Will this wind...?

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[Applause] how will it be this end of which I once heard you speak brother any how it mean will it be will it be it will be as to a mighty rening in the sky and the mountain shall sink in the valley shall rise and great shall be the tumult thereof I should think will the veil of the temple be renting Twain well the veil of the temple is always rather dodgy but um should be Ren in Twain about two minutes before we see the sign of the flying manifest dancing on the firmament and will there be a Mighty Wind certainly There Will Be A Mighty Wind if the word of God is anything to go by willest wind be so mighty as to lay low the mountains of the earth can't hear a blind word you say you're speaking too softly for the human ear which is what I'm equipped with you have to speak a little more loudly please about this friend no better is it I ask you to speak more loudly and you speak more softly a strange reaction from a follower or perhaps I'm very old-fashioned perhaps I'm very oldfashioned expecting you to speak louder yes you are Come Along come along we haven't got all day till the end of the world get on with it well wind we've heard that bit we've all heard all this wind haven't we you've heard this will this wind quite enough thank you very much what will this wind is what we want to know not will this wind we don't want to hear will this wind again that would be a very tedious experience what will this wind will this wi will this wi yes be so mighty be so mighty as to lay low as to lay low the mountain the mountains of the earth of [Music] the will this wind be so mighty as to lay low the mountains of the earth no it will not be quite as ni as you that this is why we have come up on the mountain to be safe you stupid kit up here on the mountain we should be safe safe as houses uh what what will happen to the houses well naturally they'll all be swept away and consumed by the fire what is dancing on the Jerry bone and sering bloody well right as far as I'm concern when will it be this thing of which we have spoken [Music] [Applause] when well in about um 2 minutes time according to the very ancient pyramidic Scrolls that's we better compose ourselves good idea prepare for the end of the world 30 seconds have you brought the picnic basket 5 4 3 2 1 now [Music] end it was GMT wasn't it well it's uh it's not quite the configration we've been banking on never mind Lads same time tomorrow we must get a winner one day I think it was his fault the this BL [Applause] here
Channel: jeffcdo
Views: 290,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter, Cook, Rowan, Atkinson, armageddon
Id: -hJQ18S6aag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2008
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