Why Voters Hate Biden's Booming Economy

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Biden's economy is booming, at least on  paper, where the numbers show that its   economy has been growing quite a bit faster than  comparable economies like Europe, United Kingdom   and Japan. On top of that, unemployment is still  extremely low and inflation is now falling faster   than ever. And yet recent surveys reveal that  Americans are very negative about their economy,   and especially the way that President Joe Biden  handled it compared to President Donald Trump.   So how is it possible that a seemingly booming  economy could cost Joe Biden the election? Are   people just imagining things or is the economy  really not as good as it seems on paper? To   answer these questions, I have been scouring  the Internet for convincing explanations from   economists, and I've actually found three  fascinating theories that could explain   the difference between what the numbers say  and how voters feel about the economy.   Theories that range from increased inequality to  increase media negativity to Republican States   like Texas and Florida outperforming Democratic  ones like California and New York. Theories that   all have some pretty convincing evidence  to back them up. But which theory has the   most convincing evidence? Well, to answer that  question, let's first review the key numbers,   which suggest that Biden's economy is booming. Specifically, we'll have a look at the four most   commonly used indicators to reflect how well  average Americans are doing economically speaking.   Real GDP, which is GDP corrected for inflation.  Inflation itself. Unemployment and the average   real rate, which is the average wage again  corrected for inflation. First, as you can see   here, America's real GDP per person indeed looks  relatively good when compared to other economies   such as Europe, the United Kingdom and Japan. Everyone was hit hard by the COVID pandemic   lockdowns, but only America's economy recovered  to the pre-COVID trend line, potentially due   to the generous economic stimulus provided first  by Trump and then by Biden. Stimulus that likely   gave businesses the confidence to quickly  rehire everyone that lost their job when the   pandemic began. Meaning that after a big spike,  unemployment is again at an all time low.   However, there was also a dark side to this  recovery unprecedented inflation making life   much more expensive for ordinary Americans. Sure,  many of these price increases were caused by   pandemic related supply chain disruptions  and later, the war in Ukraine. However,   most economists agree that without generous  stimulus measures, the massive inflation spike   that you see here would likely not have happened  or at least reversed more quickly afterwards.   And while the GDP numbers still look  good when corrected for inflation,   the same can really not be said for real  average wages, which, as you can see here,   have only recently returned to their pre-pandemic  trend as inflation is now falling. But okay,   before we get into this drop of real wages here,  we need to talk about something strange.   You see this bump over here? It means average  real wages went up at the start of the pandemic.   But why? Well, we can actually see this  bump because at the start of the pandemic,   many vulnerable people lost their jobs and  with a lot of vulnerable people who don't   earn that much out of a job, the average wage  actually went up because it only reflected the   wage of these high income earners. But then, as the more vulnerable people   were hired back quite quickly, the average  real wage dropped again. So this bump at the   start of the pandemic is pretty meaningless  for judging how well the economy was doing at   the time. And for now, I think it's best to just  ignore it and just focus on this drop over here,   which makes clear that, you know, when everybody  was hired back, most working Americans saw the   spending power of their wages drop during Biden's  tenure because their wage growth, which did grow,   did not keep up with inflation. So if we look at the metrics, we can see that   America's economy definitely took a big hit from  the pandemic first. GDP dropped massively while   unemployment rose, but then the stimulus kicked  in. GDP and unemployment recovered. However,   then inflation spiked so much that actually, for a  long time the average wage corrected for inflation   fell and it only recently recovered. And while that looks bad, it can always be   worse as real wages continued to fall  in 2023 for Europe, the United Kingdom   and Japan. So then why are American just as  negative as, for example, Europeans about the   state of their economy? Well, while there  are many explanations circulating online,   I only found three that could be supported by at  least somewhat convincing evidence of these.   Biden's favorite explanation is that you are  being misinformed by the media. But before   getting into that, let's talk about data brokers  informing scammers, spammers and hackers about   you and how today's video sponsor Aura can  help you do something about that. You see,   if you just simply Google yourself, you will be  surprised by some of the weird website ads that   claim to know intimate stuff about you ranging  from your phone number, your health records,   to your relatives, to your personality type. 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After of course, hearing about why Biden   feels that you are being misinformed by the  media, which is quite refreshing right this time,   it's not Trump that is lashing out at the  media. It is Biden who said that the media is   not properly reporting about the state of the  economy. And let's be honest, it is true that   especially on social media like here on YouTube,  for example, videos about the collapse of the   American economy were trending in 2023. Even as the economy recovered from a global   pandemic shutdown. Therefore, some started to  say that 2023 was not the year of an economic   recession, but rather the year of a vibecession in  which just the vibes were really bad. But why were   the vibes in the media so bad? Well, here many  have pointed out that the cause could be something   called negativity bias, which means that when  given the choice, people tend to watch negative   news stories more often than positive ones. But are Americans more exposed to negative news   than, for example, Europeans? Well, yes, that  is likely for two reasons. The first is that   Americans on average rely more on social media for  their news, which is extremely competitive, and   therefore creators are more likely to exploit your  negativity bias to get views. The second reason is   that even if you just look at traditional media,  Americans are more likely to be confronted with   sensationalized negative news as their media  landscape is much more commercialized.   But is this really why people were so  negative about Biden's booming economy? Well,   recent research by economists does show that  media sentiment about the economy has gotten   significantly worse over the past 50 years,  even as the economy kept growing. However,   as you can see from the red line  over here, when Trump was president,   economic news also got way more negative. But at the same time, the economic sentiment   mattered. In an influential survey by the  University of Michigan, which is the blue   line. While this remains a much more positive  so I don't think negative news stories can   fully explain the vibecession under Biden.  Which brings us to the second theory, which   states that it's not only that the US media is  exceptionally competitive and therefore negative,   it is also uniquely polarized politically. And strangely enough, the University of Michigan   survey shows that the implications  of this political polarization are   very important for how people feel about the  economy. For example, as you can see here,   when Donald Trump was elected in 2016, Republicans  were suddenly really optimistic about the economy,   while Democrats all of a sudden thought  that the economy was in terrible shape.   Similarly, when Biden was elected in 2020,  Republicans all of the sudden thought that the   economy was going down the drain while Democrats  thought that it was doing great. Of course,   that fact alone cannot explain why Biden's  economy is so much more unpopular than that of   Trump. After all, given that both parties  are roughly equally popular on average,   how people feel about the economy would not  change that much if there is a new president.   Sure, under Biden, Republicans hate the economy,  but that was always going to happen. However,   surprisingly, Democrats are also relatively  pessimistic about the economy right now. That   is Biden's real problem. But why are Democrats so  negative about Biden's booming economy? Could it   be that for them it is not really booming that  much? Well, if you look at America's economy   state by state, and then hold that next to a  map of voting patterns, you can see that it's   actually mostly the red states economies that  are darker on the economic growth map, meaning   that they are the ones who have been booming. But why are red the Republican states doing so   much better than blue Democratic states?  Well, one plausible explanation that has   been put forward by economists and Noah Smith  is that highly restrictive zoning regulations   are making it all but impossible to build  new houses and factories in blue states.   This is contributing to unaffordable housing,  which then leads to increased homelessness   and migration from blue states to red states. Ironically, it also means that Biden is a massive   subsidies for new factories are mostly benefiting  red states. Now, this could explain why Democrats   are relatively negative about the economy,  which in turn could explain why, on average,   people are also relatively negative about  the economy. After all, citizens of booming   Republican states will be negative about the  economy because Biden, this president.   So where it matters less that their economies  are doing relatively well. Meanwhile, blue state   citizens are still more positive than those in red  states, but they are not super positive because   their economies are actually not doing that  well. If this is true, it means that political   polarization is causing Mr. Biden's economy to be  underappreciated. Rather than media negativity.   But what if both of these theories about an  underappreciated economy are wrong? What if   regular Americans are actually right and  actually the numbers are wrong? Thanks to   Rising in equality, something that can essentially  already be seen. If we look back at the   differences between real GDP, the average income  and the average real wages of American workers. As   you can see here, well, real GDP dropped during  the pandemic, then recovered quite quickly.   However, here we can see that real wages  have really only now just recovered to   their pre-pandemic trend. Essentially, that  means that average working people have felt   the impact of rising prices more than they  have seen their wages increase. At least   up until now. So from their perspective, they  were genuinely experiencing a recession and so   they were right to feel more pessimistic  about the economy, really, until now.   And indeed, it's only now that we see that  people are getting more optimistic about the   economy. Some more evidence for this theory can  actually be seen if we look at income inequality   in the United States. Here we can see that  while it got a lot better in 2020 and 2021,   mostly thanks to Biden's stimulus checks,  inequality then once again got way worse   in 2022 as the stimulus measures ended. Similarly, if we look at the supplemental   poverty rate, which takes into account the  rising costs of living due to inflation,   we can see that it is now also higher than it was  when Biden took office. Even though, like general   inequality, it had dipped significantly thanks  to Biden's relief funds during COVID. So while   average GDP growth looks pretty good, lagging real  wage is and increased inequality suggests that it   is plausible that up to now, only a few Americans  are really profited from this booming economy.   And therefore it makes total sense that most  Americans were as pessimistic as their European   counterparts. On the other hand, if we look at  the surveys, we can see that while those that   filled them out were relatively negative about  the economy, they were actually quite positive   about their own financial situation, which is why  the most logical conclusion is that all of these   factors play a role, although not equally so. Most importantly, I think we need to recognize   that inflation genuinely made it so that most  people experienced a recession, something that   can be seen. If we look at real wages but cannot  be seen if we only look at GDP. Second, I think   the fact that voters feel so different about the  economy, if their favorite president is in charge,   is so big that it could really mess with  the reliability of the overall survey.   And so the fact that red states  outperform blue states by a lot   and benefited from Bidenomics more could really  have impacted overall economic sentiment. Third,   while I did think that it was interesting to see  that research confirms that the media is getting   more and more negative despite the economy not  getting more and more negative. It is part of a   larger trend that is not unique to Biden. So overall, I think that it made sense that   people were more pessimistic than the headline  GDP numbers suggested. But luckily for Biden,   inflation is now coming down rapidly and  real wages are recovering. And lo and behold,   people are now once again becoming more optimistic  about the economy. But whether or not that effect   will be big enough to swing the election in  Biden's favor, well, we'll just have to see.   In the meantime, I just want to thank my patrons  and members for giving me the financial stability   to avoid having to tap into your negativity bias  too much here on YouTube. And yeah, let me know   in the comments below what you thought about this  take. Were these the three most important reasons   for the difference between pessimistic economic  sentiments and positive data about the economy?   Or do you think I missed another credible  explanation? Finally, if you want to know   more about why exactly inflation is falling so  fast now, check out this video over here.
Channel: Money & Macro
Views: 151,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Economics, central banking, finance
Id: o1EDeOzql7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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