WILD TANZANIA | Ruthless nature and ancient tribes

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[Music] Tanzania is a unique country one of the oldest places on Earth inhabited by humans it is the country with the highest concentration of animals a territory that is in itself a natural wonder of the world the Serengeti National Park is the most famous Nature Reserve in Tanzania where one of the most fascinating natural phenomena takes place every year The Great Migration which is the largest land migration on the planet in May when the dry season begins more than a million wildebeests and thousands of zebras antelopes and gazelles head north to Kenya's Maasai Mara Reserve in search of fresh grass and water in July they face the most dangerous stage they have to cross the Mara and gromiti rivers which are infested with crocodiles but that's not the only Danger when the herds of wildebeests reached the banks of the mara River they look for places to cross The Crossing may start off with a few daring wildebeests and then suddenly the entire herd begins to cross if the descent is steep some individuals can break a leg and become easy prey for the crocodiles or lions zebras and wildebeests often cross together with zebras having better sight and wildebeests better hearing meanwhile dozens of sizable and weighty crocodiles await in the river most managed to cross nervous and agitated others are caught by the crocodiles the young are the easiest prey it is their first time crossing the river and they are not familiar with these predators but the adults can also be hunted [Music] foreign the Nile crocodile has one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom once the crocodile catches its prey it holds it under water and Spins a maneuver known as the death roll of all the wildebeests and zebras that manage to cross and survive some are left exhausted with broken limbs or trapped in the mud at some River Crossings thousands of wildebeests pile up in just a few minutes in these situations some may be trampled by their peers and drown leaving dozens of victims the last effort is to climb the other side of the river which can also be difficult due to fatigue and steep slopes after a few minutes the wildebeests go back to grazing and resting as if they had not just been close to losing their lives every year about thirty thousand zebras and 250 000 wildebeests die preyed upon drowned sick thirsty or exhausted but the risk of losing life does not end here the Serengeti is home to the largest population of lions in Africa these mammals are the only felines that live in groups with a hierarchical structure consisting of dominant males females and their cubs lionesses are expert Hunters they work as a team to capture and take down larger prey one of their most frequent victims is the wildebeest calf which isolated from the herd and facing several females cannot Escape in general it's easier for Lions to hunt wildebeests than buffalos buffaloes are more aggressive and larger although Lions usually attack The Young and the most vulnerable if a herd of buffalo separates or if an individual Strays from the group Lions can seize the opportunity to attack having a greater chance of success if they work as a team and use coordinated tactics hippopotami are very uncommon prey for Lions due to their size strength and aggression but they can sometimes be hunted when there are young sick injured or isolated individuals as they pose a lesser risk however even under these circumstances hunting hippos remains very dangerous it is only done when there is a shortage of easier prey [Music] in the vast plains of the Serengeti also dwells the largest terrestrial animal the African Savannah elephant due to its enormous size the number of individuals can be easily estimated one of the largest populations in Africa lives in Tanzania on safaris elephants are seen traveling in female-led groups and can be aggressive if they feel threatened especially the males they develop strong family bonds throughout their lives with the ability to communicate through low frequency sounds and ground vibrations elephants are known for their intelligence and cognitive abilities they are capable of remembering places and members of their herd even after many years leading to the popular saying an elephant never forgets furthermore these animals have shown skills of empathy and mourning demonstrating comforting behaviors toward other herd members who have suffered a loss giraffes not as heavy but taller with their long neck and stylized limbs are other animals that inhabit these savannas those in the Serengeti are members of the Maasai giraffe species the tallest of all subspecies characterized by their distinctive pattern of irregular leaf-shaped spots and Jagged edges they can grow to impressive Heights which allows them to reach the Treetops to feed on leaves and Sprouts that other herbivores can't reach they are social animals that live in groups of 10 to 20 individuals living between 15 and 20 years in the wild unlike elephants they do not have such tight social bonds except between mothers and their young giraffes are generally calm animals but aggressive fights sometimes occur between males they deliver blows with their necks even being able to stab with their ossicones which are the two protuberances they have on their heads if an individual hits with force and precision they can kill their opponent these confrontations occur when males fight for territory that will provide mating opportunities it has been noted that fights tend to occur between individuals of similar size larger males do not face smaller or younger ones the giraffe's main Predator is the lion but they are also capable of Defending themselves a well-aimed blow from a giraffe can break a lion's spine or even kill it despite this sometimes lion Prides can be observed that have managed to hunt a young one usually during Seasons when the big cats cannot find other prey much more populous than giraffes are the African buffaloes although they might not seem like it they are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa they usually lie in wait for a potential predator and attack at the last second the older individuals who leave the herd can be the most aggressive buffaloes are herbivores that spend most of their time grazing living in groups from several dozen to several thousand individuals when under threat they form a defensive Circle with the vulnerable calves in the center and the adults facing outwards presenting a wall of horns to any potential predator among the large African mammals the most threatened is the Rhinoceros the species found in the Serengeti is the black rhinoceros characterized by its hook-shaped upper lip which is adapted for feeding on bushes and trees they are solitary creatures armed with two horns that continually grow throughout their life their thick skin forms unnatural armor that protects them for these reasons rhinoceri have no Predators except for humans who hunt them for their horns causing several Rhino species to already be extinct and the remaining ones critically endangered an intriguing aspect of rhinoceros behavior is their surprisingly good memory despite their poor vision they are known to recognize individual humans and other rhinoceri they have met in the past furthermore rhinoceri rely on a sharp sense of smell and hearing to navigate their environment and communicate with each other through vocalizations and scent markings another prominent big cat of the Serengeti and Africa is the African leopard a species currently under threat these solitary felines are recognized by their striking golden yellow fur decorated with rosette-shaped spots that assist them in blending into the Savannah the males are larger and heavier they have strong flexible bodies and are skilled climbers moreover they can swim when necessary leopards are known to hoist prey heavier than their own body weight up trees and can leap remarkable distances both horizontally and vertically the cheetah the world's fastest terrestrial animal employs a distinct hunting technique it is the fastest land animal reaching high speeds when chasing its prey they have slender bodies long legs and unique spot patterns that distinguish each individual unlike other big cats that sneak up on their prey and attack in a sudden and quick assault cheetahs capture their prey with bursts of speed like a galloping horse they lift all four paws off the ground as if flying these Sprints last about 20 to 30 seconds after which the cheetah must rest to recover from the immense physical effort cheetahs are typically solitary Predators but young Brothers can stay together after leaving their mothers making it easier for them to defend their territory and mate with local females another Serengeti animal is the spotted hyena a very social carnivore with a matriarchal society where females are larger than males and dominate them forming groups of 6 to 100 individuals they are the most common carnivore in Africa they hunt but can also scavenge the larger the hyena group the larger the prey they can hunt among them are buffaloes zebras wildebeest and young rhinoceros smaller groups hunt Impalas warthogs or gazelles the Hyena's worst enemy is the lion who does not hunt them for food but may kill them to eliminate competition foreign [Music] the animals named so far are some of Africa's best known but there are many other curious and unique species living in the Serengeti the shoebill stork is very difficult to observe in nature little is known about their habits because they inhabit inaccessible wetlands and are endangered they are solitary Birds pears only come together during the breeding season and they tend to remain motionless for hours the ground Pangolin one of the four species of pangolins has a small population due to humans hunting them for their scales they live in the savannah or open forest and eat ants or termites that they catch with a long sticky tongue the bat-eared fox is characterized by its large pointed ears helping them detect their prey such as insects and small mammals even Underground they are essentially insectivorous feeding largely on termites and beetles the hippopotamus a creature of substantial weight can swiftly move at impressive speeds they have a thick grayish skin that secretes a pink liquid called blood sweat that helps keep them hydrated and protects their skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays they are very social animals capable of forming groups of up to 30 individuals led by a dominant male they are herbivores and seem calm but as you'll see later on the hippos in some parts of Tanzania are really dangerous the ostrich the world's largest bird possesses powerful legs that enable it to cover extensive distances in search of sustenance and water reaching remarkable speeds for short distances the warthog which has facial warts that act as protection during fights with other males for dominance or access to females Impalas Nimble antelopes with exceptional leaping abilities males display liar shaped horns of considerable length the banded mongoose famous for its ability to confront venomous snakes such as the cobra using its rapid movements and reflexes to avoid being bitten the Secretary Bird a bird of prey that hunts its prey on foot specializing in feeding on snakes even venomous ones amphibians and insects unlike other birds of prey the Secretary Bird uses its long powerful legs to kill its prey repeatedly striking it the Marabou stork it feeds on dead animal remains found in areas where Predators have left their prey sharing the feast with vultures and other scavenger species [Music] before continuing with the most astonishing places in Tanzania I want to show you exactly where this country is Tanzania is located in the eastern part of Africa in the Cradle of the human species bordering Kenya and Uganda to the north Rwanda Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the West Zambia Malawi and Mozambique to the South and the Indian Ocean to the east this region of Africa is known as the Great Lakes named for some of the largest lakes on the planet such as Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika which I will tell you more about later now on to the ongo rongoro crater just a few hours from the Serengeti this is the world's largest intact volcanic caldera formed over 2 million years ago by the collapse of a massive volcano today the crater floor serves as a natural habitat for an extraordinary variety of Wildlife Lions rest quietly stalking potential prey just like the black rhinoceros being a herbivore it has a more Vigilant attitude but the more abundant are the Buffaloes and zebras also on the lookout for hyenas and lions within the boundaries of angarangoro Lies the Olduvai Gorge where fossils and tools dating back millions of years have been Unearthed shedding light on the origins of our species and the early stages of human evolution [Music] in this Conservation Area also live the Maasai people whose Shepherds bring their goats and cows to angarongoro but I will speak more about this tribe a little later north of angarangoro in the Great Rift Valley is Lake Natron a body of water with a surreal landscape it is a Shallow Lake of salt and soda with a rusty red Hue caused by the presence of microorganisms called halawarchia they are microscopic extremophiles that thrive in the highly alkaline Waters of the lake reaching a pH level of up to 12 almost as abrasive as ammonia this High alkalinity is due to volcanic ash and minerals that reach the lake from the surrounding Hills and from the nearby old donyo lengai volcano in this seemingly inhospitable environment life has found a way to flourish the lake is inhabited by the Lesser Flamingo Phoenician is minor one of the most striking and well-known inhabitants of East Africa during the breeding season over 2 million flamingos congregate on the shores of the lake creating a dazzling display of pink this species of flamingo is adapted to survive in the harsh conditions of Lake Natron feeding on the Abundant spirulina algae that also thrive in the alkaline Waters the pink coloring of the flamingos is in fact the result of the pigments found in the algae they consume despite the Hostile conditions other Wildlife also live in Lake Natron including species of fish such as the alkaline tilapia which has evolved to resist the extreme pH levels and various Wetland birds that frequent the swampy edges of the lake for some animals Lake Natron is a deadly trap the surface resembles a mirror animals get confused and dive into its Waters in search of food drowning and naturally becoming mummified southeast of Lake Natron lies Kilimanjaro National Park home to Mount Kilimanjaro the highest peak in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world Mount Kilimanjaro is an inactive stratovolcano composed of three distinct volcanic cones kibo moenzi and Shira kibos Uhuru Peak is the highest point of the mountain mawensi's rugged Peaks and cliffs rise mightily despite being eroded Shira plateaus Grandeur remains evident near the Summit AT Uhuru Peak are glaciers like fortwengler rebman and Deccan a rare sight in the African landscape in the distance we can appreciate the silhouette of Mount meru the country's second highest mountain considered the younger sister of Kilimanjaro at lower Heights a belt of rainforest surrounds the base of the mountain providing a vital link between the low savannas and kilimanjaro's Alpine zones this dense tropical forest is nourished by Abundant rainfall and moisture generated by the Mountain's unique climate and topography it is home to various plant species including giant ferns wild bananas and the Striking African violet adding splashes of color to the vibrant Green Landscape in the sub-alpine region above the jungle Mountain shrubs are located it is here that the peculiar dendrocinitio kilimanjari resides a giant herb adapted to cold temperatures this plant species is found exclusively on Kilimanjaro particularly around the Shira plateau it clings to life on the volcanic slopes its roots plunging deep into the rocky soil in search of water and nutrients the sturdy stems rise toward the sky as if they were trying to get a little closer to the Sun all the Tanzanian places I've shown you so far are located in the Great Rift Valley a massive system of geological faults across East Africa from the Gulf of Aden in the north to Mozambique in the south this geological system formed 25 million years ago due to the separation of the African and Arabian tectonic plates creating a series of faults and fractures in the land where a very diverse topography has developed with mountains valleys lakes and volcanoes south of Kilimanjaro in the East Central part of Tanzania is mikumi National Park which is not as well known to foreigners but is more visited by tanzanians as it is near dodoma the capital of Tanzania and the cities of morogoro and Dar es Salaam one of the most distinctive features of this Reserve is the omkata floodplain a grassland that attracts large concentrations of animals especially during the dry season in umkumi a subspecies of giraffe is found that is considered a link between the reticulated or Somali giraffe native to the Horn of Africa and the Maasai giraffe which inhabits the Serengeti [Music] south of mikumi Park is nyerere National Park the largest reserve in the country and one of the largest on the African continent lions rhinoceri leopards elephants African Buffalo hippos crocodiles giraffes zebras wildebeest and various species of antelope live here it also has one of the largest populations of the African wild dog or Lee Kion the likion holds the title of being the largest wild canine in Africa distinguishing itself from domestic dogs by its highly carnivorous diet and the absence of dew claws the figure of authority in the pack is the alpha female and upon her death the other liqueens disperse to establish new groups the rufihi which runs through nyeri Park is the largest river in Tanzania forming a network of channels lakes and swamps elephants hippos crocodiles and various water Birds depend on this River to survive making it a central axis of biodiversity in the region you have already met several of the animals that live in Tanzania but one of the most outstanding and curious ones is still to come the chimpanzee the chimpanzee which inhabits Mohali Mountains National Park and gombe stream National Park both in Western Tanzania on the shores of Lake Tanganyika we will focus on gombe stream the most attractive one as in the 60s the famous primatologist Jane Goodall conducted her research on chimpanzees and their behavior there this primate species is the closest genetically to humans sharing between 98 and 99 of DNA because of this chimpanzees display a number of fascinating behaviors but also some disturbing ones in her research Goodall observed that each chimpanzee had unique personalities so she decided to give each one a name which was unusual at her time she also noticed that chimpanzees exhibited behaviors such as kissing or hugging and that they develop emotional bonds showing affection empathy and altruism on the other hand she realized that chimpanzees are not vegetarians and that they are capable of using Tools in their search for food they hunt and eat meat including smaller mammals like Calibus monkeys she observed them cooperating during hunts demonstrating Advanced group coordination in addition she discovered that chimpanzees have cultural practices That Vary between different communities for example she noticed variations in tool use grooming behaviors and social Customs among different chimpanzee populations another Finding was the social structure with an alpha male dominating the hierarchy while the females take care of The Offspring furthermore Goodall demonstrated that chimpanzees have a complex system of vocalizations gestures and body language to communicate with each other she identified more than 20 different vocalizations used for various purposes including warning calls food calls and expressions of Tranquility or submission but Goodall also got to witness the cruel and aggressive side of chimpanzees [Music] she documented the gombe chimpanzee War which took place between 1974 and 1978 in which a group of chimpanzees split into two with all the males in one group being killed in this war premeditated murders military type strategies kidnappings slavery and a genocide-like attitude were observed for Jane this was a shock to the reality of nature At first she thought that chimpanzees were much Kinder than humans but after these wars murders and even cannibalism she observed their dark side and commented that it took her several years to reconcile with her findings when Goodall reported these discoveries about the chimpanzee War researchers of the time were skeptical accusing her of anthropomorphizing them but over time it has been accepted that these conflicts are natural within the species another primate that lives in Tanzania and much of western eastern and central Africa is the Olive baboon or Anubis baboon this is a highly adaptable species that can thrive in various habitats including savannas grasslands forests and human settlements they live in complex hierarchical social groups called troops which consist of multiple adult males females and their offspring and can vary in size from a few dozen to over 100 individuals with dominant males maintaining their status through displays of aggression and submission they communicate with a combination of vocalizations body language and facial expressions while grooming is an essential aspect of social bonding helping to establish and reinforce social relationships the Anubis baboon has a large population in Lake manyara National Park very close to the angarangoro reserve the most curious thing about this park are the tree climbing Lions although Lions do not rest in the branches of large trees like leopards do the lions in this park are a notable exception you can see adult lions and lionesses as well as young individuals resting in Akasha trees especially during the hottest hours of the day either sleeping or observing the surroundings this behavior is believed to be learned at a time when there was a plague of mosquitoes and flies the Lions climbed trees to get rid of them the Cubs observed or followed their parents and thus the custom passed from generation to generation as if it were a culture of lions Lake manyara which lends its name to the park is an alkaline ecosystem that attracts thousands of flamingos elephants zebras and hippos that come to drink and bathe although the water in the lake is salty it is safe for animals to drink also found in Tanzania is the black and white Calibus monkey an arboreal primate with striking black and white fur which allows them to camouflage in the forest canopy they primarily eat leaves but also fruits flowers and occasionally insects their diet varies depending on the availability of food sources in their habitat and they usually live in groups of 5 to 15 individuals composed of an adult male several females and their offspring one of the Tanzanian locations where you can observe the black and white Columbus is Arusha National Park in northeastern Tanzania near the city of Arusha here you will find Mount meru and the ungerdoto crater an extinct volcanic crater covered in Marshland a distinct primate species with more vibrant colors is the Zanzibar red colibus which inhabits only unguja island in the Zanzibar archipelago off the coast of Tanzania this is a unique and endangered species due to hunting and human encroachment into the forests with only between sixteen hundred and three thousand individuals remaining as these animals are tolerant of human presence visitors to the island can relatively easily observe them equally astonishing is the African bullfrog pixacephalus adversus which can be found in tanzania's dry Savannahs ranking among the 10 largest frog species this carnivore consumes insects small rodents or reptiles fish small birds and other amphibians but Tanzania is not all Savannahs and forests it also has Islands notably those of the Zanzibar archipelago in the Indian Ocean this is a place with African Arabic Indian and European influences funguja the largest and most populous island of Zanzibar has Zanzibar city as its capital on this island there are large beautiful sandy beaches and coral reefs here water sports such as kite surfing snorkeling and scuba diving are popular people in umguja typically engage in tourism agriculture and fishing it is an island famous for its spices particularly cloves nutmeg cinnamon and black pepper which has earned it the nickname Spice Island traditional sailing in Zanzibar is done in Dao's traditional wooden sailboats that have been used in the Indian Ocean for centuries for fishing and transport and now also for tourism to the north of umguja is zanzibar's second largest island Pemba which is more mountainous than unguja with some of the most fertile lands in the region it is known as the Green Island due to its Lush vegetation and spice plantations it also has coral reefs and crystal clear waters being more secluded and less developed than unguja in Pemba in the ungazi Forest Reserve the Pemba flying fox one of the largest species of fruit eating bats is found [Music] to the south of Zanzibar is Mafia Island also known as the home of the whale shark a much less visited place with a more relaxed atmosphere here is tanzania's first Marine Park protecting Mangrove forests and coral reefs Mafia island is the only place in Tanzania where you can see the whale shark which is due to the area having plentiful food this is the world's largest fish inhabiting only warm tropical and subtropical Waters the population of whale sharks inhabiting the area around Pemba do not completely migrate out of their Waters they have tiny teeth and can't chew so their diet is based on Plankton algae Krill and fish such as sardines anchovies or mackerel part of Tanzania Uganda and Kenya also have the third largest lake in the world and the largest in Africa Lake Victoria in Tanzania it is located in the northwest region and is an economically important place as Nile perch Nile tilapia and the cyprenid rostranyobola Argentia which are the most commercially fished species inhabited Lake Victoria is also essential for transportation and trade between Tanzania Uganda and Kenya small boats and cargo ferries cross its Waters carrying passengers and goods besides this lake is a vital source of fresh water for domestic Agricultural and Industrial use another animal that lives in Lake Victoria is the hippopotamus one of the deadliest animals attacking if what they consider their territory is invaded the most common attacks occur against boats as humans can't see them when they are diving they overturn the boats and drown their occupants bite them with their tusks or crush them the Nile crocodile also inhabits Lake Victoria in this case the attack usually occurs when people go to the shores of the lake to fill buckets of water although they can also attack fishing boats the smaller the boat the greater the risk another large lake located in Tanzania is Lake Tanganyika which occupies much of the Western border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo it is the second deepest lake in the world after baycall and the longest fishing is also the main economic activity of Tanganyika with the capture of the Tanganyika sardine known as Daga or kapenta fishermen go out in their boats to fish in calm Waters while on land women and children take care of domestic chores and water collection far from Lake Tanganyika to the north of Tanzania and east of Lake Victoria the Messiah tribe lives a people of cow sheep and goat herders Masai means people who speak the ma which is their native language traditionally this ethnic group has been nomadic but over time more and more Maasai have become Farmers they are recognized for their colorful red fabric clothing called Shuka accompanied by jewelry and their tall stature their lifestyle revolves around herding herds of cows and goats which are their main source of income they exchange them for money or other products for the Maasai cows are a symbol of wealth and Status The More Cows a man has the wealthier he is just as with children the more children the better and if a man has many cows but no children or vice versa he is considered poor traditional Maasai live in settlements called encongs in Huts known as bomas made from branches straw and cow dung The Villages are surrounded by fences of logs and branches for protection against wild animals and to keep Livestock in Maasai Society men are responsible for protecting the community and their livestock from predators and rival tribes the transition from childhood to Warrior status known as the [ __ ] stage is marked through a series of rituals and ceremonies that signal their coming of age years ago they would kill Lions as an initiation right to demonstrate their bravery and combat skills hunting them was a symbol of honor and an achievement that granted Prestige and recognition but today laws forbid this practice and it is only done as punishment for the predation of cows and goats Maasai women are responsible for maintaining the home raising the children and tasks like collecting firewood and water the Maasai diet consists of butter Antelope and goat meat cow's milk and animal blood including that of oxen they use Spears and bows for hunting and usually carry a stick that they use to scare away animals or to lean on marriages are generally arranged by older Messiah when the women are still very young these women are often much younger than their husbands who may have multiple wives because Maasai men spend much of their lives trying to increase their cattle herds they marry several wives to care for the cattle and their homes It is believed that for a man to be happy he must have several wives even they may prefer it that way it is considered to be love among several people and not just between two the first wife plays the most important role subsequent wives are co-wives sharing a bond with each other as if they were sisters the man is expected to care for both and their needs and if not the wife can return to her parents home however among the new generation of men who may have access to the internet and learn about new cultures and beliefs it is becoming more common to think that it is not necessary to marry several women to be happy this volcano is the Mountain of God for the Messiah located in the ungarangoro reserve it is the only active nitrocarbonate volcano on Earth with its lava much hotter than typical lava for the Maasai it is a sacred Place dwelling of the god and guy who retreated here after being struck by a hunter's Arrow near the Maasai lives another prominent ethnic group the hadza tribe found only in Tanzania in the Arusha region bordering the Serengeti Plains until 1950 the hadza were hunter-gatherers with a nomadic lifestyle but over time the lands on which they survived were taken over for agriculture today only a small number of them continue this nomadic lifestyle and many live in conditions of poverty these hadza who continue to live traditionally are one of the last true hunter-gatherer societies remaining on Earth which allows us to Glimpse how our ancestors lived for thousands of years in fact the hadza have one of the oldest genetic lineages in humanity the hadza people speak hanzani which is not related to any other known language this further distinguishes them as a unique cultural group isolated from neighboring tribes such as the Maasai and the datoga the hanza are groups of 20 to 40 people who maintain close social relationships value equality within their groups without recognizing official leaders women have autonomy and also contribute by gathering food when relational problems arise hanza camps separate to dissipate tension and then reunite they feed on bee honey that they find in Akasha or Baobab trees Baobab fruits berries tubers and large and small game animals until about 30 years ago they hunted buffaloes giraffes or zebras but the populations of these animals have been decreasing and today they hunt a small Antelope called dik-dik bohrs Impalas monkeys and sometimes the kudu being accustomed to living freely in small nomadic camps some hadza do not want to live in neighboring Villages rejecting the noise and crowds they make round-shaped Huts from tree branches covered with grass and have few personal possessions including bows arrows and pipes if they have more things than they need to live it is expected that they share with other members of the group another particular group of people in Tanzania are tanzanians with albinism a rare genetic disorder characterized by a lack or total absence of melanin albinos have very light skin hair and eye color which makes them stand out a lot amongst the rest of the Africans Tanzania has one of the highest rates of albinism in the world with an estimated 1 in 1400 people their lack of melanin makes them more susceptible to Sunburn and skin cancer due to the intense African Sun in addition many have vision problems as a lack of pigmentation in the eyes can cause problems with light sensitivity Beyond these physical challenges albinos face significant social and cultural difficulties they are subject to discrimination stigmatization and exclusion from society in some cases they are even believed to possess magical powers or bring bad luck leading to further marginalization but the most serious danger to albinos is the threat of violence driven by Superstition and an illegal market for parts of their bodies witch doctors and traditional healers may use parts of albino's bodies in rituals or potions claiming that they bring good fortune and wealth Tanzanian culture is highly diverse the result of a mix of over 120 different ethnic groups inhabiting the country each ethnic group has its own Customs traditions and languages of the 125 ethnic groups in tanzania's population the most numerous are the sukuma nyamwezi chaga and Haya the sukuma the most numerous mainly inhabit the northwest region of the country especially in the areas around Lake Victoria they are predominantly farmers and herders with a rich culture of Music and Dance the second most numerous also known as the men of the moon were traditionally elephant hunters and currently engage in farming and livestock the chaga the third most numerous live on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro they are known for their irrigation system and their Advanced agricultural techniques their coffee and bananas the Haya are found in the kagera region in the Northwest near Lake Victoria they are known for their skill in blacksmithing pottery and carpentry their main activity is agriculture centered on the cultivation of coffee and bananas also present are the Maasai the Hansa and the ungoni the latter is a Bantu ethnic group that lives in parts of Tanzania as well as in Malawi Zambia and Mozambique known for their skill and warfare their prowess in fighting their music and dance the king is the central figure in angoni society considered the supreme leader of his people life in Tanzania centers around family and Community respect for elders is an essential part of daily life hospitality is another important feature of Tanzanian culture visitors are often surprised by the warmth and friendliness of the local people the main languages of Tanzania are Swahili and English although many other local languages are spoken Swahili in particular is a unifying symbol for the country widely used in education politics and media the most practiced religion is Christianity followed by Islam with Muslim communities concentrated in the Eastern coastal areas music and dance play a fundamental role in cultural life with a variety of styles and genres reflecting the various influences that have shaped the country over time tarab music for example is a mix of Arab Indian and African Melodies originated on the island of Zanzibar on the other hand Bongo Flava is a Modern urban music style that combines elements of hip-hop reggae and traditional Tanzanian music Visual Arts also play an important part in Tanzanian culture with intricate wood carvings from the makundi tribe the colorful Tinga Tinga and the traditional Conga used in making clothes and home decoration as for Tanzanian Cuisine it is as diverse as its culture one of the staple foods of the local diet is the chapati a wheat flour cake that is served with milk tea or meats and vegetables ugali is a corn and cassava porridge considered the national dish of Tanzania and generally of East Africa it is usually accompanied by vegetables meats or fish nyama choma is grilled meat usually goat Gypsy mayai is a potato and egg omelet one of the most popular meals although dodoma is the political capital of the country Dar s zalam is the most populous city and the center of tanzania's economic cultural and social life it is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean and was founded in 1862 by the Sultan of Zanzibar Saeed mahid growing steadily and becoming a Melting Pot of cultures and traditions meaning Home of Peace has a population of people of Arab African Indian and European ancestry a cultural mix that is evident in its architecture Cuisine and ways of life it is a city of contrasts where Modern Skyscrapers and luxurious hotels coexist with bustling markets busy bazaars and Lively streets Travelers can enjoy historical architecture in areas like the kariako district or explore the kivokoni fish market where local fishermen sell their Catch of the Day the Indian Ocean beaches of Dar es Salaam are a popular place to relax and soak up the sun while parks and green spaces such as the Botanical Garden offer a respite from the hustle and bustle of City Life the history of Tanzania is a fascinating blend of cultures traditions and events that have shaped the country as we know it today let's start in pre-history at the famous archaeological site of the Olduvai Gorge this place is known as the Cradle of mankind and it has provided some of the oldest evidence of the existence of hominids the ancestors of modern humans here in 1959 Mary and Louis Leakey discovered the skull of a hominid known as zinge or Nutcracker man which is over 1.75 million years old Homo habilis the first human species occupied this area approximately 1.9 million years ago we move forward in time to the first Millennium A.D when the Bantu people began arriving in the Tanzania region from West and central Africa these groups brought with them new Agricultural and livestock techniques which allowed the development of larger and more stable communities during the 8th Century Arab traders and explorers arrived on the Tanzanian Coast where they established trading posts and mixed with the local populations the trade of ivory gold and slaves was a major economic driver in the region and led to the formation of city-states such as kilwa and Zanzibar in the 15th century the Portuguese began to explore the East African coast and in 1505 they took control of Zanzibar and other Coastal city-states however their reign was brief as by 1699 The omanis Expelled them and established their own control the 19th century saw the arrival of European explorers and missionaries such as David Livingstone and Henry Morton Stanley European interest in Africa triggered the Berlin Conference in 1884 where European powers divided Africa among themselves in 1886 Germany and Britain reached an agreement to divide their interests in East Africa and the territory that is now Tanzania became part of German East Africa after World War One in 1919 the territory was transferred to Britain as a mandate of the League of Nations and was renamed Tanganyika during the British colonial period infrastructure was built and an educational system was established the movement towards independence in Africa began to grow in the 1950s and in 1961 Tanganyika became an independent state under the leadership of Julius nierere who adopted an approach called uhama seeking to build an egalitarian and self-sufficient Society in 1964 Tanganyika United with the island of Zanzibar to form the United Republic of Tanzania with Julius nyerere as its first president the new nation faced numerous challenges including building a unified national identity and implementing effective economic and social policies despite his efforts nires uhama approach did not have the expected success and by the 1980s Tanzania was facing a severe economic crisis in 1985 nierere voluntarily stepped down from the presidency and was succeeded by Ali Hassan mawini who began to implement economic and political reforms to liberalize the economy and allow private sector participation in 1995 Tanzania held its first multi-party elections throughout the following years it continued to have steady economic growth largely driven by investment in infrastructure the expansion of the tourism industry and the development of the Agricultural and Mining sectors today Tanzania continues to face challenges in areas such as Education Health Care and combating Corruption however the country has shown a remarkable ability to overcome adversities and address issues throughout its history to understand what Tanzania and life in the country are like it is also necessary to talk about its laws polygamy is legal but the consent of the first wife is necessary before a man can marry another woman it is more common in rural communities and in certain ethnic and religious groups such as the Maasai the death penalty remains legal although no executions have been carried out since 1994. crimes that can result in the death penalty include murder treason and certain offenses related to illicit substances homosexuality is illegal sexual relations between people of the same sex can be punished with prison sentences ranging from 30 Years to Life one distressing issue is that of Witchcraft which in some Tanzanian communities is seen as a malevolent force that causes Misfortune illness and death results in witch hunts which still exist today in Tanzania and other African countries it starts with an accusation triggered by an unexplainable event or personal Misfortune such as the death of a family member a bad Harvest or the loss of livestock the affected parties then turn to traditional healers or Sorcerers who can accuse someone of being a witch triggering ostracism property destruction or physical assaults the Tanzanian government has enacted laws to protect those accused of Witchcraft and to prosecute Those who commit acts of violence but these legal measures have been challenging to enforce particularly in rural areas where belief in witchcraft is deeply ingrained on Wildlife the Tanzanian government has implemented strict laws to protect various species and combat poaching and the trafficking of live animals offenders can face prison sentences fines or property confiscation however the so-called trophy hunting which is the hunting of large animals such as lions elephants buffaloes wildebeests or zebras is legal if a special permit is obtained from sites and the government this type of hunting in Tanzania is restricted to male specimens that have reached a certain age including Lions elephants leopards buffaloes zebras among other animals the vast majority of people are against this practice considering it to be cruel and unnecessary but its Defenders argue that it may be necessary to control the population of certain species to maintain an ecological balance according to them in areas where natural predators are scarce hunting could help control herbivore populations and prevent overpopulation and habitat degradation they also argue that trophy hunting can generate income for local communities and the government which can improve living standards and support Economic Development also deterring poaching traveling to Tanzania can be an unforgettable experience but if you're going to do it it's important that you're well prepared and take into account certain tips to make the most of your trip the best time to visit Tanzania varies depending on your interests the dry season is from June to October and is recommended for safaris and animal sightings while the rainy season which is from November to May is better for seeing green Landscapes and observing migratory Birds if you plan to climb Kilimanjaro avoid the rainy season tanzanians are friendly and hospitable but it's important to respect their customs and traditions dress modestly and avoid public displays of affection especially in rural areas and on the coast where the population is predominantly Muslim learning a few words in Swahili is important and will endear you to tanzanians hello is jumbo thank you is Asanti and how are you is uhaligani vaccinations for diseases like hepatitis A and typhoid fever are very important the animal that causes the most human deaths in Tanzania and much of Africa is the mosquito which is the main transmitter of malaria a potentially deadly parasitic disease some measures to prevent this disease include using mosquito repellents that contain at least 30 percent deet setting up mosquito Nets around beds wearing long-sleeved clothing and long pants especially at Dusk and Dawn and taking anti-malarial drugs before during and after the trip Dengue Fever sleeping sickness and Chikungunya also exist in Tanzania so it is especially important to protect yourself from mosquitoes Tanzania is a relatively safe country but it's always important to take precautions keep your valuables secure and avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas follow the instructions of guides during safaris and respect the rules of national parks to ensure your safety in cities like Dar es Salaam it's important to be cautious don't accept offers from unlicensed taxis don't walk alone at night in isolated places or on beaches don't carry valuable items or large amounts of cash in general listen to your guide and follow their directions as they will know the local risks regarding driving I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have experience traveling to African countries but if you're going to do it be very careful as the roads are not the same as those in more developed countries regarding safaris which in Swahili means Journey they are generally safe especially if you go on an organized trip with an experienced company although it is also important to be aware of certain guidelines the attire is essential wear khaki brown or green clothing that blends with the environment High closed boots and tall socks long sleeve shirts or t-shirts and long pants to protect yourself from mosquitoes or possible snake bites it is also advisable to wear a hat to protect yourself from the Sun and avoid wearing perfume that May Scare Away animals keep in mind that safaris usually start very early and it might be cold so a good option is to wear several layers of clothing that you can change throughout the day do not step outside the vehicle you cannot know if an animal will suddenly appear although there will be some areas where the guide will tell you it's safe to walk or get out regarding walking safaris which are better for getting closer to animals don't walk without a guide don't speak loudly and don't run because you could be mistaken for prey in rivers and lakes avoid going into the water unless you're absolutely sure there are no hippos or crocodiles animals are accustomed to vehicles and people inside them but don't stick anything out the window like a camera or a selfie stick because it might attract attention in case there are windows keep in mind that baboons might try to get in or grab things if you go with guides who can be one two or more they usually have experience and act calmly knowing what to do if it's a self-driving Safari go slow and pay attention to any animals that might be on the roads especially during the rainy season when the grass is tall it's valuable to know about elephants that sometimes stand in the way if this happens the general indication is to turn off the engine as the animal might interpret the noise or movement towards it as a challenge if an elephant lifts a leg Don't Panic these animals have nerve endings in their legs that allow them to sense vibrations so it's like likely not doing it to crush the vehicle elephants often Bluff a charge but then retreat being accustomed to the presence of vehicles and humans they can recognize particular guides who frequently go on Safaris the biggest warning sign to know if an elephant is dangerous is its level of irritation if an elephant's ear is moving it's likely calm but if it flares out wide it's angry and might attack when the elephant places its ears backward tusks upward and trunk curled it is even more dangerous in these cases there isn't a specific indication to follow because elephants are unpredictable in this state and with these instructions you've learned a great deal about Tanzania and are prepared to travel to this extraordinary country [Music]
Channel: Lifeder En
Views: 906,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tanzania, africa, countries, travel, animals, documentary, film
Id: okwitGXmgiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 42sec (4062 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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