Wild Yunnan - Explore China's Breathtaking Landscape | Full Documentary

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yunan a land of contrasts from its frozen mountains in the North to the tropical Monsoon forests of the [Music] [Applause] South connected by some of China's Great Rivers this Southwestern province is also home to the greatest number of animal species in China where the Yan people and the animals have lived in harmony for Millennia to survive in the country's most diverse Province every animal must carve out a niche for [Music] itself from the newest patriarch in a group of one of the world's rarest and highest living monkeys to an orphan of the country's only remaining population of wild elephants with all of this diversity yunan is China's Wildlife [Music] Kingdom China's yunan province is home to over half of the country vertebrate species found in a diverse variety of habitats from the tropical forests in its South to The Frigid mountains of the north bordering the Himalayas is one of the youngest mountain ranges on Earth the hung dang for the past 8 million years these towering Peaks have separated this region of China from the rest of Asia ridges soaring Beyond 4,5 500 M create a series of parallel valleys enormous Rivers power their way down the Gorges permanently separating one side of the Valley from the other perched near the base of the yunling mountains is the home of senior Ranger [Music] Eugena it's time for his morning commute into the forest [Music] this extreme isolated terrain is home to one of Yan's most unique residents a species of monkey thought to be extinct for over 80 years [Music] rediscovered by Chinese scientists in 1979 yunan snubnosed monkeys are one of the rarest and most bizarre looking primates in the [Music] world their face lacks a proper nose which probably evolve to combat extreme cold and [Music] Frostbite these monkeys live between 3,000 and 4,500 m above sea [Music] level the highest living primate in the world [Music] [Music] all [Music] they evolved short limbs rotund bodies covered in a very thick coat a formula that reduces heat loss in subzero temperatures in these mountains it can remain Frozen for 6 months of the year which offers up another problem for these high altitude primates scant food but snub-nose monkeys are one of the most resilient primates on the planet and have adapted a taste for an unsavory food source a bushy [Music] lyen half fungus and half algae this plant-like snack is unpalatable to most mammals but yunan snubnosed monkeys have evolved a special gut that allows them to survive on the low nutrient content of this unusual [Music] fungus ly him is very slow growing though so resources can become [Music] scarce fortunately you isn't far away when the monkeys need a helping hand hidden away in his home you keeps a secret stash of the snub-nosed monkey's favorite food like any caring father he makes sure that his monkeys won't go hungry Downy [Music] fore [Music] 's team of Rangers isn't the only group with increasing numbers in these mountains Yan snubnose monkeys form large super groups that consist of many smaller family units families are made up of multiple females their offspring and a single male one of the newest alpha males in this super group has a surprising handicap one arm it is not known how he lost his arm but despite this handicap he was able to fight and win a mate dwan sha as he's known is the lowest ranking patriarch in the group one of his male offspring Le Z has a lot of learning to do if he wants to become a dominant male in Yan's most unforgiving [Music] [Music] environment [Music] to the south of the Hond mountains conditions are much less extreme the forests of Southern Yan experience a warmer tropical climate all year long fostering an explosion of diversity positioned north of the equator these humid rain forests are a stark difference from the more temperate forests of the hungan ranges warm air from the south dumps nearly 2 and 1/2 M of rainfall per year the result is a forest that is home to around 4,000 types of higher plants and over 2,000 species of animals from the minute to the massive there's a giant hidden among these [Music] trees elephants are often associated with African and Indian Landscapes but Asia's largest land mammal also makes its home here found nowhere else in China you 's population of Asian elephants is between 200 and 250 strong consisting of many family herds this family has a new [Music] addition all of the family members play an important part in the young On's education unlike African elephants whose herds are led by a single female matriarch new research suggests that Asian elephants show no definitive hierarchy within a [Music] herd with more abundant resources and fewer Predators than the African Savannah Asian elephants lead a more democratic lifestyle with all members of the family contributing to decision [Music] making this juvenile couldn't ask for a better learning [Music] environment but not all baby elephants are so lucky [Music] this youngster is an orphan shortly after birth she became ill and was left behind by Her Herd without the nourishment and support of her family she would not survive after being abandoned this baby elephant was adopted by a surrogate family of humans these elephant dads work at the Asian elephant breeding and rescue center in zung bana their goal rehabilitate and release injured and orphaned elephants back to the wild [Music] for [Music] these elephant dads can't teach young you everything though in order to learn vital survival skills like identifying edible plants she has been paired up with an older orphan but young new's love for her Human family appears to be strong this intense Bond May prevent her from returning to the wild hey hey hey hey hey hey hey as other released orphans have been known to find their way back to the rescue [Music] center by don't this non-traditional family is vital for young new to learn the skills she will need to survive to adulthood if her recovery is successful Yu's future Offspring could help bolster the wild elephant population of yunan in the hungan mountains baby snubnose monkeys also require a strong family support network female snubnosed monkeys are pregnant during The Frigid winter months relying on their fat reserves to nourish their growing [Music] fetuses by the time babies are born in Spring new mothers quickly shift their priorities to feeding [Music] they must maintain their energy supplies to feed their rapidly growing babies but this can be tricky with a newborn baby in toe the solution is to bring in other members of the family unit to babysit and care for the infant while Mom spends time feeding at no more than 6 months old Twan shao's infant luzzy needs a lot of attention but with such a small family the one-armed monkey is the only available caregiver for his baby and with Dad distractive luzy sneaks off for an [Music] [Music] adventure snubnosed monkeys are deaft Navigators of the trees leaping precariously from Branch to branch and if the Gap is too big they cleverly employ physics to give them an extra [Music] boost D Sha's baby climbs higher into the trees but little luzzy is playing a dangerous game he still lacks the experience of the older monkeys and a fall from this height would be fatal the higher he climbs the bigger the gaps become he must make a leap of [Music] faith losing is one jump closer to mastering this Treetop [Music] navigation to the more tropical South an ancient tree climber navigates the canopy at a much slower Pace High up in the Treetops one of the most primitive and secretive primates prepares for the hours of Darkness a slow loris unable to jump from Branch to Branch these nocturnal primates stealthily stalk through the canopy and true to their names they are very slow stealth rather than speed is their niche in the forest here integral to this technique are their huge eyes which contain tapetum lucidum a special reflector system that allows maximum light to enter the eye giving amazing night vision to help them scour the dark forests for food but tonight this male is searching for something different he picks up an alluring whiff the scent of a female and she's ready to mate this male is on a mission but reaching his goal is easier said than done with no branches in reach the male descends to the forest floor to find a new root relying on his Keen sense of smell to hone in on the female slow lorises have a scent gland on the underside of their elbows the highly pungent fluid they secrete contains a surprising amount of information rubbing the sweat likee substance on trees allows slow lorises to communicate information about sex age and even social status when rubbed over the heads and necks this foul tasting fluid also acts as an important Predator deterrent and licking this scent gland makes the slow loris the only venomous primate on Earth with a toxic bite that can cause anaphylaxis in humans this sutor is on the right track but he's got competition he spots the female and she's not alone this slow lores lived up to its name another male beat him to it fortunately for the Loris the breeding season is year [Music] [Applause] round at the Asian elephant breeding and rescue center the new dawn is ushered in by the excited cries of young Yu and she is making big improvements [Music] with breakfast finished it's time for some [Music] fun [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] oh Young News wall cousins aren't far away and they've hit the hygiene jackpot in the middle of the forest the herd has found a clearing full of dirt and mud like yangu this soil helps keep these elephants skin fresh and healthy but without the help of human hands they must rely on a different appendage to spread the dirt they're [Music] trunks the trunk's extreme dexterity is achieved with 16 muscles broken down into around 150,000 bundles of muscle fibers and at the end of their trunk is a finger-like extension that allows them to grasp objects like a human [Music] hand this incredible fifth appendage helps the elephants cover their bodies in dirt but the herd isn't just here for a mud bath it's also snack time with their ice cream scooper like trunks the elephants beast on the dirt it may look unappetizing but it's thought that the soil replenishes vital nutrients and minerals that are absent from these Giants primarily plant-based [Music] diet to the north of this herd's home the forest takes on a different shape higher elevations and a cooler climate limit the growth of tropical plant species here instead a more temperate coniferous forest sprawls north towards the hungan ranges interspersed among these conifers grow thickets of the world's largest grass bamboo the bamboo in these forests attracts a specialist Bamboo [Music] Eater but not the one you would expect the diminutive red panda despite its name and the fact it has a similar diet to China's iconic giant panda the two are completely unrelated the word panda in fact means Bamboo Eater in neighboring Nepal and true to their names most of their diet is made up of this fast growing but poorly nutritious Woody grass [Music] to survive on the low nutrient content of bamboo these little pandas spend up to 12 hours a day feeding consuming nearly 45% of their body weight in the bamboo tender leaves and ches that's around 20,000 bamboo leaves every day the red panda has no close relatives and is considered to be a living fossil A Relic from an extinct lineage that died out millions of years ago but it does have competition for food hidden beneath its feet lurks another bamboo competitor known as the Hy bamboo rat this unusual rodent spends most of its life underground where it excavates an extensive burrow system some reaching 45 M long this network of tunnels gives it direct access to its favorite food when the rat locates a meal it disconnects choots from Roots and drags its prize underground where it can eat in peace most of its life is spent alone but this female has youngsters in tow soon these young rats will disperse to create Mazes of their own until then they'll have to follow their mother's rules raising successful Offspring is every animal's ultimate goal but before they can care for young they must win over a mate yunan is home to a very strange bird with one of the most bizarre mating rituals in the the world this colorful Critter is right at home here as yunan has the greatest number of bird species in China from Fish Eaters to nectar lovers birds have managed to fill every Niche this region has to offer but this mysterious bird prefers walking to Flying so it loves the cover of the forest floor this is no ordinary pheasant it's a male taming Trager pan and he's not alone a female taming trapan just what he's been waiting for he'll need to pull out all the stops to win over his hopeful mate his plan of attack is the peekaboo game as the excitement builds his fleshy horns [Music] stiffen and he inflates his secret weapon a flamboyant blue and red neck wattle this vibrant skin reflects more light than feathers and acts as a billboard advertising his suitability with a final feather flick the sutor makes his move but it seems he may have work to do on his [Music] routine south of the truer Pan's tempered home the forest transforms into a Tropical Paradise these rain forests are home to one of Nature's Most dazzling birds that has captured people's imagination for centuries peacocks they are well known for their colorful elegant feathers used to Mesmerize potential [Music] mates this dramatic courtship dance holds special meaning to the people of this region peacocks are a symbol of joy and hope for the local D people and have inspired one of their most celebrated dances according to Legend over a thousand years ago the leader of the D xia Jesu learned how to dance by imitating the courtship behavior of these exuberant birds today this perform performance is a centerpiece of all D festivals but these celebrations aren't limited to dancing as Buddhists the Dy have a reverential love of water which culminates in massive splashing fights celebrating the waterways that bring life to their Forest [Music] Home water Domin at Southern unan Culture due to the countless rivers and streams that thread their way through [Music] here the shallower faster flowing waterways are rich in oxygen the ideal conditions for a creature with a weird way of breathing the world's largest amphibian the Chinese giant [Music] salamander they have remained pretty much unchanged since the days of the dinosaurs and can grow to nearly 2 m long and weigh almost 50 kg although these salamanders have lungs quite bizarrely they primarily breathe through their skin a large flap of skin helps oxygen uptake while special nodes help it detect movement in the water vital for capturing prey the water that gives life to this bizarre giant starts its Journey far to the North near the Towering peaks of the Hans the frigid temperatures here create Perpetual snow caps and a constant source of water that helps quench 1.6 million square kilm of Asia [Music] despite the harsh conditions and gradual loss of habitat in these mountains this group of yunan snubnosed monkeys is [Music] growing [Music] sometimes you and his team must learn new faes occasionally monkeys will migrate to a new new super group The one-armed male D sha was this group's newest arrival Yan snubnosed monkeys are a relatively peaceful species so acceptance of new members is generally tolerated but this unspoken piece has its limits if opposing families get too close for comfort adult males won't hesitate to show off their strength maintaining dominance requires constant attention and unmatched physical strength in snub-nosed monkey Society practice starts early in life without adult supervision D shao's baby L is [Music] vulnerable it may seem hard but play fighting like this will prepare L for a life as the dominant male in the unforgiving henan [Music] [Music] mountains in southern Yan conditions are less harsh but the forests here do experience [Music] disturbances this Forest is under attack broken and trampled vegetation Mark a path of Destruction but could there be a silver lining to this [Music] devastation in the rainforests of Southern Yan a herd of Asian elephants is on the move to satisfy their hunger herds cover 50 square kilm for up to 18 hours a day constantly [Music] feeding bamboo and grasses are their favorite foods but elephants aren't careful eaters saplings and leaves of over a 100 species of plants help sustain their huge daily 136 kog appetite strangely these elephants careless destructive eating habits can prove beneficial to the health of their home [Music] range as the herd Moves In Search of food it opens up clearings allowing sunlight to penetrate at the forest flooor this allows a greater variety of plant life to thrive here increasing the biodiversity of their [Music] home these Forest clearings attract the attention of another massive mammal the Asiatic bear it is smaller than the common brown bear and has a very distinctive v-shaped check mark on its chest it can be found in all sorts of habitats but in warm forests such as these they don't need to hiate these Bears have a wide diet ranging from Plants to berries and even carrying but this Bear's nose is Le in to a sweeter meal he probes the source of the smell with his nearly 30 cm long tongue it's honey a discovery that warrants further [Music] investigation Asiatic bears are well adapted to life in the trees with extremely powerful upper bodies for climbing and hooked claws for grasping onto Trunks and [Music] branches but it seems this bear is out of luck The Hive has abandoned this tree he'll have to keep searching fortunately the excess light in this clearing has fueled the growth of tasty new plants that are much easier to reach extra light isn't all the forest needs to survive though many of the plants here rely on animals for fertilization as the sun sets one of the forest's most important pollinators is only just starting its day the slow loris's diet consists primarily of sap as these primates sniff around trees and leaves searching for gooey goodness they unwittingly Foster the next generation of these plants their vegetarian preference won't keep them from indulging in a protein packed snack though crickets the slow loris spies a Target without the ability to jump he must stalk his prey through the canopy to get close enough to [Music] pounce it is a game of cat and mouse undertaken at a snail's pace [Music] his breakfast is just in reach now the trick is knowing when to strike his timing is spot on and the Cricut Buffet is open all [Music] night the new dawn beckons this midnight Hunter to bed but not before one last [Music] [Music] snack other prey isn't as hard to catch fortunately for unan snub-nosed monkeys lyan can't run away but competition for food between rival families is high despite the efforts of the Rangers to feed them in fellow [Music] times but senior Ranger yena's dedication to his extended family has not faltered but even you's best efforts can't protect the monkeys from each other Yan snub-nosed monkeys have one of the largest home ranges of any primate as much as 50 square kilm despite all of this space tensions between families can grow especially while [Music] feeding as a low-ranking male D Sha's family is more vulnerable to intrusion by rival monkeys he must be on constant alert to maintain his status and access to [Music] food on the fringes of dwan Sha's feeding area are unwanted guests a higher ranking male with multiple females these monkeys are going to provoke a reaction fights between adult males could lead to death but doing nothing puts dwan Sha's rank at risk and if he loses his baby ludzi could be killed by the opposing male the one-armed male goes on the offensive and it pays off D sha has secured his Rank and his family's access to lyen for now bringing luzzy one step closer to Adam child hood to the South a very different primate has a much smaller home range confined to Tiny pockets of high elevation rainforest in the forests of wiang Shan scientist ningan he is studying a rare and Elusive Gibbon [Music] in order to gain a better understanding in of these mysterious primates Dr ning must record every minute detail of their behavior and habitat but finding his study subjects is no easy [Music] [Music] feat fortunately Dr ning has a backup [Music] plan and today the crossroad delivers the dawn here is ushered in by haunting [Applause] cries the Harmon izers are black crested Gibbons these Gibbons are now a very rare and endangered species in China growing to roughly 50 cm tall the Sexes vary only in color males are almost entirely black and females are a golden color with a black streak on the [Music] head families have a very limited home range living in small areas of the canopy where they can access their preferred food [Music] figs but with the fruiting season behind them it's slim [Music] pickings Gibbons swing through the canopy in their search for food reaching speeds of up to 54 km per hour [Music] this female isn't just foraging for herself her baby is still reliant on her [Music] milk clinging to her allows the youngster to continuously feed while Mom searches for [Music] food but this doesn't stop it from having a playful romp through the trees hidden beneath the canopy the elephant herd moves at a much slower Pace the abundance of food here means less competition for resources and more time for socializing water holes aren't just for bathing and drinking blowing bubbles helps clean the elephant's trunk but it's also a fun game of sorts play like this helps young elephants hone their motor skills and develop more adult Behavior at the Asian elephant breeding and rescue center Young News play is more [Music] [Music] unorthodox Young new has come a long way from that day she was found in the Farmer's Shed and thanks to the efforts of Chen and the other elephant dads her future is [Music] assured her strong bond with her Human family may prevent Young new from being released to the wild but with luck someday her Offspring will return to the forest to strengthen the wild elephant popul a in [Music] Yan the province of yunan is the most diverse region in China a place where a huge variety of animals have found a niche in contrasting forests from the temperate to the tropical it is truly a wildlife [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kingdom
Channel: Free High-Quality Documentaries
Views: 33,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free High-Quality Documentaries, HD, Full HD, Quality, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet full episode, full documentary, animal documentary
Id: Kar0_4EclFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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