Why you should not buy cheap robot arms [Computer Vision]

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hi welcome to this new video my name is sergio i'm a competitive consultant developer and course instructor and i help companies and freelancers to ease and efficiently build competition software we're going to see today how you can start building a computer vision prototype by using a robot arm and this can be very useful for automation so whether you have a company you want to automate some processes of your company or whether it's for a company of some clients of your or simply you have a startup and you want to build some prototype to develop an idea that you have or whatever is the reason when you want to use a robot arm a copy division this is a good video for you because we will see some inputs and some ideas on what you need to use for this so like the hardware that you can use to start with this process and also like the ideas of how you can integrate computer vision with this but before starting before before proceeding with this i want to let you know that i recently launched a computer vision blueprint workshop which is a free workshop where in one hour i'm going to give you a four step action plan on how you can start building a computation software to detect and track any object i decided to do this because i get a lot of requests of people that want to start with computer vision or people that want to know how to detect objects in the easiest way they want to see a process for computer vision and that's right there in just one hour you will see all the steps to understand so to clear your doubt about computer vision to know uh what you need to do to attack and track objects it's slash blueprint i'm going to put the link also down below in the description so make sure that you check that one if you want to work with complete vision if you want to build prototypes if you want to develop software or if you just want to level up your skills because this is the best time to learn computer vision in like ever because it's increasing so fast i can see that the demand is increasing so fast since i launched this channel in 2017 i can see the growth in the numbers of people that are reaching me uh asking for projects but also mostly now i'm getting a lot of requests for companies because companies see now the power that computer vision has to either speed up their product production or to make some improvements so it's either saving some costs or like getting more income because with computer vision you can for example uh make a better quality check of your product so you can speed up the line production uh you can see if there are defects on the production of your company you can do a lot of things that the eyes uh the human eye can can have some problem to spot you can do this with computer vision so it's a very good time to start learning also because now it's becoming easier there are more sources and so the libraries are improving also the detection of the objects are improving and what just a few years ago was considered like something extraordinary if you will think about 10 years ago like the technique object or even like less than 10 years ago even just 2013 detecting a object was something very hard and now you see even mobile phones that are detecting objects the mobile phone that are putting like for like uh for example instagram or tick tock or i don't know any other apps that do this but in general like with face filter they are just in real time you're getting the face uh detected you are going you get like the 3d recognition of the face and the filters are so good that sometimes it's even hard to identify whether there is a filter or not so this is the era where we are now so by source.com blueprint if you want to know more about how to do that and now let's see about copy division inside companies in general by using a robot arm and i want to start with uh with some hardware that you will need to get for this so first you need to you can do this with just a laptop and then a robot arm this is very important i want to show the robot arm that i recently got because i have some experience with more with cheaper robot arms and with this robot arm and that's very important so no so let me share my screen oh this is a 6 degree 6d off of 6 degree of orientation robot arm let me let's see if i have some video ok 6 degree of orientation this robot arm as the purpose of picking objects and moving objects somewhere else so this can be if you have a conveyor belt the objects are passing on the conveyor belt so you want to pick the objects and you want take out the object or simply from a table let's say that you want to organize something so you can take whatever is placed on a table you can put it somewhere somewhere else so organize this on the different boxes i see uh i i saw that there are also very cheap robot arms that you can see on the internet on aliexpress so probably if you look for some very cheap robot arm trying to build a prototype you might have come across this one this is also a six degree of orientation which doesn't look so professional but it doesn't matter so if that was only the problem it wouldn't be a problem when these robot arms is a very cheap robot i'm not yeah the robot arms i mean cheap around probably it's fifty dollars fifty dollars without the servo model so we have uh one two then there should be one here three four five should we have five servo motors so it should should be around fifty dollars we without server models and probably around uh 100 dollars something like that with the server models they work fine i tested i have also one exactly that this one they work fine like the the um if you connect them to a raspberry pi for example uh the motor works okay like it's it seems also very precise but there is a huge problem and the problem is that they don't have any software which integrates the what is called inverse kinematics and to give you an idea when you with a robot arm you want to pick an object normally you need you need to give the coordinate to the of the object so we have x y and z of the object and then the robot arm goes and peaks so goes to that specific coordinate and then you can pick the object that's a process so it's called let me show you this inverse kinematics uh there is also something which specified if you want to know more about these on wikipedia you look for inverse kinematics and it's the process which coordinates the movement of the robot arm to uh to reach a certain coordinate and that's what these robot arms here are missing so there is no library that does that and it's a very complex process just to give you an idea let me let me increase okay what this does let's suppose that this is a robot arm if i need to get the object an object that is right here let's hit this object right here the robot arm let's make start from here it will need to move so while the elbow is moving down also the shoulder needs to move so there is the coordination of different joints to reach a specific position on this robot so like it would be join all the joints while when we work for example with this we have the control of each single we have the control of each single servo motor so we need to give the coordinates to each single servo motor and that's very hard to correct it's a pain so this is uh so this is a a mistake to avoid don't buy such robot arm just to save money because you're not going to save money you're just you're just making sure that you will fail with this or or just make things so complex that it will at the end it will cost even more so this is around 100 robot arms which integrate this the inverse kinematic function cost usually not less than 800 1000 dollars but their money very well spent i've got recently this one later i will show you also some tests of this robot arm because i have that i have it connected just in front of me i have a camera which is pointing that arm so i'm going to show you how that work and so let's now see for example how works this one in comparison with uh the this right here it works that i can just give a simple coordinate and then the robot knows all the procedure i don't decide the movement of the servo motor but i just give the coordinate and the robot reaches that exact point so if i want to pick an object which is on a specific x y z coordinate i just give the accordion the robot goes there these are just one one of them so i'm not sponsoring by the way this one i'm not saying buy this one for any reason i got this one because i found in the past some students some clients also had this arm they showed me this arm like they were using for a project and i work with that and it was very good and so that's why i got one of them you can buy whatever you want as long as it it has the inverse kinematic process then you are fine to go usually uh when you have higher budgets are from 1 000 and more usually they should have that so in the industry that's a very well known problem that it shouldn't be a problem because they integrate that so don't get such arms unless you just want to play around and you're just having fun and you want to see how it works do that if you're working if you if you want to work on a professional way invest on a bigger budget 1000 or plus uh dollars to work with this i have this arm and i want to show you also like some tests so let's uh let's let me find the camera where i have this okay this is the camera and this is not a picture this is in real time so this is the the same robot arm the the one that i showed before the uarm swift pro from the top and i created a very simple python code which just with the keyboard so i have the keyboard i will press some command here and it's going to to move you can see that now it's moving what i want to show you right now is we simply can draw like if we have a project let's say that there is a table oh okay you get ideas this should be like a square a rectangle we have the coordinates so we have y and then we have also x coordinates this moves uh if we change the x coordinate we can easily move on this side so let me let me try that no i have i'm okay okay i want to put first this in front okay let's try now i'm moving that on the y so you see that if i just change the x values it just stays on the x and by the with the inverse kinematics you see that it the the joint i will call that joint or point is stretching so stretching because it needs to go further so this joint needs to go farther to keep the same x position and of course we have also the zed so i can decide to go down or to go up but this is something i will show you once uh i don't know when exactly if next week or just after a few days or more when i have time i will build the project i want to build some basic project where i'm going to pick some you you will see that there are cubes on the table so i'm going to build such project with computer vision and i will show you that working real time without me doing anything with the keyboard it will just be the company vision and like the software like detecting the objects taking the object and placing the object uh somewhere else also will be also i'm thinking about some other projects for example i've got like the checkers so i would like to make some artificial intelligence which plays with that i've got also chess so it would be nice also to pick the the object like uh to to make this play chess that would be probably something of course it it depends if i have time to do that because i'm in generally busy but what i want to say it's just make sure that you get the right hardware for this i wouldn't have that much off an hour for the rest because you can use any webcam like we're talking about prototypes so let's not complicate things you can just use a normal standard webcam for a computer so for example i use the logitech no i forgot even like c922 pro but even a cheaper webcam just as long as the webcam can see like i'm using like to to get this screen where you see the robot arm the logitech uh also okay let me show also a good webcam that you can take okay i just picked this one uh this now i have the intel real sense which is a depth camera or you can use in general any depth camera so it doesn't matter if it's interval sense i have this one because normally you can place this camera on top and the camera can see also the distance this is very important if you don't know the depth of the object because now uh i have some cubes here let's say that these cubes are two centimeters if we know the sizes of each cube then we know that we have a predefined z position to go down up to two centimeters from the bottom if we don't know the size we can't see that from the camera unless we have the depth so this at that camera which is going to get the distance so the distance and so we know how deep is that one and we can pick easily the object because if we don't uh if you put the wrong that position either the robot arm goes and smash the objects either it goes close but it doesn't catch the object so that that is very important in other ways you will need that so you might need a depth camera to know when the object is far uh i have also some other cameras that is very common now it's getting popular the intel not intel the opencv ai kit you might use that one it doesn't really matter the hardware like there are many options many ways to reach the same uh the same goal so whatever if you need to get the depth get a depth camera if you don't need to get that because you know the pre-fine size of the object then you can simply use any webcam like if you are if there is already some camera like use on the automation or the company where you you work or where you want to build the prototype for that you can do you can use just the video stream from from that camera and i want to show you now some ideas on the whiteboard so let me get to the whiteboard on how complete vision can help like once you have complete vision and robot arms so let's say that this is the robot arm okay at least let's suppose that this is a robot arm you can place the camera together with the robot arms so the robot sees the object when you are going to to pick the object uh okay probably it's not the best way like here to represent but normally whatever you get from the camera is connected to a computer so the computer will with computer vision will detect the position of the object so we'll have this let's say that this is the stream from the camera this is the object detected so of the object you get x y and z position and then the computer is going to send the command connected to the robot arm to pick the object that it's there of course this is a very simplistic way to explain this project it will take much longer to explain how computer vision work that's why i created the workshop so if you want to know more how to detect how computer vision works to detect the object just you can download the workshop configuration blueprint i mean download you can put the email i will send you the link to watch the workshop in one hour you will get a very clear idea and vision on how this project can be built uh for like integrating computer vision and i've got clients who work with like detecting some some products on the conveyor belt detecting some damaged products detecting if they were upside down uh it depends of course on the industry but everything now is possible i hope that of course i didn't have much time now to give you more information because this is a wide field and it's very open so what i would like to do right now is i want to ask you if you are working on something similar if you have some ideas please let me know in the comments and if you have some questions and i will try to to get the questions and i will uh talk about them in another video so of course questions related to to what i've explained today so this is all for this video uh i will be releasing videos about similar videos more often so make sure that you subscribe if you want to know about this and you want and if you want to be in touch this is all see you in next video
Channel: Pysource
Views: 2,565
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Id: ARKJ95Pjsvo
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Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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