Will Donald Trump Be Re-Elected in November? (feat. Mario Murillo)

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[Music] welcome to prophetic life your host larry sparks here i am looking forward to this conversation today because it involves things that are extremely timely very relevant and a question that i'm sure many people are asking right now will donald trump be re-elected in november uh the reason i'm having this particular subject as the focus of our show today i was reading a blog that i'm sure many of you read and if you don't my goodness please read it by our friend mario marillo who i'm going to bring on in just a moment mario marillo's blog in fact i am going to put up a link to that because i want to encourage you mariomarillaministries.wordpress.com that is where he shares the insight that holy spirit's giving him just perspective on how do we go how do we operate in these times and seasons that we're living in i can tell you you're not going to get sesame street you're going to get azusa street i'm borrowing a quote from him which is actually probably one of my favorite quotes on the planet um but i am so grateful for the vessels that god is raising up right now who are willing to speak truth but one of the things we're going to talk about today listen i i know sometimes we go at a pendulum and for a while the prophetic movement was characterized by positive encouraging helpful words of destiny and that's that's all good it's a part of it but then the pendulum has gone you know other way and people can get hard and harsh um what is it what is the prophetic i believe god will warn god will confront and god will deal with issues and problems but he does it and he brings solutions redemptive solutions that is what we are going to talk about today with my friend mario marillo without further ado here he is mario marilla the author of mario marillo ministries blog himself well larry what a joy to be with you my friend and i appreciate all the kind words you said about me so i'm going to tell you why i accepted this invitation to be with you is because of your balance and your intelligence your heart for the church i know a little bit about your background and you're doing an amazing work and one of the reasons that i feel that we we need to do these conversations and folks you need to let people know that we're doing this is that both larry and i have something to contribute this isn't just going to be an interview he has some very important things to say and i want to begin by telling everyone that i believe right now this is the greatest election in american history there has never been the stakes have never been higher and the lines of delineation have never been clearer and i can make the case and be productive but i can tell you ladies and gentlemen this is now a case of good versus evil and the blood of the unborn the blood of a future generation is on our hands if we don't discern good from evil in this election so i thought we would start out with something light i'm going to ask you this question because we were just talking about a mutual friend of ours dr lance walnow and one of the things i so appreciate that he's navigating folks you got to hear this this is not a political conversation okay because so many christians have shied away myself included mario i tell you i've been in the prophetic revival stream most of my life most of my life of being born again and there's sometimes there's this ideology and i believe it's erroneous maybe you can speak to it where it's like well you know what we're going to preach the gospel we're going to prophesy get people saved healed and delivered and if we just do those things and those things are violent invaluable you're an evangelist you are evangelist winning souls but sometimes there's this idea if we just do those things but we keep silent about the issues happening in our nation that everything will just kind of work out or the rapture will take us away mario what let me ask you a very point blank what role should believers should the church have when it comes to so-called political issues to you my friend all right specifically the answer to that question is that we cannot be offensive to god by supposing that only certain gifts in the body are valuable paul told us in corinthians said just because the eye and the feet and all the parts of the body are essential and preaching the gospel will be absolutely impossible if our freedoms are taken away so the individual who stands and speaks against evil in the political arena who exercises their authority to deal with evil and deal with falsehood like the bible says in psalm 94 that god will not have any fellowship with those who create evil laws and the church believes it should be submissive to all laws but there are evil laws you can't tell me you think that though abortion is legal that it is righteous and the evil is what god wants us to stand against we can't preach the gospel if our freedoms are removed we're not going to preach the gospel if we are driven underground north korea russia germany and china have this in common they had a moment when the lord spoke to the churches in those nations and said you are about to come under a blanket of tyranny do something eric texas does such a beautiful job in his book about dietrich bonhoeffer and dietrich bonhoeffer understood that hitler had to be stopped and hung his life on a radio broadcast in the 30s warning prior to an election you can't vote for this i cannot tell you how convinced i am that we're in that same position joe biden is a mascot he's a pan puppet he is he is elected by committee today i wrote a blog called the tragic mascot talking about the number one reason not to vote for biden compassion because he's been railroaded kidnapped you know none of the when when the democrat party veered left and first they went woke and then they went broke and what they found out is that everyone on the stage that was running for president all their top runners were unelectable elizabeth warren unelectable bernie sanders unelectable you see biden was chosen because not because they thought he was electable but out of the crop he was the least unelectable now he is not the there is in the democrat party and i i know i'm wondering here but this is essential there is no committee to elect joe biden to the presidency in the democrat party it doesn't exist there is only the committee to stop donald trump and hate donald trump so what you're watching in our time it's blatant it's clear in the lockdown in the the of churches in the veering left in the policies that they want in the future that they have decide that is only one christian conclusion when i see evil and it is clearly before me and i have the power to exercise civil authority and my civil rights as paul did in acts 16 when they falsely arrested him america has been falsely arrested paul invoked his roman citizenship it's time for you to realize that the greatest gift god has given you in this hour is your american citizenship and the power to watch the natural extension of your faith realized in a vote to stop the tyranny of what is now a criminal enterprise and that's what i think well it's interesting one of the things i commented on just recently is i felt like the lord said no there are two imbalanced perspectives that we can have as the church particularly when it comes to an election i was just thinking not to sidetrack us but i'm sure you might have be you might be aware of you we have the mayor in some place like chicago right you have some other places where those people are obvious i mean you can just see the ruin of some of those cities which sadly they are under the influence of people folks here's the bottom line okay we're a prophetic publishing house i you know i i operate in that gift of the spirit and it's not just what we see in the natural mario i would say a lot of these folks are puppets being used ultimately by the powers of darkness because the invisible realm seeks a host either god either we will be filled with god and which means we're born again filled with spirit or there's another option somebody who is not filled with the spirit somebody who's not born again can be used by the powers of darkness and it seems like mario and i'm curious to hear your thoughts on this is this is not just an election folks i i hear it all the time oh that's not republican god's not democrat everyone we we just want to get along well while we're trying to get along i actually believe the future of our nation is at stake the destiny of america could you because that's what to me this election means it's not just about who's gonna be the president for the next four years i think it's about the destiny and the direction of america your thoughts on that my thoughts on that are that satan's passion is to destroy america one of his greatest things i said it in the book vessels of fire and glory i open with this comment about it is the devil's unswerving obsession to destroy america now it is interesting that that too is the obsession of the left and of the democrat party disfigure american history redact it change it make it evil and one of the reasons that you need to understand is the democrat party has embraced atheism now let me say this about atheism it is not a harmless viewpoint the bible says the fool has said in his heart there is no god i thought that was harsh until i began to study atheism itself atheism sees no way to coexist with christianity the democrat party has admitted that their largest base is unaffiliated with any kind of religion they have admitted that they said that's our base so that engine is clearly driving this dismantle the us now the democrats have a reason they want america to be brought down but the devil has another reason he wants global tyranny he wants to take the next quantum leap in the establishment of a government and an order out of chaos in the world now who believes in chaos marxism and islam radical islam so now that that is why it's got to be said that the spirit of the lord is waking up the church to take action in this last 11th hour of american freedom because that's what it is um you know and it's interesting mario one of the things and listen i don't really pay too much attention to some of this stuff because i think we can get goofy um right kind of kind of prophetic how how people will assign certain prophetic meanings to numbers i think yes but one of the number patterns i've seen a lot and actually i had a respected friend um give me some thoughts on this yesterday is 11 11. i have seen that non-stop it can't be coincidental because every time i look at my phone every time i look at the clock it's 11 11 and one of the things he just made an observation this is not him saying this is the word of the lord but what you just said we are in the 11th hour and i feel like god will do whatever he can i feel like this is a word for us god will do whatever he can to remind us that's why he's raised up people like mario that's why he's raised up friends mutual friends of mario and mine like lance walnow johnson people who are unafraid to remind us we are living in the 11th hour but and here's what i wanted to talk about and then we'll shift into this oh very light conversation of will donald trump be reelected in november um what i love about you mario and again i have the book here how many of you right now who are watching how many of you have read this i mean this has been such a blessing to so many people i believe because you bring prophetic sanity um there's been a lot of prophetic swirl and insanity really since march really since hovid where we've gotten so distracted by the meaning of the passover and the meaning of panic and listen i you know i understand all that has a balanced place i i get it but we've gotten so distracted with hyper spiritualism and this out there form of charismatic prophetic discernment deciphering all this kind of stuff when in fact we have a charge in front of us god is calling us to engage what's happening because could it be mario that the future of america the future ultimately of nations does actually rest in the hands of the church and could it be that we're the ones who are called to provide solutions to the shaking around us you know and you i don't want to distract from what you just said oh yeah because i believe this enhances what you're saying the the sane believer uh the same balanced believer what i call the radical middle who who understand balance doesn't mean they're not on fire we always associate balance with kind of being lukewarm it's not the the word radical comes from the word radix which means the root and when you're in the root of truth you are in balance you're rightly dividing the word yeah the believer is being bewildered by the devil to not know their accurate course of action what should i be doing in this hour and here's one way the the the hyper grace passivity sovereignty side that says it's all in god's hands you don't need to worry no the second corinthians 7 14 doesn't say if god wants it it says if my people yes and then the other side is the prophetic gloom and doom they look at the book of revelations and they say you have to understand that george soros and they're all tools of the book of revelation all the talmud everything is supposed to happen the world's going to end the church is going to be exited out in the in the last second and so we don't know you know the church is a strange-looking army yeah i got to interrupt you though that that is shocking you said that this and that's the lord because just this weekend i i was thinking about two points and literally you capture them i was thinking you have hyper sovereignty people where whatever is going to it's kind of a quesara syrah doctrine whatever will be will be you've got the doom and gloom and i didn't even think about the doom and gloom end times let's get ready to be you know bust out of here because everything's going to explode like the death star in star wars so there's no and but then mario and this is this is the community i deal with there's kind of a third group there's this third group in our prophetic stream where they say i've seen it in the spirit donald trump will be re-elected and what that creates is this passivity to where okay well donald trump will be reelected oh there's going to be a red wave so i don't need to do anything all three of those perspectives produce the people who don't do anything let me answer that one the best that i can daniel chapter 9 shows daniel and he says when i read the prophecy of jeremiah i saw that the 70 years were up where god predicted that israel would go back from babylon to their hometown so i set myself to fasting and prayer our reaction to a prophetic promise is apathy daniel's reaction to a prophetic promise was action wow and and he literally began to repent i i wish i had a moment to tell you that it is interesting that when daniel began to fast and pray for the heart of cyrus to be turned so that israel would go back to its homeland and he repented and fasted and prayed he didn't just rejoice in the promise he enforced it on the situation he took the word of the lord and acted on it and when you believe that we all know what the prophecies of kim clement and others we all know that that is not what god wants you to do is take that as an excuse to sit back it's a it is a promise and there have been many prophecies that are conditional i will do this i will do that and and you know that a lot of people don't even notice in jeremiah 29 they they quote incompletely i know the thoughts that i have toward you thoughts of peace and not of destruction to give you a future and a hope the next verse it's almost like they put him out of position they put the next verse it should have been first it says then you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with all your heart now imagine if i read it this way you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with all your heart and i will be found of you for i know the thoughts that i have toward you not of destruction but of to give you a future and a hope you know that verse larry was absolutely literally fulfilled in daniel chapter 9 because it says you will seek me daniel started seeking god and you will find me he started finding god when you search for me with all your heart and daniel by fulfilling jeremiah 29 he made that verse come alive the future and the hope was unleashed if we want trump to win we've got work to do we've got to seize god's promise not as a as an excuse because that's like what paul said using grace as a license to un to sin it is a sin to be able to vote and not do it it's a sin to sit back and say there's no difference between democrat and republican it is a sin before god because the facts are clearly laid out and fact number one is your choice matters even when a prophetic word comes the fact is that when you see good and evil you have a righteous discernment and paul and you know well we're not supposed to judge let's listen don't give me another hour on matthew 7 because that that verse refers to uh impersonating an officer of the court chapter 7 of matthew was the end of three chapters where christ is literally excoriating the pharisees and judged not that you be not judged applied to the fact that they had specifically misrepresented man's tradition as god's law and he said don't imitate impersonate a a officer of the court because later on somebody said we're not supposed to judge people a few verses later jesus is calling people dogs and pigs so their context is is off we are to judge righteously paul says when he when he said no lawsuits in the church he said look you're you're going to judge angels how can you not judge these situations it is light and dark has never been clearer than it is right now yeah yeah and again i just want to repeat those things because mario i'm seeing some comments and i i love it because they're saying this is such a balanced prophetic conversation and again we love the prophetic we love the gift of prophecy i mean you and i i mean you and your years of just ministering on the front lines i have no doubt you have seen god do outstanding things when it comes to the prophetic revealing promises knowing information there's no way you would have known i've heard the stories from you so we love the prophetic but i've just seen too much goofiness right now and again i want to make it very clear just based on this conversation number one we don't embrace this inevitability hyper sovereignty whatever's going to happen will happen we are the ecclesia of god the church of god and the earth jesus is seated at the father's right hand and guess what we're not waiting for holy spirit 2.0 we have him no we are called to make decisions like jesus would make number two i love what mario added to this and it really kind of shaped my revelation on this number two we're not just sitting around for doom and gloom and waiting for the planet to explode that's actually poor stewardship about i believe the dominion mandate we've been given right and number three is we cannot just accept i believe legitimate prophetic words you mentioned kim clement and i know there's other these are legitimate prophetic people these are not like hole on the wall i don't know about them they've given prophetic words they've seen things in god's timeline but just like daniel just like mario shared about daniel we have a response it's not oh this is assured this is guaranteed our friend mario you met her in orlando catherine ranala from australia is it this way and i love it the prophetic is often it is an invitation not an inevitability um there are some things inevitable there are some things jesus is coming back we can vote yes we can vote no that doesn't change jesus is coming back but prophetic words prophetic promises are an invitation to action as mario shared so that leads to this question mario trump's election the election coming up in november is this guaranteed how should we respond can you share your thoughts and perspectives on that the first thing i want to do is speak to a specific group that are afraid is trump going to be be elected because he doesn't look good to some the fact of the matter is in the natural the polls are wrong in the natural joe biden is a very weak candidate in the natural the economy will be the surprise number one issue in the american election in all of those the the the sane realization is is that if america votes sanely and remem remember when they get in the voting booth they're totally private they're not going to worry about what anyone's going to say because they support trump so i believe there's a groundswell the the pendulum is definitely swinging toward trump and away from the democrat party their draconian abuse of civil rights in the cities their lock down of the church as obama said elections have consequences and the consequences are being felt we now know that 60 of the businesses that were shut down during the lockdown are not coming back they've been lost we we also know that that will be laid at the feet of democrat candidates it will be their they own that that's their narrative they've got it they own it the other thing is is that while it may seem like i'm contradicting myself i'm not i remember the night of the election i remember how i was so filled with anxiety wondering is it going to be hillary the thought was horrifying and and suddenly and at a certain point would it look like the inevitableness of hillary winning something strange began to happen across the country i believe it was an answer to prayer i believe a lot of people were praying well i'm going to tell you that i'm not guaranteeing a trump win but i do feel that those of you that are working at getting him elected working at voting should be encouraged because there is something happening on the american scene there's no way to explain why every attack on donald trump seems to backfire it just seems to end up being something that is they should have left it alone they should have left the russia collusion lie alone they should have left impeachment alone they should have left the ukraine alone and and today trying to blame trump for the covet virus and is just backfiring americans know what's going on so i feel a rumbling in the ground can i say it i feel something good in my spirit but that message you know i i'm going to divert to something completely in my field for a second if it's that okay always there there is a wonderful christmas story uh scrooge that i am a closet uh expert on that story because i've read it and i've practically memorized great portions of it and i see and someday i'll talk to you about why i'm so messed up by it but the ghost of scrooge's partner appears jacob marley and scrooge says give me a word of comfort you know comfort me because he just told him that he had been sinning so much that he built this great chain of iron and marley says something telling he said i have no comfort to give you that comfort belongs to another group of people and another kind of person the christian who's watching me right now that assumes god's going to re-elect trump doesn't deserve this comfort the christian is going to vote democrat doesn't deserve this comfort that message isn't for you this message is for those of you that are tired weary in your heart wondering how things are going to go out you've told your friends you've been rejected on social media you've stood with trump you've believed god you've said i'm going to do everything and this is the word of comfort something is going on and i'm going to give you this one word of comfort america is a miracle america is a supernatural phenomenon that god loves he loves israel he loves america he loves the whole world here's the difference america's soil is embedded with wells of revival wells of preaching the gospel to the world and the one of the greatest wells of protecting israel at every turn now if you want to destroy america you're going to get in the ring with god himself because he loves this country we've been spared disaster michael medved's book the american miracle is a phenomenal book it outlines 17 occasions when america should have been destroyed but at the last second god intervened in a miraculous way so my what i'm holding on to is two things the christians who are watching that are willing to work and the god who is rolling up his sleeves and says dude if you want to destroy america you're going to have to come through me and there will be in november judgment it'll be selective judgment you're going to watch celebrities toppled i'm going to predict it right now right here on this show wow you're going to see selective judgment surgical according to the 26th chapter of isaiah verse 20 that says come my people enter into your chamber close the doors about you until the tribulation be overpassed for the lord comes out of his place to judge the inhabitants of the earth this is one of those examples that that verse is a specific moment in the future i believe it but i also know that it is a pattern of how god has dealt with his church through history god is saying to the righteous batten down the hatches dig in get your roots and your spirit right because this storm is coming god is going to judge george soros he's going to judge the church of oprah he's going to judge the spirit that has brought us to the point where we've got drag queens reading stories to children and public schools where your little daughter might have a boy walk in on her in the bathroom because he doesn't know what gender he is all of that madness including the legalization of pedophiles in california that gavin newsom just signed into law it allows a 24 year old to have sex with a 14 year old and with very little consequence and ladies and gentlemen god is going to judge it but i think that the righteous are the only ones that deserve this comfort they're the only ones that deserve to hear it god is not gonna do this without rolling up his sleeves and fighting like a mighty warrior for america amen wow wow well i i couldn't think of a better place to finish our time together but you know what rather than just have this be informational and i even saw a few people uh talking about well i love god and um uh i i'm gonna vote this way or i'm gonna perhaps a bit different than we're talking about here and here's the deal and this is what i would say mario and you know at the end of the day i believe god's given us a window of mercy i'm using language from dutch sheets i believe we've given please please please oh there's so many people out there mario where it's like well i'm a christian how can you people vote for somebody like donald trump with a personality like donald trump and to some okay i understand that at the same time god is sovereign at the same time god has historically raised up cyrus type rulers god has the prerogative to do that and here's what holy spirit i believe is saying to you right now you've got to see the bigger picture you've got to see the bigger picture i even read another quote and i agree with what the comment said is i vote and as you're voting in november the person said i want to vote for my religious liberties to be protected it's exactly right because you know what here's the reality um will persecution come i believe depending on which way the election goes it could i want to vote in a way and mario i want you to finish here i want to vote in a way where what mario marillo is doing and you have a tent crusade coming up don't you in fresno california it is the first simscovid19 full-blown city-wide soul-winning healing crusade in the state of california yeah and we're going to do it and they say well what if they arrest you i'm going to start a jail ministry but we are going to do it granite park fresno october 11th through the 16th that's a sunday through friday 6 30 p.m every night and our workers are on the streets handing out 30 000 invitations to this tent crusade and we've got dozens of churches standing with us absolutely totally committed to what we're going to do and and i i mentioned that number one for you to pray for that number two to let people know about that particularly in the california area and here's the deal that's why that is vote this way vote in a way vote for someone who will protect mario's ability to do that completely vote for somebody i i've gone a few times mario to these wonderful beach revivals that are happening yes huntington beach i know that the couple who's doing that they're precious they're pure they're on fire they're experiencing tremendous resistance in opposition vote for those vote for an administration who will protect our right to continue to preach the gospel sees people saved healed delivered because the alternative mario which scares me is if we don't have because right now even though we have states with counties we've got mayors who are very oppositional there's something in the spirit i can't describe it but there's something in the spirit where i do recognize that the highest chair in the land that the highest office in the united states actually is for us right now for us but but goodness gracious maybe maybe end this way mario what would happen because i think we have the right to know what would happen if that shifted what would happen if there was somebody in that office who was not what would that what could that look like yeah you know all of you that are offended by donald trump's temperament i know what's wrong with you you've never met anyone from new york city before and you know when nehemiah was told by cyrus nehemiah was told by the king excuse me go back to your homeland and rebuild the city of jerusalem nehemiah didn't turn around and said you're not nice i'm not going to do that that is the silliest stupidest excuse i've ever heard besides which is now unfounded if you watch a trump rally and you watch the interchange between donald trump and these exuberant audiences there is an affection in that man for america and there's an affection in that crowd and i'm going to go on record and say the man has actually become sweet he's not toward his enemies he's not toward those that hate america and it's really donald trump isn't even mad at his own enemies he's he's mad at your enemies they're not after him they're after you and he has become sweet so now he even his personality is no longer an excuse but we know what we're supposed to do that's what the bible says when you know what to do and you don't do it to you it is sin there it is wow wow and that's the reality folks i i that's what i was getting ready to type it in a comment but i'll say it this way um this is not i i i know you're like oh but you're telling us to vote this is not republican versus democrat this is not this that the other this is really truth versus redefinition of sin this is really good versus evil this is either religious liberties or i believe religious persecution and we need to pray we need to ask the holy spirit we need but at the end of the day mario i do believe i think oh goodness i just read a comment from somebody i think chuck pierce said we are going to give an account for how we vote and that is over that is true and mario will you just encourage the maybe maybe mario would you just end us in prayer and that was mobilized i'm going to take 15 seconds and then pray every nation has a deadline jesus was being adored on palm sunday biggest crowd jerusalem had seen palm leaves everyone crying out blessed is he that comes in the name of the lord shouting from all outward appearances christ is being adored finally by the jewish nation instead he begins to cry the closer he gets to the city he's sobbing and he begins to say how often i would have gathered you in like a chick mother chick gathers in our hands but you would not and now the source of your peace has been hidden from your eyes and you will be destroyed i don't want jesus to say that over america because christians can have this outward expression of adoration for god but when it came down to it they jesus said you did not know the hour of your visitation donald trump is a wrecking ball but he's the strong medicine that god has decided to bring and we must have it father in the name of jesus i thank you lord that you will come upon this audience and give them truth and the scales will fall off their eyes and the vagueness of their moral convictions will be replaced by an unswerving righteous clarity of conscience lord let god arise in the hearts of the church to do our duty and to spare this nation a fate worse than death we thank you god for your mercy we thank you lord for the miracle that you are going to perform in november over the united states in jesus name amen amen amen well mario it is always a joy you are a delight and you know you are also a solutionist because folks again things can be dark i mean what i love about mario's blog i put up the link again he oh he is not afraid to deal with the issues but i feel like there is always the heart of someone who wants to know what does god say about this and what's the solution that's the ultimate that's what i love about vessels of fire and glory in fact it paints this beautiful picture while dealing with all the issues that we're dealing with right now in america really the nations mario we were talking about there's so many people there are people in other nations right now who look to books like this looking to even books on america because you know what god has blueprint yes we're not looking for an american blueprint we're not looking for a russian blueprint we're not gonna it is a kingdom blueprint um so i encourage you vessels of fire and glory mario marillo ministries at work wordpress um and again pray for mario we'll be sharing about his event that he's going to be doing but he is out there as a voice of fire for what god is doing and we're grateful for you sir thank you my friend god bless everyone this has been an amazing experience for me thank you everybody we'll see you soon bye
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 412,439
Rating: 4.7892013 out of 5
Keywords: bethel church music, bethel church redding, bethel church service, christian videos, christian songs, it’s supernatural network, jesus christ, top Christian 2018, top Christian 2019, bill Johnson, James goll, Lana Vawser, Jennifer LeClaire, healing, praying, president trump, american prophecy, 2020 election, holy spirit, president trump acceptance speech
Id: lSMqeJvvXGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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