Will AI replace you in your VFX Compositing Career?

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hello guys it's Pedro and today I would like to talk a little bit about like this very trendy topic which is AI and the implications that AI has in many different Industries ours included also thinking like how people perceive this topic and um you know and the worries and stuff like that it's something that we've been in my mind to talk about for many many months um so it's been long du so here we go and talk a little bit about this and My Views about like all these things and whether or not it will replace you and your craft in VFX for those of you who don't know me my name is Pedro and I'm the founder of comper which apart from this channel is a company that provides a specific training for aspiring or current composing supervisor before deling into what we're about to talk today I just wanted to mention that I'm not against AI quite the opposite okay I just wanted to say it right now I'm actually a user of AI in many different ways you know and the truth is I've been following this development for quite some time um for around I would say maybe seven years six seven years and uh you know some of you might know this especially the ones that we work with that um around that time I actually considered transition from VFX into data science and um which you know machine learning and and deep learning is a branch of because you know I I like data and I use data in many different ways and machine learning and AI is basically manipulation of data in very specific ways but in any case um I just wanted to mention this as like an introduction because I I'm not against AI quite the opposite in fact I've been following this development for quite a long time in any case what I normally see is basically bad practices and unfounded opinions about Ai and how scary this is for some people and it's scary because a lot of times what happens and of course this might not be you but it might be you as well people are ill informed about like what this is really about and they because of this reason they tend to either take a hard left or a hard right regarding like what are their views about this topic right and so what I mean by hard left or hard right is these extreme positions about like how you position yourself regarding this stuff and your job right so there are these people that think that AI is now going to do everything for me so I'm not going to do anything or I don't have it to to to do anything anymore because you know I can be at the beach and my job is going to be done no matter what and you know I will I will still be earning money without doing anything right so there's this View and there's the opposite view which is I'm I'm super scared because now I'm going to be out of job very quickly because you know this technology is going to basically replace me um in everything that I do so these two extreme Visions will not take you anywhere but we'll talk about this later on in any case another way that we can look at this as in like a bad practice is especially you know more and more these days because let's not forget one thing just to take a step back um really quickly you know this development AI wise is not touching the Arts but it's been with us for many many years certainly more than a decade okay only now is touching like something that people can really interact with and he touching like other Industries all right but what I see more and more because of this reason is people thinking that they're now are able to do what people that have actually have knowledge about certain areas that they don't have you know they're now basically able to compete with them how by copying and pasting stuff that they put on chat GPT or whatever it may be right so the the question is are you really doing something with this I don't think so because this this is basically like one of these hard left or hard right you know mentalities that I was talking about which is now I don't have to worry about anything anymore because you know I have something that will do the job for me which is in this guys he going to spit out like some code or whatever it may be or some um you know nuke scripts you know just to be a little bit more specific about like what we are all about um and I don't have to think about things anymore and I have something that it's going to be my co-pilot all right which is also something that we see more and more um and there's nothing wrong if they're not approached exactly in the way that I'm talking about so the main reason why this is the wrong approach is because and just giving a jet GPT as an example although I think it's a fantastic tool okay so once again don't get me wrong it's just like how you position yourself and how you use these tools but the truth is also that chat GPT see spits out wrong stuff wrong things so you need to know whether or not what it's giving you it's actually something valuable so if you are just copying and pasting stuff it's no different than you go to any website and you have no idea of what of what that code is all about or or or any other any other source right you just copy and paste and if it works great if it doesn't work you know you're back to square one or zero or in exactly the same way that you came with right so that's not how you do anything you know and that's the truth you know what I mean it's it's might you might feel like you are super intelligent now and all of the sudden you are able to do all these things but you're not doing anything you know if if that's your approach to things okay now let's just do a reality check regarding these things as well okay which is this technology is certainly causing some disruption in sever areas okay and as I just said before this is in development for many many years only now is touching our domain like in in on the visual arts okay that we are also part of but this is something that it's been with us for many many years right the development of it right and in fact this kind of um you know advancements like any technological advancement they don't Advance like linearly it's always like exponentially so if sort of like seems like what happened on the Industrial Revolution but the reality is also that not only it caused like you know at that time also very disruption but you know it was like in it was not as in the same scale basically all right because it was like a little bit slower you know the development of that kind of uh situation that happened with the Industrial Revolution in here it was almost like from one day to another there was like this explosion of stuff right and more more you know every day that goes by every year that goes by the advancements technology wise they are not linear so for every advancement for every step you know it grew more than what he grew on the step before and the next step will be the same so that's why it's exponential right and the reality is in my view I have no doubt in my mind that we'll certainly replace some tasks even in in our domain but I don't think that's a bad thing I think it's actually a good thing right and to give an example for example tasks like Roto you know if you are one of these people that love to do Roto I mean awesome good for you because certainly we need people that like to do that kind of stuff but the majority of people don't don't like to do that kind of stuff right and I have no no doubt in my mind that although we're not there yet but I have no doubt in my mind that sooner or later you know AI will certainly replace that kind of task and is it a bad thing no I think it's a good thing and let me give you this perspective do you really think that you as a human being after millions of and millions of evolution as a species are we really doing what we can really do as a species doing that kind of you know technical and repetitive and manual kind of job on something that is in intrinsically very creative I don't think so you know humans have so much more to give so much more potential and it's basically a waste doing that kind of stuff as a human being when certainly you know we can work with technology to do that kind of stuff for us so you can do other stuff that is more interesting primarily for you or for the ones that are doing this type of tasks and this is just an example but you know I think it's better for for everybody it will create new opportunities for the individuals it will create new opportunities for the industry so I don't think that's a bad thing okay it's it's actually a good thing all right in my view now the good news about all of these things and about all these technology is that there's a lot of resources out there uh from very light stuff superficial stuff from to very deep stuff regarding AI right and most of them are free so there's no excuse or if you really want to know more about this there's literally no excuse because there's a ton of stuff out there and most of them by the way are free okay now as we've been talking about in many different conversations like this the trick is to not go so deep that you're going to basically lose control and lose the focus and lose the purpose of why you're you know learning this stuff right so the trick is learning the right amount for the goal that you're trying to set for yourself okay if it's not again as as we said many times before if it doesn't belong to the goal that you want to achieve maybe it's not something that you should invest time in you know uh but the reality is if you want to do that there's plenty of resources out there and as I said before most of them are free and they are great by the way cool so the I think the the the way to navigate yourself around this topic is basically the opposite of the thing that I just mentioned before of heart left or heart right and the keyword here regarding Ai and the stuff that we do is basically integration that's the keyword here basically you integrate that kind of stuff to help you on the things that you actually know what you're doing and those tools will basically give you like a speed up in the process okay for example coding of course it's actually like one of the most um one one of the the coolest things and the best things about like this technology is that it can help you code faster okay but it's not what I'm talking about is not like you ask for example just to give you the same tool again cat GPT give me a script that does this this this you have no idea of what's going on in there you have no knowledge on how to change it and you think that oh look at me now I can now be a nuke TD that's now how it works you know because if you have no knowledge whatsoever about what's going on then you know it's the same thing on on you going as I said before on the website copy and paste and that's it there's no difference whatsoever okay however if you know python those two tools can actually serve as a co-pilot so we have like a critical assessment of what's coming out you can ask for changes and indeed it will speed up the process quite a lot okay so again that's you know one of the illustrations of why I'm not against AI whatsoever once again okay another good good practice that you can use AI for is to do research about like complex topics or complex um uh themes that uh you know in in in a way that can be more conversational you can maybe have like a better grasp on understanding those Concepts that otherwise will be a little bit more difficult and you know very technical in a way that you know maybe doesn't resonate with you so basically I guess what I'm trying to say is that AI can be your friend if only use it right you know but the most important thing as I said before is to have like a critical evaluation about like exactly the things that the a AI technology whatever tool you using are giving you so it's not to just close your eyes and say okay this is amazing I'm not going to have to worry about anything uh anymore and you know I can be at the beach and this tool or whatever tool is going to do the job for me and I'm still going to earn money and whatever it may be right uh basically having a job without being without work basically so that's not how it works and it's also not how it works like being so worried about like this will take your job so again the the keyword here is integration integrate that stuff in the stuff that you already know and use that to advance your knowledge about the certain topic or topics okay so you know if you don't have that kind of critic evaluations as I said before you don't know what to extract whether it's the right stuff or the wrong stuff or the right portion or the wrong portion okay so the the important thing to remember is like critic evaluation and extracting the right stuff that's the most important thing all right so in conclusion what I wanted to tell you in terms of like My Views here is no one is going to take away your job because of this okay if that happens if your job goes away it's not certainly because of AI okay or any technology all right however you need to be aware of what's going on what are the trends where are where are with the technology so you can you know again this is a little bit of strategy here so you can be ahead of the curve a little bit so you don't get caught up in the in that kind of wave if that happens okay but it won't be certainly because of AI and let's not forget one thing also which is what I said before which is that you as a human being you have way more to give and to gain within your current role you know if you do things in the right way if certain Technologies can replace some of the things that you're doing that's great because you're then going to be free to do something that is going to be more fulfilling for you for your life okay for your role and how you perceive yourself within the stuff that you're doing that is not so mechanical that is not so boring perhaps you know what I mean so there's no point on being AF afraid that's basically I think this sums it up there's no point on being afraid but at the same time it's good to be informed all right and the last thing that I want to say about this is you need to be pragmatic about this stuff in your professional life right and integrated in it you know integrate is the keyword in here to the right extent with the right amount with the right critic evaluation in order for you to do that you cannot cut Corners in your knowledge but you're going to use those tools to cut corners ERS in time if that makes sense all right so these are my views in a nutshell about like Ai and what I feel about how this will impact or not your life in visual effects again I think the the keyword here and I'm repeating myself several times because I want you to understand this is integrate those Technologies in your life all right it's if you lose your job if you're not attaining the roles that you want to attain it's certainly not because of this Technologies and that's it guys this is basically my view and the things that I wanted to share because you know I I hear like a lot of people uh not only the ones that we work with uh because normally we work with experienced people so they have like a different view about these things but certainly um you know a lot of people that um contact us um regarding this stuff so I wanted to basically give this value to all of you out there and if you need help on making sure that you are on the right track for your career and having like a good grasp about like what all of these things mean for your life whether or not they are important how to integrate it and basically stay focus and not be distracted with any of this in your career for you to achieve exactly what you want to achieve if that's the case then just go to the description and book a call with us and my team will be more than happy to have a conversation with you to try to explain what we do how we do it and also or mainly hear from you about like what are the things that you want to solve and whether or not we are the right fit for each other and if we are the right fit maybe we can talk about things a little bit different but at least you are getting like a lot of value within this call so book a call with us and then we'll have a chat all right so guys I hope you liked it and I'll see you very soon okay bye-bye
Channel: Comp Lair
Views: 1,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compositing, nuke, advanced, vfx, foundry nuke, nuke tutorial, compositing training, visual effects, learn vfx, vfx courses, vfx artist, nuke tutorials, vfx school, cg tutorials, vfx course, vfx industry, fx industry, best vfx course, free vfx, free vfx tutorials, comp lair, pedro andrade nuke, the next level, compositing supervisor, nuke training, vfx compositing, nuke advanced, advanced compositing
Id: IDhWKI6gQl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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