Why Wolverine Is My Favorite Superhero (Or Anti Hero)

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hello the comic every movie show my name's a shot at the dam here to give you another video talking about my up my favorite character now I already made my video talking about my favorite villain and that was Doctor Doom and I'm glad that he got a pretty good response from a couple of the people who agree with me on that I love Doctor Doom I think he's the old-time goat and when it comes to supervillains and comic books like he's just bar none far beyond any other character to me personally now when it comes to my number one hero superhero now you got to understand that list and that top spot is a lot more closer than you know than others you know like with Doctor Doom is my far and away favorite villain you know and so in comments below he's a villain antihero and I'm like yeah but he's a villain here's a villain an arrow you you are correct but mostly a villain so but my favorite hero who can't also kind of go into this category is on Wolverine if you've ever met me and we've ever had a conversation you would know that my favorite superhero of all time is Wolverine aka Logan aka James Howlett I love the character I love everything about the character I love because worrying to me is the kind of character who has seen more pain than any other care any other comic book character like some people did talk about how Batman is a tragic figure from his parents dying or how Superman maybe you can see some tragedy err our Uncle Ben made spider-man or how oh oh wow Tony startling to me every time I you put when you put Waring next to those other heroes well you put his origin next to those other heroes when you put the sheer amount of [ __ ] he's been through and just can before being a hero and like to me Wolverine has always been my favorite superhero because Wolverine is the living embodiment of no matter how bad things get no matter how much a life shits on you no matter how bad people treat you in about how bad situations get anger you get you can always overcome it and you could choose to do the right thing Wolverine is a character who had every right that if he turned to an evil person like Sabretooth but doesn't think who freely is is to represent what worry could be and he has every reason to become Sabretooth and he chooses not to because he's a good man with a good heart but the thing about who a ring that makes him the most interesting comic-book character you know hero to me is this is this almost this thin line that he walks between knowing when it is necessary to make a hard decision and kill someone and he's not afraid to kill someone but knowing when not to give up on someone but he is practical he is the most practical man in the room there is this amazing comic actually we all know about it on the house of um House of M comic but that little of the beginning of that comic like Professor X and all the Avengers and the Fantastic and the fan that support everyone just meets up to talk about killing the Scarlet Witch now obviously there are some heroes who are like whoa most in heroes in Rome like spider-man and stuff like whoa whoa we can't just kill Wanda cuz we keep we can't just kill Wanda and like everyone's freaking out about it the one guy in the room who was like look I'm not thrilled about it but you got to do what you got to do she's crazy I mean look I don't I'm not gonna be happy about it I mean she's a hero but she's gone off the Barkers and me we gotta put her down and that's Wolverine in the room now a lot of people always say the ovary overshadows the rest of the x-men and to a certain degree I do agree with that but the thing is Wolverine elevated the x-men like the x-men were always a cool team like with the core x-men was just like you know with the original x-men with like Marvel girl and um beast in arm angel those characters and Cyclops like like the original team without Wolverine is stupid there's the amazing character Cyclops storm Jubal Jean Grae I mean it just keeps going Nightcrawler there's still some amazing characters in the x-men but Warren elevates the x-men people come in to see him interact with the different characters in the x-men and in a way it's not a coincidence at the last good x-men telev and I managed series was called Wolverine and the x-men and it worked like I said like Wolverine he is the headliner and I've seen some people try to bash him go the x-men to be better off without him I know he is the headliner of that SH group he is Ozzy Osbourne of that [ __ ] group like that's just what it is you know and you know it's you know maybe is it fair or is it not maybe maybe he does overshadow them a bit but he overshadows him because he's such an interesting character I am like he's such an interesting character he's lived so many lives he you can tell endless and the thing about Wolverine is yes Emily's story potential he's a character who you can continue to write new stories for because of his long lifespan he's been a part of the mob he's been a part of the UKUSA he's been an agent of shield he's fought in multiple Wars and up - and not including the Civil War and [ __ ] he's been on our back he's fought and in Afghanistan he's fought like he has been a part of basically every you know big big thing and human and in the recent memory he's he's been he's been a member of the Avengers personally recruited by Captain America he's been a member of the Howling Commandos he's been a member the Fantastic Four he he's on a first-name basis with multiple with multiple people he's on the first with multiple mega people he's on a first-name basis with my fist oh you're talking about character who has spans so many places he's been so many places he's done so many things but in the heart of hearts he's just a dude and that's the thing I think that makes me my Wolverine quite interesting to me is the simplicity of his power set he's simple he has caught indestructible claws and cut through almost anything a healing factor that can heal him from almost anything they can heal him just about anything and heightened senses it's so simple it's like - there is so simple yeah free comic book every book he's the one who survives he's always gonna be the one who survives because the Wolverine is the ultimate survivor he's the ultimate survivor he's the ultimate winner he's the living breathing definition of gritty grittiness and and and he's willing to adapt but the thing that I'm gonna live off on Y over een is practice pretty much my favorite hero is because uh people like him who been through the stuff they've been through it would be so easy from the closing song off after Jean Grey died it's been so easy from the closed himself off after things went wrong you know things go wrong it'd be so easy for him to close himself off but the thing that always made me love Wolverine is the fact that no matter what happens to him no matter how bad things get he is still for some reason willing to open up his heart to other people now he's not willing to do it easy you gotta earn it but he is willing to open up his heart to other people and let people in anyways and it [ __ ] with them he doesn't want to because he knows these people gonna die think about it like that he's willing to let you into his heart even knowing he's gonna outlive you and you're probably gonna die and he's probably gonna have to visit your grave and like there's something so sad about what's the topic that's something else it's something very sad about Wolverine underneath all the badassery underneath the grizzled nez underneath do you know the wiseass and banging all the hot chicks there's this sadness to him that this is a man who's lived so long that he doesn't know if he wants to keep living anymore he seems so much heartache and he just won't quit believing in people and in the future and that's kind of what Xavier showed him was was was he showed him what to give it gave him something to believe in and there's something very beautiful about that I love Wolverine he has many key has so many connections he's he was Peter Parker's on Godfather he's on first name basis of Captain America Captain America respects him he's a well-liked and in the top at all he's and top it off he's actually one of the world's greatest hand hand combatants he speaks all the languages on planet earth he's actually he actually has to up some kind of heat a little bit of super strength but due to the fact that you know due to the fact that not only has he is he getting stronger because his bones are heavy so he's just stronger physically than a normal man but his bones won't break so he can push himself further than a normal man can do plus berserker rage like wolverine is there's so much more I could get into with Wolverine but it would take it be like a 30-minute video I love this character I just wanted to get him out there because I put my dr. doom video out there The Wolverine is my favorite superhero of all time combo who is your favorite superhero who's your favorite hero Wolverine - ISM ambiguous character - because he has killed people and that's one of the cool things about us he walks this line of AI is he gonna kill me is he not he's not gonna kill people in cold blood but he could like he walks just line up I know when I'm supposed to do it so so he's sort of an antihero sort of a hero you could put him in either category and it would fit back in Cluff so think you guys are gonna come here movie show please remember like and subscribe see you in the next one good bye
Channel: CGM Show
Views: 231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: X-Men, Wolverine, Marvel, MCU, CGM Show, Best Superheroes, Avengers, Fox
Id: FEaBGrP666g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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