WinCC v8.0 Step By Step 16: Configuring Messages in WinCC Alarm Logging ⚠️ #winccguru

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when CC version 8 step by step configuring alarm messages this section we're going to create our alarm system so that we can generate alarms on our valve and pump fail modes and we can color code the state so that they're red when they come in green when they go out we will be able to go to our alarm menu and acknowledge alarms as well as go into the history and see the alarm states that have happened so let's get started we will start by opening the alarm logging editor the alarm logging editor is part of when CC configuration studio so it has the same look and feel as the other editors under messages these are alarm class and subclasses and you can use these to organize your alarms so we'll create our own class for our color system right click new message class and we will call it color system under color system we'll right click and add a new message type and we'll just call this alarm under message blocks we see that we have different types of information that we can add to our alarm system system blocks or data that is coming from the scada system like date time status and duration and you can just check the ones you want now or you can do it later under user text these are message blocks that contain text which is customized for each alarm message and these are things that the user sees when alarms occur under message text we'll use this for our main alarm text and we're going to change the number of characters so that we can have a more complete message process value blocks allow us to associate process values with each alarm message so that we can convey relevant information about the alarm going back to our alarm system we'll create alarm messages from our fail tags for pumps and valves for each color system on the first line I will open the tag browser and I can use my filter to find the tags that we want so here's all of our fail tags for our red green and blue systems I will lasso to highlight them and just click OK and it's created alarm messages for each tag now we need to add the individual messages for each system if I scroll over to the message text field then I can begin adding my message text for each tag I can use my range features to just pull down and copy this and then I'm just going to change pump to valve and then if I highlight both of these and pull down it copies the same text into each field and I just have to change the colors now going back to look at the properties of our subclass we can Define that these alarm messages that belong to the alarm subclass must be acknowledged by the user we will also want to set our colors for the different states of alarm we have came in went out and acknowledged so for the font color we'll choose White and then the back color of the alarm coming in we'll choose red for going out we'll set the font to White and the background color to Green for acknowledged we'll set the font to White and the background to Blue we'll give it a lighter color you can also set properties of each individual alarm message if you want by going to the properties dialog now let's create our analog alarm we'll go to limits monitoring and in the work area we have a limit values tab where we associate the tag and assign high and low limits and we have the messages tab which is where we configure our messages so we'll start here under limit values and I'll add our mixed tank level if you have a filter set make sure you clear that and I'll just click ok so this is a new limit to Monitor and if we just click the triangle there it will allow me to add higher low limits or same or different values so I'll just set a high limit and when I highlight this and if we look at the properties we can just give it a message number as long as we give it a unique number we'll give it one it will create a message for us and we can go to our messages Tab and look at that notice that there's no message tag here that's okay because the analog limit monitoring engine is taking care of that if we scroll down you can see that it's created our message text for us and it's going to input the proper values here the limit that it exceeded and what its actual value is of course you can change this if you want we can also add this message to our color system class and so it takes on the properties of our subclass so it is going to be expected to be acknowledged we also need to set the limit at which this high limit alarm will trigger so we can just go into our comparison value and enter a value and we'll choose 78. and the last thing you'll want to do is right click on your messages and under selection make sure limit monitoring is checked if this isn't checked then your limit monitoring won't work when you're in runtime so that's it for now an alarm logging editor the next step is to go back to win CC Explorer make sure you are not in runtime go to computer and your project server and then we'll go to the startup tab here is where we turn on the alarm system so we just check it and click ok if you do this during run time you'll have to stop runtime and restart it for it to take effect now let's go to our Graphics designer and we'll open our alarm screen on our alarm screen we're going to configure our alarm control I'll double click and on the general tab let's turn off auto scrolling and set it to descending order on our message lists we will add our message text and set our numbers to first block and I'll just click apply and okay you can see it reformats our alarm control and it gives us more room on our message text this is because we set the width to 60. I also want to increase the font size so I'll go back to properties go to font and set my font size that'll make it a little easier to see in runtime then we'll save and I want to open my main screen double click on my alarm Banner there we'll change our default sorting to descending and on font will also increase the font size and I'll make a little room here so that we can see the remainder of the text message then I'll click save and then we'll just go to runtime to test and when we're going to runtime you should see the alarm logging runtime editor being activated and this is because we turned it on in when CC Explorer in runtime we can test our pump and valve cell alarms by using our pop-up controls so on valve one I'll hit test and you can see we get our alarm here I'll reset and it turns green we'll test one of the pumps and there's our green pump fail and our reset if we go to our alarm screen we can select these and acknowledge them they leave our active display we can go back to the long-term archive list and see a list of alarm activations so we have a complete history of when the alarms come in and go out we can tell the states of the alarms by the colors so now let's test our analog alarm to do this we're going to go back to Graphics designer and on our standard palette I'm just going to grab a slider object and I am going to associate it with our mix tank level tag and click OK and we're going to use this to change our value in order to test our high limit alarm that we create I'm also going to just grab the mix tank level and throw it down here so we can see the level you may ask why we're not using the tag simulator to change the level to generate the alarm and it's because the simulator gives all the tags is keeping up with an uncertain status and the alarm service doesn't recognize it as a valid value and it will not trigger the alarm so we can't use the tag Simulator for this so I'm just going to close this save and I'm going to refresh runtime so as I change this and I get above our limit then you see it has exceeded our limit it generates the alarm when we come back down into range the alarm goes away we can go to our alarm screen select the alarm and acknowledge it and we can go back to our history and see the history of these alarms
Channel: WinCCGURU
Views: 2,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Siemens, WinCC, SCADA, WinCC V8, wincc alarm control, wincc alarm configuration, wincc alarm logging, wincc scada alarm, wincc v7 alarm, siemens hmi alarm popup, siemens hmi alarm, siemens scada tutorial, siemens hmi alarm configuration, siemens hmi tutorial, siemens hmi alarm history, siemens hmi alarms, siemens hmi alarm log, siemens hmi alarm buffer, siemens scada tutorial for beginners, wincc scada tutorial for beginners, wincc 7.5 tutorial, wincc scada project, wincc v8.0
Id: b6IBVimLmqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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