Why We Don't Hear About Journey's Steve Perry Anymore

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You can’t think of the classic rock band Journey without humming that karaoke staple "Don’t Stop Believin’"... "Don't Stop. Belevin'. Hold on to that feeling." ...or other hits like "Separate Ways" and the slow dance song favorite "Open Arms." And thanks to "Don’t Stop Believin’" being used on Glee… "Just a small town girl... living in a lonely world" ...and in the final episode of The Sopranos... "Oh! Don't stop.. belevin'!" And how can we not mention the genius that is Rock Sugar? "She took a midnight train going anywhere." ...an entire generation rediscovered the arena rock hit makers. But the voice behind those songs, Steve Perry, has been MIA for some time, both from the band that made him famous and from public life. Fans miss the artist who was so huge during in the ‘80s, he got to sing a verse in "We Are the World." "Oh the choice we're making… we're saving our own lives." So whatever happened to the singer who helped Journey hit the high notes? "Ahhhhhh! Let's find out: Leaving at the top Journey’s music was inescapable throughout the ‘70s and ‘80s. "So what?" "So what? So let's dance!" "I was alone… I never knew…" They toured constantly, released an album a year between 1975 and 1981, and even had their own arcade game where fans could play as members of the band retrieving instruments in outer space. Steve Perry told GQ that he thought the game was "dumb" at the time, and it's hard to disagree with him. But its existence is still evidence of the band’s mega-popularity during their heyday. After several years of stadium tours, Journey took a much needed break. Founding member Neal Schon recorded two solo albums with Miami Vice theme song composer Jan Hammer as Schon and Hammer, which inspired Perry to go solo for 1984’s Street Talk, a smash record that included the hits "Foolish Heart" and "Oh Sherrie," which Perry wrote for his then girlfriend, Sherrie Swafford, who also appears in the video. "Oh Sherrie, our love, holds on." But what started as a quick breather from Journey eventually became a long-term hiatus from music. Perry first left Journey in 1987, after the last date of the supporting tour for the album Raised On Radio, an album whose recording sessions were strained by Perry's intermittent attendance, due to his mother’s failing health and eventual death. After years of touring and recording albums, Perry was mentally done with the band. "I told them I just don't think I want to do it anymore. I think I just want to stop." The band moved on to other projects for the next few years. Neal Schon and keyboardist Jonathan Cain formed the band Bad English with singer John Waite, which scored the number one Billboard hit "When I See You Smile." "When I see you smile." Perry recorded a solo album called Against the Wall in 1988, but due to record label shake-ups it was never released. After eight years away from the spotlight, Perry released the solo record For The Love Of Strange Medicine in 1994, where he sported some sweet ‘90s grunge rocker locks in the video for the single "You Better Wait." "Somewhere there's love" Perry was back, but his return would be short-lived. The reunion tour ended before it began Perry’s Strange Medicine album attracted enough buzz that plans were made for a Journey reunion. The band got together in 1996 and recorded the album Trial By Fire, which produced the #1 Adult Contemporary hit "When You Love a Woman." "Though she's standing by your side." Joy that lasts forever! But before Journey could hit the road for a tour, Perry experienced pain in his hip while hiking in Hawaii. And I, uh.. And I, uh.. Didn't think I was going to make it off the mountain." Perry was diagnosed with a degenerative bone disease and became unable to perform. Without Perry, there was no tour, and with no tour, the album quickly faded from the charts. Perry would put off getting hip surgery until 1998, but by then the rest of the band were frustrated from waiting around for their lead singer, and had moved on. Perry even received a phone call from the rest of the band, advising him to "go out do whatever you want, but do not call it Journey." That was the last straw for Perry, who told music journalist Mitch Lafon, "I don't respond well to ultimatums." It was time for Journey and Perry to go their separate ways for good. Behind The Music got ugly In 2001, members of the band were interviewed for VH1's Behind The Music, not long after releasing the modestly successful album Arrival, with a new lead singer Steve Augeri. The show focused on the band's internal feuds, and reopened some old wounds. What particularly increased the tension was Perry describing himself as an outsider in the group. "I never really felt like I was part of the band. I really always that I was the out.. outside guy" From the perspective of the other members of Journey, Perry was a driving force of the band, so the outsider comments both hurt — and made zero sense. "I have no idea why he would feel that way…" "It's just nuts. Never felt part of the band" "He was making you know, a lot of the decisions…" The band who gave us the song "Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’," were now "Arguin’, Squabblin’ and Catfightin'." Perry's permanent replacement During the early 2000s, Journey's new vocalist, Steve Augeri, was struggling to provide the vocal chops to take Perry's place. "It was frightening going out on stage and it was scary being compared to one of the greatest rock and roll vocalists in rock and roll history." The band was even being accused of employing pre-recorded vocals in live performances to compensate, which might be the least rock-and-roll thing this side of a pan flute. The remaining members of Journey needed a singer who could match Perry’s iconic vocals. Miraculously, the guys in Journey found their new singer while searching for covers of their songs on YouTube. The band heard Filipino singer Arnel Pineda sing their hit "Faithfully" and were blown away by his vocal resemblance to Steve Perry. "Whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa." Living in poverty and paying his dues — and bills — by performing with classic rock cover bands in Manila, Pineda sounded almost exactly like Perry, and so the band immediately tracked him down and hired him. "Just a city boy. Born and raised in South Detroit." Pineda, who was the subject of a 2012 documentary about his amazing, um, journey, has been humble about the gig, saying he never expected to catch the attention of one of his favorite bands. And while he hasn't actually met Steve Perry, he insists that if he ever does, he'd be in line for an autograph like any fan. Perry told Glamour that he thinks Pineda is doing "great," and squashed reunion rumors in 2014 by telling Fan Asylum, "He’s their lead singer and I wish him all the best." Which is probably how you'd react if your bandmates replaced you with a soundalike. "So now I come to you with open arms." Cancer In 2013, Steve Perry opened up on his blog about a tremendous loss he had suffered. While watching footage from the Lifetime TV special Five about breast cancer survivors made by friend and filmmaker Patty Jenkins, Perry was taken by Kellie Nash, a psychologist and cancer patient who made a cameo appearance in the special. Perry asked Jenkins to introduce him to Nash, and after a few email exchanges, the two met and instantly fell for each other. They dated for a year-and-a-half, but Nash's cancer spread, ultimately claiming her life. Perry himself experienced a cancer scare in 2013, undergoing surgery to remove melanoma skin cancer. Both experiences have left him a more pensive and reflective man, which doesn't always jive with the wild rockstar lifestyle. Vocal fears The past few years have seen Perry poking his head out from his self-imposed exile. He's appeared at a few major league baseball games, "Up and down the boulevard." and even performed some Journey songs with indie band Eels in 2014 at their concerts in St. Paul, Minnesota and Los Angeles. Perry is a fan of the group, and performed slowed-down versions of "Open Arrms," "Faithfully" and more classic tunes. "So now I've gone to you with open arms." While Perry’s vocals had certainly aged, the Internet exploded after his return to the stage. The surprise performance was well received, but there’s no sign of a full-blown Steve Perry comeback. So what gives? Perry has expressed concern that, after so long out of practice, his voice may not even be capable of pulling off the soaring high notes of the classic Journey tracks. "Here I am, with open arms." When a reporter from Glamour asked him in 2013 how is voice is doing these days, Steve said "It’s out of shape." Meanwhile, Perry has been increasingly hinting at the release of a new album, and the last time he released a solo album it led to a Journey reunion. But while the other members of Journey have said they’d welcome Perry back, Neal Schon told Billboard that Perry will only speak to him through an attorney. Don't stop believin’, Journey fans. But also, don't hold your breath. "Don't stop. Believin'. Hold on to that feeling." Thanks for watching! Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Plus check out all this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!
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Keywords: steve perry, steve perry now, steve perry 2017, steve perry present day, steve perry journey, steve perry journey now, steve perry today, steve perry journey today, steve perry journey 2017, steve perry from journey, journey steve perry life, where is steve perry, where is journey's steve perry, steve perry replacement, journey steve perry replacement, steve perry truth, what happened to steve perry, journey steve perry truth, what happened to journey's steve perry
Id: B6oo_8CGNqQ
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Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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