Why We Gather "As We Gather" [2 of 2] Tim Mackie (The Bible Project) 2/20/2011

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all right i hate to interrupt i always feel really bad interrupting all the love in the room sorry about that as i say my mom always told me never interrupt people when they're talking but ah there you go so good good to good to have you guys here uh today we're continuing on on our teaching series in first corinthians a series called as we gather and there's my little preface comment comment for the day uh you guys know chris and i work hard when we teach to be creative visuals and stories illustrations and that kind of thing uh you know just make the scriptures come alive it's part of the fun of of doing this today's passage is first corinthians chapter 14 which just holy cow this just presents enormous challenges for reading and interpretation and it's been at the center of a lot of controversy in the history of the church so to be honest i need every possible minute i can fight for to unpack what on earth is going on in this passage before we can see how this is relevant for us so here's what i'm doing i'm declaring that today is just good old-fashioned bible study sunday right you guys with me are you with me so what i did is i brought my desk with me or at least i'm trying to recreate my desk from my office downstairs so i've got uh two stacks of books that are all the books chris and i have been reading to study and prepare for the series my computer picture of jessica coffee my pencil cup and then i a picture that i keep hanging above my desk downstairs you'll see it up on the screen this is a picture of i got in jerusalem it's a group of rabbis gathering around the torah and they're debating and discussing and learning and dialoguing for me this is a metaphor for what we do here every sunday so this is my hope is uh what's going to happen here today so you guys ready for action we're just diving right in all right read out your bibles first corinthians chapter 14. it's on page 814. uh you'll want one in front of you for sure so this whole last three weeks chapters 12 13 14 of first corinthians paul has been addressing issues specific to the sunday gathering of the corinthians huge problems in the sunday gathering and uh we're diving in chapter 14. actually go to verse 26 with me we'll get we'll get some context here 26 he says uh what what shall we say brothers when you come together everyone has a hymn a word of instruction a revelation a tongue an interpretation all of these should be done for the strengthening of the church now we can thank paul right here because without knowing it he's just given us a little description of what their sunday gathering is like he's trying to say something else but he's given us a little description here and it's very different than our sunday gathering so there's nowhere in the bible that says here's how you should do the sunday gathering different communities have done it differently in different times and cultures and so on this was how the corinthians did it so these are small groups i mean like 20 30 and they met in people's homes and you remember from chapter 11 they gathered around a meal every week the lord's the lord's supper and look at what he's saying here this is highly high participation here lots of people are contributing people bring a song a teaching a tongue or something in a tongue whatever that means we'll talk about that so every lots of people are participating it was a lot more like this the picture here of the rabbis talking disgusting sharing with each other so this was how they were doing it lots of people contributing and that was the problem too many people were contributing and they were contributing in really unhelpful disturbing interrupting kinds of ways and at the center of these disruptions and these problems are two gifts and abilities that paul talks about here speaking in tongues and prophecy why don't you go to the beginning of the chapter with me verse 1. so right off the heels of chapter 13 we challenge them to love each other to prioritize each other's well-being in the sunday gathering he says follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts especially the gift of prophecy anybody who speaks in a tongue does not speak to to men to other people but to whom to god indeed no one can understand them he's uttering mysteries with his spirit but everyone who prophesies speaks not to god but to whom to to men to other people for their strengthening their encouragement and their comfort the one who speaks in a tongue edifies or builds up themselves but the one who prophesies edifies everybody the whole church community now i would like every one of you to speak in tongues but i'd rather that that you all prophesy for the one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues unless he interprets so that the church may be edified and it's entirely crystal clear what's going on here right okay so let's just make one observation here look at verse two speaking in tongues whatever it is who is it addressed to what's he said to god speaking in tongues whatever it is it's a form of prayer and worship it's a form of prayer and worship so i'm just going to venture give kind of a broad definition speaking in tongues has been at the center of a lot of controversy and divisiveness in in church history let me offer a definition of speaking in tongues that would be a very broad definition many different kinds of people in different positions or views could agree with this with this view you'll see it up here on the screen praying in tongues is a spirit given liberty to praise or pray to god with sounds or languages that are not understood by the speaker that's the core issue of what's being described here paul encourages the use of this gift he thinks this is a legitimate important form of prayer in private and in the sunday gathering but with with some conditions namely that the prayer needs to be translated into intelligible speech so that it can benefit other people why why we'll keep reading verse six he says brothers if i come to you and i'm speaking in tongues what good am i going to be to you unless i bring you some revelation or knowledge a prophecy a word of instruction i mean think about this example even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds like a flute or a harp how is anybody going to know what tune is being played unless there's a distinction in the notes again here's another example if a trumpet doesn't sound a clear call who can get ready for battle it's the same thing with with you guys if unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue how is anybody going to know what you are saying so this is the issue tongues whatever it is it's a form of prayer addressed to god and the speaker does not know what they are saying and nobody else knows what they are saying so he says if you're going to pray in this way he says seek to interpret it go down to verse 12. he says since you're eager to have spiritual gifts try to excel in gifts that build up everybody because praying in tongues builds up who he says brings up the person doing it themselves who else gets built up by speaking in tongues nobody they can't understand what you're saying so he says try to excel gift when we gather on sundays try to excel in gifts that everybody benefits from so verse 13 he says for this reason if you're going to speak in a tongue pray that you can interpret what you're saying so here's what he means by an interpretation again this is kind of like a broad uh definition that most people would would agree upon you'll see it up here on the screen interpret interpreting tongues is the ability to render that unintelligible prayer or praise into articulate words so that other people can understand and be encouraged this can be done by the person who's praying or by another person who's in the gathering okay so let's just stop stop for a second here okay what are we talking about here all right so we have a basic description of what speaking or praying in tongues is but where does this come from why are people doing it and so on so there's like eight different views right on what this is and denominations and churches you know divide along these lines and so on i think there's two basic big picture differences or different kind of views and i'm we're going to work through those right right now one major camp would be along the lines of denominations or churches that are in the pentecostal tradition or charismatic tradition and they would link what paul is describing here in first corinthians 14 to one other key biblical passage and what is that passage acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2 and since this is bible study and where bible study geeks right now go there with me acts chapter 2 uh go back 40 so pages 771 acts chapter 2. jesus has risen from the dead he's appeared to hundreds of different people at this point and he promised that he would be present with them and empower them with the spirit to go out on the jesus mission to spread the news of god's grace and justice into the world 50 days after jesus's last meal with his followers uh we have the jewish feast of pentecost verse one of chapter two when the day of pentecost came they a bunch of jesus followers they were all together in one place and suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them this time right here this is bizarre right so don't you say it with me this is strange okay this is not this is not normal okay whatever we want to say about how god works in the world we have to be open to the fact that he works in ways that make us uncomfortable this is bedrock bedrock of how the spirit works let's keep going it gets weirder all of them were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in other languages rather tongues as the spirit enabled them now they were staying in jerusalem god fearing jews from every nation under heavens big feasts thousands of jewish pilgrims would come from all over the world when they heard this sound a crowd came together and bewilderment because each one heard them speaking in their own language utterly amazed they asked now hold on aren't all of these men who are speaking galileans they should be speaking aramaic then how is it each of us hears them in our own native language parthians means elomites on and on the list goes different people groups and languages and what are they saying in all of these different languages here go down to verse 12 no excuse me 11. we hear them declaring what verse 11 the wonders of god in our own languages so this is kind of actually a little technical phrase that occurs elsewhere in the bible when you declare the wonders of god your storytelling is what you're doing you're telling the story of god's mighty acts in the world of what god and in the book of acts that's telling the story of jesus of nazareth what god accomplished in jesus of nazareth his death and resurrection they're telling the story of the gospel in all of these different languages verse 12 amazed and perplexed they asked one another what does this mean wouldn't you be asking that too some however made fun of them and said well they must be they must have been drinking martinis since 7 a.m right so they're drunk so it's bizarre behavior and who's causing it the spirit is causing it so this is very important for us to get right at the start off here this the church's experience with the spirit has always been mysterious and experiential and we just have to be open to that so there are lots of people in this view and pentecostal charismatic tradition that link what's happening here in acts 2 to what paul is describing in first corinthians 14 and this view says speaking in tongues in this way is an experience that every christ follower ought to experience it's just if you haven't had this experience of speaking in tongues you're missing out on all that god wants for you in your life as a follower of jesus that's this view okay so there's there's a number of reasons why that view could be right i don't think it's right i could be wrong but i don't think i'm wrong but but i'm open i'm absolutely open to being be to being corrected now so here's the things we all come at this from different different perspectives so just so you know this might be interesting and for others of you who come from this background i grew up in a pentecostal church so i didn't for me like growing up going to church where music worship is an hour long the service ends after two and a half hours with most of the people up front dancing speaking in tongues or laying on the floor and praying and that's just that was normal i did not know that there was any other way to have a church service until i grew up and and went to some other churches so my parents speak in tongues and uh i i never have but not for lack of openness i've always wanted to be open but i just i've never i've never i've never had that experience even though i've sought it and asked if that's something that god wants me to have that gift and i experienced so not for lack of being open so the reason that i think that what's happening here is different than first corinthians 14. just like just make some comparisons here so think about the languages in acts chapter two they're real languages right so people from all over the world are hearing the gospel in their in their own languages that's different than what paul's talking about in first corinthians 14 right because in first corinthians 14 no one can understand what these people are saying when they speak in tongues and it requires an interpreter or a translation into intelligible speech to make sense of it there's no translation needed here in acts chapter 2 because they're actually speaking real languages there's another difference also in that the purpose is different in acts chapter 2 remember this acts chapter 2 they're telling this the wonders of god to whom two people they're telling the story of the gospel in all of these languages here it's two people paul said prayer in tongues is addressed to whom verse two to god so i think it's different i think there are different things that are going on here so if if i'm i'm right i could be wrong but if i'm right and again i think i'm right but if that's the case what is paul describing here in first corinthians 14 what is this experience of praying in tongues keep reading go down to verse 14 with me i think this is crucial for understanding paul says in verse 14 if if i pray in a tongue my spirit prays but my mind is disengaged it's unfruitful so what should i do in the sunday gathering i will pray with my spirit but i also want to pray with my mind i will sing with my spirit but i will also sing with my mind i think this is actually my in my view and this would be made like the second second major view these verses offer the key to where paul's explaining what he means by praying in tongues someone who's praying in tongues is someone whose spirit is involved in worship and prayer so by spirit he's in english we might use the phrase like heart and soul the core of who you are is involved in worship so this is a moment of worship where you're just you're all in you're not thinking about school or work or family or whatever you're just you're in the presence of god you're focusing in prayer and worship you're overwhelmed by the grace of god and so praying in tongues as he describes it is just this spirit raw expression of worship but your mind is not filtering what you're saying or choosing the right words it's just it's just out there so some of you maybe had uh this experience before so uh how many of you had the experience of where you've been startled or surprised and you are also surprised and startled by what comes out of your mouth in that moment right have you had this experience before or like uh when you've been driving something like this so you're driving and someone cuts you off super quick or runs a red light right and you know if you have kids your kids are in the car and all and what comes out of your mouth is you screech to a halt right you know what comes out of your mouth and if you have kids you're like oh mommy didn't mean to say that you know like that kind of thing so you've done it too right so so what's going on there what's going on is your mind which usually processes and filters and chooses words to put into meaningful sentences has not caught up with your emotions and your instincts at that point and so and we have words and phrases for this kind of thing and it's just not it's babble it's nonsense you know what is that oh yikes yikes uh whoa whoa if it was chris dawson he would he would be saying whoa whoa whoa whoa so what uh what is that what is what is i yeah yeah so it's not it's not meaningful intelligible language it's just communicating just raw response in emotion and it seems to me that's exactly what paul is describing right there in verses 14 and 15. your spirit the core of who you are is engaged in a moment of prayer and worship and your mind does not filter the words and you just let it rip you just go and you know for people my parents as i've talked to them about their experience in praying in tongues and there are people at blackhawk here who who pray in tongues and uh this is exactly the kind of experience they describe to me it's a wonderful just great freedom and engagement to just let it let it go there's one other biblical passage in paul's letter to the romans and here's the reference we won't have time to go there in romans chapter 8 where he describes it in the context of grief or suffering he says there are times of suffering or hardship where you were praying to god and you're asking like why what is this about and you have no words to express your pain and he says in those moments the spirit is there in you groaning with words that cannot be put into language and i think it's describing the same experience it's the ability to just be in god's presence and to just have a real raw honest connection and just you don't you're not thinking not trying to say the right thing you're just blah you just go and it's a paul says it's a beautiful form of expression it's good it encourages you it can be a very meaningful form of worship and prayer but in the sunday gathering it's not the best form of prayer out loud in fact it causes huge problems it doesn't mean it's not good it just means it's right in certain settings go to verse 18. look what he says here he says i i thank god that i speak in tongues more than all of you paul totally engages in this form of prayer but he says when we're gathered as a church community i would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue so for paul clear like intelligible speech to encourage and build each other up is the utmost priority when we gather here so he says pray in tongues if you like but but if you want to do it stop and articulate into intelligible speech so that others can be encouraged or make sure there's somebody with you who gets what you're experiencing and they can explain to everybody else what it is that you're praying or worshiping to god about paul wants to prioritize clear speech that builds up and encourages each other and what name does he give to that ability clear speech it's prophecy go back up to verse 3. he says in contrast to tongues which is the form of prayer to god verse 3 everyone who prophesies speaks to to people for their strengthening their encouragement their comfort when he speaks in tongues builds himself up the one who prophesies builds up everybody else here so remember this home this is the meeting in homes and everybody's contributing here sharing words of prophecy okay now next major hurdle in first corinthians 14 what is prophecy right so in english we have a big problem here because the word the english word prophecy and not give me a nod if this if this resonates with you the english word prophecy almost entirely refers to prediction of the future am i right okay so already we're off to a bad start because that is not primarily what biblical prophecy involves biblical prophecy sometimes involves kind of seeing what's coming down the pipeline but not super often at its most basic a prophet you read through the old testament prophets different biblical passages that describe prophecy paul doesn't do that here but like exodus chapter seven there's a good passage in micah ii samuel 23 describe prophecy is prophecy is is when someone who's immersed themselves in god's word they've immersed themselves in the scriptures or in the story of the gospel in god's covenant promises and they've prayed and they've asked the spirit to how is this teaching how are the scriptures how is this word relevant to particular people in specific circumstances so some people say biblical prophecy is not primarily foretelling it's fourth telling it's it's getting god's word and asking the spirit how is it relevant in this circumstances for this person in this church or this uh time in people's lives so here's a again this very broad definition of prophecy many people would uh would agree on this prophecy is spirit guided speaking that's inspired by god's word and that makes the message especially relevant to people's lives or to the life of the church community so prophecy can take many forms it can look really different you look throughout the bible and it does take different forms prophecy can be someone who if paul says speaking in tongues is your spirit but your mind is not engaged you could say prophecy is your spirit and your mind engaged prophecy involves thinking and so you immerse yourselves it can involve study of the scriptures and prayer and then how is this relevant to people so i prophecy in english we would say as if it can take the form of preaching preaching so right now i think i'm teaching but i hope to prophesy for at least the last like seven minutes of the message today right which means to make it relevant to our circumstances uh prophecy can take the lots of different forms it can involve and there are examples in the book of acts and the old testament prophets where it involves somebody having a real divine insight they've been meditating on the scriptures and they may see something coming down the pipeline maybe hope or judgment for god's people and they say man this is coming this is coming how are you going to respond to this prophecy can can be real personal individual it can maybe be you know like during the meet and greet you meet somebody and you sense that there's a heaviness about them in and they might need a word of encouragement and maybe that's kind of the spirit kind of you know whispering to you that you need to encourage that person so you pull out a verse of scripture you you pray for them as the service ends and you give them encouraging words you think god needs wants them to hear it's prophecy it's prophecy it's making making who god is and god's word relevant to people in specific circumstances and paul says this is the greatest thing you can do when you gather as a community of jesus followers because everyone benefits everyone can understand and every everyone wins it's prophecy it's the greater gift he says which doesn't mean it's inherently better than speaking in tongues just in the context of the sunday gathering it has more benefit for others in the section that follows 20 to 25 this actually is great we don't have any time of course to work through it but 2025 he gets kind of sarcastic he quotes from an old testament prophet isaiah to talk about prophecy and he talks about how speaking in a language other people don't understand it makes them feel like an outsider and so he's saying that you have believers who are part of god's family but you're speaking in tongues corinthians and you're making them feel like outsiders and then when people who are outsiders people who aren't christ followers come into your gatherings and they hear everybody speaking in tongues he says they're gonna think you're crazy and he says they're gonna they're gonna leave because they're gonna think this is just like what the greeks and the romans do worshiping the other gods down the street at the temple so he says no don't do that speak clearly speak prophecy tell the story of the gospel so that people are challenged with the message of god's grace the last half of the chapter 26 on down through the end paul has to deal with another problem now the first half of the chapter was taken up with paul addressing this problem of not understanding what other people are saying the second half of the chapter is about paul addressing this issue of people are interrupting each other in the gathering remember it's highly participatory lots of people contributing and there's three groups of people who are causing problems in the gathering one group of people it's in the first paragraph there verse 26 to 28 is people praying in tongues and people were praying in tongues like two three four five at a time just totally interrupting speaking over each other in a language nobody understands he's just like what this is not helpful to anybody so what does he say he says be silent stop one at a time and be sure that you interpret there's a second group in this verses 29 through 32 people who prophets people were giving prophecies and they were trying to speak over each other and so one person is kind of like giving a short little sermon and then another person is just like hey be quiet it's time for my my turn to talk now and they were interrupting each other and paul's like come on that's not agape that's not helpful so he's one at a time and if you're not the one speaking he says be quiet stop be quiet look at verse 33 he gives this principle here he says god is not a god of disorder but of peace our gathering should be characterized by order and and by peace the third group of people paul wants to be quiet holy kill let's read verse 33-36 as in all the congregations of the saints women should remain silent in the churches they are not allowed to speak but must be in submission as the law says if they want to inquire some about something they should ask their own husbands at home it's disgraceful for a woman to speak in church holy cow i was assigned this passage i hope you i hope you get that idea by now so what on earth is going on here okay two things one i'm fighting the clock right now so i knew that i would have absolutely no time to unpack the second half of first corinthians so here's what i've done i had to chip chop chop a whole section of the sermon out and it fell on the cutting room floor and so i shot a video a 10 minute video that i called the cutting room floor and i worked through this passage in detail kind of explaining what i what i think is uh is going on here that video cutting room floor if you go to like where you normally like watch the sermon on the website just you'll see a link to it it'll be right there really clear cutting room floor video let me just say the face value like first read these verses out of context just by themselves it seems like paul's saying prohibition if you are of the female gender never talk in the church gathering am i right that seems to be what he's saying here that cannot possibly be what he means for for lots of reasons so one i'll just give you one little one page earlier he assumes that there are women praying and prophesying preaching sharing from god's word in the corinthians sunday gathering whatever he means in these verses he cannot be giving a blanket prohibition he's addressing a specific group of women and watch the cutting room floor video and i will explain it all for you this is problem of order and disorder there's a specific group and he's telling them be quiet you're disrupting disrupting the sunday gathering it's not all women verse 39 therefore my brothers be eager to prophesy everyone can be built up don't forbid speaking in tongues this is important speaking in tongues is a legitimate form of worship and he says earlier up in verse 20 he says he says feel free to do that between you and god even in the sunday gathering visit if you want to do it out loud don't pray in tongues out loud interpret what you're saying so that others can be built up and benefit from what you're saying everything should be done verse 40 in a fitting and orderly way ladies and gentlemen first corinthians chapter 14. okay so you get you get the main idea here what what's what's what are priorities for god's people when we get why do we gather on sundays and this this i think is where prophecy begins for the next few minutes here right how is this relevant to us first issue speaking in tongues has been a very divisive issue in the history of the church there's kind of two main views there's actually more views splintering within there and here's what i found maybe you've found this too if you've dealt with this issue at all in your own experience i find that has often has less to do with theology and more to do with personality some people are just by nature more emotive more expressive when they gather with other followers of jesus they want to dance they want to lift their hands they want to yell they want to talk back to the preacher you know they want to just that's just how they do and churches are like families they have personalities and quirks and so on other people are by nature a little more reserved the more quiet and more reflective or whatever which one is the right way to worship god yes yes both of them both of them as long as people are engaging in a meaningful way as long as there's order and respect and agape in the gathering churches can take as many forms as there are different kinds of people and personalities and that's great there's all kinds of different churches no one church can be a one size fits all and so paul wants above everything else even if there are differences and even if people do tend towards different churches and and i'm not going to end up at this church because i just i'm not going to be able to engage there and that's totally cool go to a different church that's great there's nothing wrong with that the core thing is that in areas where we disagree that we do it with agape that we do with kindness and gentleness and we realize what unites us above our differences is so much greater than than areas where we differ and that what unites us is the core message of the gospel and god's grace and so we strive to do that as a as a community here blackhawk inevitably will have a culture of its own kind of a flavor of its own in terms of worship and culture and that's just is what it is and it's not for everybody many people will end up at other churches that's great that's great it shouldn't be an issue that uh that divides us or divides divides the church the second major issue and i actually think this is actually more more relevant than even that one um two minutes here so so the mindset the core problem of what's happening here at corinth is the mindset of the some of the corinthians in the sunday gathering the tongue speakers were coming in and their priority for the sunday gathering was to have a meaningful private spiritual experience speaking in tongues and their goal didn't wherever okay if anyone else benefits wherever anyone else is at okay that's cool you know they can't they're right but i'm really i hope this will be a good service if i get a meaningful experience out of this and paul says it's the wrong priority it's the wrong set of priorities it seems to me in these chapters first uh chap first corinthians 12 14 paul paul articulates three priorities of the sunday gathering and this would be kind of like a theology of why we gather the first one he thinks of utmost importance is related to prophecy we come to hear a word from god we comment we come to hear from the scriptures to hear hear relevant spirit inspired and guided sharing from from the scriptures and it should not matter if the teacher or the preacher is compelling and exciting if they're mediocre or if they're boring it's all get out if the scriptures are open i need to be eager and attentive to something that the spirit might want to point out to me and to show to me this huge priority for paul as we read through chapter 14. the second main priority is we as we gather is if prophecy is kind of god speaking to us through scripture is us speaking to god and we come to express our gratitude and our grief right our praise and our pain when we come and you know we don't have too many in american culture we don't have too many other like venues where we get together and sing with a bunch of people right it's actually kind of a foreign experience in our culture nowadays but what's unique is that we can all come around these songs that express our gratitude to god that express our confusion or our grief or our joy in what god is doing it's a time for us to connect it is not a time for us to be happy or to to to be pleased with the style of the music because it may be what i do or don't prefer okay all right no it's so much bigger than that we should come here with a mindset that we want to please god not that we get to be pleased by the style or whatever it's coming to to speak to god and the last priority i think this is so relevant for us especially this season at black ops for those of you watching downtown this may be a little less less relevant you'll see why he talks about seeking the benefit of other people i'm i'm convinced of it and i'm a child of american culture just like many many of you are i think the american church we have come to view the sunday gathering like a consumer product or a consumer experience and so we come and we we filter everything through what we prefer and what is convenient right so we come if it's convenient right if we don't i just watch online now the singing hanging out with people whatever just watch online right we we come if it's convenient and uh so and i realized man traffic stinks here at blackhawk all right let's just so so we whatever we grab the parking spot that's most convenient for us we we kind of sit in the spots that's most convenient for us whatever we uh we may or may not like the speaker this is kind of dry today i wasn't really fed today nothing i'm just kidding you know and it wasn't really my style we we leave the service when it's convenient even if it's not over right so you know i realize i'm ruffling feathers here but uh do you know what it does to the music team when they come out after the sermon and 40 people get up and leave you know and i realize there are legitimate reasons to get up and leave traffic stinks here man hundreds of cars going out of one exit onto a two-lane highway i get it you pick up your kids you have a lunch or whatever that's cool but i doubt 40 people have a roast to get to in the oven at home every single week so there's just something going on there and as a matter of convenience you know it seems to me the last bit of the service could be the most important part we get to reflect and be quiet and pray and sing about what god may have been saying to us through through the scriptures paul's concern that our priority should not be about is this a convenient meaningful experience for me that may be great if that happens his prior his priority what paul is trying to get the corinthians to say is how can i benefit other people how can i serve others with our gathering here today we come to hear from god we come to to make known our grief and gratitude to god and to serve each other that's why we gather i'm going to invite the music team to come out and no one's going to leave now so you know it's just some time to reflect and i i challenge you challenge you to do that as we uh as we transition here you
Channel: Bible Nerds & Tim Mackie Fans
Views: 12,106
Rating: 4.9504642 out of 5
Keywords: Tim Mackie, Bible Project
Id: U3_ag2DjPNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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