Why You SHOULD Visit The Tower Of London

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welcome to her majesty's royal palace and fortress this is the tower of london if you're brand new here i'd love it if you could hit that thumbs up hit subscribe and click the notification bell so you know when i upload a new video so i'm here at the tower of london there is so much history to go and check out there's a gory side there's also a rich side because indeed the crown jewels are here in the tower of london if you've never been here before what's it like let's go check it out [Music] so what we're going to do is we're going to go upstairs right now and go into a room where prisoners had to wait for their death [Applause] well just look at that edged into the walls from 1569. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so it's very busy today but we'll see if we can get around as easily as possible the question is is where do you go first [Music] so i'm going to check out the medieval palace and south battlements which is just up here over there is the uh the bloody tower not swearing that's what it's called we'll head over there in just a moment let's have a look up here first should we ring the doorbell should i see what happens if i do nothing thankfully look at this door from the tower adding an outer stone wall reinforced by 11 new towers including the wakefield tower and landfill in 1280 things in london were completely different to what they are now obviously and how people used to live but if you were a king you did get a nice bedroom that looks pretty cozy obviously everything was by candlelight no electricity back then at least you'd have had a roaring log fire let's go down here it's amazing to think the amount of history that's in the tower of london no idea where that goes let's go up here once you can't go all the way up so this is the wakefield tower one of the oldest parts of the medieval palace king henry iii edward's first father ordered the tower to be built back in 1220 it was part of a grand new riverside palace for the king for when the king and the queen stayed at the tower this is an important room it was separated from the small private chapel by a wooden screen so continuing up wakefield tower you see when the door's locked you just want to go down there and see what's down there i've got these stairs the stairs look reasonably new though to be honest i'll see you just go outside up here you do get a magnificent view of uh it's a bit hazy of london tower bridge just look at that how he's just posing for photos that raven who don't pick me how beautiful look how close i can get to him he's gonna go now no he's just hanging around she's gone for a poo i'll tell you what the best time to visit the tower of london it's first thing in the morning because there's hardly anyone here i say hardly there's still about a couple of hundred people but it's so vast that you can still go to places and have some great photo opportunities on your own look at that fireplace oh it's cold in here obviously there's loads of little doors around the tower underneath go to different places that we're not allowed to go so all the different towers have different names they've all got different bits of uh history inside and all built at different times as well this almost looks a bit country western look at that standing there defending the castle with uh bows and arrows look out for attackers enemy arrows from outside could hit you this temporary fighting platform will protect you from the fight so you'd literally stick it out there just goes to show the history right this was built in 1240 and then rebuilt back in the 19th century wow that's a great model of the tower of london look at that so on this map i'm trying to think where we are we would be uh just further up there actually because we're literally just going all the way around at the moment before we head in i know it sounds weird right but you always think of the tower of london you think of the ravens and stuff of that but the fact when you're walking around you can hear them and see them because i can't say that i've seen them anywhere else in london apart from here you'll probably tell me why in the comments below there's a door here with a with a hole in it that's in there it's crazy just being here at the tower of london and then seeing the new and old together it's pretty amazing and you wouldn't have heard sirens back in the day either would you so this is all about the royal beasts we used to have some pretty um amazing animals around the tower of london they had tigers it must have been a very different place back then wild and exotic animals were kept here this is like a recent addition it was built in the first world war and as you come in here you get loads of history you can soak it all in [Music] obviously not just home for kings and queens but also a place for torture and execution as well if you did something wrong you certainly did not want to end up here let's go down these steps now there's people that actually live here there's a tv program um and you can see they've got the kids toys outside they actually live in the tower of london can you imagine what they put on their address people probably won't believe it now some parts all closed off you can't actually walk around which is a bit of a shame even though it says no entry there's some people over there on their phones so obviously the big draw for the tower of london is the crown jewel also we're going to show you the tortured chambers and bits of the prison as well but it's so amazing if you're so part of history as you walk through here you can see tower bridge in front of us but look at some of the houses inside here as well right now i'm going to check out what it was like to be in prison at the tower of london um and in this building here you can actually see some graffiti from past prisoners spooky or what let's go check it out [Music] it's crazy i mean even when you first come in here there's bits of graffiti so what we're going to do is we're going to go upstairs right now and go into a room where prisoners had to wait for their death and they wrote some rather interesting stuff on the walls [Music] so physical torture was surprisingly rare back in england and never officially part of english law between 1540 and 1640 just over half of the 81 recorded cases of torture in england took place at the tower of london wow just look at that etched into the walls from 1569. so this is in italian his name was william and he wrote since faint has chosen that my hope should go with the wind i now want to cry for the time that is lost and i'll be sad and unhappy forever how awful dated 1541 and this one was by a priest called john ballard who was tortured for his role in the plot to kill queen elizabeth the first and it says here in latin honor all men love the brotherhood fear god honor the king and what's fascinating about this room is that it wasn't always a prison because there's a fireplace here so at one point there was people staying here maybe is a luxury bedroom what the prisoners must have faced being in here and there's literally loads of all this just look at that it's covered with perspex to protect it but it's absolutely amazing when you read some of these i wonder what they used to actually carve it and that is all they would have seen looking out the window this is a very spooky room it has a very weird vibe to it as well so definitely come in here i mean i've only touched upon some of these bits of graffiti that have been in the wall but some of them just look really beautiful as well like this one here and what's really spooky um there are nine carvings in this room of skeletons and skulls which basically are symbols of death and they are actually everywhere you've got to kind of just look for them and you can see them so right now we're going to be heading into the bloody tower see what it's like in here it doesn't sound very nice oh you can hear those ravens can't you so spooky so you can get guided tours that give you so much more information rather than just uh doing what i'm doing and walking around there's also audio stuff that you can get too so if we go upstairs we can find out how the bloody tower got its name let's go inside look at this door wow look at that table that's good [Music] okay that's freaking me out a little bit that nice that sound so apparently these tiles on the study floor and the large window to your left just goes to show that this used to be a luxurious room back in 1360 the tower was altered in the 1600s for important prisoners and a new floor above created extra space and the wooden wall behind kept out the cold okay let's got these stairs wow these are narrow slimy these are extremely narrow that is what you call a very small window now there's actually nobody in here which is freaking out a little bit on the way she takes control his mother and younger brother went to westminster what it had been like to have stayed in here as a prisoner and you can see again there's graffiti all over the walls but the graffiti on the walls is not necessarily from the prisoners that used to be here it's probably from the last 50 years or so [Applause] there is no evidence that the princes were murdered king richard's affair is challenged and is killing us the winner becomes the first team writers say richard iii this tower is renamed the bloody town [Music] in 1674 workers discovered two structures by the white tower the king believes that all the princes westminster abbey in 1933 medical experts examine the skeletons and finally all the horrors of two children but there is no conclusive evidence these are places [Music] so let's go and check out torture at the tower which i believe is this way wow this was called the rack prisoner would line the middle and put his hands out to be tied to the upper roll and his feet likewise to the lower one the device then pulls the hands and feet in the opposite direction yikes and there are some horrendous barbaric ways to torture a human being back in those days hard to believe i'm in the tower of london right now when there's these houses here as well that is not a statue there's a guard there can you see him i have to stand there for hours and every so often he changes his gun who does that and that now it does that even though there's no one around or is he doing it for my benefit i wonder if i shout boy if anyone could tell me the significance of the black telephone box inside the tower of london it does actually work there is a phone in there probably one of the few phones that actually haven't been vandalized in london now what are these called guardsmen not beefeaters aren't they oh [Music] i can't be any older than 18. look at that the bell is totally it's a raven look welcoming us in they're not scared of people are they now they do say that the ravens can bite they're not scared of us at all so um but they are beautiful birds look he's actually sharpening his claws ready to bite me and he's just gone for another dump so beautiful though please don't peck me he's thinking about it i'm moving away he's almost like he just said yeah i would a great shot there of the shard just in the distance so now we're going to head into the white tower and the royal armories there's quite a lot of steps here white tower circa 10 80 mental yeah just starts this fight okay now look at this so armor was not just for people obviously for horses too i bet that was so heavy it is crazy to think about how much history the british monarch has and the past [Music] that they had something to cover up his nether regions this stuff must have been so heavy to wear now that is impressive the great stairs these are the main stairs inside the white tower raising from the basement to the roof so this is where we are right now just in there so this was always an armory or a weapons store something like that imagine how much history is in these bits of wood and again if you look closely you can see graffiti from past years some john's chapel please be quiet gentlemen remove your hats wow now i never understood this in school why in victorian era they used to have them around the neck if you know let me know in the comments i have no idea where i'm going now again look at some of the um graffiti on the walls here i mean some of this is very very old okay this looks spooky ass look at this so i believe we're now going down to the basement of the white tower i'm not quite sure what's in here but look at these doors it's amazing wow look at this so they basically used to just store cannons in here pretty amazing look at that look how thick the walls are and of course it wouldn't be complete without a gift shop oh look there's a well the white tower as well 12 meters deep provided fresh water for the people that lived around here wow look at that yeah you can buy some jewelry in here as well very nice and if you're about to have a baby like we are fit for a king or a queen how cute is that you wouldn't want to get that day though would you how much is it just have interest 6.99 if you want to see more of london check out the videos on the screen right now make sure you hit subscribe and click the notification bell so you know when i upload a new video thank you so much to all my channel members i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 181,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tower of london, tower of london tour, the tower of london, the tower of london tour, tower of london tour guide, tower of london ravens, inside tower of london, london tower of london tour, tour of tower of london, london tower, inside the tower of london, tower of london crown jewels, tower of london walkthrough, white tower tower of london, crown jewels, tower of london history, tower of london prison, tower of london torture chamber, tower of london virtual tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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