Wild Vancouver Island - The Movie | 4K | Canada, BC

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what are we packing up for roots we're off to Canada to see orcas from our kayaks oh they're coming this way they're going to come right out in front of us here our 3 and 1 half week Wildlife Focus trip began in heo airport we greeted Peggy out of the way these little things North it's quite heavy checked in our luggage compared watches before Dad struck up a strange relationship with a robotic Hoover oh you are lucky you were a lucky he wanted to take it to Canada with us but mom wouldn't let [Laughter] him is AER if your device does get lost please do not move your safe but do let your crew know if you want to see one animal in Canada what is it going to be animal or or everyone else watching films on the plane I'm watching The Godfather you're watching The Godfather and rubs has just sat there just watching the plane fly over over England it's the best movie there is because it never ends after a 9h hour flight we touched down in Vancouver so much better than M really picked up our Mustang look at the Alloys on her and headed straight to Subway that one there so what is start the Mayo while Mom was botching up her order dad was asked to attend to something that paid him a little more attention than the Hoover he's got a dog again he asked to take the dog with us no he doesn't want to know him though the owner robustly refused it was a Bluster ferry ride over to the islands Peggy barely made it but she just managed to grasp onto the hand [Music] ril the girl force winds seem to have catapulted M and Peggy back into the Stone Age that looks fine I know we headed to the world famous Walmart to stock up on supplies before the 4-Hour car journey to our first destination Campbell River some were too excited to [Music] sleep so after 36 hours we finally arrived the view of the river how's it looking you can only just pop your head over the top we scan the river for Wales with no success so we got an early night to start aresh the following morning here so the sun is just peeping Over the Horizon there's the Lo ker about to go on his maiden voyage and here I am with my binoculars looking out trying to see some orcas any sightings of any orcas or whales yet roots not yet but I do feel it in my bones but today is going to be a big day with a big sighting cheers have a look oh that's quite good that's really good actually it is raccoon nice on RS that afternoon we headed out onto the water and caught our first glimpse of what we had traveled here for we've just seen two back yeah see that seagull directly beneath that we've just seen two probably three humb whales that we're just following them now what do you reckon our chances I've seen them again roots oh well we'll see some at some stage definitely so those ones seem to be a slowly Cruise pass four or five blow shall shallow surface blows and then flues come up and they Deep dive but there'll be more I'm sure unfortunately we didn't see the hunt backs again but there was plenty of other Wildlife on [Music] show The Saltwater straight of Georgia is Rich with a variety of fish this Osprey taking full [Music] advantage whilst a group of common mananas employ their own method of catching a much smaller [Music] species a b Eagle wants in on the [Music] action missed it tries again this time appearing to be weighed down by a fish too heavy to carry back to the beach [Music] and forced to let it go from the grips of its talents Third Time Lucky it had its lunch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the nearby Woodlands a woodpecker was on the hunt for [Music] insects [Applause] whilst the red squirrel was undertaking some [Music] housekeeping out from the water popped an American [Music] [Applause] [Music] mink which then patrolled the rocky [Music] Shoreline turkey vultures circled menacingly [Music] overhead as the last of the Evening Sun [Music] disappeared after a 2-hour drive we arrived at our second location Hidden Cove Lodge orur and bears had clearly been seen here before a few hours spent looking out to seea produce nothing before Mom spotted something on the shoreline I'm going as quietly as I can I know I'm going oh he walking away from us it's really close so the B so the B is just [Music] there the black bear patrols the short door [Music] line on the search for his next [Music] meal he surveys the [Music] area before continuing his [Music] foraging he turns over rocks looking for crabs and muscles nothing here this time he Hoovers up a few small [Music] crabs [Music] [Music] a crow accompanies him Scavenging for [Music] leftovers [Music] before using his huge Paws to turn over a much larger [Music] Rock [Music] something catches his attention in the Woodland behind [Music] him another black [Music] bear it clambers down the [Music] tree leaps onto a nearby Fallen branch and slowly makes his way down to the [Music] Shoreline straight towards the other black [Music] bear although these bears are not territorial they will defend their source of [Music] food [Music] the next day we decided to focus our attention on the water doesn't get a lot more relaxing than this sat looking out for Wales although we've spent about 6 or 7 hours today haven't seen any htbs or uh oras still time though Perfect Light no wind mom Peggy and I looked out from the shore while his dad was out on his kayak we waited and waited until suddenly I can see them they're coming straight across the bay [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] Ora [Music] a large pod consisting of around 12 individuals one of the males Rises to breathe dwarfing dad with its huge 6ft [Music] fin in British Columbia there are two different ecotypes of Ora the northern residents which usually live around Vancouver Island feeding exclusively on fish and transient orcas who travel between California and Alaska praying on marine mammals including seals porpuses and other whales although resident and transient orcas share the same territory they never crossbreed or engage in social interactions ensuring each population's feeding habits genetics and vocalizations remain within the family every orcapod has its own distinct set of CES [Music] these are not used or understood by other populations of [Music] orca this particular pod is part of the fisheating northern resident population known as the B1 pod led by The 76-year-old Matriarch Scarlet between 1964 and 1995 she has had seven calves six of which are [Music] males in 1987 an orca known as yak culta was born easily identified by its collapsed dorsal [Music] fin the Pod continues East and Dad returns to shore rops paddling with a pot of orcas how was that um so I was out out there a mile out just by myself me and the orcas saw them coming up small fins first and then the M's fin comes up and it just keeps on going up why' you reckon his fin is like tilted over cuz I've only seen that in like the when they're in captivity uh yeah I don't know I don't know injury probably maybe maybe fighting with others but are quite exciting seeing the the blow of the spray a the blow go up and all from uh all from puff and pig too were you not a bit worried that they were going to destroy your boat well I was a little B you probably saw as I was approaching and of course you're not allowed to go that close um I was just thinking without the little bit uh I think vulnerable is the vulnerable there was a whole hotch poch of fin sizes as usual um I didn't really take it in the other side because my excitement centers were sort of fizzing and popping and blowing so um I'll only really know when I uh review the photographs later let's have a look at those shoes well they're pretty goofy these are my indoor Crocs I didn't even have time to put my outdoor Crocs with the big logs lugs on so these are my house Crocs they shouldn't be out there looking for oras the excitement had only just begun as the following day we prepared for our King trip 6:30 in the morning morning we're staying in a holiday in there's Dad and there's mom getting ready we have got a six day kayak trip here I am again um and we're not seeing civilization for 6 days rots what do you think about my sporty on oh you look like an orer you're going to fit in nicely actually know look like a wh- sided dolphin uh how you feeling about the six day kak trip I actually I'm very very excited actually just been told to be quiet H oh cuz we speaking too loudly yeah that be you I suspect probably I'm not very excited I'm fny enough I'm a little bit little bit nervous I don't know why uh but very excited cool let's have some Brey let's do it and that's my packing look at these shoes my feet are definitely not that wide they're right right length but I mean who has feet shaped like that I've got my GoPro very professionally tucked in a sock some nice boxes over there with binoculars um and also uh my camera's in there as well um I got my coffee ready to go weather outside is overcast but no wind whatsoever which is what we like for kiking so camping out uh intented accommodation uh that's provided for us and also no showers for six days so Peggy is in there having her final shower it would you believe that py what did you just SP how many were there two or three what Sheed to we can go home now let's turn around and go home yeah Trip's off cancel looking snazzy they're quite wide aren't they yeah mine are quite wide they just arrived in our tented accommodation when we're done with this CH you're going to go and our group consisted of two Americans and 11 Brits led by three guides oh lucky the Canadian Icebreaker went down a treat hey guys why should you never sign a contract with a whale why me preach it whilst the British approach received a mixed reception how do you circumcise a whale you sent down four skin diers bring it down a bit we set off on our first paddle around Swanson Island are you I'm having a really nice time it's absolutely stunning we return to camp and watch the sunset can I tou oh you look so scary it looks like you're blind his eyes a little blind mice yeah okay night night sleep badly what you're under pressure the following morning Peggy heard the blow of a htb he's under pressure now it was really really close did you hear it yeah yeah which we struggled to see through the thick fog that's a rock it's going to be going to be a good day look it's suddenly just suddenly clearing yeah the Brits were making a great first impression as Dad articulately summed up the British weather the thing is you're used to the extreme weather conditions of Chicago in England it's sort of in the summertime it's damp and warm and in the winter time it's damp and of slightly less warm but he was right about the sea fog which began to clear we were off again [Applause] oh we can't just up do was she whing on the anybody listening here it is here just in the summer months usually oh that's funny that's it perfect speed thank you how'd you find it mom really great a bit chilly now but getting into try clothes and getting into the VOD H double vodka I think so yeah Peggy one for you oh definitely definitely definitely rops a little bit chilly well yes I am and it's some I am do feel a little bit fatigued to be quite honest see Bey that evening a hunt back whale swam past see you is that one that looked oh my God and we got an early night ready for an early start the following day although Peggy and I were up much earlier than we had anticipated so I was just getting up to go for a we and as I was going through a we I could hear a load of blows right in close to the the shore and it must be a Potter walk is just slowly going past and uh I really can't see them it gets light in about an hour and a half so I'm just going to sit on this rock wait for a little bit of light and hopefully the orust will still be here so we've got a pot of dolphins going past 50 yards from the shore and [Music] then about 600 M away a pot of oras we're just waiting for it to get light I get it's another half an hour before it gets light enough to film and hopefully they're still it but the port had disappeared by [Applause] Sunrise that morning we were shown our route for the day's paddle here to SW and then that's where we are spend two nights here while Dad made sure he had the correct wet suit boots confirmed Sean is there something fragile here there's nothing fragile in there awesome some smelly socks so watch out o I'm not going to open it then we packed up for day three on the water and stretched out to avoid any strains do you do free po parachuting it's a good practice for that so we're just getting ready to do a 45 minute Crossing we're going to be crossing over there and uh there's a lot of hunt backs blowing in that area so hopefully it could be an opportunity to get super super close to a hunt that well oh what are you bringing me blueberry bar lovely a humpback surfaced in the direction we were paddling it's coming this way isn't it getting closer and closer the hunt backback was coming our way after it took a deep dive we waited to see where it would surface next but we didn't get the close encounter we were after yeah so we continued with our Crossing before then making an even longer Crossing through the famous Johnston straight to our second campsite might suddenly a large pot of oras surfaced in front of us the race was on to get back to the campsite grab my camera and attempt to film The Pod before they moved [Music] [Music] on Northern resident orca [Music] hunting salmon using echo [Music] location they send out a series of [Music] clicks allowing the Orca to detect fish 500 ft away [Music] which then reflect back to the whale creating a clear picture of their [Music] surroundings the Orca are accompanied by a pod of white-sided dolphins who realize these orkers pose no threat recognizing their friendly [Music] cause the orcas rise to breathe before a familiar individual [Music] emerges yakola the male with the disfigured fin part of the B1 pod which we encountered a few days [Music] earlier they dive they work together to catch and feed on the salmon [Music] before the whole pod Rises one in an unforgettable [Music] encounter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oo [Music] [Applause] think you're like a beaver you just can't stop doing the wood doing the wood thing an improvised xylophone was created what's the mileage as we took it in turns guessing our distance paddled that day the No No we got a [Music] guess he thought he wanted to smash a guitar the answer is it's 5.5 although once again our sleep was interrupted [Music] [Music] for oh my God I look tired didn't get much sleep cuz the or were just blowing so much during the night really really close in and one of the guides thought that they may might have used um the stones here on the beaches uh as a rubbing Beach here comes the rops um and I was really hoping that wake up this morning and they'd still be here but they looked to moved on which isn't surprising really given that they've been here for so long but there was so much tail slapping so many blows going on last night rops yeah you didn't get up for the blows last night did you I didn't I enjoyed them from the quietness of my bed and it we just went on and on for a couple of hours maybe just blowing and blowing and unbelievably loud like that they sounded so close but I expected they weren't that close particularly it's a really really extraordinary experience and once or twice with with the blows of the whale in the middle of the night with the sound of the call of the passing loon in the [Music] background [Music] sea [Music] lion one of the many predators is feasting on the Abundant salmon [Music] [Music] population [Music] and Hunt back [Music] [Applause] [Music] whales [Music] 40 ton Giants which fish in the [Music] sound [Music] [Music] w [Applause] w [Applause] a pod of white-sided dolphins swam past our [Applause] camp before the clouds rolled in and we retreated to our [Music] tents by Nightfall the clouds are replaced with clear skies we awoke to the sound of distant humpback blows and bird calls oh J that's better oh that's nice no no that's just water it was our last day on the islands and we packed up ready for our final paddle back to Telegraph Cove last few months oh yeah he's just a young one isn't it young one we had one final game of guess the [Applause] mileage before saying all [Music] goodbyes I thought it was Tim and Tabby joined us at our next destination older Bay you say the reason for that a lack of wildlife is um a short walk produced no bears yeah and you can tell it's not the Kate before Dad made friends with Anie and Lynn an American couple who kindly transformed their fishing vessel into a wildlife tourboat for the day need Lynn spotted a pod of white-sided dolphins in a playful mood [Music] wow whoa they're under the bo who way riding the ship gos get him a large colony of sea liines were hauled out on the Rocks zoomed in that's amazing what a finale before an incredible close encounter with a humpback whale [Music] there it is did you see that that was so [Music] close [Music] our final stop was a week spent on main island number four I think I actually look quite good it actually look sick that guy from Mario Kart with a mustache God they look like swimming goles just a little bit smaller there he is C bird's eye captain hey guys should we give them a bit of food y yeah we go yes and this last bit yes come I love this we need some more we need some more as well good Tim good Tim great technique Tim oh brilliantly D just let it take it now soft grip soft grip the way and that's it and just let it take it brilliantly executed Tim oh done amazing cber no that jalapeno gber jalapeno is it jalapeno I don't want to get that amazingly just beneath our lodge lived an elusive and secretive mammal and was without doubt one of my favorite creatures I filmed to date I'll leave you with this short sequence thanks for [Music] watching North American river otter hunting on a low tide this female is equipped with thick protective fur to maintain warmth with a narrow body and flattened head for streamline movement in the water she Dives in search of fish and crabs holding her breath for up to 8 minutes at a time before diving [Music] again this time choosing to eat her catch on the [Music] Rocks she heads back into the ocean looking for a more substantial [Music] meal and emerges with a large red rock [Music] crab still desperately trying to defend itself [Music] she flips it onto its [Music] back game [Music] over only the shell and pincers [Music] remained after a few hours feeding she swims to [Music] shore clambers over the rocky [Music] Shoreline and returns to her Den for the night the following morning she heads back out to sea only this time she has company she's joined in the Water by her two [Applause] pups learning how to catch prey for themselves one of the pups seems to have The Knack of it already whilst the other one returns [Music] empty-handed again and again its resilience finally pays [Music] off but the battle isn't won yet as the eel wraps itself around the pup's nose before making its unlikely Escape once full they make their way into Shore for some rest the wary mother checks her surroundings using her acute sense of [Music] smell deeming it safe to venture out beyond the shelter of her [Music] Den she sent marks the [Music] area to communicate territories and reproductive status to other nearby [Music] ers before the three of them head back out to sea and continue fishing into the [Music] night these pups will likely stay with their mother for another 6 months before they will be forced to find their own territory a mate and one day raising a family of Their [Music] Own
Channel: Henry Kirkwood Filmmaking
Views: 18,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wUG23nrvSCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 18sec (3498 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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