Why X-23's Claws Are Deadlier Than Wolverine’s! (Because Science w/ Kyle Hill)

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one of the mutant protagonists of Logan x-23 is a female clone of Wolverine aka James holiday kay Logan she is genetically identical meaning that she too has an advanced hearing factor and attitude problem a bone claws that are now also covered in adamantium she may be genetically identical but I think that her claws are even more dangerous than Wolverines and I can prove it [Music] x-23 is a victim of the revived Weapon X program the same program that gave Wolverine his metal upgrade after 22 failed attempts to clone Wolverine Laura Kinney was created adamantium and all hence the name x-23 not only did her sex change so too did her number of claws this is what makes her more dangerous than Logan giving x-23 two claws ow instead of three claws Paul was probably just a design choice to make her visually distinct from Wolverine you know this is still deadly and cool-looking but I think that this is a better cutting and piercing weapon than this because of how weapons cut in Pierce you know if they're killing factor allowed for some scar tissue then retracting these wouldn't hurt every single time would be like putting an earring at all faugh first how do knives cut knives blades and claws maximize pressure or a force acting over some area and apply that pressure to a material whose ultimate tensile strength can't withstand the blades moving out of the way force that's a technical term this relationship between force and area means that a sharper blade one with less area on the cutting edge will apply more pressure under the same force so making a knife or a blade or a claw better means reducing that area without compromising the blade structurally however you can't make adamantium blades any sharper than they already are after they're set so you'll have to reduce area in a different way under the same force fewer blades means more in power consider a fully-grown x-23 and a fully-grown Logan I'm going to assume they swing with equal force because genetically into the same person and that they're anti mantium blades are equally sharp because they were made by the same program now who has more cutting power the mutant who is spreading that force over the least amount of area while each of Wolverines blades gets 33 percent of the total cutting force each of x-23 blades gets 50% of the total cutting force it makes a difference oh oh oh I'm sorry I didn't know how this machine worked I'm definitely splitting hairs here I think these blades could cut Superman's skin but technically Wolverines blades are not as powerful as x-23 is dual blade setup and intuitively you know this is sure the distribution of force over a larger area is the same reason why you can lay on a bed of nails but not a single nail more nails means more area means less pressure on the skin and if there wasn't some scar tissue forming in the Florham wouldn't every motion result in some cutting all dario science let's just think this bed of nails argument doesn't apply to long blades this is something that's still done at sideshows she's laying on six swords and you can bet that you would notice if there were only five and if they were spaced further apart like x-23 as blades are in comparison to wolverine let's put some numbers to x-23 slicing superiority on a previous episode we estimated the cutting power of a single Wolverine blade and we can use the same assumptions to evaluate two versus three blades so first I'm going to assume that the cutting force is like what a heavyweight boxer punches with or 5,000 Newtons second the blade sharpness will be among the sharpest blades known to man obsidian blades just five nanometers thick and finally I'll assume that the blades are 25 centimeters long because they have to fit in both x-23 and Wolverines forearms according to these statics diagrams each of Wolverines three blades gets one third of the total cutting force or 1667 Newtons which means over the tiny super sharp blade edge it creates two hundred million psi which is admittedly ridiculous but these blades are supposed to be able to cut through anything right on the other hand the blade set up 4 X 23 means that she gets half of the total cutting force per blade 2500 Newtons resulting on the blade edge in 300 million psi that's 50% more pressure per blade and 30 times higher than the highest pressure of the best water jet cutter ever created a swipe from two claws is more dangerous than a swipe from three claws which implies that a swipe from one claw is even more dangerous Wolverine can already do this so doesn't that make his claw setup occasionally deadlier than X 23 no X 23 has single claws on her feet and legs can kick twice as hard as hands can punch so a single perfect swipe from one of these bad boys would impart more pressure at 20 times at the core of the earth yeah so why are X 23 blades more deadly than Wolverines because if you take the same force and apply it over a smaller area it raises the pressure which is how blades cut in the first place it means that x-23 two blades will be cutting with more pressure per blade than Wolverines will with his three cloth set up of course he could just switch to a single claw on each hand but then again Laura Kinney has single blades on her feet which are stronger body parts making her more deadly they may be clones but x-23 definitely has the edge because science [Music] thank you so much for watching make sure to follow me on Twitter at SCI file where you can suggest ideas for future episodes and on Instagram under the same handle where you can now see mainly little mini episodes of this show that I'm doing don't check it out I'll see you there I mean I'm not we're not going to be because of how light travels or not I'm not going to see you but big enough thank you to Qualcomm for sponsoring today's show Qualcomm and Lionsgate have joined forces to create a predict you'll VR experience based on the upcoming Power Rangers film to celebrate we're partnering to send three lucky winners to LA for the film's premiere on March 22nd each winner will also receive a Google pixel phone and daydream headset check out the link in the description to learn more and enter to win why does the next 23 have adamantium covering our entire skeleton well that's pretty simple if she had adamantium covering every bone and her bones wouldn't be able to incorporate new nutrients and grow themselves and she wouldn't be able to grow into a full human and she'd be stuck in it in a baby state what would probably happen is that she would die because her bones are not letting red blood cells out but I guess you could have holes in the adamantium book but then you can't drill into the atom it did they set it like that what if you are doing [Music]
Channel: Nerdist
Views: 1,433,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Fvid, Because Science, Kyle Hill, logan, x-23, wolverine, hugh jackman, 20th century fox, adamantium claws, weapon x, clone, mr sinister, cutting knifes, tensile strength, marvel, comics, movies
Id: TilG3jGQFLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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