Will a .357 Revolver Hit Higher When Loaded With .38 Special Ammo?

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[Music] [Music] hi today we're not on our typical range we're at one of our training facilities so that I don't have to deal with a foot of snow on the ground and here are the temperatures of balmy 30 degrees not the 15 degrees that I'm accustomed to and what we're talking about today is the concept but if you site in a handgun with high-velocity ammunition so it's point of aim point of impact and then switch out your ammo to significantly lower velocity ammunition that it will get higher on the target now obviously if you're going to shoot a long distance like a hundred yards of the handgun that lower velocity ammunition will have more drop and hit lower but there are people of the opinion that at Short ranges like 10 or 20 yards lower velocity ammunition will get higher why well the way it's been explained meals when yours is that what's happening is if you take a handgun like this rubric 357 Magnum and you cite it in with 357 magnum ammunition when you shoot it the hammer Falls that nature primer ignites your powder and the bullet starts traveling down the barrel the bullet spent some amount of time in the barrel thousands of a second but still some time and while it travels down the barrel for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction so it starts to recoil a process and by the time the bullet exits the muzzle your handgun is appointed as a slightly pop angle sighting it in takes this into consideration but then if you switch to lower velocity animal like 38 special mammal which depending on which animal you buy can have a velocity of four or five even six hundred feet per second less than your 357 and the bullet spends more time in the barrel again thousands of a second more but still more and so while it's traveling down the barrel there's more time for more recoil to occur and so the muzzle is at a greater upward angle by the time it finally exits well causing it to hit higher on the target now that makes sense but there's some questions such as does 38 special ammo hit in a different place than 357 ammo provided you have it cited in for your 357 ammo if so will it hit higher if it hits higher is that the phenomena that's causing it well here's what we'll do I'll go back 15 yards and I'll shoot this target with 357 magnum ammunition switch out to 38 special handles and see if it hits in a different place so we'll shoot from 15 yards and the ammunition I'm going to start with is Remington green and white box 357 Magnum 125 grain bullet so we see we're pretty much point of aim point of impact I got one out but that's just me now let's reload with 38 special and see how I do now we're loaded with Remington green and white locks 38 special plus P 125 green bullet so how as we do well the group certainly isn't any higher if anything it's lower and a little bit to the right that's an interesting result now let's try a different kind of ammunition and I'll shoot the other target now I'll shoot this federal American Eagle 38 special naught plus P just 38 special 158 grain round nose lead boat and I'll shoot the target on the right [Applause] [Applause] so how do we do what without 357 Magnum in the nation we're basically on but with one type of third date and hit low and a little to the right and with the other type of 38 we hit just a little bit high and maybe a little to the left so it would appear that when you switch to 38 animal rather than the lower velocity making it hit higher it seems that different ammunition will make some guns hit in different places so let me get a different 357 magnum revolver put up some new targets repeat this drill and see how the results compare so now we'll try the same drill with different gun this is a Ruger GP 100 357 magnum with a two and a quarter inch barrel and again we'll shoot from 15 yards and we'll start with our target on the left with the 357 magnum ammunition now this comes with the disclaimer this is a good handgun but personally I really don't like it I don't like the grip I don't like the sights I don't like the trigger pull I don't expect my groups to be as good this time as they were the first time but hopefully this will be diagnostic so with the Remington 357 Magnum ammunition that group is fairly well centered now I've got this revolver loaded with the Remington green and white box 38 special + P I'll go back to 15 yards again shoot the same target and see if that affects the location of our group so how'd you do what with the exception of this flyer and that's just me it doesn't appear to have changed our point of impact at all now people will argue that this short barreled revolver there isn't much difference between 357 and 38 special no with the ammunition I'm using the 38 special ammo has a velocity about 400 feet per second less than the 357 does so that's a significant difference now let's try that American Eagle ammunition we'll shoot our other target and see how that does and how do we do we see that we're hitting maybe just a little bit high and a little bit to the right of course that was just me but what's the real bottom line of all of this well with the security fix we saw that when we switched to the Remington 38 specials we hit just a little low unto the right as we're in the GP 100 there is no significant difference in the group at all and again with federal American Eagle ammunition with his security six we saw just a little high and maybe to the left owing to GP 100 through just a little high and maybe to the right so I think rather than making the blanket statements that 38 specials when shot from a 357 magnum or pattern high what we're really seeing here is that when you significantly change your ammunition you may very well in some guns to some degree change your point of impact so as always don't try this at home on what you call a professional and thanks for watching the 38 shot out of a 357 Magnum video [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 138,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yGt9npXQKiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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