WildEarth - Sunset Safari - 31 Dec 2022

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[Music] good afternoon good afternoon everyone and welcome in the beautiful uh afternoon here at Pride land Eco training while they have Safari live we're having a beautiful luxury Santa Africana they are the elephant that is right next to us here it's just coming out from the water Hall and heading a little bit South it's a bush elephant very common we know that we have Indian and we have lots of more elephant we have but this one it's a I mean it's an African elephant that we have in the area very very healthy species from myself Direction and Panda behind the camera we're wishing you a great afternoon and happy happy New Year to everybody that joins us this afternoon please we are really happy for you to send us any questions or com question or anything that you would like to see for the afternoon or chat about we are so much happy to do so we are looking forward to a little bit more software the elephant's going at the moment and check if it's anything we had a little bit report on of breeding heart of elephant that moving into the area you know that elephant home-range species they cannot be at the same area they keep on moving all the time and really we are happy for you joining us for the afternoon and we are looking forward for a great great afternoon and looking around here I'm so positive this afternoon maybe we might see sexy too she was heading more North in the area where we have Lansing here very close to um Pride land axis road that had stayed to the east she might be still around in an area with due to this weather you know that animal change a little bit of behavior and also how the movement it tend to be sometimes very active some of the species of course they're a little bit slow when it comes to how they're moving a reflection for example I mean we look at the elephant elephant once is very cold in the morning I mean in the area they change a little bit of a behavior and how actually normal do things they don't move that much for they concentrate in the area where it's quite a lot of fear uh probability of grass and other species of plants material that they eat that's reason you don't don't find them moving quite a lot because the species itself if it's too hot it helps quite a lot I mean heavy water holes in front because the animal they have skin that absorbs a lot of heat if the heat exceed the percentage of the heat that normally has to carry it on the skin they have to go back to the water and cool down themselves but with this weather they cannot come in Leona yes of course is a great great um to start the show having elephant on on the short let me try to have to go a little bit towards where the elephant is going it could be more elephant around there because this is a male I believe that it could be another melzer tank together with him that joins in The Bachelor Bachelor group it's in the nature of elephant elephant males they move together for the reason we all know that after so far that the elephant have to pass on the experience pass or they express one another let us take care let's look at the weather in a different location that we have Ian Wallace good afternoon everybody yes welcome to a sunset Safari from Juma private Game Reserve in Zombie Sands and we've started the afternoon off with a beautiful male battalier who was feeding on what is left of Columbus Kill from this morning or he was he's now sitting in the tree it looks as if the kill has fallen out of the tree onto the ground I did have a quick swing pasture at the end of drive and I did see that there still was a little bit of plumbers Impala left in the tree so I wanted to come and check if perhaps she'd come back but there is no sign of her uh and what is left of because it's just in the grass you can just see it there and when we came around the corner this battery was feeding obviously it's got a bit of a fright so we came around in the corner uh we're waiting patiently to hope that he comes back and uh finishes off what little is left so we'll do a quick sweep of the area and see if we can find plumber but I would think she's probably lying under a bush somewhere happily digesting but it's always nice to see that there is no waste here whatever the battle is leave behind the ants will finish and I'm sure the hyenas will be back have a sniff around later but a very very Happy New Year's Eve my name is Ben on camera I have Igor with me and we are very excited to spend New Year's evening with the everybody there not everybody here uh other than this this was kind of my plan for this afternoon was to see if the lumber was around uh but they will check Rebecca's we'll check carefully on quarantine South for the monster see if there's any tracks um but I can't imagine she would have gone very far she was nice and full but still as I said nice to see how it everything is utilized out here and of course battle is and 20 Eagles are well known for feeding on kills It's Not Unusual to find a battle there eating on what's left of a leopard carcass or a leopard's carcass uh up in the tree and it's always a good thing to look out for if you're driving around and you see a couple of battlelers and a couple of 20 Eagles in the same tree it's always worth stopping and having a look because believe it or not they often find kills and did things before the vultures do and the vultures will key off watching the Eagles descend purely because their eyesight is so spectacular I mentioned it this morning but in one millimeter squared of visual cells at the back of a bird's eye has over a million cells per square millimeter compared to our 200 000 making them at least five times more acute eyesight than us and you're going to come back and carry on eating buddy I suppose it's probably the same one I saw this morning because he wasn't too far away from here the potential third wheel for our pair of battle ears that have been around ingway drive so maybe he's been distracted by the opportunity of some free food but yeah let's hope he comes down and we see him feeding on the rest of that carcass all right but it's not just me out in Juma Tessa is also out and about let's send you over to her so she can say good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon everybody Happy New Year's Eve I have started I started off I'm speaking half Afrikaans off English I've started off my afternoon looking for something unusual hi how's everyone doing today I figured I'd be looking for some lions I think I found one my name is Tess I'll be taking you out on another epic Safari this afternoon behind the camera today is Rihanna do you like lines yes I think we should look for some lines today and I figured since it is New Year's Eve I could channel for a channel for a change my inner lion and so here I am matching my shirts and hoping that at some point I shall actually find one I think it's going to be a fun afternoon I think we're going to find a lot of very unusual things and I'm hoping that it's going to set the theme for an incoming 2023 I think it's going to be amazing but I figured if we're looking back at an incredible year it's been 12 months of craziness up and down Ebbs and flows happy and sad and a lot of challenges but it has been amazing because I feel like I'm coming out of it stronger than I ever have so for a change instead of being the usual leopardess that I am I figured it's a good day to China why do I keep saying China on the camera he's making faces at me to channel my inner lioness for a change although apparently this lioness has a Mane but I'm okay with that because I feel like I have a Mane and we know how bad it gets especially on days like today right it's a really overcast wait day and my main just goes wild hence the beanie because if I took it off I think I'd be more impressive than a male lion on a day like today so we're just going to go with it we're going to appreciate the bun and and the matching lion should and we're going to use that energy to try our best to channel yay growth and development you see right at the end of the year so proud we're going to use it to channel some Line energy and hope that we managed to find some somewhere I can't become too excited it's the last day of the year but I would love to know from all of you what are you doing for your New Year's Eve please let me know we are going to be out on an epic Safari here in Juma my plans include making Rhian laugh more than he has for the rest of the year combined which I've already started on and we're going to head towards Biffle sug Dam I'm sure you guessed that to see if any clan members are coming out but we also want to head down the Eastern side see if we can find any of those maybe Torchwood lines because I'm feeling a little different today up here close to Sandy patch unfortunately no talamatis that we were hoping for but that's okay I feel like we'll be all right we'll make a plan we'll make it work for now though I'm enjoying the log it's a beautiful view there's a little bit of wind and it's perfect weather for Predators so hopefully we all get lucky I'm hoping Calamba comes back for Ben but for now he does at least have a really cool predator in the tree regardless so I'll send you over there while I'll look for some crazy lines today well obviously the Alberta prey is not feeding on leftovers it was feeding on leftovers but it's still feeling a little bit shy hasn't quite relaxed in our presence yet uh still pretty much where he left it where we left him and I'm definitely saying him you can see that black lower parts of the uh the wing there if that was a female that would be mostly white it'd be a big white window there so it is definitely a male there was also a juvenile battle here here as well when we pulled in but he got much more of a fright against a confidence thing that adult just flew up into this ruler the youngster disappeared and flew away but he knows there's he or she knows that there is food here so I'm sure they'll come back but we're parked probably sort of 30 40 meters away just trying to give him some space but yeah I don't know whether he's going to come down and feed but I hope so but plenty of meat still was plenty of meat there's any little chunk but for a little battle here uh there's plenty of food down there so I can't imagine they will abandon it but they should probably do it quickly because I'm sure there'll be a hyena sniffing around at some point this evening they know that plumber did have a kill up here and I'm sure they'll swing past to see if there are any leftovers at some point this evening but uh once we leave here I will check philemon's dip and I will check quarantine South to see if we have any tracks uh I did speak to Tess this morning she said that Colombo was last seen heading down towards the Juba bushbriar and then into the bushes and never came out so she may just be lying under the bushes there so I should go and have a proper look for her at some point I could say she will be very full after this and she's certainly not under a great amount of water stress so chances are she's just snoozing the day away under a bush somewhere but we'll go and have a look and see what we can find in a little bit foreign okay so we're just sitting quietly and trying to keep still this battle is now sort of facing the carcass that is on the ground so obviously feels a little bit more Exposed on the ground but maybe the fact that he's sort of facing it now chest on means he's perhaps considering coming down to have something to eat but you can see that big notch in the bill perfect for grabbing hold of bits of Flesh and ripping off chunks yeah so if we're lucky maybe we'll come down and feed occasionally you get to see it in places like Kruger because obviously they're on the the national roads within the park and the batteries have become a little bit more habituated to vehicles and cars I've had a few sightings over the years unfortunately usually feeding on roadkill where people have not seen a chameleon or a scrub hair or something um so there they've become a bit more relaxed but obviously it's not something that happens very often here and it does take these animals a little bit of time to get used to us and these big green things that are driving around so we're hoping that he plucks up the courage looks like he's got a bit of a cloak on this afternoon it's a very sunburnt feet and faces of faces and feet looks like me after 20 minutes in African sunshine don't hide your head behind the branch put all the liking on that Branch very good sign of good air quality here and I can only grows in areas where air quality is good because they absorb a lot of the toxins from the air so it's one of those environmental indicators along with other things like frogs if you have lots of those things suggests that your air quality or your water quality is very very good and it's something to monitor in case they start dying out then you know you have a bit of a problem I think he's gone all shy good afternoon everyone welcome to MIDI quick game reserve we have arrived at the bat caves area and it's Lush and it's green and it's just full of zebra it's beautiful it's a really good area to check we came here the other day for escape to Nature and it was just filled it was filled with so many different species all in one area which is just so lovely to see we thought we would follow up on the dogs from this morning but sadly they're not there anymore and it's just too thick for us to actually see which way they went but good afternoon my name is Lauren that is Darby's thumb and of course this is the last Sunset Safari of the Year 2022 is over almost glad but not glad it's been a great year but of course it's also been a year where we're still recovering from what happened in 2019 but so many great moments so many great sightings a lot of people ask me what's your favorite site I'm gonna just not really possible for me to ever answer and I'll miss these bad caves for sure you feel incredibly small when you come to areas like this I'll have four days of the New Year in medikue and I'll need to make sure that we have lots of great sightings for you all ah the bird sounds here are just incredible and as I've told you before I've actually never seen a bat here Jasmine you are so happy to be with me for New Year's Eve do you know in Scotland we don't ever say New Year's Eve we say hulk money so happy hogmanay Jasmine happy holiday New Year's Eve isn't really a term that you use in Scotland and then I forget that other people actually don't say hog money but we're happy to be here with you all is it strange it's a strange time of year a year is ending in what is time what is a year really it's obviously a human construct but it's quite significant in a way on a personal level and a career level and all sorts of levels but I have a really good feeling that next year is going to be a good year 2023 how many weeks or even months do you think it's going to take before we stop right in 2022 down is the date that is a good question look at this little fall it's really black at the front and then it's really Brown at the oh okay well it's now being bombed by an adult but um that's disappointing I've been staring at it for ages it's multi-colored hold on hold on it'll appear again the one behind I wait just till you see the back of the body if it's no it's really pale behind look at that can you see that or am I just imagining things so if he doesn't agree anyway Chelsea not necessarily no see stallions have the Harem but I wouldn't say that they actively decide where the Harem are going to eat or drink I think zebras are very water dependent so they will always sort of just go through water it doesn't really mean that the stallion is that making that decision if that makes sense water will always be incorporated to their daily life and of course so eat just like all the herbivores out here are pretty much all day they consume a lot per day and they'll just move with the herd I wouldn't really say that it's a stallion's decision where they eat or drink I'm afraid I mean you rarely find zebras about 10 kilometers away from water they're really water dependent and they must drink daily that's because of their unique sort of digestion so you will always find them around water they're not going to be miles away from a good water point to me that little one's bum does look very appeal and does look very Brown it's probably very young a brown hyena would be a great wish for today on hogmanay even a spotted actually Timmy I think it was Timmy Timmy why do some people have blonde hair and some people have brown hair why are my eyes blue and Darby's Eyes Green genetics to me it's all genetics animals although they look the same to us they they are all not the same at all they're all going to have different different patterns different sort of unique variations in their code and the hair length and the stripe width and the coloration and it's just genetic so our different species of zebras where you can really tell the difference there but within the plain zebra that we're looking at right now they'll just have a different quote from genetics the mountains there brother we saw in amakala they were just stunning and they are sort of cool doesn't quite look the same their stripes don't go down right under the belly so if you have a really good look at them their stripes actually stop right at the sort of end of the rib cage almost oh that looks good now that is a good scratch I'm a little bit jealous you know when you find that spot ah animals never fail to make me laugh okay as we Bumble on for the afternoon we're gonna send you guys over to amakala to say good afternoon hello good afternoon everybody Welcome to uh New Year's Eve day here in amakala Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape we are all well this side we hope you are too and we have started off with uh a few giraffes that are roaming around here my name's Andrew good afternoon again and I have BK behind the camera yes we are getting ready for the new year aren't we so yeah let's have a look at these uh giraffes over here what are they up to today now just in case you're wondering we are going to look for those three cheetah see if they are around and about to be thought we can't just go past such a beautiful sighting of giraffe this one what's this one doing busy scratching yeah I'm getting the groove on for New Year's party tonight maybe that's actually quite nice on top of it all is a giraffe of course looking out like a little decoration very nice this is a looks like a group of female giraffes and I wonder how they've been feeling because you know those female cheetahs have been in the Newlands area for the last two days and I'm pretty sure these giraffes have come across them at some point and uh of course haven't you they're not going to do too much to to adult giraffe like this but still they do become nervous around the cats especially when there's three of them another female giraffe walking in very pregnant always a good sign when the animals are breeding that they're happy in the environment they're doing well foreign you know afternoon Ryan I haven't really been thinking about New Year's resolutions but off the top of my head I think to brush my teeth more at night time and to put more sunblock during the day I think that's going to be the top two for me BK any resolutions your side they come to mind he's gonna follow his plan to be awesome foreign yours let us know what are your what's your number one resolution it's always a nice time just to go into the new year hoping to make a few changes foreign Bush open to all Explorers sign up and stand a chance to win the three-night stay for two at the Fantastic machato Lodge in Botswana this bucket list prize includes daily Safari drives traditional African cuisine spacious luxury suites and a promise of sheer relaxation sign up now and stand a chance to win [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] because it's just so beautiful I just love this area love the energy of it and just looking at those bad caves I believe you do find bats there but it's obviously just the name of this area and it looks like erosion if you think about it it looks like the sort of mountain face has been eroded and erosion is a huge problem in parts of the world it's basically the action of different processes from where mostly weathering that remove soil rock or any sort of material from one location it erodes the land but from what I've heard here and what I can gather this formation that we're looking at is gorgeous bat caves have actually formed from the complete opposite geological process from erosion which is their position so instead of the Side of the Mountain being eroded and worn away from weathering it's actually where materials have been deposited and built up to create that formation which is really interesting but it just gives such a striking appearance and very often when we get closer it's just hard to get close because we have a roof on the vehicle which means you can't really see there are often baboons we've heard that you can find leopards here a wonderful place listen to The Sounds white mean very good question I believe so I have heard stories you know guides guides love to tell Tales I have heard many attil that they are and you can sort of wander inside I don't know if you I don't know if there's a sort of tunnel effect when you can go in one entrance and come out the other I'm not sure of that but you can actually get inside the caves but I believe someone went inside a few years ago and actually ended up finding a pack of wild dogs ah yes it was Ollie I knew someone a regade Ollie he's fantastic told us that story and I believe they also encountered something else in there so you've got to be very careful I mean I mean to go in there is obviously going to be dark and you are the vulnerable one because you don't know what's in there any animal that is in there knows that you're coming they can probably see you hear you or they're just aware of something coming into the cave so they have the upper end upper hand sorry so good question might mean but I believe they are I would love to go inside but naturally it is extremely dangerous especially compared to dreamers obviously so much bigger but the Predator density is much higher there are lions on every single corner oh the wildebeests have arrived anybody going into labor I'm going to check I can't tell from this distance if it's male or females but I will check because I'm determined will I get it in 2022 well the time is now I'm gonna watch them will will there be a mostly give birth in the morning to be honest but the weather's been so atrocious today and they can give birth all throughout the day not in the night but we could just get lucky when Davi takes out his earpiece I know he's heard something I need to keep mine in to listen to the director but he's heard baboons shouting do they sound very unhappy medium medium and happy okay maybe it's worth hanging around this area imagine me got a leopard for our last day that leopard sighting we had up in the Northwest was just incredible and it was all live and that's what I love I get really upset when I'm not able to share the moment with all of you guys when I've seen it but you guys haven't I get upset because I want to share it with you and that leopard sighting was all live it happened as you saw it it was just a sight thing that I definitely won't forget foreign absolutely we actually witnessed this if you go back a few weeks um my goodness I would not be able to tell you the date but when Davi and I were up in the Northwest living at Tau Lodge we actually saw the tail end of a birth literally the tail end the calf was just born by mere seconds and the mum was obviously passing the after birth it was on the ground and she started eating it it's actually quite common and it's a good thing in a way it's filled with a lot of nutrition protein and it's obviously her own she's not eating foreign material it's her own full of nutrition and by eating it you're actually getting rid of it because it will have a very distinctive smell to a predator as well Predators unfortunately love this season there are zebra Falls there are wildebeest calves and Paula Lambs giraffe calves everywhere it's a buffet and they will be very heightened to the scenes of the birthing process and especially the afterbirth so for the wilderbeers to actually eat it it's a good thing she's getting rid of it from the environment and it's obviously very nutritious so yes Yola they absolutely do witnessing it was quite strange to get it live it was really quite an interesting sighting I must say I've never had a sighting like that before you've got to be lucky to see a birth ad in the wild you've just got to be in the right place at the right time looking at the right individual it's not always obvious okay we may hang around here just to see what the baboons are medium upset about but I'm going to send you over to my very good friend rexen we are joining the head of Impala this is the food for the Wild dog and the leopard in most common in the area find that wild dogs like to hunt the Impala we came into the area where in the open field called zebra Plains in most cases wild dog likes to come in the area I just checked here it looked like in the morning there's a Tracks Of War Dogs we're chasing the Impala head itself maybe the wild dogs have head back to the north they like to be in Era and Poland are very common they're a lot more peaceful at the moment seems like there's nothing around here I've learned behavior with the Impala here these Impala they have no fear of any Predators even if the leopard is close by they tend to be like showing quite a lot coming close the lap at I mean giving lamb calls but the way they're behaving at the moment is nothing for me that I can read from them I just stop here to see if there's anything that really shows that I can take and able to follow up but yes they're a lot more happy all of them are not getting up and start to run away they were lying down for the course of a day doing ruminating because they are poaching my stomach is that time now to get up and move they know that could be anything that might be start to move around in the area in terms of predators or War Dogs does this they need to take a cover now I saw the wind is breaking there might be the cost of that they need to be on a tree line of this open clearing in order to be safe from anything that might be coming here because they can able to hear the problem of them to be in an open if the wind start to pick a little bit faster they cannot able to hear what might be around hearing it could be a lot more distep so they have to be in a ticket where the trees most of time it will slow down the wind speed and able to hear what might be they rely on sense of a smell of course and sense of hearing and the eyesight there's reason sometimes if they find like very difficult they can able to really courage or really able to form the aggregation with the other species of course as far as zebra will the beast in the area which quality of wilderness and sometimes you find them of giraffe then they can combine the elements of uh being successful in the area element of hearing and eyesight and sense of a smile those three elements is very very vital imported for the animals out in the bush if you're not good on cancer for smart you're going to be surprised and get killed if your eyesight is not good you will be selected your heading is not good you're going to be killed so it's rather all three three elements able to be working perfectly for you to survive it's how nature it works same as us walking in a bush being a guide or Trek you need to hear you need to smile you need to have to see if you don't smell you would never know where's the elephant you might be stumbling into the elephant bow that is in Mass because you can able to smell what is around you you can smell him in the center of Alliance a scent of a leopard then you know that is a fresh Scent of a leopard then you have to wash up another area so working in a bush or tracking in a bush or living in a bush you need to have these three elements working oh look at this this start should be like enjoying it could be weather that's coming in look it down to the um North South it looks like clouds are building up so this Impala they're a little bit getting excited you know Impala is very simple finding them if you zoom into them you can see they're more like brownish in color reddish that shows that it's very cold there has a little bit more fluffy it's indication that the weather is not great for them they really need to get together and be together to close one another I mean get touch one another in order to keep themself or look at this behavior of this Impala as I was saying where that's coming is doing that kicking and planting kicking the back legs running rounding Circle that is more excited it's very peaceful way they are at the moment okay well no sign of plumber checked philemon's dip couldn't find any tracks there I've checked Rebecca's no tracks there those are the two roads that in theory her last direction would have brought her out on unless she double backed quarantine South which is where I'm on my way to now I even had a bit of a walk in the block by the tumor Bush breakfast area there but couldn't find I think maybe she's gone down dropped down into the drainage line there between Rebecca's and quarantine just for a little bit of peace and quiet and to get out of the wind and find a nice Bush but we will check throughout the course of the afternoon I'm sure we'll pop back here once or twice uh but no luck yet unless she's popped out this side but then I would say that would be unusual but she is the queen of Direction changes uh otherwise we've been doing a little bit of birding we've managed to get eager a couple more birds for his list what do you want now Eagle 52 or something 51 52. yeah we've seen some Southern black tits and some white crested helmet strikes and a lapid faced vulture flying around in the distance which was a nice one to see and a red vested swallow but it might well be a good afternoon for Birds because they won't have done much over the last 36 hours because of the persistent drizzle and now it is just cool and overcast they might be a little bit more active taking advantage of all the insects that potentially will be coming out now after the rain especially if it warms up a little bit this evening but worryingly I do think the forecast is there might be another little shower later this afternoon in the early evening but the bush is very grateful for the rain and so are we to be honest so I'm just heading up Zoe's it's on the off chance to Club a double back on herself but I think that's a good chance well I would have said she'll pop out at Gary down but there's so many puddles around on the road now that and she's quite happy to drink from a puddle of water that I think our chances are slim but I'm going to go past the the site anyway just to see if we could maybe catch those passengers back feeding now we've left them in peace as well that would be nice to see cross fingers so we are doing some of the smaller things and this is what I was hoping we would see especially after all of the rain we have got a termite Mound alive with little termites building and adding on to their already massive castle that they have built if you look closely especially with those little darker holes are you can see movement from tiny little red termites it's actually their heads that we're seeing more than anything but I'm hoping a full one comes out so you can see the body as well all there on the left Maybe starting to come out and so what they're doing is taking advantage of this nice wet weather it has wet the soil which has made it a lot easier to excavate and thus add on to the termite Mound I am not out of the car purely because if I go there they are going to retreat back into the termite Mound and I don't want to disturb them they are doing a great job of building and so we can very luckily watch from a distance thanks to you Rhian and his wonderful skills so for now we will watch them constructing what you will notice is the backdrop looks a little bit rough with little stones and things included in the soil but the area that they are working looks like little balls of soil and that's exactly what it is it's little balls that they are Excavating from a tunnel they're probably making a tunnel deeper or wider inside of this mass of termite Mound and then they come up to the top and once they've excavated that soil from a bottom it comes out with a mixture of saliva and sometimes even feces then roll it into a little ball and they deposit it on the outside to make all of those massive chimneys and keep the termite Mound growing bigger and bigger and bigger and it's just incredible and there's so much to talk about here so I'm going to stick around for a little bit but for now Lauren has a very special sighting in Monique foreign thank goodness they haven't disappeared not as good views anymore but we finally have what I've been looking for clip springers so rare to see how Tia you get a flash you get a moment I managed to put one on e2n maybe a few weeks ago but I've never put one on Safari live or Dobby the other ones climbing up I love clippies they're the most unusual little things really they look at that this is a Terrain that they thrive in they need that Rocky terrain to sort of be Eclipse printer they've got a really unique foot structure which is utterly bizarre to look at and they just buns and gallop and spring from rock to rock oh no these are proof this is so cool I've been waiting to show you guys a clip Springer for a very long and they're right at the bat caves of course they're here that makes so much sense it's a really small Antelope you would be forgiven to think it's a darker from far away not as seen bulky wouldn't be forgiven for that but a tiger yes possibly from far away but when you see them especially when you see their feet and the sort of way that they do position themselves on the rock you you know what they are if you've never seen the food structure I obviously can't can't really get a nice close-up view for you but please do Google it and it's just it's wonderful to see obviously the ungulate fruit structure is they are all on their tippy toes really but this is extra tippy toes this is stiletto style Bush stiletto climbing up the mountains on the thinnest point of this stiletto that you could ever imagine really unusual to see I'm so happy okay it's not a hyena but I still got my end of year sighting I think Oliver you have made my day you said it's the first time for you to see one that's so exciting I haven't seen them that often my first one was in Orchards which is a lovely park in South Africa quite close to the namibian Border and we stayed there for a few nights and that was my first time seeing one but here I've only managed to put one live on escape to Nature and in now fascinating little beings they've got they look quite stocky I don't know if you would agree they look quite chunky and it's actually due to the really thick coarse hair that's on their body it's very thick very coarse and it cushions them and sort of insulates them so it makes them look bigger than they actually are and then when you go down their thin little legs and you look at their hooves it makes your body look even bigger because it's out of proportion and the hooves are actually Slim the hooves are actually cylindrical and it just they just look like they're going to break their leg at any moment but of course they don't they're amazingly agile up there and I think a lot of the leopards in medikue will Feast on clippies especially the leopards that spend most of their time around the rocky terrain I think Cliff Springers will be the bulk of their diet and maybe a dassy or two oh why you've been so cute that's adorable I honestly thought when we drove the car here that they were going to run away or spring away should I say and they're monogamous so the two that we saw the other one's still there is just out of view and I don't really want to turn the car on they do form sort of lifelong bonds just like Steamboat and believe it or not what's fascinating is in South Africa only the males have horns you can see here you can see exactly which one's male and female but believe it or not in parts of East Africa and not all of East Africa but parts of East Africa horns are present in both sexes which is really bizarre and it's obviously sort of evolved that way through what the species have experienced in East Africa and it's possible because the populations up there may be experience sort of greater competition so there's been a mutation and it's thrived through natural selection that both sexes have horns whereas in South Africa it's only the male this is such a cool side down this is fast becoming one of my favorite places I do like one of the places called ambushali but this is close second I think just listen I'm gonna absolutely must be brown hyenas in this area I'm convinced of it I've seen their tracks but anyway as we sit and enjoy our clippies we're going to send you guys back over to Tessa well done on finding a club Springer that is so cool Lauren I am a little bit jealous I'm not gonna lie it's been a while since I saw a clip Springer anywhere in these regions I did see one on my way down on leave about a month ago it was amazing far distance in the Kruger National Park absolutely brilliant lovely little antelopes very pretty well done now on the side we are still admiring the termite Mound and all of the big chimneys that are being built now that it has been raining a little bit you can see it's looking quite dark almost chocolatey in color and that's thanks to the Rain wetting the soil but also the chimneys are going to be darker because naturally that soil is still wet where the rest of the termite Mound will dry but the termites are still here and they are still building they might be hollowing out something at the bottom maybe increasing the size of the chamber where they store their food or making the tunnel network bigger underneath and if we watch there hopefully we're going to see them coming out and depositing some of those little balls of soil saliva and feces to make it a nice strong cement a foundation for building but I do have a little quiz for you maybe you can give me some answers on this I would like to know when a termite is reproducing so it's there's a queen in termites and there's usually a king that contributes towards this process what is the difference between the workers and the soldiers in terms of their DNA as opposed to a queen's DNA when she makes new queens versus when she makes workers and soldiers how does it differ in this process and the second thing I'd like to ask from you is how many eggs can a termite Queen lay per day in her life as the termite Queen I'll give you a clue when she starts off she starts off small but as the colony gets bigger the amount of eggs She lays per day grows drastically how many can she lay in a day bearing in mind there are over 3 000 species of termite known to science and there are over a hundred species that you'll find in the Kruger National Park alone I'm looking for an average I wonder if anyone will get it it is an amazing number absolutely amazing unfortunately the termites have abandoned us but I will point out that very big chimney at the back which was actually the first chimney we looked at to see if there were any termites before we found these ones right next to the road I want you to have a look inside of this chimney because a piece of it has broken off probably from something sitting on it maybe Birds even chipping away at it a little bit I want you to have a look at the structure there's a massive Hollow in the middle very typical of the chimney to help regulate the temperature and the humidity because they are detritivores they eat dead plant material but they can also do a process where they use fungi and it's called fungi culture or fungi culture to digest the plant materials and then they eat the products of the fungi and this is very important to control the humidity for those fungi to grow but look how smooth it is on the inside where they smooth it out versus the rough surface on the outside that allows it to have a strong build but also just a nice rough texture to deflect the rain so that it doesn't wash everything away but I'll be waiting for answers I'm very very excited hello my name is Melanie and I'm sitting in prison coal Hobart Tasmania which is a small island off Coast of Australia I became an Explorer for Wilderness quite a number of years ago when they first advertised the musicians I'm so excited about winning the rock fig prize which will be in the big way and I cannot wait to have that adventure and I thank the organizers so much for this opportunity foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign so we have managed to find these cheetahs and we are really chuffed with ourselves because just moments ago we were watching the giraffe talking about finding cheetah and so we ventured into yeah so far and uh it wasn't that long and we felt very very happy here looks like they're having a little bit of a play there every now and then they do play tug of war with each other which is always quite nice beautiful absolutely beautiful if you would imagine they've been sleeping here for most of the day he did come and look for them in the morning but we just couldn't find them at all but we spent a lot of time in this area we did follow their tracks for quite some time and but unfortunately their Footprints went on to an area where the substrate was very hard and we sort of lost the trail and then we just sort of just took binoculars and scanned out with binoculars to see if they weren't lying in the shade while we did spot with some bless book that was running around and we stuck around we didn't find him this morning unfortunately and we sort of left the area feeling a little bit defeated saying to ourselves no this afternoon is a new time to come and try and definitely persistence always pays off just beautiful beautiful beautiful very special special cheap teachers have you saw the SE are the notable searching one of the best cheetah sightings I've had in my career and because of that I've grown just that much more attached to these cheetah thank you okay beautiful lying right next to each other almost like a mirror image again this is typically how they do lie down Ruby interesting question you mean do you mean with these three male cheaters so with this Coalition they are usually always together and then when they do separate from one another for whatever reason and they do come across each other again it's a huge greeting or for a time but when it comes to brotherly love this bond is so much greater than what a bond would form with say a female cheetah they will stay with each other for the rest of their life unless something happens to them maybe you know a predator or a lion manages to catch one and this is where this Bond becomes broken or if space or competition is too great then you might find that they'll be forced to separate one another but Joe there to separate now and go off maybe one goes hunting and decides to come back in two days time or three days time big greeting big hello they'll see each other from a far distance away and always a celebration in that event but by saying that as well they're likely to stay with each other as a trio in most of the activities that they're going to do just Brilliance we're going to send you Tim a decree in the meantime but I'll tell you what we will stay with them a little bit longer and let's see what Lauren is doing we wanted to show you the butterfly selection that we have mud puddling around this small water hole but these two boys keep distracting me up ahead Darby look they're really fighting and clanging and distracting me is very rude [Music] um I think the other ones walked away they're banging tusks we heard the noise but we can quite figure out what it was and it's the this player there's a challenge over guys but I did want to show you those butterflies because maybe maybe in October a while back it was just the brown vein twice everywhere and I am not joking I've never seen so many brown vein bites in my life you couldn't you couldn't look at any sort of part of the Reserve without seeing them any sighting we had they were just dancing across the screen it was wonderful I didn't see any other species but now the cycle has changed and that's how it works with butterflies because they have a well they all have different life cycles but most of them especially the blues that we're looking at right now have short life cycles and depending on when the eggs hatch will sort of depend on when your life cycle is so maybe the brand vein fights that we were continued their migration or they're at the end of their life cycle and these guys are now at the start of theirs and I must say I don't know which blue it is I can tell by the size and the pattern of the under underwing it is one of the Blues I just don't know which one so it's almost like a shift and I noticed that in Juma you see different species at different times I painted ladies and Juma came out really late African African vegans come out very early you see them really early on the monarchs come out early the policemen come out late it's just different species that you see at different parts of somewhere I find it really fascinating butterflies have actually had us all fooled they're a lot darker than we think they are when you read upon them they're really not as Flappy and floppy and pretty and shimmery as one thinks they can be toxic they drink blood the males are also known to mate with some females whilst she's in the chrysalis she hasn't even hatched um yes he tears open the Chrysalis and meets with her right there and then so butterflies have secret little lives there's actually a great article by Nat Geo and it's called butterflies Behaving Badly what they don't want you to know it's worth a read but it's a busy time to be a butterfly because you've got to reproduce this is your time you've been a caterpillar you've been fat and hungry and you fed now it's time to reproduce and you've got to you've got to do the job you've got to lay your eggs you've got to meet and it's a really busy time for butterflies and that's exactly why you find the mud puddling they're trying to just get extra nutrients has to be white it has to be liquid because they suck it up from their proboscis they don't have mandibles or anything like that so they need it to be liquid oh you two are back up white man um I don't think elephants do react to butterflies I must say um I haven't seen an elephant really react to butterflies they'll probably blow them away with their trunk if they're trying to feed them the butterflies are floods and fluttering all around but I don't think they really react to them to be honest but in seeing that white main elephants are very reactive over most things and that rumor that elephants are scared of mice it's not really true but the essence of it comes from the fact that elephants are very reactive and they don't have good eyesight so they react to small things that they can't see that's why they get very very upset when there are things scuttling around their feet they know they're there they can feel them they can hear them they can probably smell them but they can't really see them and they get very very upset about it they react and that's where the whole elephants are scared of mice comes in they're not really scared of mice if that makes sense but if you think the eyesight isn't great and their head is also positioned really high up on that big skull so when something is running around on the ground they can't really see it but I don't think they react to butterflies that you never know with elephants I think these two boys are going to be at it for a while sitting watching Ellie's play because that's really what it is at this stage is it's so wonderful I don't know where the rest of the herd is I'm guessing they're nearby these two boys are very young and they just like to eat and then have an occasional boxing match you know as one does but I do love just sitting listening not talking all the way through every sighting so let's just take a moment or two to watch these Ellie's foreign and the stragglers the young boys often don't like keeping directly up of the Heritage they'll follow them but they like to struggle behind foreign so it seems like these cheetah have gotten up and they're slowly going to get mobile by the looks of it is going to climb on top here or just put the scent on the branch marking that foreign territory but actually it's not it's just leaving a scent down it's a natural thing that they do just to communicate to other cheaters perhaps or if there's a female in the vicinity that she will be able to smell that there is a male around here they're actually not home they're not territorial animals at all they are 100 home range which means they're going to move and move and move and not really return to areas to defend and they're quite clever like that because if they were territorial I think the numbers of cheetahs would be far less than what they are because uh being bound by territory I think their competitors would most definitely find them and by being roaming and home range they can constantly move they can pack up and move away look for a better area let's pack in and move far away again so it is key for their survival to keep moving foreign just pulled in now really makes things nice and cool Toby's Nature Reserve foreign we have got a cross-country visual of a Dazzle of zebras and the reason it's cross-country is because we're in an area where we physically can't get closer at this point thanks to the rain we're looking across a valley on the fire breaks south of Biffle Catalan but it's that Valley where the inlet to buffelsook dam is and so it's really wet in this little Valley so we're just being patient to see if the Dazzle dazzles onto the little fire break and disappears there are still a few yes coming out on the left side but we can't get closer for now but that's okay I'm happy with the Dizzle Dazzle from a distance and true to word Rihanna and I have each other in stitches today because we were chatting about why it's called A Dazzle of zebras right because they Dazzle your eye especially when they're all in one group oh let me quickly respond the radio standing by uh negative none today that I'm aware of all right thank you everyone is looking for Elephants but anyway Rian was just bringing up a point that I've never thought of what is a group of squid actually called Realm you don't know Lauren might know what a group of Squid together is called but they missed a great opportunity when they came up with the collective noun because they could have called it a squad of squid and it would create one of the best tongue twisters in marine life history a squad of squid squidding in a squad I don't know why but that it just sounds strange Dazzle of zebra is a squad of squid I feel like if we could rename some of the collective nouns for some of the species we would have a great time of it because you know there's a crash of Runners because they crash through the bush and things just go flying a herd of buffalo I think they missed out on an opportunity there I think it should have been at least a gang of Buffalo oh thank you silly the lovely voice in my ear has asked Lauren if she knows what a group of squid is called and she doesn't know either so we're gonna have to look this up but if anyone knows please let us know what a group of squid is called is it in fact called that Squad a squad of squid but there's some really interesting names aren't there a special collective nouns so we're going to think of some really good ones and what we think they should have been and if you have any suggestions at home of what collective nouns for different groups of animals should have been as opposed to what they are please let us know we have to have a decent life on the last day of the year to bring in the new year with a giggle I think it'll be awesome crows are cool it's a murder of crows yeah unusual and vultures have different ones have been your vultures a kettle very nice oh yeah there's some answers to my termite question thank you I'm excited to hear what everybody thinks I'm excited I'm excited termites are so fascinating also thank you for sending in some answers that was Zach or Jack I think it was Jack I'm gonna go with Jack but if it's Zach I apologize Zach Zach Jack Jack Zach um up to 10 000 eggs yes a lot of species do lay up to 10 000 eggs in a day so that's a really good um answer I'm gonna take it as as partially correct because there are some species that will lay up to ten thousand in a day however there are some that lay even more than that oh I will take it though because there are a few species that would be about 10 000 eggs in a day just think that three ten thousand in a day oh it's a lot of eggs to be laying a lot of work for the queen a lot of energy oh Elaine you are on the money I'm so happy thank you so much yes the truest answer across the board is over 30 000 eggs in a single day equating to over 165 million in a lifetime wow absolutely mind-blowing Elaine thank you very much for sending that answer in I'm quickly going to answer the radio and then I'll get back to some more standing bye Carl break call Brick Fortes oh no he didn't want to talk that badly never mind but yes Elaine you're absolutely on the money they're 30 000 eggs in a day 165 million in a lifetime so queen termite can live for over 20 years which is absolutely mind-blowing absolutely mind-blowing now I did ask a second part to that question and quickly to just go into that the difference between laying a queen egg versus a worker or Soldier egg is the workers and soldiers are a combination of king and queen DNA where the new Queen is a clone of the queen herself only her DNA very interesting fascinating makes it a perfect process anyway for now we will carry on The Dazzle has left we shall go to the dam and we shall send you to Rixon in pridelines foreign [Music] Taylor we are really with the Impala here very interesting here I have something to share with you which is something that really lots of time I came here and see this Impala I didn't understand what's going on I got this plaintiff if you look at there in front of us it's very common it's something that come on through the continent of Africa people that used to live in Africa or Shanghai Tsonga xhosa and all that they really like this Liam generia the clam General is one of the plants that Africans they really Bland during the hunt in Africa ladies will go and collect this in the applying field they have seeds they can plow also in their plant seeds if they're not successful in the hunt what does the Clemson area is something that they will collect as a vegetable and they got to cook that sometimes they can dry these vegetables they can sustain about maybe two years three years being dry if they keep them in the potteries big portraits that they have and if there is nothing to eat they'll take the dry I mean clear engine area and cook that and let the family feed on it this is very common this kind of vegetable the African people in the African continent they've been practicing this over to 200 years it comes from 120 to 200 years is something that I have grow up in a community when I get to see here I'm so surprised to see the clear engine area in the area it's loved by Venda speaking people sutu and all different kind of tribes as a Bantu tribes around here it's such amazing a plant that you see and once we got here we find Impala first they were on and we had the head of kudu running coming to specific plant and feed on it and left all of them they were all twelve six mil and six female after that another head of Impala they came again and they left and we can see here there's still more Impala coming into specific era all the time the general the Clem genara is something that really preferred by wild enemies and all wild animals and also the African people it's such amazing and I came here one day I was driving past I never noticed them very well I've seen some breathing hard of elephant the way in this area the reason why they were here I didn't understand all the time when I drive through you find animals are around this area enjoying this specific vegetable that I believe here is brought by human being to be in the area it's something that comes from already done in history yes the kudu are coming back again and I'm not yet even finished they could start to walk back into they will come to the specific plant and eat and move and come back it seems like it really prefer by kudu and Impala and elephant as I've witnessed in the area it's amazing amazing when I was boy I mean I've been introduced with my family into this I know how to prepare it is something that is very very delicious to eat it's one of the um vegetables that we believe as African people it treats a lot of disease if you eat it people who suffer from high blood you're also gonna have that they'll let you eat that which is really really interesting and people suffer from asthma also you were able to feed that and also the tea that comes out of it it used by African foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] sexy nose [Music] for the last Drive of 2022 we have got a hyena well actually we've got two but they're a little bit unrelaxed with the vehicle and I'm wondering if these are again not members of the Juma Clan slowly walking down the dam walls as they reposition we shall reposition because it's about to disappear out of you but I would like you to see the other one as well because I don't know who they are I don't think they're part of the Jew McLean thank you hyena we shall move forward ciao I'm sure you can guess where we are there is still a dead buffalo in the water not going to push any closer than this it is a far distance for you but they are both a little nervous around the vehicle if I want you to at least have a nice close-up of both of them because I don't know who they are potentially some of those clan members we saw last night who we think might be part of the Biffle soccer Clan but the fact that they are not used to the vehicles in itself is a bit of a Telltale sign that maybe this is not a Jimmy Clan also this one has a very interesting scar on its left back leg just on the outside of the kind of the flank it's got a swirl like a swirly scar which I've never seen on a hyena before looks almost like a corkscrew so it looks like they're going over to the other side of the dam that one is going towards Nola Road North but okay now it's turning left the other one is at that big fallen tree on the other side of the dam that used to not be a fallen tree and is now a beautiful viewpoint oh don't go behind the pole hyena coming down to the water's edge waiting for its friend oh Maurice based on last night's interaction alone I have to say yes I think these hyenas would fire to the Jew McLean if they needed to there were a lot of interactions happening are you gonna have a mud water or just a drink just a drink okay but yes there were a lot of interactions happening there was a lot of excitement Tails raised a lot of vocalizations and I think they definitely would fight the Jew McLean if it came to it although there wasn't an actual fight last night it was just the beginnings of what looked like a lot of tension but that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future so yes I do think that they could fight the Jew McLean but that being said the EP Clan might fight the Juma Clan the hyenas of incorro mats fat the G McLean if they came to it just like any lion Prides might have those same interactions they might have fights it would definitely happen in hyenas as well but again any animal that can avoid conflict absolutely will so that's why last night we saw vocalizations and we saw a lot of tension we didn't see any of them actually attack each other the closest we got was ribbon attacking the two unknown hyenas at the carcass which is normal but I found it interesting that they both were submissive towards her but any animal will avoid any actual physical fights if they can purely because it could result in injury that could result in death and it's a survival of the photostatia you cannot afford not to be unconditioned to hunt and to look after yourself and a fight could mean that that is a possibility and so the only time animals fight is when they feel that there isn't another option or when it's absolutely necessary and so we see male lions fighting a lot but this is necessary they have to pass on their bloodline and if someone else is in their territory or they're taking over a territory the only way to sort it out is to fight and someone usually backs down but occasionally that doesn't happen and that's when you find lines of serious injuries that could even be killed by other Lions so it would work the same way in clans of hyenas they are territorial they are protective and they will compete and if competition means a fight and it has to come to that then it will happen however the Jew McLean is very strong so I don't think that they're in any immediate danger they seemed to be alright last night but that being said we don't actually know what happened after we left it was probably quite a long night of interactions for all of the hyenas I don't know if it's standing and urinating or if it's just standing and thinking maybe a combination and things that might cause a clan to kind of push another clan member out could be things like injuries if they feel a hyena is too severely injured to pass on the bloodline and is in fact rather causing attraction of other predators that are competition then they might push a clan member out or eliminate the clan member I don't know I'm sure you remember the the interaction with swazilian and debile with Kira I think that was what we were seeing there that as much as they probably wanted to help they were also noticing that he was severely injured and would not in all likelihood have made it on his own and so at that point he becomes a liability to the clan which is awful to say but in reality when it's survival of the fittest that is how it goes so in that instance they might they might push out young males when they get to three to four years old if they don't immigrate out on their own or into a new Clan then they might get pushed out by the females to avoid inbreeding I'm going to move us forward because these hyenas are going to the other end of the dam um they might also do it if for example there's a mix-up of the hierarchy with matriarchs or potential matriarchs and that is kind of what we saw with with ribbon and Corky ribbon overthrowing corki and then Corky and the clan over throwing ribbon however they didn't kick her out she could have left I suppose but they didn't kick her out but that could happen in a severe case if there is a high Universe disrespect to the matriarch there is an overthrow it is possible that that could actually result in a clan member being pushed out completely but I'm sure there's other possibilities as well there's just the top ones I can think off of the top of my head because there are always other possibilities other options hyenas are definitely still interested in the caucus it keeps looking over towards the carcass which is just in front of us it's kind of between us and the hyena I don't know if you'll be able to see it there it is so they're still interested in it but I find it fascinating they're not as habituated as the Jew McLean obviously we are very good acquaintances with the joomer clan and so maybe the presence of us was enough to push them around the dam and come back the side even if it was completely unintentional from a distance of almost 70 meters already they started moving okay we're gonna stick around and see what happens they do look interested in the carcass it will spend a few minutes here see if they do manage to Brave the water for now it sounds like there is a spot of birding waiting for you I'm not surprised Tessa can be quite intimidating when she needs to be well we've completed our Loop looking forward to Lumber no sign of anything but we are keeping a very respectful distance probably about 50 or 60 meters away now and we do have feeding uh unfortunately from the angle we're at we can't see the bit of meat that it's eating but say there was a little chunk of Impala that had fallen out of the tree so nice to see the Juvenile Back the adult was on the ground it was actually on the road picking at what looked to be a bit of stomach content from the Impala that is now retreated back to the safety of the tree for this juvenile is thoroughly enjoying this say free meal you can clearly see the difference from the beautiful black and red coloration of the adult now for this brown and that sort of greeny blue gray facial features which will turn red with time the other thing we might be able to see we're talking about their tail light think somebody asked me a question about their tail this morning as well juvenile battle is do have a slightly longer tail than the adults and each time they molt their feathers as they're growing that tail becomes shorter and shorter so you can see it in Flight that they have a much uh well it's not exactly a much longer tail but a noticeably longer tail than the adults and that is thought to be just an adaptation to help the younger ones sort of Learn to Fly and learn to control their body I suppose it's a little bit like putting stabilizers on a kid's bike until such time as they're able to go solo with two wheels uh but nice to see one feeding here what we're going to try and do is we'll when we finish here we'll try and sneak a little bit closer and it would be nice if we can get close enough to actually see him eating and ripping that flesh apart with that beak but I think it's going to be difficult in the long grass I'm sure he's going to fly away that's just why we're keeping our distance for now let's say it's not just the hyenas that our Nature's Cleanup Crew so everything from Eagles all the way down to little ants for pretty much make sure there is nothing left of this Impala whatsoever everything is utilized so the adult is somewhere up in one of these marulas I don't know if we'll be able to see it but I'd say was on the road picking at the stomach content and there it is saying clearly see those difference in colors but just being a little bit shy this one okay speaking of predators it sounds like Andrew's cheetahs are on the Move let's send you back over to amakala and him yeah dude these cheaters are very busy they are up and down smelling here smelling there they found a puddle I don't I've even tried to look what they were drinking out of and we found no water but they definitely found a puddle somewhere we just kind of watch them and see what they're gonna do beautiful sighting it's in such a nice area it's so open here it's just grassland this is an ideal area for them to run there's no obstructions out here so they could really run and not worry about hitting any trees or anything like that and there is a fair amount of prey that occur out here blessed book love this area and I've seen it Impala as well okay all right we're just gonna just start the vehicle a little bit how's that good that's good all right so we do have a vehicle with us on the sighting man just enjoying a little piece of the shade there created by the vehicle they have the most wonderful temperament these cheaters they really are not afraid of the vehicles at all sorry about that yeah okay there's the beautiful branding of amakala over there very creative there so yeah thank you so they are up and down here as you can see I'm hoping they're going to lie down in the shade and get a bit stationary but I don't think that's going to happen they just want to move and move and move foreign like this you don't really need to say much just to stop and enjoy it it's equally as beautiful this hyena is going into the new year relaxing lack of beast on the bank of biffle's hook Dam it is just looking so chilled out it is watching over towards the carcass in the water but not actually getting up and moving any closer the other one came all the way around sniffed at the bank closest to the carcass and then disappeared into the bush so I think lost their nerve a little bit and that is understandable they don't know that there isn't a crocodile here we don't know that there isn't a crocodile here we just think there isn't but the unknown is a very scary thing especially in the wild and any animal will have severe severe precautions taken when they want to approach a water source even the biggest predators so we're going to wait patiently for a few more minutes and see if they do decide to move closer towards the carcass maybe the team of them together might build up the courage but for now I think they're just relaxing waiting for the light to fade a little bit maybe waiting for some backup they don't really need to go anywhere the food's not going anywhere nothing else seems to be coming in for it so I can definitely just have a relax for now Julian I think that it could go either way with a rogue female hyena I think she could potentially start a new Clan and try and find some other females that have come around or perhaps even just start mating on her own and have her own Cubs and raise them and slowly build a clan that way every daughter stays and every son eventually leaves there's definitely a possibility and it is probably how new clans were formed way back in the beginning when they started splitting and then more clans were created however I do think they could also join Junior Clan wow join a clan if there was a very tolerant matriarch that needed to grow the clan very quickly she might tolerate a rogue female especially if maybe there's a distant relation there maybe they would know that and be more tolerant towards somebody that's a distant relative as opposed to a completely strange hyena maybe it would work the other way around depending on the density of hyenas I don't actually know but I think it is possible for it to go either way I think it's also possible for a rogue hyena to stay rogue on its own if it doesn't need to be in a clan for example if there aren't a large number of lines around a rogue hyena would be absolutely fine wouldn't need the backup of the clan it would just need to find a male every now and then to mate and have Cubs so I think it's possible to go any which way I think it just depends on the situation the density of hyenas as well as the density of other large predators a hyena's biggest competition is a pride of lions in terms of species to species relations and so if they aren't big prize of lines around there is actually no need for hyenas to be in big Clans they could very easily survive on their own so you might every now and then find a Wandering hyena any reason you'd kind of need to be in big numbers is if you need the backup for stealing caucuses or defending a territory literally the only thing keeping this hyena awake at this point I think is the Flies hyenas are considered to be quite water dependent they should be drinking water every single day purely because of their diet as carnivores all carnivores are water dependent they're not quite like something like a stand back that is almost completely independent because it can get so much moisture from the very succulent plants that it's feeding on in that herb layer a hyena a lion a leopard a wild dog all of those Predators because they have a diet that consists vast majority of red meat with the occasional accidental intake of some vegetation or sometimes purposeful intake depending on what they need they need water to physically help digestion actually take place but also to help the body cool down because red meat is quite hard to digest so it uses a lot of energy which creates a lot of heat and that's often why on a hot day a predator with a big Bailey full of food is very sleepy they need to send that energy to digestion and they don't really want to be that active because it is exhausting it's also why us as humans especially South Africans I think after a big Bri on a Friday night a big barbecue we mostly end up feeling very lazy for the weekend because there's just so much effort to digest that red meat but water is a key ingredient there because it helps everything break down it adds fluid to the mix which in turn helps the digestive process but water is also a key element that we need in our bodies not only to Aid in the digestion but to feed our bodies the hydration that it needs and they wouldn't get enough just from the red meat so they are very water dependent they should be drinking every single day and hyenas are one of those lucky predators that enjoy the water so on a hot day you'll find them mud wallowing or lying in the edges of the dam they actually really like the water just like wild dogs do so if a hyena doesn't drink for a few days it'll start being in serious trouble things like kidney failure would be would be a concern and dehydration in general okay so it seems like the hyenas are pretty relaxed we'll try and stick around for a little bit longer if nothing changes we'll head on towards cheetah cut line for now rexen is doing some birding in prideland so I'll send you a bit further west foreign eagle and we just witnessed the wild dogs in the area the two wild dogs are always stay in the area and unbelievable how actually we realize that wherever Tony Eagle patch it will be always the hills around that era it looked like they killed something small let me Rush guys the water kabulary we were coming in the area specific to try to if we may find wild dogs or anything else we are lucky it will be a little bit fast right but at least we'll keep with the dogs I know that I might be heading down to the water Hall it's unbelievable to see them back again it's almost the area where we have seen them the other day and then now today they're in the same area one thing they're heading in the thick bush is trying to hunt something small but let's keep up with the one that is right on the route heading towards the east wow something dogs in this kind of weather they really move very fast we might lose these dogs but if continuously heading towards the bend area we have we have at least a better views to see the meme from the distance but once they had into the thicket like this to our left it will be more difficult I love the dogs I think uh we have to go to mijijana katlan we're heading that area there's a move maybe try to get them they are more successful this time of the year due to the all babies of Impala that are here the yellow cat line is not far and I believe that there can be at any time so we have to move unless if they decided to come back because these two dogs they have a certain behavior of a hunt I've been sitting with the dogs most cases they rely on a center for information and follow follow up on the sand itself lovely let me move a little bit raining here I believe maybe the rain is going to stop us not to follow these dogs because if it comes heavily we have to rush back to the camp but let me try my best to go to the Cat Land maybe I might be lucky and also I'll seek to help from the other guys if they can able to help us in the location to relocate these dogs located the two dogs uh on an APU uh Road they're heading straight to the north towards the metagenical climber I'll try to go and relocate them from the other side of the cut line okay here at Wild Earth we know it's not always possible to watch your favorite show live catching up on safaris is critical to you then download the wild Earth app and watch the catch-ups here first ketchups are available on our app before YouTube and in addition there are cut Downs of each show for those who only have time to watch the best bits it's incredibly cute download the brand new wild Earth app today and don't miss out thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] got it um the hyenas were still very very sleepy on the banks and they didn't look like they were about to get active anytime soon so we figured we did some sleep good afternoon uh just close to Missy still at buffel's hook Dam with that snyderabamba in the water and no sign of falamba the Bumbo was on the floor just with some eagles eating so now we're going to go towards cheetah Catalan because this morning there were apparently wild dogs on Torchwood fairly close to cheetah katlai but on the Torchwood side not visible from Cheetah cut line quite late in the morning and so maybe they've decided to wake up on such a cold and overcast day and pop over West towards rumor you know so we figured we might as well try just in case because it would be a great way to spend the last Drive of the year with some dogs maybe I should get some wild dog ears to match my line and leopard ears hmm Kathy Lee thank you so much for going and having a look with the collective noun for squid is it is apparently a Shoal of squid which I suppose makes sense there's a Shoal of fish and you know that would make sense for aquatic animals and particularly marine animals thank you very much a Shoal of squid good to know they definitely missed an opportunity with squatter squid is weird ah there are some really good ones thank you Cassie Lee do you do do you have any favorites any favorite collective nouns please let me know but for now Rixon has found the Wild dog so I'll send you over there welcome back we relocated this wild dog they have no general direction where they're going they're everywhere here it looked like the head of Impala they've been here that's raising they're going in circle it's one thing with the Predators ones that are up in a hunt they have no general direction same as leopard they will be everywhere they'll the little control but the animal where they've been and uh also where they've moved in these guys look like they are so inquisitive you can see how it moves they are going back and forth in this cut line we'll try to stay with them along here the power line maybe we might be successful to see them making kill it's a good time it's a good weather of course this is where most of predators there will be hunting and be successful yeah they are I mean keep up with wild dog is something that you need to be you need to know what you're doing these guys they move fast in this environment you see to able to maneuver in the thicket bush like this where the following trees are sometimes it's a mission you cannot comp you cannot able to keep with the dogs but let's cross fingers to see if the dogs eventually they might try to hunt here in the open uh maybe it will be more easy for them but it depends of course where the animal have went through if they had it into the thick bush they'll stay in a bush we go we are going to lose them and to our left yeah not far it's our it's our cut line we cannot uh really follow them once they cross the road to our left and to the other side is another Reserve where we have no rights to follow look like a there are now I believe if they stay in this road you can see the city road parallel if they stay in this road maybe heading straight to Impala Plains in Poland place not far from here is where always a lot of uh in paratuas HQ foreign I'm so surprised with these two uh dogs they keep themselves I've been here there's Lions there's got to Pride there's leopards but they are successful they're always if you these two dogs are dried I mean in sense it'll be a chances of them to survive it'll be very slim because there is a hide a city of lions and the other species is so far as a hyenas that can interact on their kills Heaven kills hyena can come and steal the kids being too like this hyena in other areas danjuma they're in numbers you know that uh all the time species that compete it's All About Numbers if your number is high you'll be successful but if your number is low you will be always outrunned by the species that are more than you individuals so it's more important but across the thing I mean these two dogs I believe the pack itself is going to grow up not so long the females you might be expecting if you haven't uh I mean if she's not break up from other pack or she's gonna go back to the other pack it means you'll be lucky but if she is going to breed around in the area one a female can have at least from 8 up to 13 individual youngster if they're all successful so they will be aiding into the pack itself especially when it comes to hunting it's something that would be great wow I'm loving this we came in the area due to the information that we have seen in Pala running from our access road and then we realized that this wild doctor might be in the area although we haven't seen much tax information of them but we didn't know that this is the only area where the Wild dog will be successful because some of the area of post is uh is less more thick than the other area of the reserve wow it looked like a they're gonna take us to Impala planes if anyone really is on that area you will be able to help us because once the dogs are hunting they're a lot more fast wow Magic is unbelievable we really believe we're gonna see the hunt and successful here let's stay with them and give them chance to see what like to see marbles wild dogs located wow the success of the dog of course is to rely on the area with the hunt if it is more open they tend to be more successful if the area is very thick they tend to be less because the environment itself it really plays a role if it's so thick it might have a lose the uh a prey species because they cannot keep Focus if it's take like two hour ride once the Impala inside the bush remember the Impala they defend themselves by running away or release the sermons that will carry with the direction of the wind it depends where the wind is blowing if the wind is blowing to the south of course it will or North it will window carry that information once they lose the focus or lose the visual of the enema they'll rely on the sand and once the relearn are sent is where they will have a problem it's very easy to lose the Impala and Paula sent them in a wrong direction and they can able to not they will not able to make a kill but I believe in power plane is one of the biggest open space here which is well prepared and is good for dogs and cheetah if they can hunt in the area they can be successful look at what the world of doing the mail they're getting a cent of a place species that walk there is trying to keep up with the sand and while the other dog is moving so it's actually in these two dogs it's such amazing how they hunt they're not really walking and spot the animal and able to ride down the inner one they also use the sense of smell to smell and find like what I was saying earlier on it's more important important to have a sense of a smile eyesight and hearing is more important as we were driving with them we're not really interfering on their hunt you can see one dog is far ahead but what's more interesting again here I see the same Eagle it looked like uh if I'm not Mystic and the Tony eager is following these dogs we just drove past one is coming from where we come from it's the same with the hooded vouchers the hooded vultures sometimes they can follow wild dogs even if there's no kill knowing that they're successful seeing the I kill and live they can go and eat anything stomach contact and other things that they really like I mean if the nimbles in the bone before the hyena comes they can able to get something and the Wild dog are very fast when they've killed something within 10 minutes if they kill full grown Impala being too like this they can finish Impala and live within 15 minutes of their time when they eat because they know that they have to be fast because you know that you always have competition as far as hyenas Alliance and leopard look at that behavior the female should just catch a sign today and tracking now they're using the checking skills of of their scent to know who was there it was Impala went to the I mean left hand side they will go on that direction if you have to go to the right have to go to the right but this behavior is interesting unless if there was the other species that defecated and sent Mark that can happen that the hyena have done that or other packs have done that it's in the nature of wild dogs once they get the center for different species as far as a hyena what a doctor or role in it and they will start to defecate in the same spot or urinate in the same spot to kill that son of ascent of other species that might be roaming in the area it's how actually communication lies so all species they rely on the scent and they rely on the defecation wow they're very healthy very good condition of course no doubt they are going to breed wow I believe the other package has been here the girls are getting to read the scent of the pack that had been there with oh we had the report there were all three I believe that they've been sent marking here the other day we had them calling we will try to investigate what's going on they were more luck in this line we had them another lovely thanks to hear that and thanks for your comment I really appreciating you to join us for afternoon we're looking forward for these dogs maybe to reach Impala planes is where we might have action all of us to see Impala plane is always rich with the Impala Impala always stays there you see what he's doing there is defecating that is a female definitely urinating that definitely the other pack been here and now trying to put the ascent the is other going to communicate with the other pack and the other pack ones they get to read here they will read the status of that female whether she's pregnant or not pregnant or whether she's strong or not strong and how they can really challenge one another but always if you are two and the other pair come being three it's always a problem so the number I mean the numbers is more important as one of the species in Africa wild dog or Afric I mean in in in in Africa there are so endangered on the list they are really a few so we all the time we've seen wild dogs we really Rejoice because some of this is the species that are trying to build up their numbers now in a danger list so I believe that we all respect it we will try to follow them and see what they're up to we don't want to lose them because they are the side of the value we can able to follow them we take this opportunity to ban in Juma foreign we've got something a little unusual for you I'm not sure if you can figure out what this might be um I haven't seen one of these for a long time but after all the rain they're beginning to pop up here and there or this is the only one I've seen this afternoon we've shown you lots and lots of millipedes of late crossing the road the long cylindrical bodies and watching those nice nice wavy legs but we get different types of millipede over in southern Africa and this is known as a African giant pill millipede so pill because it rolls itself up into a perfect little circle I suppose a little bit like a pill and this is a relatively decent sized one uh the giant pill millipedes at their longest and you get to about four or five centimeters and this one is probably about three centimeters but obviously what separates them from the other one is because they're only small they can curl up into this perfect ball a bit like an armadillo I suppose but completely protected whereas the other millipedes are still got a little bit of their legs and softer undersides exposed this is an impenetrable ball basically so I'm just getting distracted to Raptors just flowing into the tree in front we'll go have a look at that in a minute um but what's interesting about these guys is actually their breeding Behavior so they're quite unusual in the world of millipedes and that they actually produce a sound although it's not really one that we would be able to hear and nor can the female hear it with ears because they don't really have ears but they do sense the vibrations the other millipedes don't do that so these like other insects will stridulate so obviously we can't see it because he's tucks himself up into a ball but on the last four legs so remember two legs on each segment on his the final segment are actually what are called telepods and they have got little scleritized ridges on them and on the underside of the anal Shield are some knobs and they rub these telepods against the knobs and that creates a sort of a particular vibration at a particular frequency which a female of the same species will respond to and she will um unroll herself and be receptive to mating because there are different species of pill millipedes and those ridges on those telepods are different in each of the different species so each species produces a different frequency of stridulation or a different vibration which is sent through the ground picked up by the female and that's a great way to ensure that we don't have any cross-breeding between different species how effective it is that I am not sure certainly I've never seen mating pill millipedes but they spend most of their life living in Raptors disappeared so I'm getting distracted um they spend most of their life living under the leaf litter just like the longer more cylindrical counterparts they are detritivores so they eat decaying vegetation basically so and also very important for that nutrient cycle returning the nutrients into the soil but after the rains they too then do tend to come out and mating is very similar the actual acts of base is very similar for the bigger millipedes the males got some reproductive sort of secondary reproductive organs closer to the Head end it produces a little sperm packet lower down the body passes it up through its legs like a conveyor belt and then inseminates the female by placing that sperm packet where it needs to go and then she will lay some eggs in the leaf litter but there's no parents care of anything as far as I'm aware but very very nice to see so quite small I mean there's a grass stem if I put my finger next to it for comparison you can see very very small and this is I would say a average sized pillar millipede but he seems to be a little bit nervous and he doesn't want to unwrap himself I'd say maybe only about three to four centimeters long so not something that you see every day and I think very interesting in the fact that it's a millipede that stridulates which we don't see or we don't hear about arthropods like that um or uh stigelating very often it's normally things like Grasshoppers and crickets that are well known for that okay I'm gonna pop him back on the ground saying thank you for your moment of Fame back where we found him okay excuse my wreath um Michael in terms of what eats them um I'm just gonna take a stab in the dark um but it will be birds like hornbills and things will take them small mammals like Mongoose they will also be quite happy is there anything really that eats insects and arthropods will be quite happy to take one of those yes it does have that very uh strong calcium carbonate based chitinus exoskeleton um but not a problem for birds and those smaller predators but it's very rare that I see that is probably the first pill millipede that I've seen for a couple of years just gotta see if I can see that Raptor there's something on the top of that tree over there I just want to see if it is a Raptor it is let's see if we can get a look it's very far away everybody so I'm not sure whether we will be able to get you much of a view I'm going to try and figure out what it is with my binos but this is what was distracting me during that little millipede that's a black winged kite very nice there he is so it used to be known as a black shouldered kite this is a black it's now changed well it didn't change his name we've changed its name to a black winged kite I quite often seen if you're driving they quite often associated with fields and sitting on pylons and things Telegraph poles next to the road and they're often seen sort of hovering not officially hovering to the point where they can go forwards and backwards and left and right that is restricted really to the hummingbirds and possibly the less orchestral who can do genuine hovering but they will face into the wind and angle their wings to stay relatively stationary and they will watch the ground for movement of any little rodents that are moving around and they have the ability like most birds to see an UltraViolet and things like rats and mice things when they're moving around they constantly leaving a little trail of urine around that's why we don't want them in our kitchens and things and they tend to follow the same route as what we call a run so as they're moving around this run they're constantly leaving this trail of urine a bit like a running track I suppose and that makes it very easy for the bird of prey to know where to look and because there is this sort of consistent pattern on the ground if there's any movement on top of it it makes it very easy for the birds to spot it and then he'll dive down and uh clamp it in between those Talons oh is there another one there there's a couple of other birds on the right I can see moving but definitely a black Wing kite and that's quite normal for them to sit on a very exposed perch but that's the first one I've seen on Juma for quite a while oh there's a there's a Starlings we get a couple we think I saw some Amor Falcons flying over as well earlier so nice to see some unusual Raptors white-headed vulture and a black Wing kite okay my ears have brought us some luck today this isn't sumi's face that you're seeing currently trying to figure out what Rihanna is doing on the back of Rusty and there is kuchara in the tree she's watching and sue me very carefully why are you investigating a car spoken about this but what an epic way to spend our last afternoon of 2022 with my favorite leopardesses I feel very lucky Queen La lumba this morning and kachava and didn't see me this afternoon the Java looks very grumpy ah and Sunni we have spoken about the sweetheart she is watching carefully she was quite happily snoozing and then Sumi decided to come and investigate a little closer and so kachava decided nope I should probably keep an eye on this this is my first time seeing these two since over a month ago and this month and Sumi is officially 18 months old she's a year and a half old which is absolutely spectacular is a little over eight years old a little bit of tension here mommy daughter tension oh Tanya I agree there all beauty queens they are just stunning leopardesses there's something special about them and it's got a lot to do with their eyes the most captivating eyes were that heavy black eyeliner very thick white patches of fur underneath each eye just mesmerizing and this is honestly above and beyond anything I could have hoped for on my last day of the year I will never ever get tired of seeing leopards in general but kachavan and Sumi will always be incredibly special to me okay she's over whatever it was that she is trying to communicate to and Sue Me Maybe saying watch yourself little one and now she's happy to drape herself over the big Fallen marula you know so there's another vehicle in the site and you will hear some voices everybody is loving this mesmerizing moment oh there's a fly but they've just chosen the most perfect tree don't you think the Fallen marula we're on chitwen new driveway so it's a stunning spot to be now that the other vehicle is repositioning perhaps we might as well but for now we have got a beautiful view of gachara I'm not sure when Sumi went we can't see off the back because we've got the rain roof on but maybe she settled somewhere close by watching us I think she likes rhian's poncho riyan has decided he from now on we'll be wearing ponchos right I hope I'm getting this damn right it sounded like Willy I hope I'm right I'm really sorry if I'm not Sushi you can correct me if I'm completely far off which I very well could be but yes we are ending the year off with double trouble Beauty ah that was correct Willie perfect yes we are definitely having a little bit of Double Trouble on this side absolutely gorgeous let me tell you stunning stunning Stone okay so that vehicle has officially moved out we are going to pull ourselves a little forward so we can try and get a view of insumi pachava is not bothered at all but us moving so let's take get it okay try and get around that monkey Orange she is just stunning can you get any better oh okay we're gonna stick it out here for a bit and Sumi is somewhere behind us so I'm hoping she's gonna come back and climb the tree but look at the The Majestic feature that is this Fallen has it not made the most beautiful perch and picture ah for a resting leopard wow we okay so we are temporarily alone very temporarily but there will be other vehicles coming to join us also please do excuse the radio do you have to keep the volume up here on the East Channel because there is a lot more traffic we don't want anybody to miss the sighting wow all right here's the next vehicle to come and join us don't you feel like you could stare at this for hours oh Cindy D an interesting one between kachava and LA lumba I don't know when I look at them I almost feel like kachava is bigger because she looks bulkier she she's a bit wider than a bit sleeker but in terms of overall height I think it's probably much of a muchness actually if I'm honest um I don't know probably a better person to answer that question might be rexin or maybe even Tristan but I think rexen would give a decent answer you might see a vehicle in the background but I think the leaves are going to save us a bit there yes um yeah so I think rexen would be a good person to ask because he spends so much time with each of them that he would be able to give a really good comparison where I've spent a lot of time but but much more limited and so every time I see them I feel like they're bigger than I remember and they're more beautiful than I remember and I'm sure he feels the same way but obviously having had a lot more experience he could probably give you a much more accurate answer I feel like kuchata is wider she's she's more bulky she looks she looks more in South Africa we call it staunch she looks more built where clalamba is the more elegant taller looking one not that kachava is not beautiful she's absolutely stunning but she is a slightly different build to clumber which is interesting it's very very interesting because of course they are in fact of the same bloodline look lovely Queen Tandy in the picture but I think kachava has always been a lot more elusive than Club lumba this is very issue so if a number was named quite early on mischievous playful kuchara was only named I believe well after his second birthday because she was so elusive that um it was actually quite tough to see her and get to know her personality but kachava ended up meaning scared anyway and I think that's quite fitting although now you would never say that she was like that as a young leopard she's very relaxed but do you see what I mean about her looking a little bit wider her neck looks a bit thicker than her Lumbers but falamba is a big lepidus as well but she just seems a little bit chunkier you know in a muscular way to wise they might actually be very similar almost on par I am very glad that you at least got to get a glimpse of and Sumi earlier as she was checking out rion's poncho that lovely little young face with those captivating eyes fun-sized collar I think the name was that's quite an interesting name we don't actually know who in sumi's father is there hasn't been DNA testing done and as far as I know nobody actually okara not color that makes a lot more sense um nobody's actually witnessed her mating as far as I know in the recent times anyway for insumi but we haven't done DNA testing so we don't for sure know who in sumi's father is I would guess in this area it could be monwati it could be another leopard they are a bit further east than the rest of them but we have seen molwati in this area and so it could be him it could be another male I know that uh katrava's father was and that was done through DNA testing but we don't actually officially know who insumi's father is oh Coachella is just having the best snooze ever since all those bird calls these frogs calling to this rain has been so so good for the bush I keep thinking I'm gonna turn around and then Sumi is going to be sitting at my feet like she has so many times before I keep checking behind me laughs I wouldn't be surprised if she chose to surprise pop-up maybe you're righteously the lovely voice in my ear suggesting that maybe and sumi's gone off to to have a little quiet alone time to celebrate in the New Year coming in maybe she'll come back later maybe she won't she might just be somewhere next to the road and we can't really see her right now but they are now two other vehicles in the sighting with us so perhaps one of them might Spotter and pointer out to us she is somewhere behind us but of course the blocks are quite quite big so she may have decided to wonder off East somewhere as she has so many times before am I right she's a little Adventurer that one a Wanderer because he could travel work up with the movement of the vehicle her ears are backwards but I am interested to know what msumi was doing when kachava was snarling at her she kind of hissed a bit though better teeth better gums gave a proper nasty face a disciplined face I'd love to know what and SUNY was doing at the time wow so I've always loved kachava's spot pattern very similar to La lumba her rosettes are very thick they look like they're in bold she is a beautiful leopardess if it's if it's you know because we we often use their spot patterns as part of the identifying process could travel is a three three and then Sumi is a 3-4 I wonder if it's possible when we get a mix like a 3-4 if it might be an indication maybe she got the three from Mom and the four from Dad I wonder if that could be a thing because it would be genetic and I wonder if she got a perfect mix of three three and four four three three and three four who knows but I'm hoping and sending your signs to come back sometime soon so you can see more of the beautiful little leopard that she is for now rexen has found his wild dogs again so I'll send you over there and maybe he can elaborate on kuchava versus talamba size-wise welcome back with these dogs we are here Pride land Echo training Safari life we have witnessed We are following these wild dogs they get into the head of Impala not so far from where we have been seeing the claim Genera genendra where the lots of Impala are we're not far from that spot these wild dogs are starting to get the sand here it could be a scent of those Impala because they've been everywhere in the course of a day this is very interesting to see wild dog doing following animal with the sand we have seen them get into the head of in part of this but what they're focusing they don't want to hunt the big Impala because they're going to wasting energy what they do they're looking possible for baby impala is what we have seen the baby impala it tend to be more easy for them if they kill something big it means that it will have interaction with lions leopards and hyena and they don't want to get injured being two of them like this they just flashing Paula here you can see coming to the road but they're not even interested they just scared the Impala in order to see if there's a baby impala involved within the structure overhead itself then they came easily hand I just saw you Impala running through it might cause cross the road but the other dog it went inside they are searching for babies it's such amazing to see wild dog become more selective we know that the Wild dog take opportunity is same as lion same as leopard once the opportunity created a wild dog will take that so let us see here one dog is facing with a babe I mean a full male Impala ahead left of the road under the power line is not even showing the interest of that fully grown Impala because now that he's gonna lose I mean really waste a lot of energy I mean running down the Impala and if he's not successful you still have to continue and being in two of them in a pack it really has to be careful if one gets injured is the end of this pack they're not going to be uh successful again they'll compete hyenas and they're going to kill all the lions with the hyenas and other species of course let's follow because this doctor can really get to get fast and move into the ticket we just want to keep the views of this dog of course you see all the Impala are running across there is one dog one dog chasing the other dog doesn't see that it's happening far from the another dog might uh coming this is interesting how these dogs actually operate all of them they're not even interested with the big Impala amazing this is unbelievable okay look at what people are doing there that's the physical show the Impala if it's very healthy is going to do that prawn to show the Wild dog that are so much healthy it's nothing that can happen okay here's the uh very close with this Impala maybe we'll make a kill here look like uh these dogs have decided it's going off better there I'll follow up from this side I believe if you do make a kill it won't be far from the road itself yeah it's getting thickier but I just believe that uh one important right here you see what the Impala doing most of time Impala all freezing here they're not going to move because they don't know where the dog is moving in a ticket like this is not easy for one dog to make a kill because quite a lot of luck the Impala can jump very high and also jump block to the next is how actually they can really disturb the Wild dog when it comes to hunting and be successful let me move forward I've seen he was so close to one of the Impala so he might uh make a kill here who knows I'll take my chances to check that far because he was like five meters away getting close to one of the Impala I could not able to see whether it's a male or female but look like a it was not far they might make the Kill by now I judge my distance the way the Impala and the and the Wild dog if it was a kill it's somewhere here we have to listen sometimes the impulse the wild dogs when they're feeding they make little bit of a noise then you can able to know exactly where by now I might guess she's not successful let me go back towards the open clearing it can happen that uh is not successful he's back into the road again where you might uh see himself put himself into danger in this area I've seen wild dog loses quite a lot from the Impala even if you so close due to environment that is in the area of course or look like going backwards please copy that thank you coming let's go towards they're going heading back towards our dam very close to our water Hall is where the Wild dog heading I believe that it could be something that we have to follow it's so fast if anything will happen when wild dog Hunt is not something that uh really it's easy I've seen that uh he was so close to that now he's telling heading south towards uh the injovo dam which uh they might go there dogs my special after hunting they get exhausted they need to cool down the body system drinking water is the only way that they can do let me see here I'll take a this road look like it came back here chasing Impala in this direction let's get to the dam quickly maybe we might able to see something uh the guys that just reported they're heading east is one of the damn front of us uh just joined the sighting now look like uh somewhere yeah it's not far from where I am at the moment it's very interesting I mean watching wild dog hunting unfortunately the area is very thick it was an open area it would be nice to see the speed and also how actually the two dogs able to be hunted most successful because they really help one another when it comes to hunting in a big pack of wild dogs yes yeah they're in front we got one dog running could be the same dog that uh I really were oh both of them are here oh lovely this is great I mean seeing this is kind of uh it is a pleasure and don't help us there to relocate this dog it's unbelievable if you look at these uh two duck the way the ah moving in the area they know this area very well they know where the Mad find game and where they can get water it's not the first time they've been here for a while it could be a pack that uh of course it it happens that uh they separated due to a lot of things that might be involved look at The Descent marking these are actually dog scent Mark is to defecate a defecation hold the status of individual they know this era it might be the pack that used to stay here and happen that the other dock they separated and go their own Direction it happens that we find that the drug they break away from the actually main or one of the material or one of the metric alpha male and alpha female and go that One Direction especially if the new ones are reaching the sexual maturity and they will be taking that stage of me of alpha male and alpha female to mate it happens a lot then they go and form their own family away from this actual two dogs or hop across the finger maybe we might be able to see them relaxing and able to take a better picture of the dogs and of course if you look at the color of the dogs you look at the color of environment it's very easy for these guys to blend and into the area if they are running and hunting in the area nothing that can really you won't see them easily because the color of golden color white black yellow it really plays a role into environment wow look at this we have elephant dogs arriving at the same time this is in Java Dam here at Pride Landing Echo training Safari life this water hole is very very active you see quite a lot of number of elephant that comes down here and sometimes you can see Buffalo also be in the area it's just amazing to see number of elephants that gets into the area it's my first time seeing these ducks coming here they might be hunting because all the time man it's always Impala that comes into the area they're trying to look not only Impala it can be a stand back it can be gray Decor it can be Bush you tend to see them the love hunting a small size medium animal or Antelope that might be in the area they're going in the wrong way maybe they're gonna head towards the South we have no coverage where these wild dogs going at the moment it tend to be difficult for us where they go but we'll try and see if we can be accommodated by the the network if not we'll head our own Direction yeah lovely it's the end of another year here at Wilder and what a year it has been escape to Nature and the world show were born along with our brand new app we couldn't be happier to welcome back James Steve and Lauren in the New Year who once again will be part of the permanent team we are grateful to every single one of you who has watched wild Earth this year and a very big thanks to our explorers without you none of this would be possible happy holidays thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Ed and as we repositioned and Sumi appeared out of nowhere this is still kuchava that you can see in the tree we can't see into me but she's somewhere in front of Rusty that's all I can tell you I don't know exactly where she is right now but whatever she's doing she's entertaining the other vehicle that's here oh my goodness what is this cat doing I don't know where she is she's still there which side is she on Elvis your side at the back foreign she is definitely entertaining us that's what she's doing I feel like [Laughter] can you see Ariana oh okay she's sitting at the back of the car okay so we're gonna wait patiently and see what she decides to do interesting behavior that we noticed when she started walking over she sent marked and vocalized and kachava gave her the biggest hiss I think I've ever heard could try forgive so she is well she's definitely getting to the age now where she's starting to get cheeky and a bit Territorial and I think kachave is just reminding her she's still young and she needs to watch herself she's not old enough for that behavior yet but it is nice to know that she is pushing those boundaries because as a young leopard that is what she should be doing but to kachava as her mom she's saying don't push your luck just yet you're a little bit young not quite ready to be fully on your own but that being said we've known leopards to disperse at a year and a half but anywhere in the next six months she is gonna probably take a part of kachava's territory as her own and could travel will gladly give that over she's just reminding her of what she should be doing right now can you see her Ria is she coming around oh she's stalking her mom yes you're gonna see her in a second there she comes oh based on New Year's ever my mom is still sleeping oh look at that concentration making sure mum is still sleeping naughty little thing wow mom so we're going to let that other vehicle reposition and then we'll reposition now that they are static we don't want two vehicles moving at the same time oh I feel like my heart can breathe now yeah good job is really not bothered by the situation a little bit of grooming going on Lovely stuff look at the color difference between insumi and kuchara everything uh Veronica no it's not really possible for kachava and Sumi not to separate purely because leopards are known to be solitary so they wouldn't they wouldn't do as well in a family it's against their nature to to live in groups for a long time and so it would be necessary it doesn't mean they won't meet up in the future but they will definitely be hunting on their own and raising Cubs remember they're both females they're going to be raising Cubs they won't be raising them together it poses too much of a threat so we definitely don't want to we definitely don't want to um put that at risk if that makes sense oh you're coming back now hello gorgeous girl we are probably three meters from her at this point maybe three and a half she's staring into our souls every time she looks at us what a naughty girl if she had stayed there for 10 seconds longer we would have moved forward but I'm very happy she's come out this way laughs best day ever oh she's actually on a higher eye level than me at this point she's probably almost eye to eye with Rion being up in that tree wow I can't think carefully she's cleaning that pool it's actually holding her back paw with her front paw you can see her claws sticking out she's cleaning between her toes very important tool in a leopard's life is its claws and its feet wow hello gorgeous are you watching me and can you see my ears what is it we are so lucky right now how's that for a mirror image guitar at the back and see me in the front I can definitely see the similarities particularly in their eyes don't you think a little bit of vehicle movement around us we've got a vehicle moving out and actually another one moving in but the one moving in is an electric vehicle so it'll be interesting to see if they react oh she heard a stalling and she just got so distracted okay we're definitely gonna stick around and see what happens she looks like she's in a naughty mischievous mood all of the tree she went after the starting yeah well we can't offer you a particularly beautiful sunset but we can offer you a beautiful pair of African Hawk Eagles I keep hearing these are seen every now and again but I think this is the first time I've seen them certainly for a long time but we've got a pair here the male on the right and the female on the left based on the fact the one on the left is slightly bigger as one would expect from birds of prey and even though it's rather difficult to see from the camera here there's a bit heavy streaking on the chest of the one on the left which separates it from the male but there's not a great deal of difference with similar stixes uh but very very accomplished Hunters mostly of other birds about 75 percent of their diet is made up by other birds they will often hang around water holes and things in shame try to dry off um and uh take out a lot of ground dwelling birds so Franklin's and guinea fowls and spur fouls those are make up a very large portion of their diet we're going to get a bit of a expulsion there we go important that that's under pressure because you want that stuff getting stuck in your feathers a bit of uric acid deposited there uh but from a hunting perspective they have a very very interesting hunting technique which you don't see all that often in Birds where they do actually work cooperatively together so what often happens is that one bird will fly into a Thicket and disturb uh Franklin's or spur fouls for example and then the other one will Spring the Trap so one flushes the other one uh flushes the prey and then the other ones take it out okay well that's a shame but we can still show you what is not exactly a sunset but there's some lighter clouds on the horizon which after the last few days we will take that and this beautiful skeletal old knob Thorn makes for the perfect foreground we may get a little bit of a soft pink in the sky over the next half an hour we will keep an eye on it for you we haven't seen a nice Sunrise you can just see right at the base as well some clouds forming over the top of the druckensburg escortment which I mentioned is where those cake vultures tend to Nest well they do like to Nest they only Nest on cliffs that's why we don't see them very often but they do occasionally pop up here if there was a sizable carcass that attracted much attention but a very pretty scene good afternoon everybody I hope everyone is having a brilliant afternoon but how can we not end our year on such a brilliant note with all of the leopards all of the birds all of the wild dogs it's just been an absolute awesome Sunset Safari my name is Lisa and I'm of course your water hole naturalist making sure we do not miss a thing at our various water halls with the damn cams and what a beautiful sunset this is turning out to be it was a little bit gloomy I'm not gonna lie it was a beautiful day in fact today here in okokoyo and then it became very gloomy and now once again as always it is turning out to be a perfect sunset but from my side I just wanted to wish everyone a beautiful beautiful 2023 and thank you all so so much for welcoming myself with such big arms and uh yes thank you all for sharing your passion your questions your love and just absolute yes mad love for wildlife with all of us we really appreciate all of you so much and as we say time and again we cannot be here without any of you so thank you all so much tomorrow on escape to Nature please do join us we're going to be chatting about some New Year's resolutions but from my side personally I would like to challenge all of us not just all of you but myself as well let's not make our New Year's resolutions only about ourselves but let's challenge ourselves to do better for mother nature whether you start following more pages on social media in order to educate yourself more about Wildlife whether you volunteer in animal shelter once a month or four times a year just something or just spread the word about how important Mother Nature is to all of us and if you cannot do that just make a New Year's resolution to love your fellow person a bit more but for myself Lisa it has been an absolute wonderful year even though I have not yet had the privilege to be a full year with all of you I really do appreciate all of you so much all of our wild Earth viewers all of our Tech teams our directors absolutely everyone and of course the naturalists and the wonderful wonderful animals but from myself Lisa your water home match list I wish you all a very very happy New Year please please please be safe whatever you are up to for the new year and I will see you next year but in the meantime I'm gonna send you over to Andrew to wish you well too absolutely beautiful happy New Year everybody it's not quite New Year's yet but it is uh the last day of the year and we just want to say to you all that we hope you had a fantastic year with us yeah supporting us at all times absolutely so it is the Last Sunset Safari and when all of you wake up tomorrow including us it's going to be a brand spanking New Year and I hope you have something nice planned with your families yeah um I'm spending it with you yeah I'm spending with you as well yeah how cool is that it's beautiful view and this beautiful view it is yeah so since since you've been with wadeth what has been your favorite view my favorite view exciting since I've been with wild Earth I would have to say my favorite sighting up until now has been probably oh it's a difficult one to answer there's been so many animals that we've seen I would have to say we had that great elephant starting with Morgan up in the living Bush Flats area and they were so close to the vehicle and they were surrounding us and it was just very special for me and it brought back a lot of memories of home my family and my mom and during that sighting all the hairs on my neck and I stood up all at once and I just felt that my family was with me so that that was my favorite and yourself I think that caracal that Morgan uh sorry uh Ralph and yourself had uh during the I think it was escape to Nature was probably the best caracal sighting this Reserve has ever seen and you were all involved in that as well so that makes it even more special so absolutely so yeah it's been a wonderful year I must say lots of of different things happening myself I was a guide this year and I sort of left guarding and I joined the wild Earth team I joined all of you and uh I mean it's the best and I'm really enjoying every single moment of it and I thank you very much yeah great show so I believe Rixon wants to send his new year shout outs so I'm going to send you over to him cheers everybody cheers 100 welcome back from Andrew really really in a very interesting area and a beautiful look I'm here today this afternoon I'd like to thank everyone and wish everyone happy New Year it's a great it was a great year in 2022 we are going across to 2023 I would like to really wish and also compliment everyone that become part of wildf our team or family it was a great support from 2022 and we really really love to are joined by you all in a daily basis and we wish good here and wish everybody to be really with us for 2022 it's been I mean it's been a lovely time and of course with your support caring while they're through and the success in everything it was the great we really love it real loving you I wish I will tell me again join you you always be loved and will always be remembered and would like to wish you a happy New Year it's a great moment we have a lovely whatever that always bring a lovely animals of course it will be always here in 2023 I hope I've seen great anyone in this water Hall and it will be carrying on in 2023 up to I don't know when I believe nature is such amazing thing that's happening here at Echo training uh Pride land it's such amazing having my friend at the back there is also waving as a happy New Year wishing you the great of 2023 and release I mean appreciating your support through 2022 up to 2023 we we're live we're really loving this and I believe that while we're here we might see something that will always nature able to share with us the beautiful sonara that they have with wild deaf this big I mean this best program bringing Wildlife life interaction it's great thing to to have of course I really really support everyone and love everybody that joins world of all the directors and everyone from different structure of water that make possible for this program are really also wishing you Happy New Year and a very good healthy for 2023 it will be great uh for your support and all your knowledge that really burning through the program and we'll be linking to um LEM and over to him everybody can you believe it is already the end of 2022 what an incredible year it's been and thank you guys so much for joining us so regularly uh supporting us sending through all your questions and comments and I'm uh eagle and I are very very happy to have brought you these incredible sightings Sarah being bitten by something uh speak of the devil uh Eagles New Year's resolution is to get fit and it seems he's a bit of a keen one today so he's been a little bit busy um but we've had some wonderful sightings this year for me I think the Highlight was watching tortoise pan take out that porcupine live on air with him Paul who is on leave but I'm sure he also sends his best regards to you guys but it has been an honor and a privilege to bring the nature here into your home and we hope that you'll join us for 2023 and oh cheers so wherever you're watching from uh we hope you have a fantastic New Year enjoy the celebrations be safe and we will see you tomorrow for the start of 2023 but for now we will enjoy what is a very muted Sunset but the first Sunset we've had for a couple of days here on Juma but we have been very very lucky this year and it's been a good drive considering to have some unusual Birds I'm very happy with those uh African Hawke Eagles and also the white-headed vulture was a nice surprise as well good Omens for next year I think okay um I was talking then but I think we're going to send you to test next to wish you also a Happy New Year foreign I think this has by far been my favorite last day of any year ever I'm hearing hyenas calling in the background I've got good charmer relaxing on a log and then Sumi has again disappeared but I'm sure she'll be back later we are the only people in the sighting and we get to experience this on a daily basis and that for me is better than anything I could ask for but I must say it would not be possible without everybody at home so thank you so much for supporting us through another incredible year highs and lows births and deaths it really has been a very intense year and I know my life would not be the same without this and I'm really hoping that everyone at home feels the same way so thank you for a spectacular 2022 we've even said hello to new friends and even goodbye to some old ones unfortunately and um it's just been absolutely Wild so thank you for everything if next year is anything like today I think we are in for an absolutely fantastic time if I could say anything about what my plans are I would say I'm going to be channeling my inner everything whether it's the lepidus or the Lioness or the Lioness with the Mane also I didn't add these glasses they're actually printed on their shirt I couldn't resist the shirt when I found it so it just became one of my favorites but I think next year is going to be an absolutely brilliant year and we're looking forward to seeing all of you there personally I'm hoping to do a lot of traveling a lot of growth a lot of learning in particular because every doubt here we're learning something new and I'm hoping for a lot more absolutely brilliant sightings and special moments if you can nurture yourself love yourself and do the exact same for nature and animals please please please please please but I know all of you will just like we do out here best day of the year so far I think has been this one although there have been some absolutely incredible ones I am particularly sad that the beautiful voice in my ear is moving on to some extra studies Seeley thank you for everything in particular but of course I'll be seeing her again and I'm sure we'll be seeing her again but good luck I love you thank you for everything you're a sunshine Ray in my ear and in person even better but for everyone I hope that next year is incredibly successful I hope it's better than this year in every way and I hope that you will enjoy every single sighting that we have and I hope that we get to catch up with the Jew McLean a little bit more than we have in the last two months but what else can I say it's been incredible and it wouldn't be possible without you so thank you for allowing me to live my dream thank you for allowing Rihanna to live his dream as well this is his favorite sighting that he's had the whole year so thank you for that it would not be possible without you and thanks for always embracing us for who we are we really appreciate it it allows us to do it for ourselves too hopefully there's a lot more of that next year for now kachava is embracing her inner sleepy cat so we're going to show you her while we have her before the latvates what more could you ask for a cup of coffee in a zebra print mug and a leopard on a tree this is unbelievable unbelievable join me James Hendry on an odyssey through the most adorable fascinating [Music] heart-stopping moments we have experienced here on wild Earth [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ah we are taking deep breaths into the new year and saying goodbye to this year in the best way the child that is slowly waking up and Sumi has disappeared but hopefully she comes back up good job is going back to sleep oh what a day hey Rion can you hear the hyena in the background as a hyena somewhere close to chitwa camp somewhere close to the dam oh it's getting closer it's just the perfect freaking scene oh is there anything more fascinating than a leopard's tail [Laughter] look at the patterns on her tail in comparison to the bark how cool is that all those little pieces of Marilla bark that are quite rough or rather circular oh there's a hot pattern on her tail there two almost right in the middle now that solid spot facing us and then a little bit higher up as well around did you see that one that is a perfect type there it is just below that Branch going out to the left there is a beautiful heart-shaped spot there as well in fact there's two one pointing up one pointing down mirroring each other right above and below each other that is stunning and all we can hope for with these lipids going into the new year is that it's going to be an incredibly successful year for kachava for and Sumi she's going to become independent most likely in this coming year starting tomorrow we've got a whole new year and I think it's going to be a great one for insumi but hopefully it's just as successful for all of our beloved characters for all of the leopards all of the hyenas all of the Lions I'm looking forward to being here for the highs and for the lows as as hard as that can be sometimes it is an incredible window that we have and like I say this wouldn't be possible without all of you I'm living my dream and Rihanna is living his dream and we get to share that with you how special she's eaten a lot look at that belly okay Mary I've never heard fireworks in the bush if I'm honest with you but I don't know I mean fireworks are definitely a thing in South Africa but I don't know maybe where we are it's not as popular because I suppose the main focus where we are particularly being in the bush we all like to be together we all like to bring in the New Year together but even in the immediate surrounds the focus is on being together not necessarily on the fireworks back home where my parents are there's absolutely fireworks for New Year's but uh I must be honest I'm not the biggest fan because I've had the most beautiful dogs lost one of them this year so it's been a tough year in that sense but the other little one I never thought I'd say this but luckily she is deaf going into New Year because they absolutely Panic with the sounds of those fireworks exploding around the town and um we used to have to try and lock her up in a closed room with one of us or all of us if we could and try and block the sound I'd be such a try and sound proof the house or the room wrapper in a scarf cuddle her if we couldn't find her she was behind the cistern of the toilet trying to hide because it was the quietest room in the house so I'm not the biggest fan of fireworks so luckily I've never heard fireworks in the bush our fireworks are all metaphorical they're all the brilliant sightings that we have and the explosive sounds of the animals when they have interactions and I suppose the Hyena's calling but our version of fireworks out here and it's to me the best way that we could celebrate it we'll all be listening out tonight for hyenas calling and lines roaring and maybe even a leopard sewing and that'll be music to our ears quite literally I think we might have another vehicle coming to join us I love this all right we're gonna stick around and see even tsumi comes back but Ben has found a bird that only comes out at night so that's quite special yeah thanks Jess so we've managed to come across a varos eagle owl up close to Sandy patch with axis and it's eating something but unfortunately we've just realized where we've parked we can't see what it whatever it is he's got he's got it pinned uh behind that little Branch there I'm trying to work out what it is but we haven't been able to yet but what a great afternoon for Raptor viewing it has been white headed vulture black winged kite a pair of African Hawke Eagles and now I've Rose eagle out there was some alarm calling up in this area a little earlier apparently I heard on the radio so that's why we came up here some monkeys were alarming um so obviously we were hoping for a leopard but perhaps they were alarming an eagle I'm not sure where the monkeys would alarm an eagle but they're or an eagle owl I should say but I don't see why it couldn't take a small monkey what are you doing Mr he's mooning us I'm afraid but I couldn't I was trying to see what it was plucking it was plucking out something but it looked quite furry I think it was possibly just taking out fur but I don't see anything in its Talons now so maybe it was the end of it whatever it was maybe a young bird but apparently it was quite tasty licking his lips now if we could see this in normal light of course we are in infrared now because it's very gloomy here you'd see those beautiful pink eyelids which make them very characteristic and of course those big facial discs to help Channel sound into the ears on the sides of their heads you can see those beautiful strong feet as well you might just be able to make out two toes at the front and then two toes at the back and an owl track is one of my favorite tracks out of the Bush it looks like a k you can sort of Imagine That from seeing that feet to the the left hand Toes or the back toes as we're looking at it to create a straight line and then the the two toes closest to us coming out a bit of an angle and making a pair of caves on the floor quite a few vocalizations from the drongos there are drongos in the tree there that were mobbing at a moment ago you know I better hear that sort of quite harsh um sort of I don't know how you describe it sort of a not trilling cackling but certainly not so oh it's gone there goes the Drone go straight after it oh There Was An Unexpected little surprise but whatever it was eating it has finished by the look of it excuse me but very very nice Jones the eagle out for Rose Eagle hours it's now cooled okay we're gonna sit here and just admire the tree where the eagle owl was sitting in this lovely marula we'll try that again in a minute go ahead sidley I was a question from Brenda I didn't quite catch it that's a very pretty frame eager I have to say oh Brenda uh for his eagle owl I wouldn't say it's the most probably the most uncommonly seen one here would be the I'm just trying to think now would owl maybe we don't see those very often here it's not really the right habitat and we don't get Cape eagle owl in this area but all the other owls we do see actually saw an African scop cell the other evening just very very briefly um so you can see any of them here or maybe Marsh Barn grass owl we don't oh there it goes it just flew away from that tree and we don't really get grass owls here either just because of the habitat they prefer more sort of Open Fields and things um so I think probably the ones that we might see here maybe the wood owl is the most unlikely to see welcome back we are trying to follow up on the folktale jungle look like it's very upset in the area it might be something that is sporting it could be bird of prey it could be leopard I've noticed quite a lot over many years when folktale drongo is not happy like this he might see something I don't think he can spot snake this time of the day snakes that might be because it's a little bit chilly here that might not be active it could be maybe a bed of prey it could be an owl or a leopard you won't know maybe it could be moving because it started here it's moving direct towards the Mandarin let's check that maybe we might be lucky who knows it's still going that if I can be so silent you can hear we can hear the folk trade jungle singing tend to be slow now it might be whatever might be might be moving away from the area where it might be nesting let's try to check towards the main axis maybe we might be able to see you might find that maybe it's a hyena who knows the Impala they're still a little bit nervous from the wild dogs that ran through here chasing one of the male young males and also listening for her jungle now that's it's very intimidating once you had the factual drawing on you understand why the factual is doing this it could be something look at the medley Impala is not happy yeah we have repositioned smidge we have switched on our infrared as the light starts to fade on the last day of 2022 and kuchara has not moved and sumi's also not back but what we did notice using the infrared which we did not notice in daylight so that just shows you the quality here is that it looks like she's got a massive tick in her ear look at that black spot I don't know if it's a tick or if it's like a beetle maybe it looks really big to be a tick it looks quite shiny as well but it could definitely be a tick it does make sense that it's a tick because that's a nice thin area of skin with direct access to some blood vessels just below the surface and we honestly hadn't noticed that in daylight but now that we're seeing it in infrared that black of the ticker standing out really clearly and we would have thought that maybe unsumi would have pulled that off because that is part of aloe grooming it is part of bonding as well but it definitely would have helped if ensumi had pulled that tick out but anyway it doesn't seem to be bothering kachava at all she can probably feel it's a little bit itchy or something but it's been there for a while it's quite large so she's probably gotten used to the feeling it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much right now what's also amazing in this kind of view with infrared is you can see all the scars and all the spots really clearly and I can see she's got a scratch just above her nose that isn't as easily visible in daylight unless you get a full clear view of her face I wonder how she got she got a little scrap with somebody Maybe also see her whiskers and her eyebrows especially sticking up against the backdrop behind the tree John they both do a bit of hunting if it's something big most likely kuchaba will do the hunting so something like an adult Impala but we have seen in Sumi hunting before she's hunted quite small things though so she goes after mongooses and squirrels and things like that um as opposed to Big Impalas although she is at the age now where she would definitely be trying for young Impalas or medium-sized Impalas she would be interested in trying for adult Impalas but I don't know how successful she would be it takes a lot of practice so I'm not saying she can't do it I'm just saying it does take practice to get it right and she is still quite a bit smaller than her mom so Weight Wise she would be focusing on some of the smaller things but she's definitely successful with things like squirrels mongooses scrub hairs anything small like that she has hunted on her own many many times the guides have seen it happening a lot I have seen her after she's just caught a squirrel but she ate it so quickly that we couldn't even show you it was gone in a matter of seconds so she would definitely definitely be hunting on her own I think also kachava will hunt and hoist something at the tree and in Sumi wall will pop up anyway um she's definitely getting to the edge where it could travel starting to get a bit grumpy with her as every leopard mother does for aging lipid Cubs but kuchova is also still actively searching for insumi when she makes a kill and when she's been out of the immediate area and comes back she's definitely still calling for in SUNY so she's in that phase where it's starting to become a little bit more independent hello girl waking up are we but she's also a store actively worried about um consuming standing by off that tick is very noticeable from this angle as well nice and rounded so full of blood that's every Ox picker's dream but you won't find an oxpecker on kajava she won't tolerated sorry we're really moving things around I'm just literally looking for my spotlight I thought I saw something moving but I think I was wrong so there was a hyena that moved through earlier and I might be wrong but I was convinced it was Orion there's a very quick view but that very very um prominent B on its side I could have sworn it was around popping through here and uh then promptly disappearing because kachava gave him a bit of a snore we've all hear the other vehicle moving I think they are headed back to camp but I think they will be another way of coming to join us as well we are not going to spend too much longer here because we don't want to overstay our welcome but also we want to leave them to their nightly activities we don't know where insumi is we don't want to be an unnecessary pressure especially after dark if there are hyenas coming through and then I'm sure that Sumi might wander back this way towards mum at some point so we'll give it just a couple more minutes wait for the other vehicle to come in so that we don't lose her because in typical Murphy's Law fashion what normally happens is you'll find a cat that is sleeping flat sleeping you'll call the next vehicle in they take a bit of time maybe they've got holed up with a double Dazzle of zippers or something you leave that rather a minute later and the cat is nowhere to be found and then you feel really bad because in those few seconds you took your eyes off the leopard it disappeared how many times has that happened countless millions of times in The Guiding world has that happened and so we shall wait for the next vehicle to come in and then we shall move this time of the night nobody spends that much time with them unless they're active because then if they just want to send mocking Mission it's not really too invasive to be watching them they're already moving and out in the open but what a special way to end off my 2022 I really don't think I could have predicted that we would see kachava and ensue me in all honesty it's been absolutely brilliant oh Elaine I'm so happy to hear you say that thank you for being here I'm so happy that your year has ended off in this way I think it is honestly just mind-blowingly good so I'm happy we could share it with you so I'm switching on my Spotlight you'll see the light has changed a little bit I'm not actually shining on her but I'm just showing them where she is because we don't want them to accidentally drive past that would be a tragedy salute travesty and tragedy wow she is beautiful see now I feel better because I would have felt awful if I had left and then kuchova had just disappeared that would have been really horrid ah what an adventure it has been now before I move I do need to map a route out of here okay I think I've got a fairly clear path but rhian's gonna have to help me out interesting question Olivia I'll answer it before I leave it is possible that and Sumi will form a bond with kachava's future Cubs that are coming they will know that they are related they will be able to smell it on each other and so they will tolerate each other but it doesn't mean that they're going to form a pack to hunt in or they're going to be seen often together it just means if they do happen to meet up they might tolerate each other I'm sure you all remember five leopards in One Tree tandit and the two Cubs All in One Tree so we do know that leopards can be social especially if they are related and so Tandy tolerated tolerated Tandy with her Cubs and Columbus Cubs definitely tolerated Tandy and molwati in the mix which in itself was a little unusual so they definitely can be social they will recognize the scent and uh they'll definitely tolerate each other a little bit more but at the same time kachava is still a mom she'll be protective of those Cubs and she will make sure that anybody coming close has a very clear warning even if it's insumi because they are her babies after all thanks Matt the vehicle next to us uh is giving me a couple stitches over here Matt telling everyone that I'm speaking to many many people around the world which indeed I am ending off the uh in a spectacular fashion spectacular okay we are going to navigate our way out of this sighting and leave Matt to enjoy it for now I'll send you over to rexin on a bumble further west in pridelines thank you good job foreign on our way when we're following wild dogs we had did uh Franklin and also Guinea fowls they were not happy but they looked like they were coming with this drainage land so I'm being in this road before I'd like to check on the other side of the roof it might happen that the pixie pan young daughter she might be still in the area who knows but all the time if You observe a lot from the Franklin and guinea fowl you might be so much successful and from Vivid monkey all the time when they give signal they operate I prefer a vivid monkey they will never ever allow them for human being more special Vivid monkey that hangs around let me see it's unbelievable I really love it's so great uh lovely we are really moving here and I was live to everybody really uh we so we are very sad about the news of personal fukany one of the level that lives in the world she was the best leopard so anybody that have memories please stream my Center your memories on at I mean memories TV and really you'll be able to uh send through when we have our first side chat which it will be data is going to be announced but I know that it will be plans to be on the 7th of January uh 2023 it will be lovely lovely it will be a lot of memories about her I mean we will chat a lot more and know a lot about this particular leopard it's one of the leopards that really I know it very well from Sans born in the north of riotella Camp DRC uh to the north her mother was used to call the beacon female they were all both from cayenne and his sister were born in that area it's one of the leopards of course the name derived named in Kanye just because he likes to climb Amarula trees actually how many guides in the naturists OR naturists themselves name these leopards like Calamba kuchava it's all about the cuttings and the doings of the leopard itself out in nature that really observed by the guys and they're able to come with the name and you might find that lots of names shoot the doings of that particular enema and Kanye Calamba and all that it's such a beautiful names if you look at the characteristics of the level of the character of that leopard you might find that she was always up in the tree Calamba we know all of you tell them but she likes to jump all the time and run away I mean sometimes even you she disappear in front of you it's such amazing how this name comes I love I love the left in science all of them really really their names are so beautiful let's see if we can find this uh Pixie female pixie uh female daughter that uh she likes it to be in the area I believe if we stay I mean people stay checking this particular individual a young female she's going to be relaxed more than kuchava leopard Queen how I'm celebrating my New Year's evening uh I will actually I was planning with my uh my my friend here my colleague Panda but I'll have uh one beer I'll go out of the reserve quickly for one or two beer and come back uh you know I I really wish to be at home because you know when we talk about celebration of New Year's and Christmas it happens in the rural communities you need to go there and see the vibe because everybody was wearing new clothes and they'll be slotting goats Catalyst depend how actually the wealth of the family some of the families the slaughter and ox and they will be celebrating with lots of alcohol and everybody dancing music is where you can see the social and also the lung accession family that practices in in the community itself because people that will be having Christmas is amazing because you go everywhere it's for free alcohol also free I mean meat is for free everything's so free I will be celebrating the best for me to go home from here it's a distance uh I might suffer in the morning so I'll wait until I go home I will celebrate uh my my Christmas at home soon I go home myself I slot I'll slaughter a fox or a goat I'm the farmer I got pigs goat and everything I'll choose what I would like to celebrate that day it will be nice for my family also it doesn't mean that um if I'm aware they can't do that but they'll wait for uh uh the word for me as a part of the family to celebrate all together and have fun all together oh lovely is how I'm gonna celebrate I'm not sure Panda how are you gonna celebrate yours [Music] can we stop there please because now we have got some leopards making love now this is not like when a baby human bites your finger [Music] let's push play on this episode of the wild show [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] from where we will turn north so we will turn north and head back towards the area of the ice it's gonna be a fun evening all of us are really happy to be together and so what we are going to do is probably sit around in DRC maybe play some games we've got some good card games around I'm sure we will all share an apple juice or something like that I just had a great time probably Reminiscing on our funniest stories and best memories of each other during this year because believe me we have many many funny memories of each other love ourselves silly to the point where we have a sore ABS the next morning ah it has been a very entertaining year so lucky to be working with crew that I suppose we could call family friends family working together has been fantastic let's hope we are going to have a nice relaxing last 10 minutes just a bit of a chance to breathe we've had an exceptional day for the last day of the year so I feel like we can use this last 10 minutes to Just Breathe soak it in think back on the year that you have had and all of the best things about it and at least if you have missed any of the show you can watch all of it for some reason you missed some of it so please go and have a look at the best bits on the app you'll be able to catch up with all of our based highlights right there to make sure you don't miss anything else great ways to reflect on the year that we have just heard only a few more hours and we say goodbye to 2022 bring in 2023 in style a whole new year starting for us the animals don't know that it's a new year but we know that it is and so we're always wondering what's going to happen always optimistic about realistic it's been wonderful oh okay we're gonna spend a little bit time just breathing that in and for now I'll send you over to Andrew in the Eastern Cape best friend show them the best Last Sunset of 2022 for our Sunset Safaris thanks Tess and just to sit here and to know that this will be the last segment that I will do for the year 2022 is very surreal I won't lie so myself and BK decided let's find a really cool place with a bit of a sunset nice tree in the foreground and watch that sun go down for the very last time be doing this with all of you and as you know I started with wild Earth sort of later in the year and I can definitely say that I feel that I was very well supported by all of you have very warm and welcoming towards me and because of that I feel very comfortable in doing what I'm doing so I just want to say thank you very much to all of you I want to say thanks to everybody I've worked with everybody in the mission control and technical support the directors all the viewers my family camera operators and other naturalists it really has been an absolute team effort and without all of you and your support I would never be where I am now so thank you all just in the future foreign just been a such a stunning day I was hoping to get the Secretary Bird Nest today seeing them on the last day of the year but I think do you see them on the first day of the new year is going to be even more special so you can bet your bottom dollars I'm gonna be there tomorrow myself and BK are going to go say hello to them see how they're doing in the new year and we are definitely looking forward to that oh yes so yes foreign just be so cool if a giraffe would walk in the front yeah African scenes with giraffes Silhouettes it's very iconic with the sunsets but what we do have is a beautiful bookwood tree which is a that main tree that you're seeing there and it has been fed on at some point by giraffe so we're flies there wonderful cigarettes beautiful I just want to say to all the young young people out there if you're going into the new year and you are still unsure of what you want to do with your life what I can say is try and figure out what makes you happy what is your passion in life and go with that and I have no doubt that you'll be successful in whatever you your passions are turn your passion into a lifestyle that's what I like to say New Years new beginnings new opportunities remember to make the most of them foreign Tessa and she wants to say goodbye for the last time cheerio thank you Andrew I'm so grateful that I met you this year and that you have become my best friend oh I can hear a lion far distance I don't think you'll be able to hear it but I can hear it in that is fantastic and there goes the aisle little varrose eagle owl sighting for the evening an epic little last minute find for the last Safari of the year I can't believe this is happening right now what a day work today and on which we go I love a good erosion glass I think it's a little cheap a good omen for the new year to come owls I'll give back to me especially if you actually get a decent bin I don't want it to be that time but unfortunately it is that time where we have to start saying goodbye I suppose we look forwards we look upwards we look onwards and we say thank you very much to 2022 for everything that it has brought us every High every low every new family member every new friend every new character and every new favorite loved core memory but thank you especially to everybody who joined us not only for today's sunset Safari the last of the year but for every Safari this year for every special event for every up every down we really do appreciate you you have been phenomenal thank you Carla B thank you so much and thank you for the well wishes I'm hoping that everybody has a spectacular 2023 we are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning to bring in the New Year in the best way possible on Safari in the African bush the best place to be again though thank you for allowing us to live our dreams and to share such a special and unique part of the world and of nature in particular with you thank you for a spectacular Year I hope that wherever you are that you have a wonderful evening celebrating the end of 2022 and the start of 2023 you have all been incredibly special to us through the entire year and I'm sure it will continue into 2023 I'm looking forward to it have a lovely evening everybody we will see you bright and early on the 1st of January tomorrow at 5 30 a.m Central African time on our first Sunrise Safari of the Year thank you to the whole MC crew and the wild Earth crew for a phenomenal Year and thank you to everybody at home Happy 2023 everybody Happy New Year five [Music] in this episode of the wild show we're going to scoot back to the 18th century to the latter part of the French Revolution then
Channel: WildEarth
Views: 19,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Vq22qk22-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 51sec (14391 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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