Why We Left The 2019 STI Stock.

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[Music] what is up guys and welcome back to the channel just got my daily cup of joe from Bobby right now we're gonna head to Subaru to the dealership parts department and we're gonna get some om Subaru what do they call it like super Cola or something a lot of people recommend to run all the Subaru coolant and Subarus so that is what I'm gonna do it's like four times the price of Napa or autozone for it but it's all good it's only like 40 bucks with Gil we should be alright better to be safe than sorry though I think the main reason for people recommending that is because Zoomers have had gas t issues and there's some sort of additive in the super cool that helps with that that's my understanding of it I could be wrong don't take my word for it [Music] alright guys we are back home and we have a few little things to do to the STI today you don't show what you got strapped for batteries perfect so we're gonna install those two little things I know it's nothing major but the two things I want to get figured out today number one is erase all the codes from the Eastview for the air pump so we gotta get we gotta get that figured out it's been a minute since I did that on the super group I'm pretty sure we got to download ROM Riyadh to the new laptop so I'll do that here in a minute and we also need to check out the drive line because I was talking to my brother Austin and he said something about like the caps of both the front and rear huge cola u-joint have to be lined up and I don't think they are we are experiencing a little bit of shuttering under like light throttle under the little poles so I think that maybe a driveline issue you know that works unbalanced somehow and if that's the case I'm just gonna pull it off bring into a shop and if they can't balance it we have to buy a new one so the first thing I want to do the first thing I want to get done is erased all the codes from ECU for the air pumps back I believe that cars in the really building like I think booth was 6.7 psi which pretty wack the first thing we're gonna do is download the current ROM on the car we're gonna open EC flush alright if you guys have this so we already have the ECU selected to us some plus canvas models I believe as well they should fall under the ignitions on it okay we're good doc she's gonna go crazy house later tweaking out up there are they moving around like that I think I'm gonna go around the corner in this car the headlights what that's so cool thing I'm impressed yeah we've never even had that right now we're saving the current ROM on the cars just the stock ECU stock rom all that and then I think we need to go to ROM Raider delete all the codes and then reflash the ECU with a new map with the erase codes for the and then that should take care of the check engine light and hopefully some other lights in the - we got a ton of stuff going on right now we just finished up saving or not saving but reading the the ROM off the car we're gonna hit okay continue using this rom blah blah I just want to save it file save rom has stopped yeah I don't have robbery drones here I think I need to get it alright so I don't really know what I'm doing with trying to erase the codes to be honest what I don't I ain't afraid to admit what I don't know what I'm doing sure so in the meantime we have to install that handle install the battery strap and take a look at the drive line okay so we've got that shop on listen that sounds weird you guys we got the shop on we got the battery tie down on as well as that new handle up there apparently we can't erase the air pump codes without an access port which sounds a little bit crazy because I don't want to spend 500 bucks on access port just to erase their pump codes so I'm gonna I don't know what we can do I did and he said really so I guess from here we are going to start working on the drive line get they should figure it out and hopefully in the meantime we could figure out what to do with these piece Stefan I work with this air pump issue alright so we did figure out a few things with the STI you are gonna need an access port to erase the codes for the air pump gonna have to get one of those guys order up hopefully comes in ASAP so we can actually drive the car like I said I'm pretty sure the car is in the mode right now but in the meantime what we can do we're gonna check up the car and we're gonna take a look at that driveline there is some shuttering going on I think I mentioned this earlier starting going on under load and I'm pretty confident it's coming from the driveline so let's track this thing up get all the way up in the air lift would be nice for now but yeah see what the heck is going on I went ahead and just pulled off the driveline and I think I know exactly what it's going on I talked to my brother Austin about this kind of explain explain the situation how this joint separated right here and he was telling me if this you join right here and that one aren't lined up like this cap right here and that cap part lined up it's gonna start binding and I think that may be what was going on but we also do have another issue there is something rattling around inside the driveline I don't know exactly what it is I'm really tempted to just replace either replace this piece right here the back half the driveline or bring it into a driveline shop tomorrow and see if they can't just take it apart fix it balance it throw it back in the car and be done if I can't I think if I can find a used one locally just to get this car back on the road I'll do that if not I think our next best option is to have this piece alright guys I figured since its weighed out obviously no shops are open right now to fix this I was gonna try to fix it at home myself Irie collapsed the drive line this is a slip joint right here that is flying when you wreak laughs that you can twist this back part away from this front part it'll spin however you want it and I got it completely lined up the front in the back fork re-expanded it how it should be and it actually took care of that tick inside as well so I don't know exactly what was rattling around the minute all I know is now that it is lined up properly whatever was rattling around there is now gone so I'm gonna read clamp this boot get it back on the car we can go drive real quick and see if that took care of the issue I went and drove it a little bit down the road that issue is a hundred percent result there's no more shuttering no more shaking under acceleration anymore now we are done like two issues we have the exhaust leak to fix still and we have the check engine light as soon as those two issues are fixed this car is going to be pretty much complete and ready to start modding we have been getting a ton of questions as to why we haven't modded it yet like as we put it back together and I just wanted this thing to be a hundred percent stock 100 percent OEM so I know all the issues are fixed and then we can start modding it from there all right that makes sense to you guys but it makes sense in my mind so that is why I went down this way but damn she is looking good looks real good another very successful date in the shop working on the STI just a few tiny finishing touches to you this thing really finished off and we should be good to go to start modding it I have seen some comments and questions whether or not we're gonna keep this car of course we're gonna keep this car this is literally Bobby and ice dream STI series gray so far spent a very amazing and fun project working on it both together and obviously we're all gonna sell it now so I hope that clears the air on that question big yes so much for watching this video we may start working on the Evo 8 soon I just really want to get the car back up on the road and maybe take a little step back now that the STI is pretty much all finished up we're kind of tweeting out parts now for this car but thank you guys for watching this episode hope you enjoyed it peace out I'll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Devin Niemela
Views: 70,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Devin, Niemela, Dvniemela, Devin Niemela, Totaled STi, Wrecked STi, Wrecked Car Rebuild, Series Grey STi, Type RA STi, 2019 STi, Wrecked STi Rebuild, Bobbi Wallace, IAAI, TJ Hunt, Tanner Fox, Dustin Williams, Evan Shanks, Illiminate, Adam LZ, Goonzsquad, Bisforbuild, Devin Niemela STi, Bobbi Wallace STi, Blown Up STI, Installing the STI Engine!, STI Engine, STI Motor
Id: WP_ji7UuWe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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