Wilf Carter - Transcriptions (c.1938).

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[Music] gather round folks and listen to the treat Lucky Strike has in store for you Montana slim you know Montana you've heard him often over the air and on his many best-selling phonograph recordings he's going to do three of his popular hillbilly numbers for you first the Martins and the Kois yeah the round me children and I'll tell a story off the mountains in the days when comes along when two families got this butan it was bono ended shooting so this listen man I know what I saw oh the Martens and the cause they were reckless mountain boys and they took a family feud where they'd be they would shoot each other for Lannister gurad a sucker they could knock this world I out at 90 feet all their fighting side and one for Sunday morning when old grandpa four was full of Mountain Dew just a quad as a Churchmouse he stole into Martin think Oh does the course they need an egg for breakfast - oh the mushrooms and the toys they were exes Mountain Boys the old rapper coy is goner angel when they found him on the mountain he was bleeding like a fountain because they punctured him does he look like a difference so the Kois started one fresh Sunday morning and they didn't even take time out to mourn day when I took do some killing where the margins were distilling and they found all able-minded making oh the McCoys they were reckless mountain boys but only the next to go though we saw the quarries have come on in here are they started later love and here comes nobody's darling but mine come sit by my side little darlin come lay your cool hand on my brow [Music] promise me that you will nobody's darling but my [Music] nobody's darling the honors be faithful be I promise me that you will never be nobody's darling but my and here we have the yodeling hillbilly I'm beating away or the mountains and that all is my thoughts your boundless my soul is free like a bird on the wing it songs too enchanting a Yoda away my heart will agree I love the wildlife and hills and the still where I make my whoopee we make her own laws which never I'm Rogan ami old until the way I'm happy to be I did I need or lady thanks Montana you know we're proud of the fact that Montana Slim is another of the many singers who prefer Lucky Strikes over Columbia Broadcasting the radio production man told us that Montana smokes Lucky's regularly so we went to Montana slim himself and asked him his reasons for preferring Lucky's Montana how about repeating those reasons for the benefit of our audience glad to mr. rise Dale I first began to smoke Lucky's in 1928 because I like their taste then when I started to sing regular on the radio and for phonograph recordings I found that this here yodel of mine oh that old yodel put plenty of extra strain in my throat yes sir but no matter how hard I work my voice Lucky's are always easy on my throat Thank You Montana slim and now one word to you people listening let those three Lucky Strikes you just received start you on a real test of lucky one weak and steady lucky smoking will prove to you that Lucky's are easy on any smokers throat the reason is the exclusive process its toasted wheat takes out certain harsh throat irritants found in all tobacco with these impurities out the flavor of the tobacco is naturally more mellow so next time you buy cigarettes ask for Lucky Strike [Music] Lucky Strike presents the famous yodeling cowboy Montana slim singing Blue Ridge Mountain Blues Birmingham jail and rootin tootin cowboy when I was young in my prime I left my home in Caroline now all I do is sit and fight for all the folks I left behind I've got the Blue Ridge Mountain blue and I stand right here to say my grip is paid to travel and I'm scratching gravel on the Blue Ridge Baro I see to head to snow a wife I see the window and the light I seem to hear the poetry side where is my wandering boy tonight I've got the Blue Ridge Mountain blue and I stand right here to say every day I'm a count until I climb the mountain on the blue ridge far away down on the levy levy solo late in the evening here the terrain Bowl here the Train ball here the Train glow late in the evening here the terrain below roses love sunshine violets love do angels in heaven know I love you there see my darling fair see my dear Bessie I love you honest I do down in the middle down on my knees praying to heaven to give my hearty good is the king love fighting for love kiss me once more dear than I must go I'm rootin tootin cowboy they call me sundown slim I hail from out in Texas they ride the seven I can make my trusty lariat just whistle wine and world win the heart of almost any pariah at Prairie girl I construct me old guitar just as good as any car I can sing the cowboy dude I can groove I can throw entire slinky just in 20 seconds flat I'll bet me silver-mounted guns in the gross tension half I am Rafi tootin cowboy from the Grove Texas ring I can ride a bike and rope of Mike and random 7m I can't roll it up as critter that ever grew up in a rocking car and a wagon that's the place where I was born [Music] [Music] say you certainly put those songs over Montana slim thanks Andre how'd you learn that yodel oh this learn to do that took plenty of practice I'll bet now better gives you a voice quite a workout well it's a real strain on the old throat Andre you know I sing on the air and for phonograph recordings and as you told me that was one of the reasons you picked Lucky's for your cigarette wasn't it that's right Lucky's never bothered my throat so I smoked them ever since c:1928 there once well taste and smoke - thanks Montana slim and you folks listening have you tried a lucky lately remember Lucky's are swell tasting and easy on your throat because you get the benefits of the toasting process which no other cigarette offers you over three million people saw a movie of its toasted at the New York World's Fair and the same movie is being shown to thousands every week at our radio broadcasts it actually lets you see how toasting takes out certain harsh throat evidence found in all tobacco and I'll the concentrated sunshine of the ultraviolet ray adds it's extra mellowness to the leaf next time you buy cigarettes asked for the only one that offers you the throat protection of its toasted ask for Lucky Strike
Channel: mrblindfreddy9999
Views: 1,936
Rating: 4.5897436 out of 5
Keywords: Wilf Carter
Id: H4jTtBAl4vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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