Why this famous Dutch chose India over Europe

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they treat you like family you know directly and also sometimes you get invited by people who hardly have food still they will prepare anything for you I don't think you find it that much in Europe anymore meet Paul a celebrity master tayor from the Netherlands who has worked with the Dutch royal family he used to live in Thailand and Hong Kong and now has been residing in India for 5 years Consulting companies about tailoring and helping set up factories Paul explained how to live like a local in India how Indians treat foreigners and why he feels more free and alive in India than in Europe I'm Max chernov let's go you live really like a local yeah like is this a neighborhood a bit far from the city center it's quite far from the center yes yes I don't think there are many foreigners live here I don't think there's any foreign over here I think even my taxi drivers looking at me like what the hell is this guy doing here why should I drop him in the middle of nowhere on the mud road so so yeah you see the taxi drivers every time you see them look like what the heck how does this guy live over here but you decided like on purpose to live not to mingle with other foreigners not to live like expert life but be a local local yes what would be the price range for like let's say one floor here in this area this this area here it's um on about um you will love for bangler standards uh it's uh 7,500 per floor so that's quite nice which is in in Europe in Europe in Euro yeah 75 what what oh my God I'm moving to bangal the only thing what you hear at night are the dogs yeah and that's once once in a while because it's so quiet we have some neighbors who have guarding dogs and then you have all the stray dogs which are really too many over here it's a shame but uh that they really have to do something about but they go crazy at at certain times of night they they they going to fight so I think the groups of dogs are are fighting be Beyond each other so four or five times a night you really hear them fighting as a hell it's it's too much but further it's very quiet and once in a while you hear the the train it's nice you know it's another kind of Life uh I I go and eat with the guys I go uh eat here at the local uh restaurants whatsoever uh yeah I think that that's something yeah yeah more worthwhile than having or living in a gated community it's it's not for me living in the Gat Community would not give me so much satisfaction as living here free I know even Indians will not agree with me because also there are a lot of Indians Liv inide a gated community I can also partly I can imagine you know you can feel safe over there nothing will happen to you whatsoever where I am as a foreigner I'm living here and you know what all can happen to me I sometimes realize it well I must say I live I live together here I have an apprentice here in in India Aslam he drives me to the factory um he lives on one floor over here uh we we work together in a lot of things he makes me feel safe so I feel safe also because of him over here so nobody will touch me or whatsoever so I have the privilege having an Indian guy over here with me who takes care of me in whatever you can imagine we are very very good friends I think that also makes for me it's more easy to choose live outside enjoy life have parties here sometimes on the roof with real Indians you know we play Bollywood music we only with the guys sometimes you have a part here you play Bollywood uh music the guys who can drink have a drink the other guys they they they stay sober but still they love to dance and to enjoy and and that's what I like you know the parties uh in the hotels is fun but dancing and and having fun with the locals it it's actually yeah in my opinion you know even more fun going to Muslim weddings or actually any wedding over here you know I find if I always find a great honor when they invite me and all these cultures all these kind of rituals they have it's so interesting you know and and yeah Netherlands is safe I don't feel unsafe over here you know that's also a bit a thing people like oh my God how can you live like this yeah uh being in the Netherlands living in an atland it's another kind of living it's another kind of perception of living I think also you struggle sometimes in the way people in the Netherlands teaching is very easy here people they're doing things already so many years teaching is a bit difficult because they are like yeah but I'm doing this already for 20 years why should I change so that process is quite difficult but yeah okay you get adapted to it you can do your thing in the end yeah it's not an easy process but you can do generally India yeah for me it's the people the country as such and the vibe Yes somewhere people are still struggling to live where in Europe everybody is settled actually you know it's more settled more is provided for here you have to struggle for life you have to fight you have to survive in the Netherlands you know there so many things already provided for people and if you look in the Netherlands I'm 62 I sometime have the idea that that people of my age they are fat it their life is over it's okay I really want to really live life yeah enjoy it and live it and and and see new things learn and and yeah you know sometimes it's hard over here you know the traffic W and what you can see in the traffic oh my God so many things happening all the time which is much more regulated of course in the Netherlands and and we have Road accidents but here it's a common thing yeah that makes you also it it makes you sometimes maybe it makes you feel more alive over here I don't know but I feel I I'm more alive over here than when I'm in in in Europe it's it's yeah check out the guys um they don't have any like security you know anything to secure them if they fall down yeah yeah well there you are struggle for life and and and uh yeah live in Europe that won't be possible no no that they would be in security harness and and all those kind of things yes yeah yes sometimes I'm telling Aslam also I like you know oh my God see how they work over here this wouldn't be possible there's so many regulations in our country where impossible to do it this way no no no and that that's yeah I agree there should be regulations but I also think in Europe we are a bit over regulated where here yeah well where do you feel more free here or in in in the Netherlands no I feel more free over here this definitely hey guys just a quick announcement don't skip I'll be running a 3-day Workshop called FASTT track to views and profits on YouTube If you ever wanted to start your own channel this is the best way to do it you will learn how to choose the most profitable Niche and how to be the YouTube algorithm you're going to love it I promise Link in description so sign up if it's for you and now back to the video I don't live in India but I kind of feel also like more energetic more alive when I he yes you just step out to the street and you you smell you see all the colors all the noise it's like people always on the street also like any time of the day yes 10: p.m. 11:00 p.m. will be people on the street interacting with each other so it's really like it's hard to leave here I understand but actually it bring brings you energy it sucks you energy but it also brings you energy yes yes yes somehow that's that's what it is it's crazy not always I can pin out why I love India so much but yeah on the other hand it's happening and uh it's fun yeah yeah really fun here I made day trips it's two three hours and you fully in the nature which is yeah blowing it's so beautiful over here you have so beautiful waterfalls and and then again if you go to my we went I went with my son to the Palace in my oh my God so beautiful and and that that's yeah the Palaces the the the the landmarks uh yeah I love it over here for that it's also visiting doing your day trips nandy Hills you know it's so relaxing it it's so yeah so great I guess neighbors know you because you're a foreigner like only one Foreigner here in neighbor also like you you're looking you look different also from other foreigners yeah I think so yeah yeah yeah mainly I I love to dress up when I go out I love to dress up so they enjoy downstairs you you can see them if I walk outside I really like wow yes so how you make friends there you just walk around and just start talking to people and then invite them for like for drinks or something so here in in the neighborhood um only say hello and and and bye most of my friends I made uh via Aslam or they foreigners yeah so the the Indian friends partly Muslim partly Hindu uh the guys who are party with they are localites and they are really localizes you come at the family's home they treat you also and that's one thing U they treat you like family you know directly when you're there they treat you like family with Aslam family for instance I'm family you know they take care of you like your family when you go out wherever they invite you for for having dinner or to come over with the family yeah that's fun yeah that's really fun and also sometimes you get invited by people who hardly have food and still they will prepare anything for you they will do their utmost to to give you food that's mentality that's something different I I don't think you find that that much in Europe anymore the mentality that however you know you get invited also in the factory sometimes when we have the parties you know they all are excited when you are there and and that's fun and yeah when you dance they really get crazy because all the guys especially the guys you know they want to show off the in in in the Bollywood music uh when they when they play the Indian music I love to dance and when I'm dancing yeah I I I Feel Free so I'm but then especially the Indian guys you know they have to show and they they they they try to or yeah it's that dancing is quite aggressive you know they're really like showing off and but yeah it's fun you know it's nice to see that the guys are appreciating you and yeah they try to treat you as one of them what are the misconceptions in Netherlands about India or maybe in Europe overall about India what people don't get about the country I think India for most people is the the country of yoga uh people will travel to India to go to yoga Resort mainly I think uh Europeans partly they get it because a lot of people who traveling here it's yoga and spirituality you know and somehow the spirituality here in this country is more than in other countries somehow you feel it it it it's more an issue it's more a thing somehow that I must say what I changed being in India what changed me is you get more spiritual in the end yes somehow it it grabs you you and yeah you know I'm living here with a Muslim guy that's somehow also funny because I have discussions with him about his belief and my belief I always say I'm a born Catholic not by choice it's what you become and I think that's my whole belief is everybody is born within his religion not many people choose really their religion because when you are in a religion it's very hard to get out because of your Society where you're living in one thing that I find very interesting to be able to discuss about religion with Aslam who is a Muslim and have discussions about because you know there are so many Crossovers and then again he lives in a country where there's so many Hindus and of course they have uh they do and do not agree about a lot of things where Aslam is quite open and he knows a lot about the Hindu religion also so that makes it very interesting to discuss about spirituality and about yeah religion which of course in the end religion is a thing over here because in the end you know it it's still a country where Muslims and Hindus are trying to get along with each other and uh what I hope in the future they will still get along with each other uh but mainly on the political field that's the thing but when you see it on the streets here there's less problem than there is politically I think so people mingle people walk together people don't give give a dam about what or who you are you work with each other you live with each other it's fine only like it's everywhere in the world you know at a certain point some people get crazy and either whatever reason they find they have to fight with each other which is a shame I think because how nice would it be if this Dam world would be at peace right this is a tailing book mhm which I introduced actually in the factory for instance and more and more here in India because this where we in Europe we are really fond of iring something well and putting this on the buck will make it more easy to keep the forms of a of a jacket because you can follow the forms you can make a chest form a chest over here where uh here in India people are used to iron flat on a table which in my opinion is not right because when a jacket has forms it should form a chest it should form this here m a chest in a jacket when you press it flat it won't form yeah that well I know that you you work with like royal family and with some celebrities uh can you can you tell if you have any stories maybe something memorable oh my god well in the past uh I had the honor to to uh dress the royal family of the Netherlands so uh I have made some garments and I did some uh work for the royal family which was the first time when I was invited to the Royal uh Palace that was really you know I didn't believe it so one of the nice stories actually about this is I didn't believe I was invited so first of all they said me yeah no you really invited and I was no no no they did call me another time to confirm that I really yeah was coming the next day to the Palace so and then I remember getting so nervous I called my dad and I I started to talk to my dad that I can't do this I'm I'm totally not capable and come on and no this is not for me I don't want to go whatsoever and then well I remember the first thing what my father said to me is because I had to go to Prince Claus that was my first visit to the royal family that time and my father said Son does he poo like you do and that was for me actually Revelation yes he also goes to the trilage you know so why should you look up to these people so much they're also normal people they only have another position and that made me relax a lot and uh actually I went over there I was very relaxed with with them and they loved it and and it was nice you know instead of being very nervous about it it C me down so much that I was really very relaxed in the visit and it was very nice to to to to to meet the people and uh to be able to work for the family it was really a big onl yes you had the chance to chat with them talk talk with them yes so what was the conversations about like some casual stuff or yeah mostly when you're there you mostly you try to make them feel comfortable you know yeah and that's what the Taylor does it's like you know when you get a hack cut you get to know your the guy who cuts your hair right yes and you talk with them while you're sitting in the chair so when you take measurements you also get to know people so you also get to know uh a bit more about what they do how they feel and uh yeah it's interesting it are not things you can talk about sometimes you have to keep it uh secret as as far as I you know the first time I met Willam Alexander I actually also met his that time girlfriend Maxima which nobody knew about the the whole Netherlands was thinking he was having a relationship with somebody else I was like Wow and they asked me to make also something for her so I had to measure her and I got to meet her I got to speak with her and wow you know I was very impressed by her at that time yeah I came home and I was really like yeah yeah I want to tell I want to tell but I couldn't you know I was I was feeling like when I tell this to my wife she will tell it to my the neighbor and then it's out and nobody should know this so and you are there because also they trust you they trust that you take care of their privacy so I didn't tell my wife but I think on about a half year later there was a television program where uh a guy and and uh a reporter found out about missa and they followed her in bristles and I I remember sitting on the chair or on on the bench at home home with my wife next to me and she was really looking at me you knew this you knew this I said yes I knew it but I I told her I I could not sorry my dear I I you know this is something you will tell you in such a good relationship with our neighbor you could tell her I was really like yeah no I I I kept this for myself and I had good reasons for it and but she was really sitting like you knew this right I said yes I even met already I already have been making things for her yeah so that was quite something yes do you have any like important principles that you follow maybe something that you kind of obtain through your life something is really like important maybe you teach your kids uh or you used to teach your kids something like really really important in life try to do good don't expect things back do your thing and don't expect things back and apart from that it's uh um you know live your life yeah not someone else life yeah yeah you know I'm not able to live the way other people want me to live be yourself all the way you know when you're extrovert be extrovert when you're introvert okay be introvert uh don't try to change yourself to what other people expect you to be yeah and one very important thing and that's funny because I want I also the guys around me over here I try to R because I'm raised like you don't throw garbage so it's very funny so the first time I'm here and yeah well people are a bit more easy with garbage over here so the first time I went out and uh I went out with Aslam uh we went with the car and halfway we bought some food and he throws it out the window what left over yeah and also the plastic he throws out the window and I was really like oh my God I told him in Holland I would have droven back pick it up and I would throw it in your bed at night to teach you a lesson you don't throw garbage so yeah and even with my kids I I was always very strict with yeah keep it clean yeah and I still I try and I I always whatever there is some package in the car or whatsoever I try to make him put it in the car instead of throw it out where partly he's running you know they throw out the plastic bottles but when he throws it out he throws it let's say last time we were having our we were at the road side where they um put some air in our uh tires and we had three bottles plastic bottles and then he throws them next to that guy's his shed yeah and I'm like what the hell why they will use it yeah he will sell it it's money for them yeah we don't have that perception it's garbage so it's it's out in the open where we also have to be you know that that's the other side of it you see on the road you sometimes see these garbage piles where and I'm aware because I I remember working in Mumbai where one day there was only garbage on the streets and then the next day one Minister had to come and they clean the full Street Suddenly It's possible but you have to realize the day before people are earning money by gathering plastic or metal out of it whatsoever people earning money by cleaning out or or or searching through that garbage but only because a politician has to go go by they clean it out but they also take a way of living income from people which we can't comprehend sometimes where here it's like that you know you also have to be okay I can be very obate about that they littering the country somehow but on the other hand I also know people are earning money by retrieving plastic from that garbage P so you are 62 I'm 62 yes uh how does it feel to be 62 how does it feel to be 62 um I'm still a kid of 18 years old so yeah and I I think if if you would ask anything you know um here in Bangalore you have the Seuss party app so that's an app for people uh for experts uh to meet each other and go out if you ask them they will tell you the same they will tell you okay that guy his energy is unmatchable he I will dance five six hours in the evening when I want I love to dance for me it it's going out and party especially dance getting rid of all the stress of all the week it's I I I love it I'm happy I still have that energy I'm still able to to to dance and do like what I want it's it's yeah so no I I'm not feeling 62 at all I'm living in complete denial
Channel: Max Chernov
Views: 81,597
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Keywords: max chernov, india foreigners, india foreigners reaction, india foreigners vlog, india life vlog, indian lifestyle, india travel, india travel guide, foreigners in india, mumbai, expat life in india, india vlog, foreigner in india, foreigner, expat life, living abroad, india life, mumbai india, भारत में विदेशी।, life of foreigners in india, india, misconceptions about india, bharat, foreigners in bangalore, real india, truth about india, dutch in india, european in india
Id: duy-2ldrzRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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