Will They Accept Her? - Our New Clydesdale Meets The Herd

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okay so today is the day that we're taking Natty out to meet the herd so her and Rain have been together how many days J three or four three or four days and they get along really good I thought that rain was going to be the boss but Natty is more neither of them are very bossy but Natty will get a little bit more bossy over like the Grain and stuff than rain so kind of surprised me but anyway so the herd's up on the ridge field so we're going to take them all the way up there and let them go and see how everybody interacts together so this is our newest purchase both of our four- wheelers broke down and we had to have something and this popped up I could tell it was way underpriced and I was the first person to comment on it within the first 5 minutes and it's a 2017 John Deere SUV you know crossover utility vehicle yep only has 100 hours on it and I got it for probably just a really good deal so I'm really happy yeah we really needed one like we never had one and we would knew these are 12 over 15,000 new and we paid less than half of that for it with only $100 yeah and both of our four-wheelers quit working at the same time like completely quit and we can't do chores without something it's impossible around here so we we had to get something our Homestead is divided by a county road that runs through us we have property on each side of the road besides us and Jr's parents were the only people back here though so it's pretty much our driveway but the only way we have going up to the Ridgefield besides like going straight through the woods as a path or it's more like a road uh that we built going up there and it's pretty steep so for the most part we take an ATV or now the John Deere up there and Natty is just wonderful at being pulled behind them rain didn't seem quite ready to be pulled behind the ATV so Jared just walked her down the road and then once we got into the pasture he let her go and she just followed behind right here we're almost to the top of the hill and you can see behind us The View kind of lets you understand how high it actually is up there it's about 330 ft from the bottom of the hill to the top Here Comes be and a lot of you know that we got rid of our sheep flock uh but this video was recorded right before that happened so you'll still see and hear the sheep in this video here she goes we'll probably have to walk her over there come on naddy [Music] they're all going to come see you come on you [Music] before we move on uh we just wanted to explain a little bit to those who maybe have been around a horse herd before uh introducing a new horse into the mix you're always going to have slightly different reactions from the herd and the new horse Natty is basically a stranger to everybody and you know they have to communicate with her and learn who she is um before saying hey you're you're good you can come over here and hang out with us for the first few days or weeks you'll see the new horse kind of more on the outskirts of the herd than fully integrated and there's always going to be the running and fighting biting bickering it's just part of it oh that was mean that's right Magnolia happy oh happy looks like she grew a little this week what's that was oring ago oark get that figured [Music] out she's being mean so for the most part nobody else seemed to care about Natty Too Much the older marage didn't have much of reaction after the first little bit but Ozark um kept on chasing her off I don't know if Ozark is trying to establish that she is the boss of the herd out there or exactly what she's saying to Natty but this went on for a little bit here they go [Music] again for whatever reason Ozark has kind of become the horse that when we bring a new horse onto the property she just will not leave them alone she gets really interested in them um for the first few days if you remember the quarter horse Olivia when we introduced her into the herd Ozark instantly like right away buddied up with her and was just obsessed with her for the first couple weeks but then once the new were off she didn't really care much about Olivia at all so she's kind of having a similar reaction to Natty it's just like reverse effect for whatever reason but we aren't really concerned um about this they'll figure it out and everything we'll settle down here in just a bit after a bit everything did calm down Ozark quit chasing Natty quite so aggressively and Natty kind of figured out um to kind of stay back a little bit from the herd and just kind of stay on the outskirts for now which really helped I don't think she stood that at first because she's so young she just doesn't know and she was running directly into the herd and they were not liking that so once she figured out hey I need to stay back just a little bit uh that really helped everything and everybody went back to grazing at that point and seemed pretty calm at this point we decided it was okay to go ahead and leave uh and head back down the hill um but as soon as Natty saw us uh walking away she started following you got to stay with them got to stay with them [Music] Natty got to go back to your buddy son come on let's go back come on come on girl earlier we left the John Deere across the pasture so J went and got it so that we could pick up some fencing that we had previously left up here on the Ridgefield and when he went by uh Natty followed him back to the herd our M Patty was being a little bit sweeter than Ozark was to Natty um and she kind of started buddying up with her which was sweet to see here's Patty P's looking good yeah look everybody has to meet the new rig and while we were up there our little full princy was so cute we had to spend a little bit of time with him uh he came right over uh to get some attention it was so sweet sweet come over and give me a bite hi bud oh what a good boy just a little nibble see how things are going once we had visited with Prince and everything had calmed down quite a bit it was time to leave Natty with the herd by herself and for us to head back down to the barn joining a her can be a little hard for a new horse uh at first but it's important for natti's just overall well-being and development uh to be able to socialize and be around the other horses we were really hoping Natty and Rain would stay together uh but they ended up going their own separate ways but thankfully our older May Patty kind of buddied up uh with Natty and befriended her and Natty stayed right by her over the next few days unfortunately I didn't get any videos but they were just very sweet to watch make sure to give Natty a thumbs up and if you haven't yet consider subscribing to our channel it's a really wonderful way to support any Creator here on YouTube that you continuously watch in love and we sure appreciate it thank you [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Homestead Horsemanship
Views: 38,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homestead, homesteading, horse, horses, horse training, training, animals, farm, farm life, equestrain, horsebackriding, horse rider, horsemanship, homestead horsemanship, equestrian training, natural horsemanship, gaited horse, missouri foxtrotters, MFT, safe horses, riding, horse whisperer, how to ride, horse starting, mare, stallion, equine, horse life, fearful horse, bonding, horse auction, Horse Sale, Draft Cross, New Horse, Clydesdale, Draft, Gentle Giant, Rescue
Id: 4ni8WxLa6IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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