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right here's why your barn lab mod might not be working alright so the first reason your bone there might mod might not be working is because for example if you've got this awp you see here here it's got Android and Windows if you're on Quest 2 you need to install the Android version if you're on Windows you need to download the windows version all right on a rare occasion it will have a Windows and Android version so if you're going to download that just download it normally so once you've done that open the file go into it and then go to pcvr or Quest depending on what you play on and then copy this file here into your mods folder alright the second reason is that you haven't extracted your mods you need to extract your mods before you put them in your mods folder alright to extract the file you will want to go right click on it then press extract all now once you've done that just click extract and it will extract all the files from there and then copy that that folder into your mods folder not the zip folder all right the third reason now this is a little bit different if you cannot see your quest 2 as a device you need to go into your kids here and press allow access if you have already gone into hex headset but accidentally pressed don't allow access and don't ask again you need to enable developer mode and then go into your settings and find somewhere where it says USB connection dialog make sure that's enabled then try now that is all the issues I could think of you having if you have any other issues please put them down in the comments and I'll help you out as much as I can thank you for watching make sure to leave a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one see ya
Channel: Spicy VR
Views: 37,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bonelab, bonelab vr, quest 2, bonelab quest 2, bonelab gameplay, bonelab release date, bonelab mods, how to install bonelab mods, install bonelab mods, Bonelab, Bonelab avatars, Bonelab best mods, Bonelab mods, How to install bonelab mods quest 2, Bone lab, bone lab, boneworks, bone works, Boneworks, Bone works, Bone lab mods, bone lab mods, spicy, bonelab mod not working
Id: mOGFxfI6ZAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 43sec (103 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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