Why you shouldn't buy SnapOn tools

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so I just want to make a video standing here in my tool truck an employee not of our company but of one of the companies that we work for went on the backup he's a brand new mechanic to the trade he's got a couple months worth of experience and he's just starting to collect tools and he walked on the tool truck and spent I think close to $8,000 in snap-on tools and the problem being is he's just starting out and you go and put yourself eight thousand dollars in debt and now you've got to make that nut every week and pay the tool man I don't even want to know for $8,000 you probably paying 200 bucks a week that's like eight hundred dollars a month that's a mortgage on a house you don't need to be going and spending that kind of money on tools especially if you're just starting out like okay this pry bar the snap-on pry bar is like two hundred dollars okay is it nice does it work really well you know yeah it's got the striking in it's really rigid and stiff and it works really good but for 80 dollars you can get this Mayhew I think it's called the Dominator it's got the striking in and everything else and it works just as well snap-on one's a little more rigid but you know you don't need to be spending that kind of money same with sockets and wrenches and like I still don't buy snap-on wrenches like these to rent rolls or proto and they're like a quarter of the price of the snap-on ones I've been doing this for like 12 years I I still don't have snap-on sockets I have craftsman sockets I've never had a problem with them I you know I think it's a huge waste of money to buy sockets from snap-on just because of the I mean the price is outrageous like these kits these are stomachs they're made in Taiwan you know their lifetime warranty they're full moly they work really awesome and it's like you know a quarter of the price of snap-on so that's just my little public service announcement for I upload this on my own channel if you're just starting out and go to Harbor Freight go to craftsman or Sears like here I bought this set of wrenches right here like this big one through this small one here when I first started like 12 years ago was the first job I had out of high school working on heavy equipment I bought these at Harbor Freight Pittsburgh made in China I've never broken one I've never had a problem with it I added some that these are ace brand yeah II swear but I've never had an issue and they do the job that I need them to do so I mean this set of wrenches from snap-on probably $1500 there's no reason to go spend the kind of money what else Oh same time twelve years ago I bought a set of the big wrenches from Harbor Freight yeah Pittsburg Harbor plate I've been using it professionally for a decade and it's not broken so you can knock Harbor Freight all you want and they do sell some junk but some of their stuff is perfectly serviceable especially if you're just starting out so if you guys have any questions or you want to know more or you want to do a lengthy video about tools let me know put in the comments I'll catch you guys later
Channel: Charlie Tucker
Views: 426,204
Rating: 4.6673298 out of 5
Id: PVTt1jHgNGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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