Why You MUST PLAY ZED Like THIS - BEST Laning Tips, Combos and Tricks - League of Legends Guide

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hey guys ace here it's been a while since we last spoke don't you worry we're gonna get into this whole replay analysis on the zed but real quick i want to tell you guys why we're doing something like this for a while we've kind of been split down the middle doing stuff on the patches and also making teaching videos for you guys to help you learn and improve and we kind of realized that there's no point in doing the patch stuff if you guys don't actually learn anything from it so going forward we're only going to be focusing on making videos that teach you guys things either by explaining concepts going over tips or maybe going over replays like this one and i'm really glad because after all my personal goal is to try and help you guys improve and at least teach you something on every single video if you really get a lot out of this and you want more feel free to check out the rest of the channel and of course like and subscribe and even more is available on our website gameleap.com now i need to give you guys some background on the player that we're looking at because this guy's pretty nuts his name is eleanor he's got nearly a 90 win rate on zed and he is masters plus on the korean server there's gonna be a lot of information throughout the entire replay and you might even come to realize that the gods of solo q aren't as far out of reach as you might think so let's kick it over to the replay what are our goals for this game first up who are we fighting against well it's a lucian mint so you need to minimize your damage taken in your deaths early on so that you can actually do things without falling super far behind part of that is our second goal which is maximizing your cs while taking the least damage possible from the first point and lastly the biggest goal is to hit level 6 so you can actually take over the lane so let's get right into things while we're following the minions into lane i want to point something out here because we've actually already learned something by looking at the scoreboard this zed has taken doran's shield which instantly should tell you that one it's necessary and two is important because you just want to have a long sort of refillable potion in every lane right wrong this guy knows that he's gonna get auto attacked and take damage over and over again so he needs to be able to regenerate it and we already have our first mistake my friends check this out why is this man standing here look at where you're standing right are you gonna cs any of these if you are this dead are you going to get any of the cs no you're not you're not going to you're you're going to be able to cue one or two of them maybe but when this solution is lining up you can't get hit by this look at how much damage that did that did pretty much 80 maybe 70 damage that's a lot it's gonna add up that q cooldown on lucian's pretty low and if he's going to get auto attacked at all he's not gonna be able to do anything about it and look guys these minions aren't even dying so why are you walking up in the lane if this was you you just made a mistake that could cost you more damage because this guy realized that he made a mistake and then instantly backed off after he took the q damage he didn't stick around and get hit even more this could have been much worse but it's already a mistake that you could be improving on and like i said he gets to cue this minion and get at least one of them and i'll be able to probably see us this one as well why couldn't you just wait for that in the first place again he lines up for a q and he takes even more damage and the lucian actually cancels his auto attack there he could have done even more damage to the set while we're here i want to pull out the timer for you guys so you could see this it's two minutes into the lane and this player has already made the same mistake twice in a row he got hit by lucian's q both times when he really just should not have if that's how many mistakes he's making you need to take the time and think about how many mistakes you're making and what you can improve on let's see what else this lane has to offer as right now it's frozen in a pretty nice spot for him and keeps shoving under tower oh no don't no ah right well this is it this is it this is the lesson right here guys you remember how we said our first goal was to minimize the damage we take in we were taking that is why it's the first goal and not the second one the second one is get cs because right here boom half your health is gone if lucian does that again you're at danger of dying you can't stick around the lane like that and you can't just trade away half your health for one cs that is never ever worth it and if you ever find yourself in a situation like this please make the right choice and don't take all that damage what i will say that's good for this zed player and something that you should try and emulate is that cue right there those cues are your best friend when you're playing in the lane especially against somebody who can bully you like a lucian you need to be careful where you throw your cues because if you're just throwing them through a bunch of minions every single time one you're cutting the amount of damage that you deal and making it harder to cs those minions that are low health and two because you're hitting all the other minions you might be pushing the wave without realizing and if you do that too much you might get a freeze on yourself that really really sucks when you're right here this is great right you're safe enough that you can queue minions pretty reliably you could pick up a bunch of cs but if you over extend into the enemy side of the lane and all of a sudden it's frozen here how do you break it you're gonna feel absolutely powerless and feel stuck because there's nothing you could do without overextending in a position that your enemy could kill you and you don't want to rely on somebody like a jungler or support coming to bail you out now we're closing in on the level three oh but he missed a cs there that's so sad in case you guys missed it check this out here so this is fine you know he takes a little bit of damage from the lucian and the minion wave is going to stack up like i said nice and frozen here which is very nice for him and right here he picks up another million and when he goes for this melee minion he actually misjudges his own q damage it sucks it happens but you want to try and minimize that as much as possible this is what i mean by level 3 being a really big equalizer in this lane because while yes lucian is getting more and more tools so are you as the zed and check out what he does here it's actually really really good lessons in how to use your w he uses the we to instantly hit the lucian and then he waits he doesn't throw the q and he waits for the lucian to be baited by him moving forward and he immediately clicks backwards and then tries to throw his q to hit both of them unfortunately he only hits one but still that trade was really really good he took basically zero damage for that if you can get that off a couple times as you can see he already forced solution to use his health potion and you could really easily start equalizing the uh the health in the lane and maybe even get a kill even though the lucian has an exhaust now um okay i was about to compliment this guy again but he just ruined it once again we're gonna bring up we're gonna bring up some numbers here in a second when it happens but guys you can't be hit by the free damage that the enemies are throwing at you if you dodge it it's so much better for you because you're making them waste mana for nothing but right there he just take the zed for another q and this pretty much equalizes their health bars i'm gonna bring up the target frame here so we could take a look at just exactly how much damage this has done right now rank 2 lucian q is doing 140 with the stats that he has so he just tagged him for roughly 100 damage with that because armor matters right but if you don't take the three or four cues that the solution has landed on this set all throughout the laning phase you're saving like 300 maybe 250 health that's a lot this is how dodging one two or even three things can add up over time right we're only like three or four minutes in the lane and this guy could be so much healthier to the point where he could afford to take more damage and get more cs or maybe even go all in for a solo kill because of it this is how you have to think about the trades and where you're taking damage in lane and it's why the number one goal is minimize your damage taken so at this point in this game this guy's in a pretty good spot he really hasn't given up much in the early game and while sure he's made some mistakes here and there nothing's catastrophic taking a look at the scoreboard he's 2-2 he's down roughly 20 cs which is expected in a bad lane like this so if you're here you're in a good spot to take over the game and keep in mind this guy went for an umbral glaive first item so it's not even like he has a dust blade or anything crazy he's not going super high economy he's not getting all the farm in the world let's see what he does here and actually right away we can see up remember how we talked about earlier exhaust doesn't matter fellas i'm pretty sure he hit every single one of his skill shots here so we just talked about surprising somebody from the bush hello it happens it's almost like i have clairvoyance then he goes in with the re auto which is the best way for you to guarantee damage on somebody they cannot dodge anything unless they flash perfectly which obviously this guy cannot because he does not have flash up right now as his is mirrored with the zeds and then zed goes and goes and predicts the lucian's e hits him with all three cues and the lucian even exhausts him but guess what exhaust doesn't matter and he dies to the ignite and again this isn't a dust blade he's just got a cheap 2300 gold item and unfortunately he dies to the karthus are but still he's taken over the lane right lucian can no longer be oppressive to him he just killed him straight through exhaust this is where you want to be when you're playing zed in the mid lane you guys want to see standard combos executed to basically perfection that's one right there look at this you throw out your w with your e so that the slow affects somebody and then here he predicts the lucian's dash slightly by angling his shurikens this way and it manages to hit him with a bunch of damage and like this is just you know he just lost half his health and zed's going to lose maybe you know 300 maybe a fifth of his health at most in retaliation from lucian and if he had his r right now he could totally just destroy this guy but you're not online 24 7 you do have to wait for your cooldowns we've reached the point in the stage where zed is now already caught up to the lucian and cs him let's face it he's really dumpstering this guy he's one five and two now which is way different from what was looking like earlier and it seems like zed has gotten to the point where he's running around the map and killing everybody but we actually see our first really bad mistake there that could totally change how the play goes and i'm sure you saw it but we may as well go over and talk about what could change here what could be better right zed is not looking at himself right now by the way if you guys play on lock screen you got to be careful you need this information that you see here on the screen as we show you he's constantly looking at the solution and judging the max range of his abilities so that he could go on to him there's no real way to do that quickly if you're playing on lock screen then from there he dives in and uses his e but what for some reason doesn't register in his mind is that the lucian is going to die no matter what and so you don't need to throw your shurikens here like he does right because right here he throws them downwards for some reason as if he's expecting lucian to flash or walk downwards towards the wall to use his e over but he's 100 dead so if you have a little bit more patience than this player then you could have aimed your shurikens better and hit the karthus here and then you could kill him as you swap out to your shadow which should be really impactful because now there's way less numbers on the field for you to be able to push towers in mid and push a tower in bot if you go to slip push but instead he actually ends up dying to the karthus's ulti likely because he didn't kill the karthus in time either way a lesson has been learned skipping ahead a bunch because the enemy team really hasn't been doing very much this game and has mostly been getting stopped they mount their first resistance here rosetta actually gets to show off some really nice mechanics against multiple members of the enemy team right here you could see he flashes to make sure that miss fortune can't get away even with summoner spells and then beautifully lines up on this karma look at this guys this is what i meant before in that example when we talked about appraising the situation and not throwing shurikens at people who are already dead zed's looking at this looking at this flash are he knows that she's dead all he has to do is e auto and that's why he throws his shurikens over at the karma plus the ignite triggers the electrocute and she dies and that's a sick pick up and now he can just exit and the like i said misfortune dies anyway and ooh some fancy stuff but he's gonna die to an ulti isn't he i must i stand corrected okay well he's dead now okay well either way he was really fancy and really feeling himself when you're ouring back to where your shadow was remember that it places the shadow where you were so as you can see here this remnant here is going to set up the play in the future on the cart this year and that's why he all of a sudden turns back in because he realizes that he gets another shuriken in and honestly he probably didn't even need to swap in because he was throwing three shurikens there he could have just thrown the shadow and hit karthus with all three and i think he might have died i'm pretty confident that he felt that that was necessary and i don't blame him for that after all he did style on him and he would have gotten out if he didn't taunt in his face probably but at the very least he gets the lucian flash out of it to find more replay analysis like this we have tons and tons of this up on our website where everything is done by challenger level players on challenger level players that way you know you can get the best of the best information even if you feel like you're not quite ready to make use of something like that we have plenty of content for all levels of players on a lot of champions and concepts in league we're always working on releasing more and more content so if it's not there right now it will be in the future i guarantee it so make sure you go check us out and learn as much as you possibly can to win your games [Music] so
Channel: GameLeap LoL Challenger Guides
Views: 100,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, lol guide, league of legends guide, lol gameplay, league of legends gameplay, lol gameplay guide, lol pro guide, league of legends tips, lol, lol zed tips and tricks, lol zed tips, lol zed guide, lol pro zed, zed, zed guide, lol zed gameplay, lol zed carry, lol zed laning, lol zed runes, zed build, lol mid guide, lol mid, lol mid tips, lol midlane, lol midlane guide, lol middle lane, lol mid zed, lol top zed, lol mid coaching, lol zed combos
Id: x28u4LeRKZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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