Why we don't always replace vintage electrolytic capacitors

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what's not bad oh look at that turn it into AC if you want yeah that's pretty clean that's the hell of a power supply [Laughter] [Music] got it all right you the call they put as much better than I expected yeah for design from the 1930s and parters from 1953 s only see when it was built you I think those formally get passengers a little bit more yeah it gives in for many capacitors and and mercury is getting you [Music] okay guys I really wanted to make that video because I got irritated by people unfairly treating vintage capacitors ever since I posted the video of our 1930s vintage power supply with thyratrons I got the most stupid and irritating commands like that which would change the capacitors because it's horribly nicking with of course the commands coming from the people that put the usually the most unhelpful comments on my on my videos and then everybody jumps on the bandwagon and so this is the capacitor in question this is a Malory 500 micro farad 200 volts and here it tells when it was made it's April 14 1953 so also the power supplies in 1930s designed as well as one made this one was made much later and I have it powered by my dear HP power supply Fe this one I am not so dear about it because it has an LCD instead of LED display so it's a modern one at 120 volts dot o 4 and the supposedly leaky capacitor is drawing a grand total of [Music] 0.56 milliamps with 560 micro amps which if my calculator is still good HP one of course always the best hundred twenty volts on 0.5 1/2 sorry sorry sorry Oh point O five six amps it has an internal resistance over two hundred kilo ohms so no that will not blow my transformer that will not cause the sad Falls to shut off and I key by the way to further help this poor capacitor and fairly treated capacitor let's change the microwave scale and see what's happening and let's let's stabilize it because when I changed it it didn't get powered for a second so - it drew a little bit more power few more micro amps when it gets reconnected as you can see it's going down if I wait an air probably will be under 500 microamps so what's happening is that it's reforming its kind of self-healing so it's very where we recap a machine or change capacitors are a 1401 from the 1950s it runs on this original capacitors thank you very much actually the only device I have recapped entirely is modern one is my my Macintosh se every single one of its cat which dates from 1990's was bad so I have had a lot more problem with new capacitors and will with old ones I was just reviewing my footage on the camera and it's already I 478 microwaves and it's going to get lower and lower and if you look at my pile of all parts here not to say we never have a bad one that's one actually that's from a modern device that's my own ad amplifier that almost caught fire so something on the year 2000 here are some vintage ones so the 500 volt is eight hundred microfarad I changed the two one was not leaking but had low capacity capacitance the other one was good so while I was at it but you know that's about it one more where he noticed battery then I have no fue film capacitors sometimes they go bad these were the capacitors from my led first supply ceramic ones but you know capacitors in that bad I know of course we were we had the occasional few ones and just to be fair here we put the modern capacitor here it's an 80 volts so I biased it at 60 volts and no sure enough it leaks less than the old one I'm sure the old one in its good ol days was leaking even less but still no 140 micro amps and here's another example that's a much higher capacitance this is a 23 milli farads at much lower voltage 15 volt DC from I don't know how to read the date code but it's from an instrument that should be late 70s early 80s so I play it here at 12 volts and this one I actually changed what so it's it has a 900 micro amps leakage current at relatively low voltage which I don't like but what I really don't like it's a it's going up so this one is going the wrong direction and I took it out of the machine so yeah sometimes good sometimes ahead so please stop the no comment on every time we do a restoration that we should recap everything that's not helpful and a spreading a pretty wrong message and last but not least they were people who say the reason to change the capacitors was to protect are obviously very fragile transformers here from possible failure I know D where say it would burn out so I guess if the battery would become a short or something like that and there are two reasons why this is not concerned the first one is that electrolytic they really feel short they tend to feel open now it's different from the ten talents ten talents do feel short that's actually why you never replace per supplier that was made for electrolytic you never replaced them with set alums because you need to design your purse applied differently to protect against the shorting mode however here's a counter example of one that failed not fully shot but partially short however it was never short enough to cause what the shorting protection is which is no guess what no in the nineteen thirties they knew that you need to protect your power supply from shorts at the output not that much because of capacitor but because of user errors so yeah and they had invented the fuse so the thing is protected by she was so in the very weird case that it would fail short it would very unlikely blow our transformer but for sure it would blow the fuse so we are not worried about that case and and terminate also finish on a good note here guys and we are here to celebrate vintage electronics so that saying this is a big fuse and let me show you this is still our model 15s and 19's in a repair but this this is what real vintage Hughes is I love this guy's fits in a lamp socket and you can even see the fuse inside so it's pretty good you can tell right away it's blowing on up so on this good note I hope I won't get too many hate messages anymore on capacitors and on this video and I'll see you on the next one to celebrate the restoration of all that good mechanical stuff actually see you then you
Channel: CuriousMarc
Views: 94,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CuriousMarc, Vintage Electronics, Vintage Electrolytic Capacitors, Capacitor Leakage, Restoration, High Voltage, Reforming, Replacement, Recapping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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