Will a car muffler make a generator any quieter

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look at our other old generator running it's real loud I'm gonna crank it up here let y'all hear and then we're gonna try to do a buffer swap on it and see how that works out [Music] all right we've got two different love for Kleenex the muffler hanger to support the weight of this big thing that whole little smorgasbord go fittings to put together make it go from the three-quarter inch hole on the generator to the pot let's start taking it apart you just heard how it sounded with the factory muffler and we'll work on getting this together and see what it sounds afterwards we're gonna put all the pieces together how to keep uncle wrestling up too bad so can you ever have too sure there's no moleste anyway [Music] [Applause] you we got it locked up in place got the clamps on it to the muscle got us some woofer finger right there we're gonna wield it right to the frame right there all right put a 10-inch nipple elbow morning - nipple with a three quarter by inch and a half inch and a half nipple with a coupling this or that fit tight that's clamp that's a boost I need to plant right on the end of the muffler got a muffler hanger put on there it's about time to get the tools up roll it out and the fuck's wrong out and check it out you gonna hear sighs I'm out here well I'm gonna give you out my honest opinion the exhaust does sound a little bit quieter into other factory muffler but now you hear a lot more of the engine noise cracking and making all kinds of racket soon do I really think we've made this generator any quieter no I do not I don't think we made it air bit quieter at all to be honest overall was probably just as loud as it was
Channel: Gerrald Farms
Views: 484,461
Rating: 4.3651981 out of 5
Keywords: How, to, make, my, generator, quieter., My, is, loud., Installing, car, muffler., Power, back, 5250, generator., Can, you, put, quiet generator, portable generator, Gerraldfarms
Id: hFWRevWwJtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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