Why You Shouldn't Date (And Marry) A Kpop Idol?
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Channel: BeBoss TV
Views: 174,153
Rating: 4.9227753 out of 5
Keywords: kpop news, beboss tv, kpop opinions, kpop opinion, idols dating, kpop dating, kpop idols, kdrama, korean drama, idol kdrama, idol drama, kpop idol drama, kpop drama, kpop idol, dating idol, idol insider, kpop insider, the truth about kpop, kdrama fantasy, dark side of kpop, kpop dark side, kpop scandal, unpopular kpop opinions, kpop reaction, kpop fans, kpop culture, south korea
Id: ja_P9BTnxvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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