Why your mobile phone battery have more than 2 terminals?

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hey guys welcome back to another video tutorial if you are watching this then you must have been using my phone for a very long time but have you ever considered the fact that you mobile phone battery has three terminals and do you know why this is so well some well phone batteries have three terminals while some have photon now why this question is so curious in the first place that's because every batteries here unless have only two terminals either positive and negative whether it be a simple angled battery or inverter battery or any other kind of batteries all have just two terminals then why in the world - batteries have more than two terminals let's find out every cell phone batteries have these two terminals obviously one will be positive and another one will be negative but its third terminal can either be beat amp or BSI and if it is a 4 terminal battery then one terminal will be BSI and another terminal will definitely be beat amp so if you have three terminal battery then it's n terminal are positive and negative and its middle one the BSI or B temp psi stands for battery status indicator or battery system indicator now the work of this symbol is to give the information to the processor like type and size of the battery in other words when you plug in your battery to the well phone this BS I think automatically generates signal which it sends to the processor and then process will determine the type and size of capacity of the battery which ultimately helps the process to find out the voltage and current of the battery another important function of this terminal is this let's say your phone is on and you suddenly remove the battery then this psi thing immediately interrupts and tells the person to shut down all communication just to prevent damage of your data oh my phone now B times 10 for battery temperature as the name itself suggests it gives the information to the pulser regarding the temperature of the battery this terminal is connected to a thermistor which is internally connected to a temperature sensors to prevent the battery in case it awakes not you don't know where the thermistor is this is a simple simulation showing you how what exactly it does and how it works now as you can see as temperature decreases its resistance increases and as temperature rises its resistance again decreases so yes you can say it kind of worked like an LDR where is an LDR changes its resistance according to the light falls on it this semester changes its resistance due to the temperature surroundings hence this terminal actually gives the information about percentage of charge remaining in your battery to the process of a mobile phone does in some way it helps the process to control charging current and status just to ensure longer battery life now whenever you see a battery with four terminals you exactly know what are these terminals when it's positive another one is negative one is vs I of pâtisserie indicator and last one will be its battery temperature that's all for today [Music]
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Keywords: battery, cell phone battery, terminals of battery, mobile phone battery, cell phone battery four terminals, mobile battery terminal specification, mobile phone battery 4 terminals, terminals of mobile phone battery, mobile phone battery three terminals, mobile phone battery terminals, why mobile phone battery has three terminals, cell, mobile, mobile phone, pins, mobile phone battery pins, terminals, cell phone, why 3 terminal in mobile battery, why cell phone has 3 terminals
Id: -E3maZoe3Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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