Why You NEED a BLOG as a Programmer

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] i coach a lot of developers i coach a lot of software developers and they pay me big money to go to fifteen hundred dollars an hour okay now there's a reason why they pay me so much money to coach so i'm gonna talk about in this video and it involves a blog which is one of the tips that i give them and i'm gonna give you some stories that are gonna really convince you that you're gonna need to create a blog today if you guys are just joining me for the first time i'm john from simpleprogrammer.com i am not your typical programmer i am your programmer bro here on simple programmer now i'm just kidding uh but what i do teach you on this channel is soft skills for software developers the not the hard stuff not the technical stuff anymore but the social skills the communication skills the presentation skills the career management skills that are going to allow you to not just accelerate your career and make a lot more money maybe start a business but just have a damn good life okay you don't have to be like the typical nerd guy or gal or gal okay i'm egalitarian in my my viewpoint on programmers okay but you don't have to be that you can be a person who has an awesome kick-ass life and does other things besides just code and the way that you learn how to do that is by learning personal development learning soft skills learning the other skills that are important and today we're going to talk about starting blog but uh if you haven't already click the subscribe button join us on this quest you know it doesn't cost you anything to subscribe uh click the bell to get notifications so that miss any videos and i have a book on software development it's the number one bestselling book on amazon right now okay you can check it out called the complete software developer career guide i'll put a link up here there'll be a link down in the description below as well get it okay trust me it's going to help you all right so let's talk about blogging i love blogging okay you know why i love blogging because blogging made me a millionaire you wouldn't be watching this video right now i wouldn't be up here in flagstaff i wouldn't be jacked if i didn't start a blog that was how this all began that's how my whole story how my whole journey began it's how i became a multi-millionaire it's how i end up building multiple businesses quitting my job and retiring young and enjoying life it and speaking becoming a communicator i mean okay before i started my blog i would not be making this video what i would be doing is sitting at my computer with a nasally voice and um i three voice okay and i would not be talking to you and i wouldn't be presenting i wouldn't be doing any of those things because the blog is the thing that opened up opportunities for me it taught me how to express myself how to find my voice when you find your voice writing you can find your voice and your personality in life and it forced me into so many situations so many opportunities came that allowed me to go speak on stages to be on podcasts okay podcasts which have now canceled me one of my my first podcast appearance i think was scott hanselman's hansel minutes and we talked about uh like losing weight or you know something like that i've been on his podcast a couple times and.net rocks and all that stuff before they canceled me i've been deleted but um regardless you know it gave me those opportunities gave me opportunities to speak on stage to become keynote speaker for many code camps and many companies get paid ten thousand dollars to go speak on stage for an hour okay countless opportunities selling my courses you know making you know hundreds and thousands of dollars millions of dollars eventually creating pluralsight courses all of the things and in creating eventually my other company and all those things it all came from starting a blog okay now why all right because there's a couple things and this is why you need to start a blog okay in fact i'll tell you this right so i have coaching clients that currently pay me fifteen 1500 an hour now that might seem absurd to you i pay people more than that per hour okay because i know the value but of these coaching clients pretty much every single one of them either has a blog or a youtube channel there's a really good reason if they're developer even if they're not developer they pretty much do okay and one of the the reasons why and why they can afford to pay me so much is because it generates them so much money i just had a coaching client just this last week okay and he was like man i just got an interview at uh i think it was like stripe and then there's a couple other companies uh so some big thing companies there i'm not gonna not gonna name some names here because i don't wanna potentially identify them if you know who my coaching clients are but anyway so he said that in all of the interviews that he went to every single time the interviewer said oh i read this article on your blog okay he got job offers he got high job offers a lot more money than he would have gotten okay because he had a blog and this is not the only one multiple of my coaching clients have experiences and like i said when i started out when i created my blog simple programmer that was the thing that's what happened to me okay and that's why i went down this path that's why i created simple programming that's why i started creating this channel and and teaching you guys and and wrote soft skills including software developers career guide and create a course on how to market yourself to software if you want to get that course there's a link down below you can get how to market a software developer it's also in the cards okay but because what i realized was that by having that blog that i was marketing myself and not only that it's like so you know some people say okay well if i have a programming blog if i if i create my blog then you know it's kind of late you know it's like maybe that would have worked 10 years ago or something but no one's really reading blogs anymore it doesn't really matter okay first of all people are still reading blogs and you can see there's still a ton of web traffic out there people are searching for things they will find them programmers primarily like the primary skill of a programmer is to uh google things okay that's it okay i know what it is to be a high level programmer it's to google things the better you google you are the better programmer you are okay because that's how it is the world of complexity of so many different technologies interactions is so great at this point that that's what you have to have is that skill and those people are finding blogs okay they're finding posts that people have made just like you okay and you build notoriety you build your name up there and so what happens is that uh you know if you if you apply for a job okay a recruiter the very first thing that they're gonna do is they're gonna google your name and what you want to come up is not a mugshot what you want to come up is your blog okay and it wants and you want it to be updated so that the last post was at least like no more than a month old okay and what they're gonna do is they're gonna read and they're going to see and they're already interviewing you okay and they're going to go through your articles because when you go into an interview okay what's going to happen is that you're going to spend as much time as possible trying to convey as much information to show them that you're qualified that you understand the technology or that you're qualified for the job okay but if they read your blog they're already gonna know that before you go into the interview now they're just gonna make sure that you're not a nutcase serial killer okay and that's simple that's all you gotta do is not say something stupid or morbid that's it all you gotta do is appear to be a normal human being and you've got the job already it's happened to me multiple times i've had people call me up okay when i first started my blog and they said hey we want to give you a job offer i said ah you want me to come in for an interview i don't know i'm not i'm kind of busy no no we want to give you a job offer i said how could you give me a job offer you haven't had an interview and they said hey well you know a couple of our developers they read your blog we want you on the team okay now think about how those negotiations went right like if you apply for a job what's gonna happen right you are basically asking them for something you're saying hey you have the job i want the job okay so it's hard to negotiate when you're asking for something right okay but when people come to you and they want to hire you specifically imagine how the negotiation goes it went really well for me okay i got a lot of my freelancing clients from that my billing rate when i started okay was 50 an hour i thought that was a lot i was like yeah i can charge 50 an hour to people okay what sort of happened was i i had people asking for my time so i said okay well how about 100 bucks an hour no problem 200 bucks an hour 300 bucks an hour at one point i was charging 500 bucks an hour as a developer right most of the time like my highest bill rate that i had like full time billing was at 300 an hour and i did not find those jobs they found me people asked me and i just kept on raising my rates okay that came from the blog so before we get any further into this you might be wondering how do i start a blog well i'll tell you i've got a course on this totally free totally free there's a link in the cards there's a link down below you know how to create a blog to boost your career okay sign up for that i've got lessons okay uh if you if you already you're like uh okay i just wanna start blog right now i've got a link for bluehost okay they are an affiliate so i do get paid a commission on that that's not why i'm making this video i'm making this video because this is important to you but you can check that out as well there'll be a link down there as well okay and you'll get a special discount on it also if you go through the blog course still i'm sure there's a link in there as well so so don't worry okay but this is the thing man i'm telling you like you got it you got to market yourself you have to put yourself out there okay and a huge amount of opportunities can confront even if it's just a job right some people some of you guys you're thinking well i don't want to create a blog and create a whole business and like try to get all this traffic and and stuff and do like you did john because it's too hard it's just so hard today that's fine even if you just create a blog just like like i said one of my coaching clients several of my coaching clients and it just gets you 20k more salary when you go to apply for a job that's worth it that's worth it itself okay but there's so much more potential right so many opportunities that can come from that right people are going to read your blog and potentially ask you to be on podcasts or you can ask to be on a podcast and show your blog right you can get on speaking engagements to speak on stage and build your brand that way okay you know you can get book deals i got book deals right at one point also canceled but manning had contacted me and they said hey write a book i'm like what book do you want me to write whatever book you want to write right why did they say that because they knew i had a big audience they knew that i had a blog and i had people that would follow me they're going to buy the book okay so i wrote the software developer's life manual right soft skills software developer's life manual all right before they canceled it but i'm gonna be republishing it guys so they'll be coming up soon but anyway okay this is really important so start your blog today trust me on this one it will be it will be the best decision you make and i can give you so many more reasons i'll just give you one last one okay then i want you to go and click the link join the course okay totally free of course on how to i should start charging money for it there's a workbook that's five dollars in there i should really make it like fifty dollars and i should make the court i should make the course like a hundred dollars because it's worth it right easily worth it but it's free for now okay because i'm i got too much other on my plate but so take advantage of it so sign up uh but here i'll give you one last thing okay when you learn to write you will learn to organize your mind and your information better you might say hey john this video doesn't sound very organized like you're going all over the place and just having fun just having fun it's my fun channel i like to have fun here okay but when it comes down to it if i need to give a solid talk and clearly present my ideas i can do that also you might see that i have a voice and when i say i have a voice it doesn't mean that i have sound that comes out of my larynx or larynx or whatever it is okay what i mean is that i have charisma and personality on camera why because i found my voice because when you write and you express yourself you find that voice now yeah on camera you'll find your voice as well which you can start a youtube channel i think that's a great idea as well but as you do that you start to it develops you as a person as you write like the process of putting out information right becoming a better communicator and it will carry over to all of your areas of your life everything everything everything from giving presentations at work to communicating with your co-workers to going out and cold approaching your potential love interest it'll work so it starts with a block my life changed when i started i know it sounds like a weird thing but hey maybe you're not gonna get the same results as me maybe not gonna become a multi-millionaire and completely change your life the way that i have but it will impact your life and it will be worth it i promise you so go start a blog right now
Channel: Simple Programmer
Views: 3,292
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: john sonmez, simple programmer, programming, coding, software development, don't be a programmer, how to be a programmer, how to become a programmer, programmer, programmer job, remote programmer, how to be programmer, remote job programmer, math for programmers, progammer, become a web developer, how to become a web developer, a day in the life of an indie game dev, simpleprogrammer.com, programming math, math in programming, unity progress and result
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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