes of taking it out of the forest oh and it didn't start yet so hey still a good start it's probably I try trust me I tried as long as I could to not read the words but eventually I broke down and I read all right now now pause it that's a hook all right now we're going now we're in and now we're in and now we know it's paused uh-huh all right yeah we're good we're good um Eastern fairy Island's probably the closest to you uh you're the Oasis is also pretty close am I selling or warping uh I would sail to the Oasis all right he's gotta follow the water I just got a yeah they'll take you out it's just a little Ledges man it's just it really grinds my gears my gears you should be able to get over it like yeah there's no excuse there's absolutely no excuse lady I can't see Lady where's the damn bus boats right there um yeah honestly you should take out your sea chart and then we've got a lot of we're gonna plot we got a plot man okay let's see so Eastern fairy island has one Cliff Plateau island has one too and that's to your right wait where's Eastern fairy Island uh to the East Cliff well it's not to the east Matt because maybe go up a bit I'm just saying one east of me is not it I can only go one East [Music] uh Thorn fairy nature left a little bit but that's wheezed that is weast I think it's down yeah Eastern fairy Island okay so you could go to Cliff Plateau right which is right there it's right there just do that um then you can go teleport back to here and go to uh the Oasis okay yeah we're gonna nail this how many are there eight uh let's see one two three four five six seven eight hey look at you there are exactly eight I think we've talked about it already we probably haven't I didn't like remember I ejected the information from my brain you've gotten enough yeah oh my God Michael yeah um do I need the hook shot to get to him yes sure do buddy are you are you serious I can probably just run up I mean get give it a look give it a check give it a check but uh you can probably he's right there yeah he's pretty close I actually you might not actually I might just be full of [ __ ] because yeah I thought this was this island there is another way out of here this is just uh an exponentially longer amount of time than you probably want to spend I mean it is but uh limited yeah um we'll make up for it where am I going how do I get out uh you probably need to like launch yourself up there and then use probably the leaf oh Jesus Christ yeah I assure you he's not involved no because if he was I wouldn't be here Cameron how am I to do that right now the this bump you you've sent to me well then why bump it now why bump it now that's not Larry's job that's not his response we're losing time here Cameron enough probably that one to the right how the [ __ ] do I get up here there's maybe that one one of these ones that are like suck me up we're losing time I don't know which one turns into a thing probably the last one yeah oh there you go [ __ ] yeah you're gonna need a leaf luckily you have that now [ __ ] sorry Cameron rarely do I get to talk to the person sending me a message in a recording because they're in the room yeah like if Sarah was there oh man she would have gotten we made it and it's that easy there really wasn't down seven to go I mean if that takes the longest I mean the problem the real problem honestly you want to time stamp this game it's doing this without the internet that's what makes it smart that would have been I mean it was it was just like [ __ ] I don't know where all these [ __ ] are it's not that hard well like you said though you didn't have Swift sale and you had to constantly change the wind and you also like I know how it's just go the HD one they literally give you another 10 minutes too oh yeah you mentioned that yeah because they were like it's too hard just where the [ __ ] are we going now Eastern Oasis yeah but you could also teleport to um the Forest Haven right anyways oh right I forgot Northwest yeah either Forest Haven or Tower of the Gods won't you get there quick [Music] and then we learned that teleporting really [ __ ] it up and oh that would be so annoying just just for the one I've already done yeah because that's that one I tell you what if this if this water goes normal it would be really weird that it went it'll just go sploosh it'll tell me right now it'll be like your water's normal idiot didn't tell you no we must be good she's gonna pour in just one one pour that's right it's still it's still sparkling good water still sparkling I want I want that device but there's no way it'll ever happen like a bottle that just is constantly full of water I think a lot of people want that I think you could probably get something close where it like it takes water vapor out of the air or some [ __ ] but then like two years later we'd realize these bottles actually are taking all the air out of here and we've killed ourselves but we're not thirsty anymore so that's like the reverse plot of Batman Begins remember at the end they vaporized all the water that machine you're talking about like yeah well it's kind of vaporizing it I'm just saying you're talking they're like like vaporizing the water and and you want to take the vapor and turn it in yes and turn it back you don't want to put it back yeah I want to put it back the other way I'm saying but just for it's already right that's crazy but just yeah so we can drink for forever or something like that really the thing did something like that in Batman all I know is he wanted it it was on a train and [ __ ] was like exploding I don't even really want it to uh drink for forever I just wanted to pour it to Pour It On The Ground yeah like you're in your car like you're in your car getting fast food and you have and you're getting your drink but there's a drink in your in your cup holder already so you you take it but it's just water and so you just pour it out the window dude like that yeah exactly that's what you want but it never stops but it never stops yeah well it stops just so you gotta like just to refill yeah yeah I think you could put it on like a drip where it just it still never stop drip is not satisfying nobody likes no it's not satisfying that all right now I'd flood the world actually um we're gonna go Eastern Ferry Eastern fairy's not bad shark Island you also need I'm going Eastern Ferry go for it locking it in uh mother and child Island you'll need to go to but you have to go to tingle Island okay not warped to mother and child okay because if you warp to there it'll just put you in the middle of it yeah and it's on the outside yeah okay which I think you've been there before right the inside of the outside you've definitely been definitely been on the inside I just don't know if you've been to the outside hey let me ask you this again kill all the octopus uh uh you have the Oxford chart right that I do maybe I could start poking around I suppose you can start poking around to your left I know you did I I wanted to like just throw it out there it's for the audience right you're like the like the Navigator well I've got the chart it's true yeah you do have the chart you've got the map you have the the spoiler log really like you're like the cartag you're like the cars have drug for uh the only thing I don't remember is that one platform where you were throwing a bomb at a a toucan for forever dude I don't know and that fucker's still out there that's the worst yeah I know like he's alive he's alive out there with a chest and he's escaped us yo that that tree dick is erect all right you want me to do the uh mother child next you like look at your map real quick so shark island is one like it's down near outside I think yep yeah shark Island's one great fish is one over here um Needle Rock aisle which I think is like to the left of great fish or go down one and yeah that's one I should probably go to outset and then I can go to Charlotte and let's do that first yeah Star Island and then uh mother and child though once I get the shark I'll get this one at shark and then I'll check I'll check our time I think we're doing fine I think you're probably doing okay yeah it really is one of those things that like we talked about it a lot throughout the series of not wanting to do it it's really not that bad yeah it's just tedious it's not bad it's just tedious exactly it's just it's also just so just please don't make this a check yeah or or like don't make it an item I need and now we're at the point where they might have well and you made a very like fair point of like doing it now makes a lot more sense like I just want to pull the Band-Aid off if if it is something we need then you know you got it you you already have it we didn't do two dungeons and get nothing and then then we did it bless you sorry it was coming no I feel you it happened huh a blasted I'm not gonna like do I need to hey you're good what now okay you're fine just as long as you're sure just sneezing [Music] like particles you know like dust Dusty well in our new space we've kicked up a bunches our new temp space which is it an old space why I'm surprised we moved from attempt space to attempt space which is an old space we used to work but not in this space that's true another company worked in here I I was always scared to go in this room like I mean I rarely went in usually I only went in this room when someone went hey do you know where so and so is and yeah bring them there and I would point at that door and say they're over here that's right pretty much what I did that is for we got 12 minutes yeah we're ahead we're ahead of the curve and we already did the yucky one first yeah unless there's yuck that we don't know about but there probably is let's let's be real there probably is we don't know about okay then I can just sail over to Needle Rock you could uh teleport to uh great fish but if you want to have more saline I'll just sail over to need a rock I just I think the game's getting a little upset that we're just crushing it yeah we also probably didn't finish all the reefs did we uh uh almost certainly we did oh um I only really remember doing like two rows worth granted there were like four reefs and two yeah two we definitely got distracted because it was like it was all kinds of [ __ ] a [ __ ] pain and I feel like we got an item we we needed so we just said [ __ ] it we definitely got distracted you're right about that yeah um but I just remember we weren't we weren't doing them arbitrarily I was like starting at the top and I was just going down the line yeah so I'm somewhere around like the middle I I feel like there's there definitely is an argument for me to have been keeping like a firm tracker oh but but we might not have needed it that's the thing turned out that we did we well I mean it would have helped but I also kind of feel like that's not part of the not part of the journey it's here's the thing I feel like it's not part of the journey at the beginning which is when you would need to start keeping the tracker correct it becomes a necessity when you reach the point of look we're all having fun here but this fucker's got to end at some point right you know what I mean like yeah like we didn't it's like the level of okay not just checking the spoiler log and going all right where's the item we need it yeah but more like me more like what's okay what the [ __ ] can we do right now I basically what is available to do because otherwise then it's just you're just wandering around yeah that's not I did reverse engineer where we were at a certain point oh and like now I know we've basically hit other than like a couple of dungeons you know we've hit most the main stuff outside all right great fish yay I wish you could mark on a map but yeah that that'd be good then you could show up on the compass it'd been useful it'd have been useful for sure they didn't think that one all the way they didn't think ate that one I couldn't have had that back then hey if they needed you yeah that's I would have I would have forced them to innovate [Music] I don't make the GameCube probably couldn't have handled it to be fair foreign they would have had issues with a Tracker you think yeah I mean that I think that feels like Skyrim Tech okay you know which right now is old that is old yeah [ __ ] that game is old instead of replaying it someone recently and it is uh uh I think it's on that thing to the right I popped in Oblivion yesterday because someone uh submitted some challenge yeah I think it's he's up there they submit a challenge for challenge accepted and uh I'll I'll be up front I can't do that one perhaps someone else that has played Oblivion can oh but um I'm just terrible at the lock picking and that's a large part of it oh okay interesting but uh yeah that game um looks like [ __ ] like for the time great but bad oh no all right and now we go the fact that our like Skyrim and Oblivion around the same console is kind of mind-blowing they're they're on the same console real opposite yeah they really are I think like Oblivion was being developed before they even knew what the console was gonna be I mean that tracks because uh what's the third one is it Morrowind morwin Morrowind was the first one on Console right on Xbox so oblivion's only the second like console game I mean I don't know Bethesda game but like yes uh yeah wait do we do this uh now's not the time even if we haven't but I'm pretty certain we did we did I don't think we did what hey I don't think we did you'll remember it most these are still up here so you mean mother and child in Star Island I think Star Island is like either north of here or it's not far [Music] over here you have a [ __ ] it's got a tiny Forest inside of it and then nothing else [Music] oh there's the Goron [Music] hmm there it is oh my God come here you you you definitely need that you're you're close to that check dude I am [Music] here not me sorry this is old eyes you are eating people you're all the tree people to me okay you're gonna have to like hit him with a boomer I just damn you God damn you lady just kill him I didn't want to oh what is that 12. I think that's 12. you you're pretty [ __ ] close to it dude we should knock that out you should just I mean we only need three right yeah I mean I'll have to look up where they all like oh yeah I mean they're on Islands you were convinced last time I was dying I honestly could not believe you didn't already like have a few of them the one on tingle Island insane you can probably give them that flower I'm gonna give him this [ __ ] flower you bet your ass I am I truly wonder what he'll give you hey you want this I'll tell them lower you see flower oh [ __ ] 20 rupees [Music] so that's just vanilla yeah that's that's actually not bad I think there was a way to randomize it but I don't want to do it I didn't do that to you [Music] anyway boy I appreciate it okay um last one Star Island last one you got this I don't know where Star Island is but we got so much time pull up the do you how much time yeah almost seven minutes yeah that's all the time you had to play with them come on that's all I can spare I [ __ ] love that he actually leaves he's gotta go oh there it is directly north yeah dude don't even need this song yeah when you really look at it this was not a hard challenge I mean again it's it's because we looked up a list we have Swift sale we don't need to like change the direction of the wind trust me there's like a million factors right now in the original game that sucks it just was tedious as hell yeah and also I just didn't want to do it yeah I mean it's taking 15 minutes like like in a series that spanned hours and hours and hours and hours you could have you were like complaining about this 15-minute chat you could have done that like basically from the time you got the well the leaf you need the strip I mean again I just did an entire [ __ ] dungeon that gave me nothing that was certainly more time consuming well look we've already done who knows it probably was oh [ __ ] quite a thing to just pop up yeah yeah and uh I think it's like yeah right there in the [ __ ] middle yo I don't know here's some that magic water homie here you go oh okay so they all do this simultaneously now by the way did I have to go back to all the other ones they all look like this they're all are you [ __ ] with me holy [ __ ] is that the arrow that's the [ __ ] life oh I'll be honest I had no idea it was falling out of his head I thought it was a root I thought it was a yellow Ruby I don't even know what it was that is what I expected that that looked like a snake yeah Matt we're one item away let's keep the party rolling come on what are the odds that it was that thing that's [ __ ] [ __ ] that's that should not have been anything that good stomach hurts your stomach from from excitement just from because that wasn't supposed to be it was like the it was like the three Master Sword part I still understand how you did that like I I went back and rewatched that I was like oh are you talking about the audience because you got the I got the real sport you got the real smoke okay yeah I gave you the face it's 99 accurate oh okay as long as like there's just a few things there's a few things that confused you um oh I guess we should turn this Forest Fire firefly in yeah you can um so in the spirit of that it was like six parts ago I I told them about that one that's like one of the few checks I've actually oh did you oh that yeah oh God that we had to do you had to do that oh God I'm actually surprised no one told you no because it's it's been out for a while yeah yeah I mean I do my best not to listen that's fair too like even if they did tell you you wouldn't have believed it but yeah I don't know I I I don't want any involvement in any sort of information gathering or at that point though I really wasn't considering his light arrows I was considering as any arrows because you didn't have any at that point wait that's how long ago yeah you you didn't really get arrows until recently in the in the scheme of this series yes yes um I forgot we were even doing that for an item because I just assumed it wouldn't be worth it and it would be good it's a fair assumption to say okay I don't want this crapped I was just kidding I was just getting it out of the way yeah I really don't know where anything else is now though like your your hook shots kind of well I've got good but here's here's the good part we know we don't need the hook shot to get anything that's true it's the last item you don't need it to get it right like that would be a hook shot check that pretty much takes one Temple out of uh the running there [Music] do you know about the pictographs with color yeah I mean do I just like hit him with it yeah I probably just hit him with it Majora's Mask in a way better system where it was like do you want to use that item yeah no [ __ ] dude wow look at this weird angle and look at these lips what the [ __ ] dude it's the Long fabled Forest fireflies they were just kind of there you could just go to the floor in the grass and I I would imagine the the tree wouldn't just let anybody what do you got you got check you got check what do you got a [ __ ] pair I don't even know you can get a [ __ ] bear [Laughter] thank you for the fireworks this is gonna eat this but I decided it's not the best fruit but it'll do you can possess a seagull with this no apple or banana or cherry a watermelon and no watermelon um what an [ __ ] that's wild um okay so we also have how many how many blue jellies are there uh by default because you need you need 15 for the item for the for the medicine but I feel like there was extra in the I think there probably were like there's more than 15. and we've got I think 12. checking checking yes we have 12. so hopefully we only need three more of those so we can do this 23. oh my God and we only have 15. all right this is gonna be so easy just pick out three you know we haven't gotten yet you'll look at a list and go oh we definitely don't have that one I don't know what I believe anymore yes because you've had it in your gut that's fine it makes it 23 well you definitely don't have that one because you need the hook shot together okay well don't don't suggest that one that one's just got that one I feel like you must have gotten the one on spectacle Island right now I think my best bet is try and get three more blue jellies and do the wreaths go to pop rain Island it's to your right just just one right okay yeah there's a chance you wouldn't have this one because you have to do something specific to make it spawn do I have to walk like a chicken uh they couldn't program that in again what kind of GameCube yeah I'm just saying you said specific and so I tried to be as specific you're thinking of like Destiny Destiny's where they got that technology they got a chicken bong yeah Chicken Bog Tech they can figure it out back then buy then um so I think it's it's like a chewed statue uh we have on the northeastern side of the island several times we have why haven't we done this yet if there's one here um because again you had to jump on top of a statue probably like that big one what I'm confused you get on top about well the head double what what are you talking about this yeah this Clank looking thing yeah it does really look like Clank you get up there there you go what the [ __ ] what I didn't know about that either to be honest I mean I maybe knew and forgot two more to go just two more just two two more two more jellies um where's the where's my boat at what's losing my damn boat [Music] okay go to Birds Peak Island okay or Birds Peak Rock or whatever I think it's in the bottom right it's not even so far from where I am yeah it's yeah that's one more okay man I'm gonna go to Forest Haven or warp um I'm sick yeah you are um I'm trying to look to see what other reefs uh did you do the Cyclops ones I think you did so I think I think I did this one like this row because there's the six there's Cyclops that makes sense I think I did those so I'm probably missing any of them south of there so I'm like pretty sure there's only 49 treasure charts by the way uh-huh 45 of them I mean should I not no I mean now I have it done I don't think five and two yeah I think that's it it's five and two you still have a treasure to get on actually so we could do okay let's do birds Peak Rock we'll go to what was it Forest Haven I think uh yeah yeah something like that uh diamond step you can't do kind of the do because you need those I got a g fuel racing through me oh yeah um I woke up and decided to be a gamer you can't be a gamer until you have your G fuel it's just the truth there's a couple of gamer enabling drinks and G feels one of them yeah Mountain do I feel like they want to get your gamer on they were kind of the original there's nothing more classic than Mountain Dew yeah yeah this is interesting because it's code red right what's that oh do you want Mountain Dew Code Red oh well I mean yes it was just dyed red well here's the thing here's the thing about Code Red Mountain was already the video game drink before that yeah but it was just the unofficial video game drink I think code red is when they went hey we're cashing in on this video games we really want to get that those we know you nerds are out there yeah we know you nerds are out there sucking up this Dew we want to be like the gamer drink and they got it they locked it in which is funny because the original Mountain Dew [ __ ] is all just like a hillbilly Miner or like it was the Moonshine it was uh you got no there was a wooden posts on the wall what there actually is a chance you've done this one but I just can't remember what am I looking for here Matt on the the top of that thing I look up look up a little bit more you see the wooden post yeah yeah what am I doing with that uh grapple to it will climb up and then I don't remember this yeah such thing is this definitely seems like something I wouldn't have been able to convince you to do doesn't work and then you go our daughter would work hey I did convince you to do that one see that's a shame damn it if I have 14 do I only need one more do I need you to I got excited I got distracted yeah um uh uh the two shoes on top of the largest aisle you did Cliff Plateau right no Cliff Plateau is Right south of me hey buddy what's up what now what I don't think you need the hook shot to get it go go back to Cliff there was one up there with that [ __ ] dude that you didn't get what are you talking about you the the dude with the tree there was one up there there's like a jelly are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah with the thing I just ran through the first one the first one God damn it hey we weren't looking for these things I didn't I didn't know you didn't walk where the jelly was what the [ __ ] yeah we smoked that it's part of the journey smoke that magic water thing I still like I it kind of didn't even really register to me that we got an item out of that I think I'm just you got like not just an item but one of the ones you needed well that's what I mean yeah I mean that's what I mean by an item I mean it was only oh yeah yeah all right that's fair um that that [Music] I'm just gonna close my eyes the rest of my eyes for a second that item is like busted in this game too what item the [ __ ] uh light arrows oh that's right yeah you mentioned well guess what it's not busted in in our version because we got it last whoa right when you're supposed to that technically it's true yeah you got it right around when you were supposed almost right in line You could argue you've gotten it much earlier than you were supposed to you haven't beaten I mean half the dungeon I guess but uh but but you've done the leg work but I guess at this point Matt The Hope is I don't have to okay so yeah I don't I don't plan on beating them I just don't see how you're gonna do the the I think it's Earth or no it's the wind Temple the one with uh my car I don't see how you're gonna do it without the [ __ ] hook shot yeah but I'm supposed to have the hook shot I don't need to do it right that's what I'm saying it's like there's just no reason for you to do it like you I don't think it's gonna come up I mean unless there's like unless it's in the temple obviously as an item before you get the hook shot that would be real shitty uh yeah but welcome to the Run it's been real shitty you've had some good luck the fact you haven't set foot into like two dungeons for real implies that there's been some good I guess but like you only consider not having to do dungeons good if you can skip it and move on in the early game at this point doing them would have been faster just probably I've been sailing around so damn much you also took forever to get all the keys you needed for a lot of them that is true there was a [ __ ] chest [ __ ] what the [ __ ] were we doing up here not looking I'm just wait hang on did I get a pair the entire game and I got two like five minutes apart I don't ever remember getting a pair the whole game you might have one pair maybe one pair and then there's this guy who died off screen pick up a jelly okay 14 14. okay one more that's crazy we still have four more treasure charts somewhere um I mean are you just gonna try and like lock up as much as you can before you go into a dungeon yeah I imagine yeah I mean I'm wanting blue two away or blue jelly away I should do the blue jellies and the reefs at least right yeah I think that's probably oh [ __ ] um if you want to do the reef I could go to yeah I'll do five five I uh are you wait wait what's up we're in the corner yeah go do five I then do 2i and then go to the boating course because you're in that general area I'm in the boating course like right now right yeah oh [ __ ] here you are man I'll just go to the boating course okay trust me that's not me remembering I just looked at it that's fair I I knew it was not general area I just wasn't like sure which would be a faster play [Music] yeah I assume this is a chew it's a chew if you jump from the highest point you can like make it to the other Island what and uh then you with the leaf oh there's actually I think something else there too but we I always just assumed you needed like the hook shot to get it so maybe if we get the hook shot we can get it let me go back it probably is nothing you can get the magic armor you wanna go for that wherever it may be it could be anyway I mean is that vanilla I don't think it is I think that that check exists which is a a [ __ ] am I going now uh you need to jump from that Island to the one over there gotcha um so you're gonna change the wind but yeah I think you have to do it from this link I'm gonna go to the bathroom first do it all this water is making me pee oh what's up yeah hey Matt what's up do you have any last part Secrets I'd get them out now I get them out I'm just saying this could be it could be it could be could be he's leaving he's leaving he's gone uh I really don't I could I could have secrets I can look him up right now but I'm not going to at this point like what's left there's only like five things it possibly could be like I hope he doesn't have to go to those dungeons it's gonna be [ __ ] if he does but not really my problem or his problem I'm just here with all the answers that I refuse to look at so I don't know the jelly seems like it's pretty unlikely but like I wouldn't have thought the [ __ ] trees was a thing I've known about that for weeks I I don't know this this seed of all of them he definitely I'm sure thinks I like picked it I didn't this one's been rough but I'm funny he also got three pieces of [ __ ] master sword in one like 120 minute spat so I don't really care he can he he can quit complaining it was fine you have ups and downs that's how these work if he doesn't do two of The Dungeons that's like half the game he's just skipped imagine if he has to do him though that's a lot to this I don't know how many how much times actually passed we're on like what part like 14. camera what part is this dude I nailed it uh and like the last couple parts are like stupid long that's we're definitely longer than an average wind waker playthrough at this point maybe maybe for for not for him I don't know I haven't watched him Play Wind Waker it might take his time but it feels longer than average I could be wrong though hopefully we'll get this jelly though maybe we'll find something on those reefs and then he'll pop into the [ __ ] Earth Temple and then not get the hook shot there either it'll be in the last [ __ ] place he looks [Music] Focus then why the [ __ ] are you looking right like you you don't need it you got it I wonder if he'll be able to beat the the bosses because he hasn't had to fight any of them yeah he's he's only like he only fought Goma and and the leaf person I don't know the name of that thing it's like a plant an angry potted plant it's escaped the pot and now it's pissed he hasn't fought the sand worm that they basically rip from Beetlejuice and uh that people just had sandwich right okay cool he's agreeing with me it was like yeah snake thing I remember talking to the car a lot that's yeah so I really remember that hey buddy amazing cool no I did oh I don't have anything to tell him hey look I get some Welches get some apple juice they make apple juice too oh [ __ ] getting some apple juice thank you man hey made from concentrate concentrated Apple I am from concentrate I've been harping on this I don't know why we have this in the refrigerator who the [ __ ] wants apple juice who the [ __ ] is going we need soda-sized cans that's what's weird apple juice it's not so much ice cold in a refrigerator like like an adult is gonna go oh finally oh apple juice here we go hang on oh yeah listen to that apple juice some mist oh yeah oh here I'll yeah I'll give it though like sucking a worm yeah it's um it tastes like baby food like it does it does not make sense in this container it's just it also like it doesn't make sense and adults should not be drinking this it it this is like it's like it's like it's the problem is you have a lot of memories of apple juice like built around being a kid this is not good it's not a good apple juice is not a good juice it's not bad but it's this is wild all right this also has got like made from concentrate yeah it's made from concentrate it's like you know when uh in the office where you put the orange juice in the metal container and he's just like he's got that oh yeah yeah that's I taste that with this yeah yeah it dumped that apple juice at a metal container me too what are you doing what are you doing I don't know I don't know why they would do that yeah it's it's also when I think Apple Juice I always think of like you know like a like a little juice box yeah and you know what else I think of a child that's a fair one um we can't we can't get [ __ ] regular red bull they're only buying sugar-free but we got 20 a 24 pack of apple juice well maybe oh [ __ ] you only to concentrate I'm gonna start just taking it and at least giving it to my kids I get some use of it I mean that's fair are you kid your kids like apple juice right yeah yeah that's the thing I already do that with the snack so there you get chips and [ __ ] is he is he in here uh I think he's up on that rock yeah yeah what a brick move to not just be over here but then you're up on a rock yo if you knock me into that hole I would have screamed you probably should go in that hole while you're here all right I will [Music] because like I I was under the impression you couldn't get here until you have the hook shot so I was wrong there you go let's check wow nailed it I was the hole in one oh [ __ ] what what yeah it's not so much like this is hard as it's annoying no it's fine yo we got we got a sword remember let's use it that's true it's just these [ __ ] never stop and you have to hit those switches oh is that what it is yeah oh well I'm glad you told me you would have kept fighting for forever well for a time probably not forever man yeah it sucks I don't think you have to hit them all in one go but oh do not I don't think so okay I assumed you did that seems pretty still lit anything all right you got this nailed it oh okay well done okay I was also absolutely gonna try and do all three in ones shut up forever I've been really giving you some songs you're getting tired at the end of the series I'm old like granny glink Jesus Christ Jesus Christ don't [ __ ] send me back there I don't I don't want to go back there you can do it now though don't make me beat all the dungeons we're not doing it I actually think there's like only the boss at the end of it now [ __ ] off do you even have the big key I think I do you might that's I think I do that's really funny I think of all the [ __ ] things to find there yeah I uh wasn't expecting that you do I do you actually can probably have every key in the game you probably do have every key in the game um there's not a lot of keys there's not there's there's not that was I think what sucked the most about uh the Ocarina randomizer was like there's like eight keys in the fire dude and they're all over the goddamn world so all right get in and I just want to swim there you go um all right you could do the other refill might as well yeah we even come all the way back yeah he's not really a great teleport spot for out here anyway it's two and five oh yeah two and five we're two and five and then uh and you might show up to five and be like I've done this maybe my trip too I don't like I've done this I don't know can you kill boats with the boomerang I don't think you can kill both of the boomerang boats you you need some Firepower cannons however very weak to Wood Wood yeah there are wooden cannons I guess yeah it's probably like a magic wooden boomerang or something you know made out of that same Forest water magic [ __ ] and he was making wood hard you did the did you ever I don't know if I told you about that where like the series that was originally supposed to be like in the future like Zelda they they wanted to have like a bunch of futuristic [ __ ] instead of uh like fantasy yeah I think they they really kind of missed the mark but uh they're they're getting back to it right yeah with like Guardians and [ __ ] and all that crap yeah that's like what they always wanted to do but it was just too Innovative for the time wow they were they were too advanced they were oh you haven't done this one you got the [ __ ] but like that I think their idea would have been like yo this Boomerang is like it's got targeting and [ __ ] but that's why it can do 50 different things but instead they just don't explain it and it talks it was like the uh the little sword from Power Rangers oh yeah the the one that had the lion or whatever yeah the tiger the white tiger yeah and he's like I'm a sword but I have filed talk and then this game's like I'm a boat what I'm a guy you gotta be a thing that can be alive they did that in Twilight Princess too the the Gale Boomerang had like a [ __ ] spirit in it it talked nothing was [ __ ] loud if you're playing in your bedroom and your parents are sleeping in your Wii Remote it was too late at night in your Wii remote's screaming I used to play it in the the dark and just like sit in my room and I forgot that every once in a while minda would go like or whatever I'm like oh my God this guy [ __ ] turn this [ __ ] off this is and like and and maybe for that game I don't remember but for the WeMo like you know Nintendo does a lot of stupid [ __ ] but they do make Innovations there's a lot of them suck ass but people like forget about the ones that work um that one's dead Nintendo they put the [ __ ] speaker in the Wiimote and now it's on the PS5 controller yeah I I can't decide if I like it in really either of them it's too distracting to me yeah like I feel like At first in the Wii mode I was like yeah I'm in but I played enough of it that I was like okay I'm out you know like it's it's just it's too much the thing is it's a gimmick and I don't think there's any way for it to not be a gimmick like like PlayStation tries to use it as not a gimmick like actually immerse you into the game it's pretty hard but it's hard when I'm like well I'm playing the TV and the sound's coming from my hand it's I'm not immersed it's just like it's just it's cool but it's not like it's almost like if anything it makes you realize you're not correct in the game correct yeah but and that's not for lack of trying you know what it is great I don't know if you've tried this uh play stray and just make the [ __ ] controller meow and hold it up next to your cat yeah I that was some [ __ ] just be confused I I streamed it and I so I had my headphones on and I'm just like hitting the meow button for whatever and I did not realize my cat was like sitting down below me like pissed off yeah you could probably make pretty funny oh I could definitely make that yeah correct and it's just because the [ __ ] controller's meowing like constantly and I just had no idea wait the wind's already going west Is that West it's my lucky day yeah we'll give it a go it's it's dawny oh he's here I uh I've been doing this for a while Autumn charm I thought you did well now we do you've got like every [ __ ] chart man I came home from work one day and like my kids will yell and scream when I come home from work and I think Iris was yelling Daddy and for some reason she was upstairs and I just kept going I'm not Daddy I'm Donny and she came downstairs and she was like you're not Donny I'm like I'm Daddy's brother Tony and so every now and then sometimes I'll go is it Donny and she's like it's not done and then recently I've introduced Johnny the new brother it's like the tingle people I'm John you look the same but yeah but then Iris will make herself the oldest brother and then he's supposed to charge them yeah she's even more powerful she might have been Ronnie no problem yeah um I don't know why I sailed around that thing but yeah um Reef okay we'll do that and then we'll head in right yeah we'll see what you got from the jellies I guess we'll do we'll do the five Reef you can see what we got from the jellies we've also uh got the Octo chart we could take a look I mean we took a look at it now and see if one jumps out that we haven't done yeah I mean about it there it is because you seem to think we haven't done now okay is it red oh right over there oh I was so confused that shows you how many eyes they have four eight eight eight twelve twelve I feel like we've done the one here who knows we'll leave this area and it'll still be red and we'll be like oh maybe we haven't like who who [ __ ] knows raining it's raining but I think they always rain on those uh thiefs I feel like every time you've done one you've you've been in the rain right I just didn't know if it like the rain clears uh there's something about that one it might it might it might storm there yeah I think that might be it if you want to turn around give it a look that's the wrong okay I'll kill you [Music] oh that's it that's gotta be it yeah because I know you've definitely also also yeah we've never done one before so there is a possibility though I mean it probably is still there there's a possibility it's only marking them off if you have their actual item uh uh but I don't ever remember doing just four but I think go back and look man you make a fair point four is like a ridiculously easy one we said to find the seagulls what what where the [ __ ] was I just now what it's two I Reef that's where you were [Music] you know what I I think it might be flustered what's up I feel like I remember you might be being here um but you didn't have a way to hurt it I believe it like you grappling hooked to it but maybe to your left I saw some seagulls right there wait stop wait turn directly behind you there's some seagulls right there there's a there's a couple oh God I'm down oh yeah yeah if it's there that's that's where it is here we go here we go nope nope is it possible that's according to the Chart the only one you've killed uh yeah is that is that the flip side I really could be it because that's where those seagulls are huh and seagulls hang out by the rotting corpse of the the riding cord I mean it's alive oh I would assume it like over time sheds awfully parts of it okay gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah I don't know what's up with that then yeah I don't know it's just odd that that one's right that one's red no matter what and every other one isn't and we definitely left the zone and I don't remember four eyes I really don't either man but yeah it doesn't look like anything it I I want you to kill it but I swear I could have sworn you killed that one there you think that's the one that has the fairy in it I mean that definitely happened so and that might be why that one's different maybe maybe if that's it then then we did it beautiful oh yeah you're just you're so animated today the real problem I'm gonna make some slack okay okay I'll find you you son of a [ __ ] dude unless I killed you all already I think you killed that one there might be one in the middle that you haven't killed like looking at that chart but I'm content letting it live until after the the jelly yeah I'll hit this reef and then turn in the jellies I guess yeah because like it makes sense that you wouldn't want to dive into a dungeon if you don't have to I know I mean after this Reef after the I mean I'm sure there's you're running low I'm sure there's you know I mean [ __ ] there's probably like 20 you know that I'm not thinking of just that toucan out there right he's just out there you're right he's out there um but yes dungeons are the easiest now um like big jackpot of Chess yeah laughs oh my God why did you she wanted to [ __ ] box him I'm gonna take out those candles come here you can take out Grant new piece I watched the world drown I'm from the before times that's the crazy part dude they don't really tell you about the the hero of time like stuff that was only five years before this most people remember all of it it's crazy laughs there's there are people I remember when I was a Zora now I'm a bird I don't know what the [ __ ] going on my brother Brian's actually still a fish he's the one who keeps jumping around eating all the bait [ __ ] I I really does have a name doesn't he it's a fish yeah um he probably does he does I'd have to take a picture of him and then give it to the guy to carve a statue to remember it sure because he he certainly never tells you his name he's just I'm a [ __ ] fish feed me but he's pretty goddamn sentient well I mean the guy [ __ ] speaks English yeah so well I would definitely say sentient he also gossips with your boat there's there's like a couple of cut scenes where he's just like [ __ ] jib jabbing with the boat well there's circle of friends like I'm a boat I can't talk to regular people and I'm a fish another fish don't talk so they really just aren't other fish we're just kind of screwed like he's he's the fish yeah you're right actually well there's like fish things I should say there are sea creatures there's yeah there's like the octopus that want to kill you and there's the sharks that want to kill you what am I jumping uh here that might be is it well yeah you could jump from there and then to there but you got the win smack dab on your face nope here we go you ready to get the hook shot all right dude I hope you get the hook shot right here that that would that blow my mind just because you wouldn't have to go with like two dungeons should I jump for that or do you think I should go to that rock first and then jump there I think it's probably safer to go to that rock but because this is like a lip on that rock episode two yeah the freebie lip they're they're like heavily implying it was like come this way dumb dumb yeah you're probably fine it'll look worse than it was yeah [Music] hey get get four of those I forgot about those pesky things it's kind of interesting that you like are not getting more right especially after the slew we got last time I imagine if you did do those dungeons it would just be full of them it'd be full of Hell there's got to be so many pieces maybe a container or two still kicking around I don't know there's like five containers we got a lot of containers early on oh God she started drowning just a little drown and just a little at her Advanced age so oh it takes oh yeah a little drowning is equivalent to three times drowning um so we've got well turn this [ __ ] in we know we have the cave right you do have the cave there are two checks in the cave we know we have this trading thing oh there's two checks in the cave okay yeah the the trading Quest yeah I'm just saying things I know yeah and then we've got dungeons I don't really know about [ __ ] all else I don't think the in in reward would be vanilla um right that's my concern yeah that's that's where you get the armor from right yeah farmer that's a fair concern Michael um I would say maybe the hook shots at the auction house how you doing you you dirty rat Thief what's up what this [ __ ] I'm walking up to her and Broad hey you dirty rat Thief this is a woman I hate you little [ __ ] why am I taking this to the to the camera what are you doing just imagine like her boss like so uh what was that about like you have beef with that woman all right no personal beef here you wouldn't understand no personal beef please come on um the jelly guy is like at that and you you walk like right by him yeah I did and you just and you just let it happen I did I'm kind of glad I did this question you [ __ ] really destroyed that girlfriend no her father destroyed her okay they had everything he paid the ransom what's up buddy not true jelly and when you see this where are you wear this [ __ ] I do wear jelly inspired actually I kind of thought he would have ran with how his like initials it's delicate yeah it's highly volatile too so if he makes one wrong move put poison in here big bada boom oh that see he's he was careful and still went off a great shot you get our first chart two there you go that could be so tall definitely and you've got the money wait is that the last one that I need or is there one more uh Triforce shirts yeah I think there's one more all right I think I was missing two yeah can't be too terribly many you're missing that I mean that could end up being a solid 10 Rupees though you know a powerful ten they say um let's see one two can't interpret it yeah I do hate that you couldn't just look at it I feel like by now you probably would have figured it out just maybe context clues from all the other charts you know like oh this means C it's pretty insulting that you didn't learn anything also like there's only like four islands that can even have [ __ ] anymore so what you should be able to piece it together like it's it's in one of these places let's just dig around let's just go chat with tingle look we've been burned before by the five golden statues but maybe this time maybe this time I cannot believe you got all those stats we're gonna get dude that was wild I am so early like that's you had the statues before you had a sword and was wild I uh have definitely never done that before in this game gotten this I haven't either um well I might have once but it was again I never had like anyone with the tingle tuner you know yeah like I had the cable but I was out there by yourself I'm not doing that by myself you needed a co-pilot yeah I was like I'm not I didn't trust any of my friends you know they're gonna spend all my rupees no well you don't want to let them know where the treasure is exactly yeah you don't want to be stupid about this Jesus Christ we're going back hey while you're there look for the octopus it's literally where you were man is it yeah is it the two lines no it might not be though oh it is [ __ ] me that's pretty funny wow we might not beat this this part again you might not I feel like we might I feel like we might have another not beatbox I don't know how long we have well honestly even if you got the item here it might be tough I don't know we gotta streaming like oh how long have we been going [Music] hour 17. I mean are they streaming in here we don't know that they're streaming in here we have no idea we there's there's no way to tell conclusive way of knowing yeah they're streaming it's impossible so all right I say go for it okay and then if we have to we put like a tail end at the very end or something we just Patch It On [Music] right I don't have to kill these things no you don't unless they respond and I won't they did is it it's like that one right where is it to your left that they really blocked that one too come on look at this [ __ ] you can probably just skirt around it yeah yeah oh there you go there you go here we go suck it up here we go grappling hook to hook shot again in [Music] probably one of the shittiest checks in this game and that led to that we cut the blue the last two checks map we're Blues shoes and the tree things two of the most annoying [ __ ] things in the game like you beat it right yeah what are we missing we're missing a bottle who gives a [ __ ] um well I do I need to heal you probably should get a fairy I should get two fairies yeah oh yeah or we can keep that water with you where the fairies at where the fairies at where are we going where are we going there there's fairies directly in front of me here we go we come on come on man you're right there now right there go to the fairies then go to the Tower of the Gods and then go down into the ocean uh you're gonna have to beat all for the the bosses that you haven't killed and then you gotta go begin and sound the alarm we could be in the end game yeah you you definitely are in the end game like you you can beat it right now right after I get paid in fairy blood well how do you think they heal granny right before they're just gonna die hey look do you think I got this if you [ __ ] didn't you did what would you have done if blue came out of him I would have been very pissed I I don't even know how that's possible I've been to this island multiple times no this is it man this is absolutely it we got we [ __ ] got we made out of not having to go to those dungeons yeah in which I have all the keys for dude you actually didn't beat Tower of the Gods either I didn't you got the keys for it I didn't beat it well I didn't have the last [ __ ] key no it is really fun so all I really missed is a bottle and a [ __ ] ton of Hearts which I guess you really can't miss anything beyond that because yeah I mean you have it you don't need it um last this is what the hook shot looks like huh all right cool let's beat the cake better not use it test it works literally if you don't use it um until you beat the game all you need it for is to get together almost do it well I think you might need it to kill uh mulgera but that's that might be the only thing you have to use it for yeah we got soup we got two fairies I think you're good I I mean you set right away onwards dude it all like that it went like that like a linchpin that's yours this one's mine yeah so that's your afternoon time for a [ __ ] sip of some AJ nobody even says that right even orange juice gets OJ no one says AJ no one drinks that oh you're drinking some AJ to give it a nickname they just say it's not worth the time coming up with something for apple juice let's just call it apple juice right also Apple's easier to say than usually when someone says I'm drinking apple juice the response is what why huh how on purpose I guess you know what out you know you know the other spot apple juice besides babies where hospitals hospitals do have a lot of apples that's it there might be some babies in hospital there's a crossover too between babies and hospitals so there could be there could be something about the hospital what was that what was the game loading that like laser beam that shot out of the ocean and tried to cut me in half I don't think he ever talked to the bird the medley or whatever I don't think I ever a couple of times I threw a couple times actually that's true that's true bakar got the same kind of throwing but that's about it yeah we really kind of soloed this yeah we really kind of ignored the whole help of the Guardians and all that there's [ __ ] off I'm waiting to pray for this master sword we're hilarious oh I have it already and they're going what I already got it I have this I practiced the song and everything what what you oh my God that's actually really funny remember when you paid a thousand rupees for the song yes that you never used yes that's really funny to me yeah you know what I hadn't even thought of it since yeah well I just wondering I'm okay I'm okay with it now okay you don't have to fight any of these people by the way no this is just like celebration yeah yeah yeah I I I I have it I have these oh yeah I have the abilities now um where am I going right down down here right no no oh out the door about in the hell yeah you're going out into like real high rule they I think the saddest part about this game is how much they cut because they were gonna originally have like a ton of places like down here yeah and they just they cut it all why uh I think it was like time and they just kind of wanted to get the game out I can't really I can't say I can't speak for him yeah you can um okay uh I feel like Matt why did I come out here wait a minute hey it's so delayed dude it's also so weird yeah like you're stringing on nothing yeah like I get the reveal but it's not like swinging like like cutting something invisible you're out of control I really am I don't know what's wrong with me it could be this shirt Sometimes some shirts microphone clips don't hold it I had one the other day that was like that yeah they're gonna have like the whole Underside and just the top too but Howards I guess they just couldn't figure out a way to make it like make it feel good because you're gonna be going up and down all the time and they they could have figured it out okay they could have they could have figured it out really most of the [ __ ] [ __ ] that they cut from this game they just put in Twilight Princess would you like link yeah that's why your link in this game and not linked it's weird but but you know yeah they thought what if link was a grandma on this one yeah like let's let vanilla link take a rest take a rest or a breast I was gonna say take a break and take a rest and so I said let link take a breath um and yeah we'll get his grandmother some [ __ ] yeah exactly like his grandma doesn't have enough you know time in the Sun yeah right yeah and she's just always sitting back there but you know what she does have a thirst for blood that's the thing that most people don't know that's like a family curse yeah like they all thirst for blood oh the the the links are well-known vampires throughout the years historically speaking they only survive by eating the hearts of others yeah it was it was Dracula and Link they were the big ones well luckily by the time link was around those Belmonts had been taken care of pesky guys I really want to play Symphony of the Night again that's why it's a fun game the the best one it's a damn good one oh my God you need the hook shot oops imagine your entire Journey went to there and then that's where you die oh my God why why do you punish me so harshly for my simple mistake I really hope nothing respawned that's [ __ ] it's kind of [ __ ] come on oh my God I did oh rough [ __ ] this [ __ ] off [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you uh light arrows are one shots though if you're you're feeling I'm going no shots no shots okay [Music] I was ashamed you didn't get the hurricane Spin [Music] the damn shame I forgot about that I would have liked to see Granny [ __ ] spinning out of her goddamn mind spinning out of her goddamn mind well that's what she's doing he loses herself in the spin in the moment yeah that's [ __ ] like that should have [ __ ] toppled him yeah I should have been a lot [Music] what he said they had such an aggressive death dude dude that's how I'd go let's be screaming at the top of my lungs that's I kind of want to train myself to do that because I think about like Assassin's Creed you know where they'll have like the the quick ax kills and then no one knows that they died ever right I want to train myself where if I'm a guard in that situation I immediately alert everyone in a like five mile radius to my death by just screaming no matter what happens to me come here like there was gonna be a lot of like you know boy who cried wolf situations like I thought I might have been getting killed so I screamed but I feel like overall when it finally does happen they'll be like we should have [ __ ] known you've been doing it for years screaming all right so you gotta kill all the bosses now okay easy and uh I mean it's true you have all the [ __ ] for him yeah um and all the [ __ ] skill there's like a little trial before it but well done aced it uh okay uh I don't care for this one actually you don't care for it why I just don't care for it it's about is the the main reason that's why you don't care for it there's also like a reason there's also skulls on top of that skulls shoot yeah you see him no let's see how this go through okay I mean maybe I should care for it more you're certainly making it look pretty easy just hauling ass man I know death is death is approaching waiting for me I I imagine we will be told we have to stop at a certain point why I don't know just just people don't want to see progress I think is that oh the true oh my God yeah to grab it quick yeah the grave swings up all right so whoa what was the issue there I was too I was still too high or I was too I think you were wait I need pot too low oh you don't really need them oh I I mean I think that's what I would recommend doing on that last one uh climb all the way up and then just leave across oh wow yeah oh no all right granny we were there oh we were there we were there you wake up Grandma wake up Grandma sign the check sign the check don't go to sleep yet put it in your hand put the pen in your hand write your name no no you wrote and clink to glink you can't you can't do that I just want to make sure oh damn it Grandma not Lincoln's not a person now people think Winkle's a thing that's just now we gotta make that Cannon oh [ __ ] that was close you killed Grandma yo that trial [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't like that one it's these are some of the more annoying rooms in the game now do you remember how to kill me well I stand here and I get whacked [Music] good job dumbass the only thing that doesn't really uh resonate with me about these sections is like this is like a Time thing of like yeah the bosses sure I'm sort of yeah other dimension time whatever I I feel though that uh Ganon always has had the ability just to make them again right yeah why would he not make Goma in a room that doesn't have a collapsing ceiling yeah and uh you know or just even remove the tail also my and why would he make it sound weird yeah that's a strange one too [Music] it's just weird ass music it's just like the same music but they they did like the time warp on it right Dave someone went like this with a knob as the music was playing I've really really hope it is that simple just like hitting the whammy bar on guitar yeah I thought the lava was going to hit you it was real close wasn't it I was really gonna question if it even could I didn't know [Music] oh I'm up here now get [ __ ] get me [ __ ] this also seems like something that just they kind of wanted to add on time yeah oh yeah you know Mega Man there's there's nothing necessary about it let's just make them fight everybody again yeah well even that that's like a gauntlet you know ah this is like you got time to heal between it doesn't matter oh that's true yeah that's like one room yeah this is this is whatever it's just in case you forgot yeah but because the ocean it's so big literally like one of them you basically would be killing like in the main game you would basically kill one of them and then go here right to kill it again you've done that one this is the one I did that's the one you did how do you know because I looked at the the door uh oh hey actually Michael yeah what look at that door what is up Matt there's a door there do I need to not fight these don't think you have to why did I just fight that guy man I'll be honest I thought the door would be there kept going on and on but I have to fight every boss well hey over and over again imagine if I had noticed that after you fought all three of them or the other three you have been a lot more upset right you know what I feel like someone else would have been upset that that we didn't finish the series because we're fighting bosses we don't have to because you you said oh the door's open I honestly that hey that's kind of [ __ ] surprising hey Matt you think we're gonna finish now I think we're gonna finish someone's gonna tell us to stop we're pretty goddamn sure uh I think you do have to kill him though do you remember how to kill him ah oh yeah wow they really I guess the randomizer heard my complaint and was like yeah we'll uh we'll fix that they heard your call I'm sure it wasn't just my complaint [Music] amyo what [Music] uh you can spin to block this thing he's about to do oh I mean I just hit it back at him yeah I'd be as I hit it back in with like the full effect or it doesn't really likes whatever [Music] he's specific there is a check down here but I don't you don't need to worry about it yeah no [ __ ] I don't oh bam [ __ ] finally what the [ __ ] was that [Music] um what was that I'll tell you after this one did I just get too close to him uh that's possible uh but actually what it is uh-huh um he is now uh like unkillable ah except by the light arrows oh I you know I was thinking that but I wasn't sure when it went through him yeah the the key indicator if you break the pots in here is like they just keep giving you arrows of magic sure I just didn't think you'd use it till the real deal guy nah this this guy's gotta get one shot by the lighter also oh you just let me waste time here I did I had a choice that was that wasted your own time too that's Penance for skipping the bosses I guess oh hope there's no one that likes uh muljiro or that junk but someone's going he skipped the temples but I've been waiting the whole playthrough for this is all I want just these two bosses well three actually uh grab that sword and slam it into that wall oh yeah they would never see the which wall that one this morning this one you're right the one that's got the this one that one this one that close didn't do anything didn't do it it didn't do nothing oh yeah the [ __ ] uh Andros clone no they never would have seen that as soon as you decide not to go in the tower just gone forever deleted now you can uh actually fight them or just delete them with light arrows you've chosen the lead well yeah no I mean I could have done that since I got them yeah wait I've been holding off a little bit you have this is the this is the walkway that makes the most sense to do it too too because there's like a bunch of dark nuts in here foreign and also it just is kind of funny that Ganon is that rule also yet it went that far you could have hit those moblins up there too I like the idea of Gannon watching this happen on security cameras going oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he's how many of those arrows does he have why did I put so many arrows jars in the pots he's not gonna shoot that he's not gonna shoot me with that and stab my head Izzy I hope not I do not want a [ __ ] sword in my head do not put one in my head that would be bad still collecting you're still on your collecting it's it's a sickness like I I suffer from the same problem and it uh it sucks excuse me boys I got a date with your boss oh God he's expecting what dude if you're that dark nut and you watch your friend like evaporate no you he didn't see it he didn't turn around behind it hurt it no what was that sound that could not have been good for Frank over there he kept screaming I'm disappearing I tell my family tell them I love them Matt this is it that's it man you are here at the final boss let's go do this part 14. oh is it really that's yeah wow that was a weird audience what was that uh that's a cutscene you skipped it went and that and look look dude it makes even less sense without the cutscene yeah so what you missed from that cutscene that the game didn't show us right Ganon is like a puppet man now yeah he he talked to Zelda and he was like I coveted the wind or some [ __ ] and uh then he became a puppet your story uh shooting his Bat oh yeah you can [ __ ] the strings yeah and then oh right with the boomerang yeah I like the sale is maintained into the fight I might need it you never know yeah and this is like instead of the dark Beast Ganon that we get in like every other Zelda game yeah well I mean it is look at him though it at least is unique you know get him chase him chase him get him Boomerang stop get yeah there you go we got it that's the best to deal with yeah but we got that one stream though they're healing though he is just freaking out over there dude it's such a strange fight I mean it's a strange game so it is yeah all right you guys shoot his uh well he went up [Music] did he replenish I don't think he did strings that he did he did he has strings back there are some strings on me I just took those strings from you do you have to shoot the red string or just uh you just shoot the orb on his tail oh yeah targeting actually is not like a thing for this fight that's what I forgot yeah you actually don't have to like use the boomerang here it's just just makes it a hell of a lot easier yeah like you'd be insane yeah like I was actually far more worried when you didn't have the boomerang a couple parts ago that like the game counted on you doing this part without the boomerang because like we think I can do it Matt you don't think I'm good enough no I think you could but I've I look I watched you kill two cans of bombs like I know you're you're resourceful enough that one got away okay guys guys yeah they're they're really in the way no I just cannot cut this one [ __ ] stay moving around oh my God what the [ __ ] is that about all right uh yeah he does spin around though you're going for a shot yeah for no reason I mean you weren't off very far [Music] all right yeah I I believe in you honestly if you can like hit the tail not last night I mean that's it right I'm [ __ ] because it's last uh no he's got an arm up oh okay [Music] oh my God sir he's like spinning around oh dude right there got it from here give me your bucket oh those bats are nice though delivering you all the things you need [Music] stupid enemies he's just spinning in circles like a [ __ ] imbecile he gets more intense but laughs uh you actually if you don't break it like you can't really run away he can spin a lot yeah I can just never hit him though so it doesn't matter [Music] it doesn't help that you're you're kind of bright right now [Music] oh there you go [Music] yeah I might just go for the break you'll have like a second but the bats really are your problem [Music] uh you're too rare left probably for the best re-strong [ __ ] tail give me your account it's the only one [Music] he's not like hard he's just [ __ ] stupid and he he redid the strings oh wait you've got the tailing God and he's gonna miss I heard it hit something he hit the other ones still didn't get this phone break the tail though [ __ ] prick I it really does just seem like he's not taking the fight seriously yeah he's just screwing around and I'm going hey I'm fighting a grandma I can't I just need to get past this [ __ ] phase no I know I think the snake is more annoying but God I'd love to be annoyed by something else right now fire no light Arrow oh you're right sorry all right [ __ ] yeah the snake is definitely more of a pain the spider's not that bad oh okay okay okay they tried to trick you you thought you were gonna be done but no there's a snake I I didn't think we were gonna be done also that's a signature spiders oh [ __ ] it's a spider snake must be the last one though the spider's not too bad though ow [Music] yeah this one you kind of gotta look at the ground [Music] oh yeah because then it shows you where he's gonna fall down [Music] where's that ass I shoot that ass there you go he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing me he's just presenting spiders it's according relationship yeah yeah between him and Granny glink we used to have such wonderful love to make it I can make it I can make it I didn't make it I couldn't make it show me a bulb again oh that's a Waze that's unfortunate there's an unfortunate okay come back come back why did it go so far oh the Boomers yeah yeah they do that oh dude oh and it went like to the other side of the planet the green one's got an arm oh perfect [Music] all right one more for the spider then you got this [Music] that [ __ ] bat dude perfect click on that bat y down I think it's pop a thing done spider thing done it's just weird that it keeps the Ganon face which is like a Chinese dragon face yeah all right this one is literally just go [ __ ] yourself just shoot it there's no like block it it's just you gotta shoot it yeah wow I feel like you definitely missed that one but he reacted as if you did not streak you got him nah the streak there's no it was the streak of the light Arrow [Music] oh [Music] that was close [Music] yeah I definitely feel like this one's more annoying but I like it just because it's kind of like [ __ ] off hit this yep yep oh is that your cheek uh yes [Music] oh come on so close I got it nice there we go weirdly enough that was the one that took the least amount of time yes you too quick [Music] foreign all right now climb up and then go fight him for real half hearts oh there's probably some health up there I mean I got it we're good you gotta jump off the thing it's the stupidest thing that's really dumb yeah that's the dumbest look this game started with you having to swing you gotta get all the way back up there swing again this is our final Journey [ __ ] rope I mean this rope is pretty symbolic to this series it is just long you're winding keeps going but hey you keep climbing you think it's gonna end it doesn't end it's you find a sword halfway through you know was it halfway I know it probably past halfway it feels like if it's 14 um I walk up the chain uh you gotta use the grappling hook no I don't think so look I I wish that you did uh that summer doesn't sound right behind you no that no I can't be this you're right nothing to use man I don't know what I'm telling you there's nothing here trying to think of all this [ __ ] you got that probably have the least amount of uses of It's gotta be the iron boots uh it's up there I think you use them like maybe twice uh I mean hook shot also you know hook shot hook shot might take the cake on that well you've used the hook shot [Music] and you're gonna have to use it one more time so it might be a tie well you really it's because you skipped the dungeon that used the iron boots and yeah shots so yeah yeah that makes sense the two like Master Sword power-up dungeons that's that's kind of crazy I wouldn't have thought that you would have skipped two dungeons yet I also feel like this seed was brutal to you yeah like it it I didn't it was definitely it was definitely a lot harder in the beginning yeah yeah bring up your classic weapon for eight parts man so that's not exaggerate Matt I didn't find it in part one there's a couple parts no I thought you found you found the upgrade for them oh yeah yeah yeah Mom had to be at least three yeah two or three uh you got a hook shot to that thing over there the window yeah and that is why I feel like a miniature figure all of a sudden you're a miniature granny maybe everyone's Miniatures which is why that guy that makes the Miniatures is doing it he's he's making the whole world oh God like a Rick and Morty thing it could be it yeah you're actually inside of a battery yeah you're powering up something oh that's why you got to get the Triforce and wish for the battery to keep oh [ __ ] it's here by the way final battle Yeah it's final battle they didn't do the cutscene dude I didn't think they would change the coloring on him but I don't know why I didn't think he looks like he's so weird I don't like him with blonde hair I'll be honest that's kind of [ __ ] weird the randomizers are interesting too how abruptly it's like yeah you're in it that being said though this fight actually can be pretty quick and challenging it can be challenging too yeah you're a nerd if you're a nerd actually it's challenging if you're not a nerd ah [ __ ] he's just like who shot me I'll kill you it was very nice of him too put the sword away before he snapped her kill her yeah you have to you Grandma yeah so whenever she gets up she's just gonna start shooting at you I would guess right because he got to reflect it right yeah you gotta reflect the arrow and then it hits him in the head and then you stab him in the head thank you I learned this fighting that man in his basement yeah I did for a thousand hits or what 10 Rupees oh yeah yeah or a necklace or some [ __ ] you wanna have some soup you know like last minute soup sure I could suck a soup you know or a hammer I had this for me secret weapons I'm [ __ ] feeling it oh no she's just shooting him yeah I guess well she probably has to like learn that she's talking about him anymore oh no your secret weapon no I know I lost it it's okay my learning curve Granny's got this yeah she should just go ahead and start shooting you [Music] you want to try hitting them or maybe if you if if she times it based on oh no now she's just like I'm gonna shoot at you you were upset by that yeah we almost just killed Princess Zelda what was that I'll shoot at you no you [ __ ] won't and you've done it right in the [ __ ] forehead right in the head Matt we did it right on time right as planned because as everything was randomized in this randomizer the ending was not well that was the only thing right it was the only thing that was the wind blowing into his like greenish blondish hair I don't know what's going on and then he becomes a rock and then it becomes Sword in the Stone King Arthur I truly hope that in the tears of the Kingdom um there is a shot of them like an ocean diver pulling out that sword and going this will sell for a lot and then Ganon being freed and vampiring them just eating them like completely draining their blood he's got the bloodlust too we did it we did I mean I mean I'm just like you're in awe yo he got messed up he did that he this is like probably the most brutal death the longest part was the first guy with the tail string yeah his tail string was the hardest boss I did it is this the princess yeah am I am I a wife now am I about to get late I'm gonna stay here with you in my castle now just a couple of Queens we can throw this old rock out look how she's seeing her there it is stiff why is she so big all right we're getting a ship and we're getting this and then uh okay well let's drown out again I guess oh we have to see her with like the water going around her I mean I know we are like I just I'm very excited to see it oh it like sticks through it she's so much bigger what she's drowning help me he's just going I [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] just don't don't breathe too much I never really know if he was alive there or not oh yeah I don't know I feel like he was probably a ghost but no he was a boat well but that's the thing was he a ghost that could become a ghost boom over done well done but dude randomizers they always catch me off guards no credits it's over who made the game game complete finish goodbye you are you are completed congratulations goodbye well that's it man do it the crazy Journey has come to an end we have randomized wind waker there was about a halfway point in this one where I didn't think you'd finish it today but you pull it out it really helped you didn't have to kill all those bosses it really helped that we didn't have to do two dungeons and skipped another like three bosses or something some insane amount of work in the last second and went whoop sword in the head well thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it I need I need a break until the next one if there is a next one you bet is there a next one I got an idea oh we'll see great bye
Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 51,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, link, Zelda, Glink, wind waker, Randomizer, funny, nintendo, windwaker, rupees, achievement hunter, grandma link, granny, part 12, forsaken fortress, sword, Master sword, earth temple, ganon
Id: J_FYAbJFqaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 37sec (6937 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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