Why you need GSLB and how Citrix takes it to a new level

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today I'll be providing an overview of Citrix global server load balancing or GSLV for short and how implementing this technology can help your organization achieve seamless TR before we dive into what GSLV is let's take a step back to understand why we need dr in the first instance in a traditional network environment we have our users and we provide them with access to internal resources such as file servers where they access their documents web server for websites obviously and an exchange server for email with the advancements of network technology this enables us to place an edge appliance firewall to allow external users access to our internal services external users can be in the form of external offices users who work from home or external partners or even providing customers access directly to our web hosted services internally the drawback of this setup is that if this link was to go down our external users partners or customers would have no way of accessing our internal resources this is where dr comes in in this example I have a active-passive D our setup we have a primary site and a secondary site the secondary site is essentially a backup all resources that we require will be replicated to the secondary site if there was a D our scenario we would redirect users to our secondary site to access resources as we would the primary we would place an edge appliance firewall same as we do the primary site to allow users access to our internal resources although this is a great solution it still has its drawbacks to enable users to access resources at our secondary site we need to update our service records our service records are generally hosted by our ISP or service providers and are maintained and updated externally to our organization as you can imagine updating these records can take time we need to access the portals to update the records and allow time for a propagation this is where citrix GSLV comes in to streamline this operation there are three components of Citrix GSLV the GSLV service at each site the metric exchange protocol which is generally referred to as the heartbeat between the service and an authoritative DNS server a DNS CSLB essentially takes over name resolution duties from our ISP Internet service providers as name resolution is now controlled internally on our DSL be set up we have the capacity to direct users to the backend file service either in a primary or secondary site as we see fit in a fully working scenario where both sites are upon running name resolution can be made I've read a primary or the secondary site if an user was looking to access their file server a primary site but name resolution was made at the secondary site CSLB at the secondary site would notice this and redirect an user to access the file say of the over here in the event of a aj event all links that a primary site would be down as the GSLV services now down any requests coming in to a family for example will no longer be redirected to the file server and a primary site but stay local CSLB goes beyond standard aj if we wanted to set up a rule for example to your load balance our web servers we could set up a reel to enable this in this scenario users can access the web service from a primary site or the secondary site with this setup there's no need to redirect users between sites this allows flexibility for hey CheY and also individual resources the web server for example is a good contender for active active between both sides the content on web servers are generally static this makes it extremely suitable for load balancing and via GSLV on the flip side where a resource is hosting constantly changing data such as the file server we would maintain active passive fellow for further resource DSL B provides flexibility with H a and also individual services furthermore if we had a citrix in Upton's and desktop setup this could also be load balanced
Channel: Quadris
Views: 2,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #GSLB #Citrix ADC #DisasterRecovery #Citrix ADC
Id: R6MivxZoW6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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