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How much money a month do you have to make minimum  to have a good life in Bangkok? Too much traffic.   Too many people. 40.000 baht would that be  enough? Do you think so? What is so good about   Bangkok? Hey champs! What's happening? Welcome  to another episode of "Tag Along With Chai". For   this episode we travelled down south from Chiang  mai. We are now in the capital city of Thailand,   Bangkok. We're trying to find a good mixture of  people to see what life is like. How is life in   Bangkok? Is it an expensive city to live in? Is  it easy to socialize here or do you have to go   out every night? What are the pluses? And what  do you have to be careful of? If you've been   following this channel and you're thinking; Chai,  what are you doing in Bangkok? We're just giving   Bangkok a quick visit. We're meeting up with some  friends and then moving to the north again. We're   gonna walk around Asok, Sukhumvit, and Nana area.  To find all these lovely people so I hope you're   excited. Let's go! What would you say is the best  thing about Bangkok? Food. Convenience. Yes. And   then the weather is not so bad. It is great. It's  hot though. It's fine. As well. It's not so good.   But not so bad right? Yeah I like it. I like it  here a lot. Also, the people are really friendly.   As busy as this people still have time for you.  Look for you. You're stopping for us. So that's   very kind of you. Thank you so much. So, what are  the downsides? Living here all your life, what   are the downsides you think of living in Bangkok?  Maybe the city is not so well organized. And then   the traffic is always bad. I mean in the middle  of the city. Then maybe some safety in some areas.   Oh? But you never know. Because you stay around  here. But if you live somewhere else... Which   area should we be careful of ? It' s not like  super dangerous but, at night if you take taxi   out there... I wouldn't do it. It could happen.  But it's not like very dangerous like that.   I mean I don't feel safe because i drive,  maybe. While driving is not you don't feel safe?   I'm okay with driving. I don't want to take taxi  in the middle of night. After midnight. Like that.   I wouldn't do it. Okay. ,that's interesting to  know. Everyone is saying that Bangkok is quite   expensive. How much money monthly do you think  is needed for... Like a minimum wage per month?   It really depends on where you live.  And how well do you want to eat.   Let's say an average... An average person? 30 or  40.000 Baht, would be that enough do you think?   It's enough. You have to manage. Alright? Okay.  Don't live here. Just leave more far outside.   If you go to restaurant all the time...  Somehow you have to cook. Or you have to   buy something. Like that. Do you have a  message to the world or some wisdom to pass on?   Be safe. Anywhere. And then be cheerful. I write  books here. I'm doing my fourth book right now.   All right! I have an apartment here. I belong to  a health club. I have a real estate business. I   teach squash. I have a wonderful time here.  That's amazing sir. And there are no winters. So,   first things first. I've been here 20 years  off and on. Five or six months a year.   I have the same apartment. I rent the same  apartment. The landlady keeps it for me. It's very   convenient. I belong to bonnie grad. I go to the  Skytrain. I ride a bicycle. Perfect. I see we were   riding behind me and I was like; hey! We stopped  at the same time and that's how we got to chat to   each other. As a single man or as a couple, how  much money per person do you need to earn to live   a standard live? Because I've heard Bangkok is  quite expensive to live in? Well, that I don't   know. Because my income is from my businesses in  America. Okay, So I don't really have a job here.   But I have income from another source. So I'm  very lucky. That's good. What are the biggest   pluses you would say of living in Bangkok?  Well it's very inexpensive for me compared to,   for example, Japan or America. okay and there's no  winter. People are very nice and many people speak   reasonable English. There's  a wonderful bookstore.... And there's terminal 21 down here. Villa market.  Very convenient. Very nice people. Are you living   near this area and living? Near Nana? Street 11.  Down "soi" 11. How is living there? It's pretty   full-on isn't it? "Soi 11"? It's like Times Square  in New York. In the evening it's impossible. I   don't even come out in the evening. I got you. Too  much traffic. Too many people. Too much traffic.   Too many people? That's bringing us to the next  question; What are the downsides of Bangkok? Well,   I've only been here on this trip for five days. So  I'm getting adjusted to the jetlag and so on. So   everything's fine for me right now. I mean,  I'm enjoying it . I've caught up with some   old friends. I had their third booster shot  at Boomerang Grad on Saturday. Was that here?   Boomergad hospital. Okay. That's uh the hospital  nearby. Do you have to pay for that or is that   free? I still have to get my booster. I had  to pay 900 Baht. And then you get AstraZeneca?   AstraZeneca..? You haven't got yours yet I've got AstraZeneca  and Pfizer. What country are you from? I'm from   the Netherlands sir. How easy is it to be social  here in the city? Very. Very easy. For example. I   haven't been here in two and a half years. And  on the street corner the other day in my mask,   a taxi driver who recognized me came to speak  to me. Tuk-tuk driver. One of these little   machines here he came to see me. Even though I  had a mask on. So they recognized me after two   and a half years. Lovely what I feel like; to  be more social here in the city I have to go to   the bars and everything. To a cafe. Is that  true or are there also communities here...?   I don't do the bars. I don't do the bars.  That's because the bar makes me gain weight.   Well you look amazing sir. Thank you again for  stopping. Do you have a message for the world?   Or some wisdom to pass on? Well, hopefully, we  can maintain peace here in Thailand. It's been   peaceful since 2006. I'm hoping that it'll keep  that way. Not too long ago we started calling   out the champ of the day. In this episode, we're  calling out two champs. This is Lars who is with   us from almost the very start of this channel. And  Gert. He recently subscribed to the channel. Like,   a few months ago but he's pretty much always there  with these comments. To become a champ of the day   you don't have to comment under each video. No,  just the one original comments could be enough.   This comment could be placed under each video  that we publish here on youtube. Or on Instagram.   Anyway, Lars and Garry are the champs of today. My  company it's a dutch company. A Dutch company? The   Netherlands. I am Dutch, actually. That's funny.  What's the company, sorry. The company it's about   the marine. The shipping industry. Right. I've  got the feeling that Bangkok is quite expensive   to live in. Is it an affordable city? I hardly  agree with that. 100k of salary you can live here   very... You know like? You can enjoy living here.  You have a better quality of life. If you if below   that? You have to pay for rent... The rent is high  you know? The rent and the food. You can survive   below100k. What would be the minimum amount to  have a comfortable life do you think? If, let's   say if you're single or and no kids. I am married  with no kids. You're married and have no kids   you're saying? Is your wife working as well? Yes,  you work as well? You have to work. Otherwise,   you cannot survive. So if you're a couple you  have to work together? Yeah. I'll ask you later   also what the minuses are. What the downside is  of Bangkok. But what is so good about Bangkok?   What's good in Bangkok? You can find food  around the clock. It's more convenient. If you have money? You know? You can live  smoothly. We have a beach. We have beautiful   beaches. We have mountains. We have... Let's say  we have everything here. But the price is a little   bit high. If you have the money to do so...  It will be like paradise. In Bangkok, how much   money do you think per month you need to make? A  bare minimum? In Thai Baht right? In Thai Baht. You will have a quality of life. You know,  the good quality of life will be 70.000 Baht. If compare this to my industry. That will be in  the range of management positions. Do you think   a lot of people are struggling financially because  they live here? They expect a lot of money and a   lot of quality of life? I can imagine that not  everyone... You know? If you're working in a   coffee shop you don't earn 70.000, I think. 70.000  is the position of management. Most people will be   below that. The lady from the coffee shop just  here. She will be earning maybe 30.000, not even   that. Yes, correct. Thirty thousand. That's not  even possible. They can't survive. But not like... What are the downsides of Bangkok?  The downside of Bangkok living is the   traffic. It's the traffic, you know? That's a  good one. We have the BTS. But the BTS has no   access to where we are living. We have to make  connections. We have to get off the BTS and get   on the bus. To go where we're living. Do you have  a message to the world or some wisdom to pass on?   Take care of yourself. This world is changing.  You know, as you can see the weather.   The environment. All the things are changing now. Save that. Save the world. Save the environment.   And save yourself from the pandemic. The epidemics  takes place. You've never seen it before. But,   okay. Stay safe and take care of yourself.  Take care of your family as well.   Thank you so much. Thanks a lot. Are you from  Bangkok, actually? I'm from Saraburi. I'm working   here in Bangkok. How long have you been working  here? I studied here for six four years and then   worked here around three years. Perfect because  we are actually making an episode about the people   that are living here. Why do you live here? I  think Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. And   Bangkok has food and many shopping malls. Also,  they are very convenient with the Skytrain. And   also they have a subway. MRT and BTS. This BTS  and we have VRT really fast to go everywhere.   Usually, you can walk. You don't have to use the  car. You have a job right now you're saying. So   one of the things that I have been wondering is,  I don't live here but, I hear the city is quite   expensive. How much money a month do you have  to make minimum to have a good life in Bangkok?   For the Thai people. I think the standard salary  is gonna be like 20.000 Baht. 20,000 Baht minimum.   Yes but for foreigners... I think should be like  50.000, think. Why do you think that should be   different? Because usually, the cheaper apartments  start from 6.000 Baht. But if you rent for like   10.000 Baht? It's better. It's more good. There's  already a standard of 20.000. You have some money   to live on. To you to use to eat and shopping a  little bit. That's amazing. Thank you for a nice   answer. What are the downsides of Bangkok you can  say? For me, I think about traffic. Everywhere you   want to go. If too much traffic. You'll take so  long to arrive at your destination. So it's making   you wait so long. Waiting so much. We got a better  idea about life in Bangkok. How it is. Is it   expensive? Etc. Etc. I think Bangkok is a decent  place to live in. It has its downsides as well.   This traffic for example is one of them. And  there are also videos called the five hazards   of Bangkok. I made it not too long ago. Before  we finish this episode I'd like to tell you that   this channel is based in the north of Thailand. We  live in the city of Chiang Mai but we're showing   you the beauty of southeast Asia. I'm not only  telling you about my experiences. No. We also   meet a lot of interesting people along the way.  It is possible to support the channel via "Buy Me   A Coffee". We also have memberships available.  The memberships have three different levels.   Each level comes with perks but, it definitely  motivates us to keep on doing what we're doing.   Hopefully, you're in a position to help us. If  not no worries. We are still carrying on doing   what we're doing for hopefully many years. Thank  you for watching to the very end I would like to   say from one of the busiest crossroads here in  the heart of Bangkok at Asok BTS station and   Sukhumvit MRT; bye for now and stay champ! [I hope  you're enjoying the subtitles, Chai (stay champ!)]
Channel: Chai Travel
Views: 17,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bangkok interview, street interview bangkok, what bangkok, living in Bangkok, why living in bangkok, working in bangkok, how much money do I need for bangkok?, bangkok thailand, thailand bangkok, bangkok2022, bangkok locals, locals talking about bangkok, what should I know coming to bangkok, moving to thailand, moving to bangkok, living in thailand
Id: rHBM26nZtok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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