why toxic people are attracted to high vibrational people

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the more you raise your vibration the more you will repel people that no longer resonates with the energy you are embodying now the more authentic you become the more you will repel people that used to resonate with the inauthentic parts of you that you may have used to embody so what happens is as you elevate your frequency there is an effect where you both attract to you people that resonate with that frequency and that new version of you and you also repel away from you the people that no longer resonate with that new version of you now the challenge becomes with are you attached to the old toxic dynamics that may have felt familiar since childhood the only time there's challenge with this is when when we try to control the process when we try to hold on to what may no longer be serving us not realizing that maybe what we're holding on to is not just the person themselves but maybe the energy they represent to us maybe they represent an energy that we feel responsible for maybe in childhood it felt very familiar to to have someone that you had to mitigate their emotions that you had to ease tension around that you had to be a certain way so that they could feel safe they could feel fixed or good enough and then you are left feeling drained you are left feeling like your energy is depleted and maybe there is a familiar energy around that toxic Dynamic now as you elevate your vibration you will be confronted with the necessary component of letting go of what no longer is serving you and in this video I want to show you how to move through that process how to make it easy to detach from old familiar Dynamics and things that will allow you to elevate your vibration to a completely new level that will completely change the people you attract into your life the synchronicities you attract into your life the abundance the money the love everything now on my journey back in 2012 when I went through my Awakening process there was a moment where I realized that a lot of the people around me and not even the people but a lot of these circumstances around me were replayed Dynamics there were people in my life that I could see represented a certain archetypal energy that had been familiar since childhood but when maybe some of these were familiar because they were just similar stories that I had about the way reality worked and that's why getting to the core of your beliefs about reality could be so powerful in this process so in 2012 I realized that there was a belief that I had that I had to fight for Freedom there was a belief that I had that women were controlling because as a kid from seven to 17 the most dominant woman archetype in my reality was a controlling person who was manipulative controlling and narcissistic I felt like I had to fight for Freedom well is it interesting that then after she left my life when I was 17 there was a certain part of that familiar energy that had been normalized so there was constantly some person I had to fight for Freedom against if it wasn't an ex-girlfriend who was jealous and I had to in a way mitigate their emotions soothe them in their jealous escapades kind of tiptoe around the controlling Dynamic funny enough broke up with her after four years many two or three years longer than NE than need be but you want to know what was modeled and familiar as a kid was a dad that stayed in a relationship with a narcissistic my ex- stepmom narcissistic person for like five six years too long so there wasn't a understanding of that boundary and a cutting off of that energy if we weren't taught growing up how to cut off or how to distance from energy that is toxic we will normalize and stay within the field of it so broke up with her then get transferred to a better shoe department where the manager is the same personality dynamic as my ex- stepmom and a lot of the same familiar patterns were intact when I was a kid things weren't fair we had to earn going to school at the job that I had things weren't fair we had to I had to like earn the schedule that I wanted interesting not only that if we were to tell anyone about what was happening in the household when we were a teen when I was at like 10 to 17 years old I would have gotten more punished if at that 9 to-5 job selling women shoes we went to HR guess what would have happened that did happen and we all got more punished wow similar familiar childhood Dynamics being replayed over and over again now this is an interesting concept that I want to share that I have not shared before what if on one hand it's a familiar pattern that we're attracting on the other hand what if it's like when two people get into relationship there is also a projection of subconscious energy from a person that may bring out even more qualities of someone else that was the familiar energy almost like at a subconscious level now this is going to sound kind of esoteric I've shared this a few times but this is an interesting thing that I always remember and always stood out to me you know how there's certain things from childhood you're like why do I remember that but then you could see that maybe there was a reason or like there's some thread there it must have been important when I had an ex-girlfriend that wasn't narcissistic or anything um after I healed and I basically forgave my ex- stepmom and completely shifted out of that old pattern which is a huge part of the process learning to forgive and to in a way let go of the resentment towards the parent that you're trying to earn their love you're trying to earn their approval it's interesting when it comes to why are some people attracted to emotionally unavailable people well what if it's because being attracted to emotionally unavailable people is like fighting for your love it's like fighting for the love and attention of the parent that didn't give it to you so then you pick people that are in the same pattern so by being aware of this pattern is so powerful because you stop doing that you stop associating the drama and the highs and lows of it felt so amazing when that one parent finally gave you the approval and validation so you keep searching for that but you end up searching for it in people that can't really give it to you because ultimately it's replaying The Familiar Dynamic that Mom or Dad couldn't give it to you so a big part of that is healing and and going to that inner child and part of you and nurturing and soothing that part of you now that okay there's ex-girlfriend that wasn't narcissistic or anything she's actually awesome really good person just didn't work out and one thing that I remember was very interesting is one time we got into like this little argument or whatever you call it um where it was we well it was even an argument but we were we were going out to restaurants and eating and there were times we go out to a restaurant and I would pay for dinner and then there were time there was a few times where I was like if you wanted T I was like I got it but if you want to tip you can tip and what was interesting is I never really ever said that in the past like I'll pay and you can tip which doesn't seem like a big deal we both made about the same amount of money we had selling woman's shoes and she worked in a sales job as well but what was interesting is what she told me is what came up for her was that she had an ex who used to do that and it would trigger her because it's like if you're going to pay for dinner just pay for dinner don't say you're going to tip and that's what her ex would do was always like would say I'll pay you tip and then when I said I'll pay you tip I I like I'd never done that before but it was almost like there was a a knowing on the inside that part of it was there was this this resistance to that happening and it was almost like my energy was able to pick up on it and then do it not that I'm blaming it because it's not even really that it's not that big of a deal right like it's wasn't a huge deal but I always remembered that there was like this part of my I'm like why what why did I even say that I've never said that before and the years I've been dating or had you know girlfriend I've never said like I'll pay you tip but there was this like desire to do so when I was with this one person and also this one person had this trigger around not wanting someone to do that because an ex did that and used to trigger her I always thought that was interesting so in in a certain Dynamic if you're an empath that sometimes has you can feel other people's energies and at times you have trouble setting boundaries with people could it be that not only do you attract narcissistic people which is very common because narcissists are always testing your boundaries but could it be that even if people aren't narcissists you almost bring out subconsciously certain energy that affects you to where then you need to set boundaries or you feel guilty not setting boundaries it's like we attract people into our life to teach us certain lessons because we're trying to close the loop and sometimes that Loop to be closed is saying no to a toxic energy it's setting boundaries with a toxic energy because interestingly enough as I have come into my own power around this and been in my own energy and not tuned to other people it's like not only did certain people fall out of my life but then as I stood in my own power I brought out there were different versions of the people in my life I was surrounded by it's almost like I brought a different version of them out now I know this can sound like some egotistical thing but if you like like I am affecting the way people I mean it's not really the energy you embody people are responding to energetically if you play this person it's like what do people think about me oh I I feel guilty setting boundaries they're going to be able to in a way feel that weird energy and they may respond with like why are you setting boundaries with me because they can see that in a way weakness or that vulnerability or maybe they're compassionate about it and you're surrounded by people people that are just kind of manipulating the energy anyways but understand that when you are the star of your own movie which means you are not a cameo in everyone else's movie trying to mitigate their emotion you start to come from a certain level of power and I remember that as I've embodied this energy within myself as I set boundaries because I went through this big transformation about three years ago now where I realized there were things I hadn't said to certain people in my life so I I literally one day got up and started having a whole bunch of phone calls with people and there were certain people that fell out of my life and there were some people that I reestablished a new connection with there was like more equal respect there a very empowering time but I realized ultimately that if they felt tension when I was expressing how I felt it wasn't my thing to manage whereas as a kid it felt like my responsibility to manage other people's emotions and sometimes the best gift you can give someone else is to let them sit with their emotion being the old eldest child in a family of like six kids one thing I've had to learn how to do is how not to try to fix everyone because of My Success on YouTube and my success in life I'm successful and able to help people and family members especially when they need it if they're not good at money and like having certain things in their life figured out there's been a tendency in the past to try to fix it for them to try to help them and then you end up helping helping helping helping and they're not learning learning learning learning and it can be easy to rationalize certain things well I'm the eldest I am successful I do have this money I do have the ability and the resources to help but one thing I've had to realize is and I would rationalize it too because certain family members maybe they didn't have exactly what I had maybe they have like different dad or different mom or something and therefore um you know cuz like my my parents are divorced so if I have like a brother and sister and they have a different dad than my dad and I had a dad that was present in the way that he could be and also in general a good dad and if they didn't have that there'd be like a rationalization like I need to help them I feel responsible and that it would be like a rationalized thing where it's like well I'm going to give them this I'm going to help him do this I'm going to help him do this but the thing is is if that's not received or if that's not something it becomes a level of energy of enabling and that's what I've had to learn I've had to learn how to not overg give and not become the the dad figure within a family Dynamic and maybe you watching this video maybe if you're the eldest or if you're the person that's the most spiritually aware in your family maybe you're The Peacemaker you're like the middle child or the youngest child that's really sensitive whatever it is you may find yourself taking responsibility for other people's emotions and then feel drained well no wonder you feel responsible for other people's emotions that's what guilt is guilt is an energy of control guilt is used to either control ourselves and to control other people think about it if you feel guilt when you set boundaries with a friend because you don't want to go to some party or do something for them guilt is like a way of controlling I feel guilty I'm going to do something I don't want to do but that guilt may have run in your family line for a very long time there's certain cultures that feel a certain guilt I remember hearing about certain cultures where this was interesting I remember hearing that in Israel for for example because in Israel there's this long tradition of um you know where a lot of times certain you know in Israel people may stay in the family for a very long time and stay in uh stay in the family Dynamic of Israel one thing I thought was very interesting is that if people leave Israel there's even more of a demand or a guilt around you must be with another Jewish person and in in the Jewish religion anyways it's seems like it's a thing that like you know there's like a high demand for that I guess that moral uh like connection between having people that have like the same moral values which is understandable however one thing I found interesting is I was told uh by someone that if you leave Israel there's even more of a demand to be with someone else that Jewish because of that guilt but if you live in Israel it's somewhat common for people in Israel to be with people that aren't Jewish but it's okay because you're still in Israel you never left the Homeland isn't that interesting I thought that was interesting so it's almost like to compensate for the fact that you physically don't live in this place you must you know there's more of a desire to do this thing maybe so that you don't bring shame to the family maybe so you know there's there's probably layers of the social conditioning in it it's definitely social conditioning though and something that is very often used to control someone's Behavior within the family Dynamic maybe even the family constellation but how many times may we do that in our own way what if you feel this is called hidden loyalties in in family Dynamics what if for example your parents weren't successful and now you feel guilty because you have you you want to make money or you're starting to become abundant so instead there's this sabotaging effect to where you like let go of the money or you make bad Investments not knowing that part of you feels safer if you don't if you don't feel like you make your family feel small isn't that interesting that we may have these subconscious desires to not shine too brightly to not make other people feel uncomfortable this is something that happens when we're trying to create homeostasis and familiar childhood Dynamics and maybe it felt familiar to not have have enough maybe it felt familiar to not shine to not have the light on you too much because attention was bad as a kid you see as you heal and as you become aware of these energies inside of yourself you'll break free and then your lesson may be to let go of the energy that has been controlling you to become free to be who you came here to be to stop living in the illusion of what everyone else wants you to be when you know in your heart that something isn't right for you you can feel it and when it comes to this energy of elevating your vibration part of the you you attract yourself around people that will test your bounties that you will have to stand up to toxic people will dislike you when you start healing that toxic energy inside of yourself and the normalization of that energy towards yourself you stop rationalizing it as your responsibility and guess what it's not a bad thing if certain people dislike you as a spiritual person it can be very common that your energy triggers other people there's a spiritual energy that you may be bringing more into your life and that may trigger the people around you but understand it might not be you that is triggering them it may be what you represent now I know that the important part of this is the key of this entire video is that there's nothing wrong with you that your sh the belief that there's something wrong with you which is called Shame it's like an internalization of it understanding it may be what you represent that triggers other people when it comes to spirituality for me it's like I know that when I see someone that leaves a positive comment I'm very slow I guess you could say to to when I see positive comments I don't even really internalize those completely because I know that the videos I put out the information I put out is a reflection for people of something they could learn about themselves it's not me as some Guru aend dowy person talking in third person but at the same time the way the reason that helps me because I because I see it more as energy coming through me and I see as everyone has the ability to do this and it's more of like a symbol for people if they resonate with the content they get the reflection they need and they like that so it's not necessarily like I'm finally good enough because I made some content that people may resonate with but at the same time that means when there's a negative comment and someone's like screw this guy with long hair thinks he's Jesus which is a complete projection because I do not think I'm Jesus even though I have long hair and the long hair May trigger people but that's I don't know you see what I mean it's like people project but I'm not like oh am I trying to be Jesus cuz I have long hair oh my God no I don't like whatever that's someone else's belief or someone that's like oh this is New Age stuff it's good you know they they have these like weird not weird but beliefs that like anything that's has to do with spirituality is the worst thing ever is you know devil stuff if that's their belief that's their belief it's not it's not like I question myself what am I doing so I don't identify with it it's like if somebody tells you it's somebody were to come up to me and go Aaron your purple shirt and your purple hair is so ugly I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it it triggers me and I'm like okay well I'm not wearing a purple shirt so this must be your stuff because I don't agree with the reality where I'm wearing a purple shirt so I don't internalize it and even if someone's like I hate your black shirt oh my God you're black you're ugly I you like it it triggers me because somebody a bully in high school were black sugar whatever even if they're not aware of that guess what that's their stuff I know that I don't have to internalize it but being able to hold the energy of not being absorbent of that energy is a very powerful part of this process of evolution you don't want to attract everybody you don't want you want to repel certain people from your life by you holding your frame setting boundaries knowing that a natural part of the process is you will repel people that no longer resonate with with you you will make space for people that can resonate with the real you don't try to control the process just let it be baby just let it be you don't have to control it it happens naturally the the universe God whatever name you want to give this magnificent force in our reality it's doing all the work it's bringing to you the people that resonate with the deeper you and it's repelling away from you the people that no longer resonate with you you don't have to control this process the more you let go of trying to control it the H the quicker the easier and the more effortless it will be there may be still parts that are hard but that's the letting go of the familiar childhood Dynamics it may not be the person it may be the energy they represent and until you learn the lesson you will continue to attract them now if you want to learn step by step how to elevate your vibration to another level I have inside High Vibe school that of a course called high Vibe 101 it's an entire thousand course that you can check out inside of high Vibe school and it will show you step by step how to elevate your vibration how to set boundaries how to feel safe inside of your body how to go through it a vibrational detox how to become aware of the dominant stories that are controlling your life it's a complete process to completely transform your life to a higher level in an in a in an easy way that is very Inside Out transformation so that you attract your dream life and magnetize to you what is meant for you so if you want to check that out you can check it out in high Vib school I'll go and Link that below other than that if you want a video as well that will show you more on this Dynamic from a recent live event if you can feel other people's energy you want to understand that narcissist empath Dynamic how to transform from the inside out it's one of my most popular videos from a live event that I did you can check it out right here so empaths people that can feel other people's energy this is both a superpower and some times a curse on the
Channel: Aaron Doughty
Views: 29,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aaron doughty, detach from toxic people, toxic people, high vibrations
Id: lW0kwdFyu4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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