WiFi AP 跟 無線路由器 傻傻分不清楚? - Wilson說給你聽
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Channel: Wilson說給你聽
Views: 168,849
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Keywords: 無線AP, AP, WiFi AP, 存取點, 光世代, 中華電信, 小烏龜, RT-AC68U, RT-AX88U, RT-AX92U, modem, 貓, 網路, 網路慢, 網際網路, Router, wifi router, 無線存取點, hotspot, 台灣, 過年, 誤解, 分享器, 無線分享器, asus, wireless router, wifi 6 speed test, netgear nighthawk ax12, asus ac66u plus 設定, ac66u plus 設定, asus ac66u plus, best wireless router, best wifi router, access point, wifi booster, wireless access point, corona virus in nepal, 光貓, joeman, 小羊菌, 原價屋, 九妹, asus ac66u+設定, 光世代300M, wifi 2.4 vs 5ghz
Id: lAdYvsvAGCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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