Will A Recording GoPro Survive Liquid Nitrogen?

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If we dumped a recording Go Pro into a container of liquid nitrogen how long do you think it would keep recording before it freezes up and shuts down. I just got back from the store where i picked up a couple of go pros I got the Hero 5 Black as well as the Hero 5 Session This one cost me about $400 And if it survives this torture trail Im gonna give it to one of you This one here is the Hero 5 Black It records 12 megapixles and also shoots in 4K Another cool feature is its got a LCD screen on the back so you can actually see what your recording as you do it. Thats a nice feature to have This one here is the new Hero 5 Sesssion Shoots in 10 Megapixels and 5K Which my old one only shoots in 1080 And this one has a built stabilizer as well so as your hand holding it it helps balance out some of the footage. So might be a good idea to start off with my older Go Pro to see if this is even a viable idea Because I don't want to waste new technology unnecessarily We just filled up our container with liquid nitrogen You can see this thing is extremely frosty and ready to go So lets throw this thing in the tongs, get it recording Then give it its cryogenic bath that its destine to take So We've got this set up on blue tooth right now I'm actually doing a screen record of what we're seing here on the Go Pro That way if this Freezes up, we'll still the backup footage on my cellphone Hey Guys, ready to go? Here are the tongss, And lets just go ahead and dip this in for maybe like 5 seconds and see if it survives Okay, we are confirmed recording Its time to dip. And apparently it looks like its still recording And over here you can see, Yup we're stilling getting the Bluetooth feed. So thats really cool. Oh thats really cool, we got a Phone with in a Phone with in a phone with in a phone Thats Phoneception So very cool, Our go pro survived the first 5 seconds I didn't really have and doubt that it would because it didn't really cool down to much So this time lets push the boundary, lets fully submerge it and just leave it in there until the nitrogen cools it down completely Im a little bit nervous about this one because we might loose the footage but thats a risk im willing to take There we go. It is fully submerged and all you can see now is this little red flashing light at the bottom of the container. Now the reason its bubbling so profusely is because the Hero is cooling down And releasing all that heat As the nitrogen bubbles start to flatten out that means our hero session will of cooled down completely And if you look over here at the camera this is the view that our cameras haivng right now and its still recording The red light's still flashing. We're into it about 25 seconds now And its still going That red light Oh there it goes! Camera low battery So we just got a low battery warning I no longer see the red light flashing but i do see its still recording through the Bluetooth feed But this is actually really impressive, i didnt expect it to go this long We just got like a triple flash there, the camera just turned off. I cant tell if the camera turned its self off just because it had a low battery warning Or it was the nitrogen that froze it solid That was maybe really bad timing and i probably should of charged this before hand But based on these results I think i am willing to experiment with the new cameras and put them through the same experiments and see what kind of results we get with them Im really curious to know if we saved the footage or not. Haha. Woooow It is Suuuper cold But you know what, it looks in great shape, ohh it just frostbit me Imma set it there, woah the back plate just came off Hey, ever wondered whats inside a go pro? I gotta put that down tho because its like frost biting my fingertips That is really really cold guys Its actually so cold that its condensing the moisture out of the air That we're getting frost build up all around and if I breathe on it we can just accelerate that effect and that is how you get yourself a custom white GoPro okay so we got the hero five session we got it hooked up to my phone and we got our nitrogen replenished we're going to sink this one in and just let it run until it freezes completely the battery is charged so we shouldn't have any connection issues with the battery and it's currently recording so let's plunge this down into liquid nitrogen and see what happens Hero 5 session let's make it happen look at how the nitrogen just bubbles on the glass there I'm just going to leave that there for a second because that's kind of cool still recording so far and all the way in cool now we're just going to let that saute for about one and a half to two minutes and when that stops boiling the GoPro should be about the same temperatures the liquid nitrogen we're into at about 35 seconds now and everything's going strong the picture still looks clear on the bluetooth it's actually amazing to me that it can still transmit bluetooth wirelessly at those temperatures it looks like it's starting to glitch out a little bit oh yeah camera just turned off at least it disconnected from the phone but the lights still flashing in there so it looks like the GoPro is probably still recording there's like some little black junk floating around in there oh there goes the GoPro just shut off so it looks like these things can handle about 60 seconds in liquid nitrogen before they automatically power down if you look straight down on it it kind of looks like a creepy eyeball this has been sitting in there for about five minutes let's go ahead and fish it out and take a look at the damage there we go that thing is cold watch closely what happens when I breathe on it gently you can literally see the moisture from my breath condensing oh and it looks like we lost the back panel. the back panel fell right off oh and the buttons still in there that right there is our button so hopefully when that heats backup will be able to pop that back together so cool while that's thawing out let's go ahead and torture test the hero five black will leave this thing recording until it shuts down all right let's go for a nitrogen dip so far so good let's give it about another five seconds here oh look at that the crystals in the LCD are actually freezing up see even though I'm moving the camera around it's not creating an image that is stationary so we may have just fried the LCD we're pushing 45 seconds now and I just heard the camera shutting down it stopped recording LCD screen is still on so let's just go ahead and leave that and see how long they'll sit before the LCD screen shuts off again oh and check this GoPro out this has just got completely frosty what we've been waiting that's insane frosty the GoPro ok so the LCD screen has turned off again can I touch it to make it come back on let's find out ok it's gone completely unresponsive and you see how that just frost over instantly instantly the second it touches the air all right so I think this one is cooked let's go ahead and set that to the side so there was a glass lens here and that's popped off it looks like the inner lens is still ok we may have to fish off that glass lens let me grab that really quick all right cool that's really cold it looks like it was held on with some kind of adhesive that probably just got so cold and cracked away when that warms up we may be able to just push it back into place but you can see this inner lens looks like it's probably going to be just fine it was just this protective lens that popped off right now it's probably about minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit it's starting to warm up just a little bit if we open the battery compartment her battery is still in there looks like it's in pretty good shape oh okay so that's not coming out I will just leave that in there it seems that when the SD card gets too cold the ejecting mechanism doesn't work so we're gonna have to let that warm back up and then we'll see if we got any good footage from it you can see the hero session pops apart into three pieces we got the button and the backplate and then we got this little sensor this moisture sensor it'll be interesting to see if that gets triggered because it was just nitrogen so it shouldn't do whatever it does when i get stricken you can see those came out pretty dang frosty will give those about 25 minutes to warm back up and then pull the SD cards and see if we can recover any of that footage so update guys it's a day later now and these things have sat out all night and completely acclimated back to room temperature it took about an hour for them to completely defrost and unfortunately we lost all the data we kept getting error messages saying the SD cards were corrupted so none of the footage that we got with the GoPros was salvageable unfortunately so here's our hero five black and here's our hero five session so let's see if we can replace the button and just pop that back panel back in place so it looks like it's just held on by adhesive nothing really snaps into place there which is kind of surprising so apparently we got that adhesive so cold that it just froze up and then when this metal panel shrunk that's what caused it to pop off the back so now that's warmed up hopefully that will stay in place the LCD display looks completely normal if we press the button it looks like we can even get it recording what's up welcome back from your cryogenic bath so our hero five sessions survived it looks like works in perfect conditions so I'll probably be using this for future videos let's check out the hero five black and see how it held up now the first damage we notice obviously is this protective screen popped off so it's obviously not waterproof right now this Ridge right here is tacky though and now that it's warm back up we might be able to clean that lens off clean this piece of glass and put it back together so let's find some microfiber cloth and see if we can restore it to its original condition I am curious to know if the LCD screen survived because when we were doing our test if it froze the image and I almost look like it destroyed it so it'll be interesting to see if that comes back on so this display I noticed that there is like a small crack it look like a hair at first but I think it actually is a crack and there definitely is something in there between the layers of the screen so that's not optimal however if we can turn this thing on okay actually the LCD screen on the front is still working that definitely is some kind of a fracture or crack because I can see it is raised up underneath the surface there and there is some discoloration in the screen it's still usable it's just not perfect and we've got an SD card error but look at this the LCD screen is actually still working and apparently it's working very well that's still in really good condition this blows my mind because that was frozen solid you guys saw the image was not moving I'm really impressed that that came back to such clarity how cool this is cool the glass didn't crack or anything so as long as we can clean this up and put it back together it should be in pretty good shape all right that's looking good in place and hopefully with a little bit of pressure we can get that adhesive to grab back on I wonder if this voids the warranty cool the screen is replaced it actually looks like it's back in there nice and tight sweet so this is the hero five black I just put a new SD card in and it was working perfectly so there you have it guys now you know what happens when you soak a GoPro in liquid nitrogen they are surprisingly resilient I had no idea that they'd hold up that well so I threw these things back in their packaging and they're almost as good as new they're fully functioning they work great and so I'm going to pick two of you and give these things away so stick around and I'll tell you how you can qualify here's how to win yourself the GoPro go to Instagram calm / the king of random and click to follow my page for the next seven days i'll be posting Instagram stories with bits of code embedded into them so you'll need to write down the code every day for the next seven days and i'll post a link to where you can submit your answer and enter to win the gopro but remember instagram stories only lasts for 24 hours you need to check in every day to get the next piece of the code instagram.com / the king of random follow me there watch for the updates and best of luck with the contest see ya
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 7,954,854
Rating: 4.7320328 out of 5
Keywords: liquid nitrogen, go pro, gopro, instagram, gopro hero, nitrogen, freezing, king of random, grant thompson, the king of random, 01032010814, random, mad science, demonstration, subscribers, hero 5 black, hero 5 session, giveaway, contest, liquid, freeze, insane, science experiment, science demonstration, dry ice, science stunt, insane science stunt, ln2, cryogenic, mythbusting, experiment, gopro session, what happens if, torture test, torture trials, frosty, frozen, liquid nitrogen experiments
Id: JZFpJ6DnWrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2016
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