Will Electric Cars Save The Planet? Or Is It Just Propaganda?

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is it just me or does it feel like the only way you and i can save the world from climate change or global warming is by owning a tesla or an electric vehicle as if if we drive gas or diesel the world is coming to an end matter of fact we just recently saw president biden talk about the fact that by 2030 50 of all cars need to be evs and even newsom talked about the fact that by 2035 a hundred percent of the cars need to be evs but the story is deeper than that the more we research the more bizarre god with china with congo with cobalt with lithium with child labor very bizarre but we're going to get right into it in today's episode so stick around colavarian to get the pdf of what we're talking about today but there's a few questions that we have to answer number one the argument for having evs and the argument against it number two which industry will benefit the most from evs number three who is hurt by evs number four are evs the new diesel scandal waiting to happen and then some final thoughts on today's discussion so first things first there's a lot of good motives here people are concerned younger generation climate change global warming but is it really worth it here's why because when we look at the total u.s greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2020 this is what it looks like 29 is caused by transportation 25 is electricity 24 is industry which is raw material we all use 13 is commercial and residential 11 is agriculture but this is the key today's focus is transportation and out of the 29 only 16.82 of it is cars so the question becomes is the 16.82 the cars everything let's change everything up 20 30 20 35 is that worth the shift that we're making today to fully understand that we have to look at some numbers here's some numbers to look at in regards to total cars sold in q4 of 2021. in q4 of 2021 we sold little over 3.3 million cars in the us of which only 152 000 were diesel 353 000 were ev and then the rest which is about 2.761 million are just regular gasoline cars and by the way for some of you just to show you how new this is we've only been selling evs roughly since 2010 tesla who is the main leader in this market has only sold 1.917 million 450 cars and fyi since 2016 to the first half of 2021 they've sold roughly a third of all evs in america okay so now that we saw some of those numbers let's look at the argument between having an ev versus not having one so price wise if you want to buy an ev today the average ev today is roughly 56 437 versus the average gasoline car is forty seven thousand seventy seven dollars according to kelly blue book so if you look at the numbers right there it's only a ten thousand dollar difference but if you do buy an ev you get a seventy five hundred dollar tax credit on the back end from the government so maybe it's not up front but you are getting it on the back end now let's take a look at miles when it comes onto miles let's compare two cars i drive an f-150 so let's look at the f-150 that's gas versus the f-150 that's ev which is called the lightning so if we were to look at the regular f-150 it would cost you 99.31 to fill up the gas tank that's at an average of 4.32 but if you had the lightning it would only cost you 13.48 to charge the battery so what does that number break down to here's what it looks like on the f-150 the regular one it comes down to 20 cents a mile versus the lightning it comes down to six cents a mile that's a big savings nearly a third of the cost for regular gas now a few things if you're on the ev you have no emissions no gas less maintenance of course you're gonna have to change the tires and the basic things but when it comes down to the ev they can pretty much update on their own you know software updates gonna happen regularly you don't need to do an oil change you don't need to do all the other stuff that you go to a mechanic for you don't have that with the ev which saves you a lot of time so now so far you may say oh my god pat you already sold me i'm gonna go buy an ev tomorrow i'm buying a tesla tomorrow matter of fact i'm going online to order tesla before you do hang tight hear the entire argument the complete opposite side says the following number one if you have a car that's a regular car going off of gas you can find gas stations pretty much everywhere now if you drive an ev and you're going on a road trip good luck finding a charging station because that's spotty at best and on top of it many of them that you may find maybe not even working one of the questions we asked on twitter we said what's your biggest argument against evie one guy commented and said i am an ev owner i drive my car but half the charging stations are broken and it's frustrating for an owner next when it comes down to tesla the makeup of a typical tesla owner is a six-figure earner who's making money who can afford to finance a 57 000 car with tax and everything included even though you're getting the 7 500 on the back end don't forget you need to finance the whole thing up front so you need to make money to be able to buy an ev like a tesla so at this point in the game you may say pat you still haven't changed my mind i'm still getting an ev and i'm sticking to it no problem there's two things you need to know about the current evs that they're producing you need lithium and you need cobalt okay to produce the evs that they're producing now what's the big deal about lithium let me explain to you over a single year producing 60 tons of lithium at the site could mean digging up as much as 20 to 30 million tons of earth yes earth like if you look at the picture right there that's earth you see that big hole we need to do that to get 60 tons of lithium more than the annual amount of earth dug up to produce all coal output of all but seven or eight u.s states that's pretty insane to think about hauling the material wait for this one will require 75 tractor trailers loads a day every one of them running on ready fossil fuels and this doesn't include the excavators the diggers any of that other stuff and it doesn't include the transportation of the employees going there i'm just giving you the basics of lithium here now let's take a look at cobalt when it comes down to cobalt reserves we have roughly 7.6 million worldwide of which you have countries like usf 69 000 china 80 000 madagascar 100 000 canada 220 russia 250 philippines 260 cuba 500 000 indonesia 600 000 australia 1.4 million you ready democratic republic of congo 3.5 million tons of reserves of cobalt which by the way 15 out of the 19 mines in congo are owned and operated by china let me say that one more time 15 out of 19 are owned and operated by china which by the way they bought this land in africa nearly two decades ago which is a massive bet that they took thinking one day this you know people say oh this is such a visionary this got such a visionary two decades ago is 2002 2002 nobody driving teslas but in 2002 they kind of said we may be going in this direction that cobalt nobody looks at cobalt and looks at us as anything you've seen ceramics of cobalt we don't wake up one morning and say we need to go by cobalt right that's what they did 15 out of 19 which if you were to look at the dna of china and you were to say what would their motive be maybe they're thinking about not selling the cobalt to others maybe they're thinking about producing the cars that need cobalt because the world has to buy the cars from them it's a form of a monopoly isn't it if we go in that direction gotta give them credit for making a decision like that but at the end of the day that in itself could lead to something where other countries are relying on china to get cobalt from them just like the world has been relying on china to get ships and many other products that we felt during covet according to human rights organization amnesty international the growth has put pressure on miners in the drc to ramp up production leading in turn to tens of thousands of children being lured or forced into grueling and dangerous mind work you know sometimes when we're trying to solve a problem you you're like well yeah we have to do this because we got to get away from fossil fuel and then when you really look it up and you put the map together like wait a minute to get to where we want to get to we have to make some some kind of sacrifices so no let's not do fossil fuel because god forbid global warming and you know everything climate change that we're going through but yeah let's do lithium and take 20 to 30 million tons and dig up from the earth well that's pretty bad if we keep doing that yeah how about we go get cobalt and we get through china 15 to 19 mines they own and 50 plus of it isn't there so we have to go through congo and they got a monopoly and we got to get away from cobalt but we still got to do it but how about the child labor oh my god so what do we should we go this direction or not it's a very conflicted bizarre decision processing that we're going through so there's not really a we're making the right decision we're not making the right decision it's very complex but let me continue so the next question is which industries will benefit from evs so the first one is battery manufacturers obviously this is going to be very big for them because if this is the direction that we're going to companies that develop batteries for evs are said to see huge upturn in adoption of these vehicles worldwide matter of fact if the sale of evs continue at the anticipated rate a study suggests a total of 60 billion dollars worth of batteries will need to be produced to cater to this demand so that's one industry is going to take a massive massive profit from this direction that we go to number two is ev manufacturers which is pretty obvious you got tesla and anybody else that's producing evs they're going to see a mate this is why tesla's valued at nearly a trillion dollars and have only sold 1.9 million cars that's pretty insane to see numbers like that and then you have transport you know where there's transport public transportation they're going to have to convert to that because it's less maintenance less headache of course the cost of getting it up front is going to be more but it's going to be less headache and you know maintenance on the back end and last but not least is utility providers as more drivers opt to install an ev charging point at home their energy usage will inevitably increase in fact predictions suggest that the average household energy consumption will double with the installation of an ev charging point so the next question is who will be hurt by evs many will say big oil however even if electric vehicles come to entirely dominate the transportation space exxon mobil is expecting little change in global oil use the oil major predicts that oil use for transportation will decline slowly but overall oil demand will continue to rise as crude is needed for industry and petrochemicals here's what a spokesperson from exxon mobil said if every car sold in 2025 was an ev leading to every single passenger vehicle in the world being an ev by 2040 the global demand for oil and gas would be the same as it was in 2010. they won't even feel it but who will feel it is going to be that small little business owner that owns that gas station in the corner you know who i'm talking about you go to mobile exxon whoever it is not exxon but some of those guys that own that franchise they will feel it because that's eventually going to go away so for those of you that drive diesel you may want to skip this next part because the decision you made to get diesel this may offend you so brace for impact are electric vehicles the new diesel scandal waiting to happen so bjorn lombard the author of false alarm wrote an article for daily mail which was titled are electric cars the new diesel scandal waiting to happen he says do you remember britain's dash for diesel it began more than 20 years ago and then chancellor gordon brown announced a new car tax system favoring vehicles with lower emissions of carbon dioxide the greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming diesel cars tend to be more fuel efficient with lower emissions and mr brown held them as greener and cheaper option over a decade and a half the number of such vehicles on british roads quadrupled what happened what didn't emerge until much later although it was no secret in a motor industry or among government officials was that diesel cars also emitted greater quantities of other pollutants nitrogen oxide and particulates that damage air quality in human health such particulates which have been linked to respiratory problems heart disease and lung cancer have been responsible for thousands of premature deaths britain wasn't alone of course in their desire to be seen as ever greener governments of richer countries were all pursuing the same policies on car tax or cutting duty on diesel fuel so what's the moral of the story none of us know this thing is going to work or not nobody knows diesel they took a big bet in britain 20 years later they realized maybe it wasn't the right bet that we took it didn't work it backfired if u.s their cars is only 4.6 diesel 50 of cars in europe is diesel let me say that one more time ten times more than u.s cars in europe one out of every two cars diesel they all bet on this diesel thing they don't work for them watch what someone said about the direction we're going with evs the international energy agency iea estimates that if every nation achieves its ambitious targets on increasing electric car electric car ownership it will reduce co2 emissions in this decade by 235 million tons which means what according to the un climate panel standard model will reduce the global temperature by 1 10 000 of a degree celsius that's point zero 0 0 1 celsius by the end of the century so is it really worth it so i'm curious if you want to see more content like this give us a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you do want to get today's content in a pdf click over here to get the pdf and if you want to see another video similar to this i did a video titled climate change myth or reality if you haven't watched it click over here to watch that video take care everybody bye you
Channel: Valuetainment
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment
Id: SgMWejbE6jw
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Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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