Will this 35ft Contender Be a TOTAL LOSS?

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just pulled up over here on keyhaven which is a next key up from Stock Island and uh we're taking a look at this Contender nice boat could use a good cleaning but otherwise looks in pretty good shape but we're running at high speed and ran aground the insurance company asked me to come over here and take a look obviously this lower unit probably needs to be rebuilt or replaced shafts are bent this one's not too bad for that other one that's definitely bent skags are broke off on both of them that's the piece that is down here usually you can kind of see one over there but most concerning is the transom [Music] is cracked from here all the way over to there and when you push on the motors I don't know if we'll be able to see it here the crack opens and closes [Music] and we're going to get up on here I want to turn the batteries on and trim these motors all the way up and see if we can get it to bounce if I can see the trans I'm moving I'm gonna get some battery switches are in here yep there we go let's see here if that did it I don't know why this one didn't come up [Music] oh I guess the Tilt trim's not working on that one yep it's cracked so we'd probably have to take the motors off take the two engines off they got some kind of shim system going on in here and it's all broken now you can actually see pieces of metal right here that's the spacers that they used are broken so that would all need to be fixed yep all right well I mean I think it's worth fixing the boat's definitely got potential you know I love to see what the insurance decides so just talk to the insurance adjuster we are going to plan on I have to do an estimate we're going to pull the motors off turn those over to uh Keys Yamaha they're going to put new lower units on they're going to put or go through the engines and make sure they're all good to go and then when we do that then we'll start cutting once the weight is all off the back then we'll start repairing the transom so that's the plan all right since we're over here this side of the island we're going to run by Ocean's Edge quick check on Wes see how he's doing on this refrigeration unit I know it's going to be tight but let's see what we can do [Music] okay we gotta go this way [Music] look at the back deck on this rig what a beauty watch out first steps of doozy request here [Applause] holy moly oh it's in a wonderful spot are you kidding me all right well let me hop up there and see if I can see if we can what we might do is just cut some of those little metal plates off and uh that I'll get permission to do that well you know what hold on I might be able to you're saying it's on the front yeah um I might be able to get at it here I don't know if you'll be able to see it that's the thing I think oh if you look in there but yeah let me look in there watch I see that little cover there okay it's got one screw nothing so I'm assuming that's it's got the fins on it stuff this is a fishing machine but geez man which one screw there the screws are already out of the back yeah the whole thing's loose so if you take the cover off you'll be able to see the sight gauge okay from the front yeah it's here give me a Phillips screwdriver take that off oh this is a new unit or a newer looks brand new anyways here's the screw I'll give that to you you got it foreign oh yeah this will be perfect [Applause] so did he say where the control was for this okay turn it on um yeah might as well so what I'm trying to see is this little sight gauge right right down here and it looks to me like it might be pretty empty well there's some refrigerant in there okay I can see it but we're going to turn the unit on and see so what you're looking for is the center needs to be green which it is that means that that it's dry and there's no moisture in there and then what I'm also looking for when the unit turns on is the flow through there you want that thing like almost all the way full let me just make sure that this is 134. get 134 Alpha oh so I don't know if you guys can see that but there's all kinds of Bubbles and it's starting to suck down so it needs some refrigerant that sight cage so do you see bubbles in it now you're looking at the little round thing with the glass on top and the little pin in the middle right and you see the pin in the middle is green right you don't see anything in there okay hang on I'm going to turn it off okay and then I'm going to turn it back on and then you will then you should see bubbles all right where's the control at the TV yep okay upper right underneath the TV [Music] thank you hey did it turn off okay I'm gonna turn it back on now watch that sight Gage [Music] supposed to be having something cleaned up for him and I don't know if it got done yet doesn't look like it you can see the Pelicans have taken up residence here and man that stuff is hard to get off so let me find out if somebody's coming we used to have things like this bird thing and they they sit on here but these are all wore out and broke and they they're supposed to spin around like this and keep the birds off you can see they spin like that but there used to be like four of mine here and now they're all gone and that one's so corroded we're never going to get it off man there's one of those giant chickens look at the size of that thing and here's two more yeah it kind of makes me want to grab them take them home and eat them look at those monsters it's like a small turkey okay so it looks like our project got delivered to the boat yard so I'm gonna be meeting Matt over here so that we can take a look at it because the motors have now been removed so that we can really get a good look at the back of this transom see the cracks yeah it's pretty cracked up here so we'll determine what we can do and create an estimate for the insurance company so that we can move forward with getting it repaired and getting them back on the water as quickly as possible that's our whole goal here trying to get our owners back on the water as fast as possible oh you can see it's a cute little boat that it catches some great fish just need to get it fixed up a little bit I have to do an insurance estimate on it so the transom they hit the motors the lower units and wanting is destroyed and the other one's damaged so they're you can see we have cracks all through here all this needs to be ground out and chased out filled and fared would probably end up cutting a good portion of this transom out and it's cracked all in here too and we shall see what we're looking at so we just showed you the transom on this boat and I'm curious what you think should we replace the whole transom or do you think it's just a partial repair that's what I'm hoping for because to replace that transom we pretty much have to cut off the back of the boat so hopefully that's just it but let me know if you got any ideas about how bad it's going to be or how good it might be let me know Motors are off I I'm just gonna I'll take some pictures and I'll do an estimate and get it out to you okay all right sounds good and um are we we we're authorized to get started or after you get the estimate yeah okay yeah I'm figuring probably it's a kind of a complicated transom so um you know I'm I'm thinking you know like a month time to get this thing cut out and laid back up and back put together and you want to take some pictures really quick of that transom and uh then I'll have to go back to the office and start typing up an estimate and I also have to talk to the yard to find out what their bill is going to be so we're going to start with we're going to say 30 days for repair period and well that's where we'll start because you know it's an estimate you never know what we'll find once we really get into it [Music] so I just pulled off part of the rub rail back there on the transom of the boat just to see what was underneath there and sure enough there were some cracks that travel underneath there we'll do the estimate like I said but it's going to be really we won't really know where we're going to end up at until we get into it and start chasing those cracks out but that's the way it works with insurance estimates you know I try to be as accurate as I can but you know what if I open that up and then next thing I know the whole transom is ruined and I have to cut the whole back of the boat off that's a whole other ball game so we'll see what happens so I'm over here at the Boatyard and I'm gonna see what Tom is doing he started um taking away and grinding out the cracks on that Contender and we wanted to show you what it looks like to see how deep it is that's how we're really going to determine how much damage there is and today the weather is probably about 80 degrees it's partly cloudy but it's beautiful you can see my hair is blowing because it's a little bit windy over here but it feels pretty good so far that the sun is covered up all right let's get back to seeing what Tom's doing over here this one of course is gonna have to go all the way back down but the crack shot over here just on the surface using the surface yeah cool Tom has a long ways to go since he's just starting but I wanted to get an idea of how it looked on some of these damaged areas yeah I imagine that these cracks here as you can see for the whole one deck join is it and that's where it kind of popped and failed right there so I gotta dig that out now somewhere back here so I can get a good bond for everything sure these ones on the inside were just little Nicks you know chips and so I figured I'm doing all of this you don't want to I can't leave that and then like this too it looks like I need to dig ding that out in that corner and I didn't do it as bad over here but there's two little tiny cracks there in one tiny little trap right there Tom's just saying that he might need to have some extra color to be able to match the back end of the contender yeah some of that dry glass yeah I would just throw that's been there for a while since it sucked up the sun sucked the resin out of it there yeah I would just since we're doing all this other might as well just touch that up it won't take any time so be nice yeah and these appear to just it's hard to get in that corner with that grinder sure all right I got a Dremel in there I'll probably go grab but yeah I can't imagine full speed and sure so Tom's gonna start uh working on that area that has that deep crack that's the one I'm really curious to see what we might find underneath I'm just kind of stepping away from them because I forgot a mask just gives him an opportunity to do it without me right on top of them as well today for this job he's using our Makita we use a lot of Makita they seem to be really Dependable tools and we buy them from up here in Key West a small family-owned business Key West electric we're famous for going in there for all kinds of tools to support them looks like it's pretty cracked inside there huh that goes all the way that was a big boy yeah huge looks like the fiberglass is just brittle huh gel coat the large Warehouse and I've hit the transom right there bare glass I've hit the top of the hole and duct joint and you see all of that that's all Joker in there that's why that cracked you know [Applause] foreign so you can see here on the contender we've got another coat of gel coat on here Tom's going to come over here later today and finish sanding this out and we'll start maybe do one more skim coat if we have to but we should be ready to start compound buff and get this looking good did some fixing there in these corners and this down here we did so we'll get that all straightened out I have to talk to the owners they want to talk about electrical electronics and maybe some beautification as far as buff and wax the whole boat so we'll see what happens can you guys believe we were able to save this transom well the damage really wasn't that bad we got really lucky on this transom it's built well except for some cosmetic stuff and we got lucky we didn't have to cut this transom off because cutting this transom off would be a chore because you can see all these reliefs in here and everything so you'd have to cut like all the way back here all the way down just imagine taking this whole thing off the boat but we originally thought we were gonna have to do that we did we yeah we did think we were going to have to take it all the way off but got lucky and uh the uh Keys Yamahas got the motors they're working on those so as soon as we're done they'll put the motors on
Channel: Will Fix That
Views: 59,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repair, boats, fiberglass, repairing, mechanic, electrical, hydraulics, engines, yacht, yacht repair, yacht repairs, we fix boats, fixing boats, boat repair, boat maintenance, paint jobs, running gear, gas engines, fiberglass repair, maintenance vlog, boat repairs maintenance, Matt Mobile Marine, Mobile Marine Repair, repairing boats, gelcoat repair on boat, gelcoat crack repair, gelcoat fiberglass, contender boats, contenders, outboard motor rebuild, outboard motor repair
Id: 7b1Vj-eE6lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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