Why We Carry PRS Guitars

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why we carry PRS guitars okay anyway so why do we carry party Smith guitars obviously there are fantastic guitars and we'll get into that in a minute but why do we as a shop as casino guitars why do we carry RS guitars you know I am a Fender and a Gibson like diehard when it comes to lecture guitar I've always it's just what I've always been I started off almost as a Les Paul guy then I got to play a real 61 strat at some point my life and that was sort of it for me that I was like fender all the way and it made touring a lot easier too because it's not as heavy as a giant Les Paul but I've always been I love the history offender I love the history of Gibson there's nothing cooler than them and I kept seeing these PRS is around when I was younger and they just didn't appeal to me not not at all so finally I got I kept getting older and then fine I played one Beck's in it and I was really frustrated good it's really good they play easily they're intonate he did pretty much out of the box they set him up perfectly the actions great they sound amazing there's there's no work with them with the men and I I picked up one this was a core model I got to play it for the first time it was it was impeccable I built it was an in generally upsetting because I was like I am a purist of these historical brands and there's this weird looking thing with this beautiful top in my lap with this funny headstock that doesn't make sense to me I can't put a tuner on it but it plays great and it has this unique sound that I wasn't quite sure what to think of except for that it was good and so and then a few years went by and I was like I can't ignore that it was like a bad guilty moment I'm still a finish track guy then you know we're worth in the guitar shop then I meet this funny guy that works at PRS his name's clay he's he's the impresario brand ambassador of their universe for them in some ways and he talked to me about the guitars and think you know let's talk about it maybe we should bring these into the car shop it's uh I don't want to but maybe we should because I had this sinking feeling from when I play them years ago and so we agreed can we catch them in and they're all good s C's were good the C's are good the s2 s are good not my cup of tea necessarily but the SES for $4.99 that's what was making me even more upset cuz I loved I actually loved fenders I loved Gibson's and Epiphone and there's this $499 thing with a funny headstock with pretty wood on it that plays perhaps better than some of these things that I love sounds different it's not it's not better because it doesn't sound like strata doesn't sound like a Les Paul it's its own thing and and it's just it's built well and it's they're set up as grade the there's no issues I've had one issues of the hundreds of PRS as we've gone through not tens of thousands just hunters oh we're not that big but it's um there was a truss rod that wasn't on it that was it and Trust might cover the truss rod was there'd be weird if wasn't but that was it and they they sent me like five truss rod covers the next day but um and then I was like okay this is this is a good relationship we're going well so far and let's let's go up to see the factory and so Derek and I hopped in the car we had our bag full of cameras and and I you know wallet full of cash to buy more guitars or what it doesn't work that way but uh but we we showed up at the the factory and I mean they roll out the red carpet which is funny because we're not we're just a small independent shop down here in North Carolina and they have their a head of production spends the entire day with us and we walk through the whole the whole deal we go through all the woods we see the wood selection we see like we see Paul's over there we parking at parking his parking spot which is so much fun to do if you ever go to like PRS Co Park and Paul's parking spot and see what happens it's really funny we try to do we try to do that and we did that at um Taylor guitars too I think and we're gonna do that at fender as soon as you go back out there and you were coming for your parking spot but um so anyway the factory it was just shocking to see like there's so many people on the floor doing so much handwork that the the sandy and the buffing part of it was just what sort of blew us away the cleanliness of the factory and the the overall it wasn't like you know people are having like parties and stuff but it was not like a dour sad Factory it was um it was a happy Factory people are excited be making really pretty pieces of functional art is what some people called the PR essence this is in the US factory up in Stevensville Maryland but um we got to meet a bunch of people working on they're all insanely proud of what they do they from the inlay guys to the fret guy because there's one fret guy that does pretty much all the frets for every core and Cesc to the guy like in charge of wine and the pickups and then we go to the girls that are sort of doing the wax dippings and and there they've been there for years and this is a job when you get it you don't leave none of the same level as Martin watch that video later it's pretty pretty cool too but that's that's crazy but anyway same area of the country let's get back to pure ice but even the factory it was an unbelievable experience we've been to lots of factories they're not all the same most of these the major manufacturers have unbelievable factories and they have it for a reason because you know they are the top lines in the world and they've been doing this for quite a while they figured out but this is a fairly new one in the scheme of things from the 80s so they don't have the history of the you know the 1800s of the fenders history's like they're you know mid 1900s these guys you know he found this company in the 80s and he started off as a luthier and Paul's like walking around the factory getting in people's business take her own guitars this is not what you see normal CEOs doing they're usually up you know figuring out like the big-picture stuff Paul's doing that but I think he's also let's talk about Paul from them both Paul's a little different he's a little he's a little eccentric if you've been to any of his Road shows or any of his own clinics as they call them and met him he's the different bird I've interviewed on multiple times James has interviewed them it's it's really fun to interview Paul it you never know what's gonna happen he's kinda like your crazy uncle that's just he's he's but he's brilliant and it's frustrating cuz you know he's smarter than you are and you know he knows more about forget more about guitars than you'll ever know that's what I would say about you know the technicalities of them counting George Greenhill forget more than I'll ever know and it's a kata to use a combination of like you know like a is a case of crazy Larry Sanders no Larry David means Bernie Sanders meets Tom Selleck all wrapped into one is this that's an interesting combo but that's that's sort of the idea of this is crazy but then a brilliant scientist the doctor from Back to the Future he's wandering around the factory of this thing getting in the business making guitar still and he's running it you know multi-million dollar company he's a brilliant guy working on mathematics with all sorts of strange other businesses but um is it that sort of shocked me just to sort of to know the level involvement compared to what I've seen before and because I just don't expect that from some of that's running a company that has that many employees that are all working their tails off to build the finest instruments that they can and their output they've had increased to three shifts I believe to get the demand because for the guitar is fulfilled at all because when we order a guitar from PRS we're on the outset of four core piece we're looking at about twelve months maybe fourteen months and this is not an artist package this is not which we just got note yesterday that they're putting on hold for a little bit because they've ran out of wood because they were very particular about the wood they use they don't they don't want to have anything that's less than perfect they're as obsessive-compulsive as I am about that and more so and cook policy because I forgot was I was I talking about oh yeah timeline anyway yes so like we've had we've had some pieces that are a year and half we've actually had one piece that we ordered I remember we ordered it galley it just showed up I think we ordered it like a year and a half ago we had someone that was just of two years I don't know the least to get the pretty the beautiful when they come in they're gorgeous it just takes a long time sometimes so we know their quality control is out some of the other major and minor manufacturers have had some issues with that in the past few years we know who we're talking about there but of that it's everything shows up there's no finished work there's no like weird like buffing like swirling on the top there's and there's no Fred ish there are no fret issues actually use proper grammar and it frustrates me again because I do not want to like these guitars they're not again I want to play a beat-up Fender Stratocaster I want to play a dirty Les Paul with a gorgeous top or a plain top or a 355 or 335 I just like that's just I'm into that but then I what I find with the end of the day a lot of times I grab I'm a car thief I've nine four I plug it into a two rock and that is like my happy place I could have a few moments just playing this perfect sounding instrument through a another perfect sounding amplifier these are expensive toys but they're amazing and in the support we've had from the company clay in particular it's been pretty pretty impressive that's these aren't these major like behemoths that like and we'll get into like you know and talk about fender and Gibson and Martin and some of the guys that even like sort of bigger they're not that big either but PRS like I can literally pick up the phone and talk to a head of operations if you need to you can call your people that work within it anybody can just pick up the phone and call PRS you'll talk to the person in the front desk and they want to connect you to whoever's need to talk to except for maybe Paul but you can talk to him at one of the clinics and he's perfectly one to sit there and have talked to you for a long time about the innate details of what goes in his guitars or about deep-sea fishing or about the military or about some other random off strange topic that you wouldn't expect because he's very knowledgeable and he's a strange strange bird that knows his guitars but um it's there's a strange personal touch from this this company that I was not expecting and even though it's a guitar that I did not want to like I have unfortunately grown to love what they do what they build the fact that they have their own sort of section of the market they live in a strange weird area between you know Gibson's and fenders I guess they're the number three u.s. manufacturer as far as of the big boys and but their guitars just sit in a strange place and it's been fun to get to know it and to learn it and to be able to work with them but um it's mainly just fun to play on I'm a McCarty five nine four guy and I love the D G TS those are sort of my Jam's I've learned and custom 24 is a great custom treatise are awesome that Paul's guitar is amazing but if you put it on I'm still a bit I still those are the guitars that get me excited that if you haven't played a dgt David Grissom play one they're really cool the controls are different it's fun to figure it out oh that does that and it's just um it's a great guitar if your blues rock I play one I don't care you play through us play it through somebody play on the car d5 not for look at the tops amazing looking but just play it great sounding guitar but that's pretty much it in a nutshell that's why we carry party Smith guitars I'd love to hear what you think about it if you have one let us know what you um what you think if you know why you love it why have it if you've had one and you got rid of it let us know we have some we've had people that PRS is just aren't their thing and that's okay I'm still working on tricking my wife I mean convincing my wife into letting me get my first PRS because it's gonna be a nice one when I do it I've already designed it but um we're close we're almost there I just have to convince her but um let us know II think and share pictures of it if you doing comments everything love it subscribe or don't thanks for watching Baxter cocina guitars signing out
Channel: Casino Guitars
Views: 33,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul reed smith, prs guitars, best prs guitar, prs pauls guitar, s2 series, paul reed smith custom 24, andertons tv, paul reed smith playing guitar, paul reed smith silver sky, prs guitars custom 24, prs guitars 2020, casino guitars, fender, gibson, Les Paul, Stratoaster, Telecaster
Id: nL1zGvsa3Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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