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afternoon youtube i'm chuckie2009 and i'm on a benchvise which if you know anything about the uh history i've had with store-bought vices is kind of a surprise to some of y'all however i did my homework and a lot of people recommended these uh these yoast brand vices so i picked this one up i bought this thing on amazon it's made out of cast steel and uh so hopefully this will work out really well now ultimately my plan for this thing is to put it on a receiver mount and slide it into the hitch receiver on my welding truck is even though it's pretty hard to damage a bench vise and shipping i'm sure in fact i know for a fact stranger things have happened and it just sits down right in there so i think it's really cool the way they did that and this right here is the beautiful cast steel bench vise so i don't think i've ever owned a cast steel bench vice i've done quite a few of them so fast forward to a couple weeks ago i decided that what i needed was a bench vise to go on back my on the back of my shop truck that uh often it doubles as a mobile welding rig and i as much as i didn't really want to go out and buy a vice because most of the ones i've had have been for lack of a better term just pure junk i i remembered when i made that vice a bunch of people said that in the comments that really the only two good vices you can get at least in their minds are yoast vices and wiltons i really wanted a wilton but you know i'm willing to pay a premium for american-made stuff and it's feasible wilton is just as far as i'm concerned they've completely exited reality with their pricing structure and so that pretty much just leaves ghosts and so that's what i got this one unfortunately isn't domestically produced it's made in taiwan but the taiwanese they make some really good stuff especially out of cast and forged components i have two taiwanese band saws and they have been absolutely phenomenal i love the things really high quality castings never a problem uh with them that's uh that's been major one needed a little adjustment one time but overall great saws and so when i saw this thing and i saw the reviews and i looked at the price of it i figured this was probably the benchvise for me this entire front jaw is one piece of forged steel there's no weld marks there's no forging lines or anything they cast this they forge it technically out of one solid piece of steel and then you can see it's welded to this assembly which we can tell by the fact that they uh they mig welded this electrically this is also steel because there's no feasible way to do that especially in a production type environment to cast iron so we have this forged component which goes right up against this presumably forged component this might actually be machined from a solid block i'd have to look on the inside to really tell and this goes through this rear assembly rear assembly it's pretty much the same thing you can tell this is also one solidly forged piece of material and it's welded to these spacers there's like a spacer on on each side which is in turn welded to the forged face and again we can tell this is cast steel from the fact that it's welded too this is which is obviously just regular plate steel so the forgings of this vice look to be extremely high quality i'm looking at them they're smooth they have a slight texture to them obviously as pretty much any forged component will but there's not huge voids in the material there's not uh like big old ugly bubbles in this thing it looks very smooth it looks very properly done and other first impressions wise you know we have these uh these teeth in here essentially i'm drawing a blank on the word right now the coffee hasn't kicked in these are made out of hardened steel they're replaceable there's just uh they just screw in here and then the other thing and this is something recently i've learned about most production vices is we have these pipe jaws in here and these are also made from hardened machine steel and now what's really cool is with some of the cheaper vices they're just cast in place like this whole section this and this and this would just be cast from one solid piece of material so the advantage of these these bolt-in jaws is that one they're replaceable if you ever manage to wear them out two they're hardened steel so they're much less likely to wear out because you know cast iron it's uh if you ever look at it really close it has a texture kind of like almost like metallic styrofoam if you will so it just kind of wears away but it's you know it's great for what it's great for but some things it's really nice to have the cast steel so we have hardened machine pipe jaws in here and then there's also this nice large and fill on the back of this thing which i really like try not to beat the crap out of stuff on my vises too much but it certainly happens especially you know this is going on the road with me so it's not like i'm going to be bringing a 500 pound anvil on my truck as well so [Music] [Applause] [Music] backside [Music] one complete vice stand that i was able to build uh with stuff that i already had on hand and do the whole still match up i don't think i painted it that much yeah the holes match up all right great great now let's get this tightened down and the idea of this demonstration isn't really to straighten this it's really put this whole thing through its paces all right we're getting somewhere let's see what the spice can take you too normally i don't advocate the abusive tools well let's be realistic this is the kind of thing i do with a vice this is kind of thing i have a vice for and if you just has their act together this is the kind of thing that they build vices to withstand because they know everybody and their brother does it even though everybody and their brother and their sister knows you're not supposed to if this thing breaks i'm sticking with the chief vices and the homemade ones but i mean we are smashing flat three inch wide 3 8 inch bar stock and this is an 8 pound camera all right camera has fresh batteries now it might make it longer than this vise only time will tell i will say this appears to be some extremely good steel that they made this pin out of because this has certainly been a workout for a thinner piece of metal this is probably only three eighths thick or so and i mean it is like straight as an arrow after all this not saying it's the most demanding thing ever but if this was just cheap mild steel it would be pretzel-shaped long before now all right that's about as straight as i want to attempt to get this what this means because i have a couple other things i want to try [Applause] vice appears to be fine don't see any cracks didn't hear any weird noises i think it might have actually withstood that [Music] that could have gone tragically wrong luckily i still get to have children someday the whole truck is moving every which way right now you know honestly the more i look at this between the welds and the way it's forged and with the quality materials they use this looks to me like something you find at a flea market and buy from an old timer and uh and you know it's 60 years old this is how stuff used to be built and um and yoast evidently still builds devices or has them built this way and i think it's really cool like i said i would prefer if it was domestically made they do offer some vices made here in the u.s i would love to get my hands on one but i don't think that'll probably ever happen because pretty well set with vices right now but who knows who knows what the future will hold but i mean this this taiwanese thing cast steel really well put together i really do like it so between that and the fact we now have a little hillbilly stand made entirely out of junk material pretty content today was a good day i hope you enjoyed this long and becoming somewhat rambly video but thanks for watching have fun don't forget to rate comment and subscribe for more links of interest in the video description below have fun stay safe out there buddy
Channel: Official Welding & Farming Archive
Views: 14,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TihNsYmCUhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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