Why The World Hates Christians by David Wilkerson

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subject this morning why the world hates Christians why you do you understand your hated you understand you're going to be persecuted that's what Jesus said we'll talk about it this morning thank you Father for your word and I pray you anoint me this morning lord I thank you that you put this in my heart from my own welfare but more than that for the body of Christ and I pray for an unction from the Holy Spirit God let us hear what the Spirit has to say in Jesus name Amen go to John 15 please the fifteenth chapter John let's start verse 16 you have not chosen me but I've chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name he will give it to you these things I command you that you love one another if the world hates you you know it hated me before it hated you if you are of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I've chosen you out of the world therefore or for this reason the world hated you remember the word that I said to you the servant is not greater than his Lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my sayings they will keep yours also but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent me now here's what Jesus said and the Commission to all of us I've chosen you ordained you to go and bring forth fruit and not only that but he added these words and that your fruit should remain in other words that you would have lasting fruit fruit that would withstand the Judgment Day when we're all called an account before the throne of Christ now the Bible when it says I sent you forth to bear fruit I take that to me the work in the Ministry of Christ doing his work we're all called to evangelize we're all called to preach Christ a minister I am called to make disciples and trade them and cause them to grow in price that I can present a chase bride just as Paul said to Jesus Christ but this is such a thing as the false conversion you know that there are people who are called converts who are reading not converts jesus warned the Pharisees woe unto you scribes Pharisees hypocrites you compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he's made you make him twofold more the child of Hell than yourself and then words he said you've gone out and you have made what you consider convert you you've got some kind of confession from him you've got him to attend your church and he looks right he says the right words but you don't understand because you don't have an experience yourself that what you teach and what you preach has never had an effect an impact to change your life and you're just giving dr. you're giving theology and you have impure motives because you devour widows houses you're cheating widows you're doing things in your life they're too dishonest and your motives are not right and yet you're going out winning converts but Jesus said in the process though they sit at your synagogues in your churches and even though you call them converts and you add them to your numbers you have made them a twofold child of hell in other words they were going to hell before you talk to them and now they're twice as damned is they were than when you talk to them now those are strong words but they come from Christ himself Jesus cried hypocracy you make them twofold more child of hell that you shall receive the greater damnation going to be many many ministers stand before the Lord receive the greater damnation and all the drug addicts in the world put together because they considering they have called people convert and I will get into this making it is possible for Minister the gospel it is possible those who evangelize to make people twice told The Devil's child according to the scripture he said you shut up the kingdom of heaven because you have no work of God in your own heart you have literally though you talk about God now these are scribes and Pharisees who were Bible scholars they knew the Bible they knew the Bible of that time they knew the tour and they they they could explain it all and they they were out zealous he said they scour the seas of the lands they they would everywhere trying to make even and all the plans and all the schemes to make one convert one proselyte jesus said you are so set on numbers and building up your synagogues you go to these extremes to make converts you see Christ despised the hypocrisy of shepherds and those who evangelize more concerned about the count than the conversion more concerned about the numbers then really seeing a work a true work of conversion done into their heart not wonder what Jesus would see today when he sees the same spirit he said you roam sea and land for new concepts and new ideas and programs to get people into the church then you are lost in this hypocracy of numbers and measuring success by the number of bodies that sit in the congregation and what a hypocracy this isn't the sight of God we have now in America what we call mega churches right now this morning all over the United States that there were traffic jams in many many circles you it took you some people an hour just to get in the parking lot of some churches thousands and thousands lined up their police officers directing traffic in and out and in people jamming into the into these places and some of the church edifices look like theme parks I mean they are like shopping malls you go to some churches they have McDonald's in there they're their own malls now folks I'm not putting this down many of them there's a number of them I know that have got these servants and Shepherds there that are preaching the gospel and many thousands and some of these churches are being truly converted and I have no I'm not putting that down and no correction for any of that I'm in no position for that times for church it is considered a mega church thousands of 10 this and this morning of people in overflow rooms and all the overflow rooms are have people in them hearing the gospel now and I can assure you that there are a number of people that come to Time Square Church who call themselves conference you are not converted did you know that I'm not judging them but I just know for a fact that they they have created their own Christ in their mind they've heard the word has gone in 1 E or not the other they've not allowed it and and you can go to hell just as quick here is any other place you can become a twofold child to hell sitting under good holy gos preaching but I can assure you if anybody goes to hell a to full child of the devil a lot of times for a church is not going to be the fault of any preacher or the preaching from this pulpit it's going to be because you've hardened your heart and you will not listen to a convicting word of the Holy Ghost we will not stand before God with your blood on our hands it will be not because there's been a half gospel preached here but there'll be a true gospel preached here it'll be preached this morning is preached every time it may not be the best of preaching but will be the anointed preaching to touch your heart where are the John the Baptist today who are unafraid to preach the gospel and lose numbers in the process of necessary not the purpose of it but where are those who impress the same message the presidents and Kings as they do to the lowly people that come into their houses of worship where are the on the baptists today not afraid to preach the gospel whether it affects the finances or not whether it affects the crowd or not a friend called me recently he said I'm going to certain church in and I hear good concepts but I don't hear anything to convict they go right from the preaching into announcements and there's no there's no conviction and I'm trying and the pastor's I don't know what that's all about I don't understand that I don't understand this concept of conviction I tremble to think that it's possible that that I are any Minister the gospel that it the message could be softened just to please people just to attract people to soften or preach less than an entire gospel without seeking God with everything for a Holy Ghost anointing to drive it deep into the hearts and bring conviction and I trouble to think that possible that any preacher the gospel shut up that heaven and make converts twofold children of hell that's what he said to these scribes and Pharisees he said you you making converts and you're preaching your gospel but you are actually shutting the heavens and making your people two times over children of hell can't shake that when I think about my responsibility here this morning and preaching the gospel to you those that hear this on tape you see I don't preach to be loved I don't preach to be accepted now my flesh wants to be loved but I'd rather send you home if you have sin in your heart and give you sleepless nights I would rather you walk out her and say I don't like that kind of preaching but you are thinking about it the Holy Ghost is dealing with you and you are being changed by it don't stop loving me just because I said that Bible said Jesus called his disciples together and listen to these words and in the audience of all the people he gave this scathing rebuke to these religious scribes the scholars of his day beware of the scribes which desire to walk in long robes and love greetings in the markets and the highest seats in the synagogues and the chief rooms at feast and always eat beware of shepherds who love the praises of men who love the social events to sit in high places and be recognized by leaders and by politicians and want to be accepted I want to tell you sir if you're a pastor hearing your toast of the town something's wrong with your preaching Bible said you're going to be hated the Bible says you're going to be despised if you're accepted looking for acceptance if on the job you're looking for acceptance and you were hiding your light under bushes because you would rather have the approval of your coworkers you're not living according to the gospel you're not living according to the the commission that Jesus Christ has given his church beware of those religious Bible people who seek the affection the applause of the ungodly a church accepted by the world is an oxymoron in other words it's a foolishness is no such thing as a church that is truly preaching and working under the Holy Ghost fulfilling the commission of the Word of God that is loved and accepted by the world it's impossible if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I've chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you if you were of the world if you were their kind they'd love you I've been greatly influenced by the writings of a godly man called George Bowen George Botha was a Presbyterian missionary in India from 1848 to 1879 he gave up all of his missionary support and he moved in an India right into a slum area and lived as the native and deliver there for years living just frugally and almost in poverty but he was one the greatest men that I've read her ever read about in his writings of deeply affected my life and he warned there's over 150 years ago he warned of the coming of a Protestant Antichrist and he said that Antichrist is going to be the influence of society being brought into the Church of Jesus Christ its ways its methods its morals infiltrating the Church of Jesus Christ he called the Protestant Antichrist the spirit of mixed in with the world and he said the time is going to come with this Antichrist may take his throne in that time you will know that time has come when the church the Protestant church is no longer persecuted it is no longer and it's now loved and accepted by the world that means that this Antichrist spirit has come and Jesus is no longer Lord but the ways and means and methods of the world have crept in we received a letter two weeks ago from a lady so distraught she said I love Jesus and our church used to be so on fire but it is excellent out every Saturday night in the gym that have wrestling matches they bring in professional wrestlers and they even have fake blood they have it all in the crowd goes crazy just like you see on television it sees in our church now is a wrestling match see the the Protestant Antichrist is is determined this is a spirit of the last days Department to so intermingle society its ways means and methods with the church that it's indistinguishable from the world so that the world accepts it the world is now a part of the church and that the Church of the part of the world that is the Protestant Antichrist woe unto you and all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers of the false prophets if we are preaching the Word of God as it should be then like Paul the Apostle as a pastor of this church I'm going to be considered by the world out there by homosexuals by politically correct people by leaders who are ungodly and by the theater crowd and all those who've rejected Christ I'm going to be considered all scouring of the world and so will you on your job jesus said don't think they will persecuted me they persecuted me and if they persecuted me they're going to persecute you he said you're going to get it but most of all we're going to be hated by the backslidden religious crowd by Bible scholars get new york times today and you'll see a story in the new york times I read it last night before going to bed a story about a thousand in fact hundreds and hundreds and even thousands of young people lining up with various Christian food organizations and charitable organizations ready to go into Iraq as soon as the doors are open they're going to distribute food and preach Christ in Iraq and the article is soldier Agha Tory but the worst criticism came from a Baptist Bible scholar I was shocked I think it's great that that this work could be used in some way to open the doors and that thousands of Muslim turned to Jesus Christ to me that that's me the only connect and make sense out of this whole thing but to hear it was enough to hear the world mocking it thinking that it is a right-wing religious ploy but to hear a Bible scholar saying let's mind our own business and to put it down is the very thing I'm talking about in this message go to Matthew the 5th chapter just dis turn there very quickly Matthew the fifth chapter the chapter of Matthew starting at verse 10 blessed are they which are what persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are ye when men shall revile you persecute you and do what except you and bless you and congratulate you know they shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake but to say rejoice be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before them now folks I know that some churches and some Christians are persecuted for their stupidity their they are persecuted because they have unfair dealings with their friends are in their business dealings are they there are adult errs in there for example or churches that are just doing foolish things then and their hate in there despise for that but I'm talking about those who have a heart for Christ they're preaching a pure gospel and they have a heart for a lost world Bible says the closer you get to the mission of Christ the closer you get to preaching the gospel that he's ordained the more hated and the more despised you will be by the world why does the world hate the church and it's pastors and its prisoners what's the cause of this hatred Jesus said that the world hate you you know it hated me before it hated you the servant is not greater than his Lord if they persecuted me they will also persecute you you see the church and every true Christian every true believer is hated because of our mission I want to talk to you about the mission of the church and show you why if you're truly obeying the true mission of Christ to a lost world you're going to be marked you're going to be persecuted on the job you're going to be persecuted in the church and the time will come the closer we get to fulfilling God's mission in New York when you mentioned times for a church you're going to people see their eyebrows go up oh oh that church because you see we're going to be taking a stand against the powers of darkness as we've never taken it before and all hell's going to get angry and everyone is walking with the enemy and a rejecter of Jesus Christ is going to be an enemy you're going to find enemies on the job you're going to find enemies everywhere because you are fulfilling the mission now let me talk about this mission and somebody's gonna be a little horrified by what I'm saying you're gonna draw back is there well wait a minute brother that's too strong but what is my mission is the past what is your mission is as a witness for Jesus Christ it's more than going out just telling people jesus loves you it's more than trying to give people examples of how much you suffer so they'll have pity on you so they'll listen to your gospel my mother just died and I'm feeling a little sad but I want to tell you how Jesus can comfort it's more than that that's fine but it goes far beyond that our mission is to take from ungodly men that which is dearest to their heart their self-righteousness you and your Commission to go and tell men who has spent a lifetime believing that they're doing good and that they're achieving something I'm kind to my family and I'm kind of people and they spent a lifetime building up what they believe is integrity and you come along and tell them it's filthy rags you come to translate people out of the kingdom of darkness into a kingdom light that kingdom of light that they think is nothing but bondage then suffering you're taking away from their freedom more than that you you've been sent to execute them to kill them how what do you think if people come in and they hear is talked about dying to grunt lying to the world dying to sin being crucified you say wait a minute what for isn't that our mission isn't this our mission to show them that you have to die to sin and the self will and to self independence and you come along and they have spent their lifetime killing their conscience searing it and silencing a voice and you come along with the voice water than conscience and say without Christ and say this lovingly as you can say with tears in your eyes but you are speaking of voice louder than their conscience and they have spent a lifetime achieving this false peace you come along safe without being born to get you a rebel you you did to you to them you're an executioner you come to kill him all this time I've been ok all this time I know I've been through this and in folks they have built their own Tower of Babel of self-confidence they have an idolatry of a Christ that created their own mind who's just like them and you come along and talk about another kind of Christ a Christ who demands full surrender you come along and you speak these things to the world folks you better have the Holy Ghost with you you better be speaking the mind of God there are people are praising themselves that they're not so bad here you come saying all your goodness is an abomination in the eyes of God that you've achieved in your own flesh and your own works it comes a Christian it comes a path they come into church how many people walk into this church and they have finally comes in place ah really thing but if God admires them now I'm not so bad I'm too good for hell maybe not quite ready for heaven but I'm getting there very fast then they come in and sit and hear a man say unless you're born again you can't enter the kingdom of heaven folks think of what our mission is and how the world perceives that mission there are millions of people filling our church pews today thinking they're in God's good graces and they hear a message hear a message that comforts them we come along and we've preached repentance and life change we preach that self-made integrity is not acceptable to God that rather being rather than they being in God's favor God's wrath is upon those who would not receive his loving call to surrender all to him we come along preaching the blood of Christ and separation from the world we talked about submission and obedience to the Word of God and they can't conceive you see my job as a preacher is to convince men to love a Christ they can't even trust to commit themselves to a Christ they don't believe in some will say well brother leave that's not the way you may be from the church and you said that's not the way do you may be a pastor hearing me and then you say well that's not the way I approach my mission that's not my mission you see I don't believe in confrontation in my church I preach non-controversial messages just love and grace one pastor would say I would never expect anybody to leave my church uneasy and I would sure not like to take anybody sleep from them by what they heard me preach I can't speak for other pastors I can't speak for other churches and I'm going to speak what I know from preaching for over 50 years to some of those hardest wickedness sinners on the face of the earth the drug addicts for years and alcoholics and prostitutes and more than that preaching to Pharisees those who are church people for years and years not speaking about it they've gone to church and they be there all right and they're hypocrites and they're blinded to their condition you've got them in the Baptist churches we've got thousands of Baptists going to hell Pentecostals anothers been to church all their life and they're harder than anybody on the street you can't reach them there they're hardened to the gospel because they they have an image of Christ that they've created and they accept all of the promises of the work but none of the commandments and none of the woes let me tell you suavity and softness and half-truths never going to break down the walls of the wicked in the world today you know in Christ approach Saul of Tarsus that Christian killer he didn't send a soft-spoken preacher to take him out to lunch and over brunch slip a little Jesus to him I'm not trying to be facetious he didn't take a poll of this man say what do you think of Christ and what would it take Saul for you to change your mind and receive Christ and quit killing these Christians no no no no a blinding light a full blast of the presence of Jesus himself that exposed his heart and that's what is going to take in these last days it's going to take John the Baptist in the pulpit with a broken heart who knows the fullness and the meekness of Christ and preach Jesus preach with meekness and he preached with love and yet they killed him I want to preach mercy I preached grace and I'm gonna preach through love and I want to pray through tears but folks the walls are up now the only thing is going to bring it down is a full blast of the presence of Jesus in our churches and coming out of the mouths of our pastors that has to be a full blast to the presence of Jesus that has to be felt in every church then without the holy presence the awesome presence of Jesus and without preaching that touch of the heart we're going to close the heavens and folks there's no greater deception that I can think of that I could be guilty of than to count heads in the congregation and make me look good and measure my success by the number of bodies in these seats and not be concerned about your soul and comes to heaven to you and make you twofold devil hell that frightens my soul we watch for your soul the Bible says Jesus said I've chosen you out of the world and that strikes at the heart of why we are hated he said I've chosen you out of the world therefore the world hates you for this reason they hate you because I called you out of their condition I called you out of their fellowship I called you out and not only did I call you out I sent you to call everybody else out and the Protestant Antichrist comes against this very thing that I'm talking about that you don't have to call people out anymore you can still live like the world you can be a part of all of the morals and mores of society and still call yourself Christian what do I mean by the world I've called you out of the world knowing folks when we talk about the way we think about lust and pornography and drug addiction all these things you call out of the world that fact that's a part of it that but that's not the issue of cause y'all or you see the world in the eyes of God is an unwillingness to surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ that's worldliness in its fullest meaning scripturally did that you want to be a Christian you want to be a follower you want to be called a convert of Christ but you will not come under the full lordship of Jesus Christ because you see when you come under the lordship of Jesus Christ you don't have to have a man in the pulpit screaming against your sins all they can name them yes they are to name them yes there's to be reproof but you see if you come under the lordship of Jesus you cling to Christ you begin to love reproof you begin to allow the Holy Spirit to speak into your life things that are unlike Jesus Christ and he does the work that no preacher on earth can do because you're surrendered to the lordship of Jesus Christ you see you can't come under lordship of Jesus Christ until you brought face-to-face with a cross and I'm telling you something now I want you to listen closely I see young preachers especially good young men pastors wanting to build these great churches and some of them now stand in the pulpit they're preaching to thousands but I want to tell you something there is so little preaching the cross of Jesus Christ there's so little of bringing them face to face at the demands that you come to Jesus Christ and you surrender to his lordship you come and lay down your independence and we've got people living independently they're living just like the world talking like the world drinking like the world sleeping around like the world and in the house of God calling themselves believers and there's no conviction and there's there's no coming to the cross and in that process for that brought to this cross if we're not brought to this absolute cry of God an absolute demand of the cross to die to sin and die to my ambition and die to my way of doing things and come to the righteousness of Jesus through the cross then I've shut the heavens and I've made converts a twofold member of hell Jesus ones turned to some earthly relatives and he said these shocking words he said world can hate you now think of that these are brethren you know with that in first the world can't hate you because you're of the world because the world does not hate its own and this I think is the measurement of the Church of Jesus Christ to measure whether it's fulfilling the mission or not that's how you measure time Square Church the most damning one of the most damning things Christ ever said one of the most soul destroying things Christ every sand that dissin I can't get it out of my heart and my mind and the conviction of it makes me tremble I don't want it ever said of me the world can't hate you David Jesus said they hated me without a cause and no cause to hate me you know you would think you see Christians are called to be meek gentle kind and if you were to believe that's the way you're going you're going in that direction you care about people and on the job where you're giving your heart to people you're doing everything you know to helping your meek and you're kind and you're gentle up it's not natural for people to hate you for that is it yeah you you ask people how they're doing on the job and you you do everything you can say I pray for you you give you you may bring them a covered dish you would do everything and you do everything Christian's I would think that you would hate those who robbed you and steal from you and curse you that would seem more natural to the flesh but you see when you are fulfilling the mission of Christ you're doing you're not going out trying to hurt anybody folks we are to approach the world with patience were to be like a tender nurse that worked to preach with authority and the Holy Ghost weather and folks get out of your mind once and for all wanting to be loved on your job loving to be applauded now no you should you should be admired for being faithful and doing a good job if you're lazy you're not a good Christian if you're stealing you're not a Christian at all you'd have been an example but if you're going around walking on eggs trying to have anybody say he's a good Joe she she she she but what a wonderful person she is be careful the world can't hate you why if you're fulfilling his mission Jesus are there going to hate you and they're going to persecute you and folks in the chaotic days ahead there there is coming the most incredible persecution of the body of Jesus Christ in all of history you're going to face it everywhere and the more you hear the gospel and live by it the more you hunger for Jesus and the more you speak truth out of an honest heart you're fulfilling the divine purposes in the ministry that God is called his church - you're going to know what it's like for people to be so condescending to you to look down their nose in other words at you and then talk behind your back they'll say things to you that are hurting there's going to be persecution more than that many people are going to be losing their jobs you see your you're not hated because of your appearance you're not hated because the way you dress you're not hated because of the color of your skin now that that happens but if you are Christian that's not why you're hated you are hated because you represent Jesus and you're coming against everything that they believe is white everything that they tried to earn everything that they stand for and they're what they call they're hoping you're taking that hope from them you've got to understand that you've got a hard mission you've been called to but I'll tell you something else before I close the more you're hated by the world the more you're loved by the body of Christ oh what a wonderful thing to come in from a hectic week come in from a hectic week and all the things you've heard and what people have said what you've had to go through and and all the trials sent out of hell I'll tell you the devil has sent His angels with some of you in the choir and in this house all of the devils actually sent agent because he sees your walk and your determination to go all the way with the Lord and he sent angels out of hell and he sent demon emissaries and and adversaries against your soul to trouble you I've never seen more trouble in the true Christian world and then there there there is no I've never seen so much suffering never seen it in all my years of ministry but I'll tell you what he's sprinkling the body of Christ and when you come into God's house one little hug from a brother or sister and they know that you're just you have the same spirit you've been persecuted but they say welcome home brother welcome home sister here's your house here's where you'll love it's going to be more more important and to come to God's house to receive and give love to build up the body as it goes back out into the world to face the persecution of trials that we still face ahead Jesus said I warned you as they persecuted me they will persecute you will you stand uh if you're here this morning and you're thinking to yourself wait a minute I know I'm a Christian and I'm gonna love Jesus but I'm not being persecuted and I don't feel that hate coming at me I'm I'm rather well loved don't worry about it it's coming don't worry about it and don't don't feel you know I must be one of those that the world can't hate no and I'm not I'm not going to put that kind of fear on you at all but be sure that it's coming but don't be afraid of it can I say something else before close with Iraq and now the troubled economy and all the personal things that come upon us all the suffering I think of a gran with twenty operations already another coming up this week you know I sent my study and all I hear is let not your heart be troubled let not your heart be troubled folks can you believe that can you practice that while you're standing here right now the presence of the Lord can you just ask MOLLE Spirit to come and bring you his peace to your heart and say Lord Jesus I'm not going to listen to all of this I'm not letting it in my spirit I'll folks if you listen to the news today and hear all of this stuff that's coming turn off those top shows if you listen to radio turn them off and you're going to make you angry it's going to get in your spirit it's going to trouble your soul you need to come in God's house without a troubled spirit you need to walk through life and hold that be joy in your heart put on some Christian music put on Pastor Carter's tapered thing and let the music fill your house get in your car slip in us Christian CD turn everything else off he said feed your soul on the good thing what so things are pure and honest good report think on these things haole I'm sick of all this stuff I don't want it in my spirit in fact I was reading New York Times last night I only read it for about 15 minutes and especially the article I just shut it down and threw it on the side I'm not even gonna buy this paper anymore I'm not going to have anything to do I'm sick and tired of this this troubles your spirit Lord bring peace to the house bring the joy of Jesus to the house lordy said all these things that they persecute you looked up and rejoiced just rejoice because you're counted worthy to suffer with Christ hallelujah blessed be the name let's just praise Him right now just give him an offering of praise we give you praise we honor you lord give us peace best in our heart because God is good in his faithful this mercy endures forever hallelujah I am led of the Holy Spirit to give an invitation for just in particular needs here this morning up in the balcony here and in the Annex as well some of you and I was just speaking in the spirit some of you have your back right against the wall you came here this morning that way it looks like there's no way out I don't know what the difficulty I don't know what the trial may be but you up against something that you can't handle and you know you can't handle it it may be a sin that you have fought with them struggle was so long and it's just discouraged you because you say with all the preaching I've heard all the teaching I've had I guess it doesn't work for me and you're discouraged I'm talking to some discouraged people I'm talking to people going through the trial of their life it may be physical spiritual emotional I don't know what it may be some of you some just at the end relative I am at the end my room end of my endurance I want you to obey the Holy Spirit walk down we're going to pray a prayer of faith and believe God to meet your need that that's what the house of God is about that's what the Holy Ghost is all about and if this is a Holy Ghost Church of God's going to meet your knee if you come with an open heart up in the balcony go the stairs on the other side now if you're not right with God you're backslidden you walk down now nobody to know who you are you come here right now and say brother they've I've been drifting from the Lord my heart's not right with God and I want I don't want to give this church that way I want God to touch me this morning and up in the balcony and in the Annex in the annex I'm going to ask you to just go forward between the screens and let me pray for it because even though I'm not in the room there the spirit of God's in the room it is our pray you're going to know God's there and touching you and you walk out of this place renewed the scripture said without faith it's impossible to please God they that come dim must believe that he is and he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him he rewards you in other words not because you've earned it but out of his grace and out of his love if you believe him and trust him right now that he's going to make the second thing God told me to tell you listen closely now please you have got to believe that God your Heavenly Father who loves you is interested and concerned knows all about the simplest details in your life everything the hairs on your head how you feel what you're going through your finances your marriage your home your job everything this is Jimmy now there's not one thing that concerns you that doesn't concern him not one thing you've got to come to that faith right now I believe that he's concerned you say well he's so busy taking care of the universe the stars and the moon the Sun hahaha that there his love is focused on you his concern is focused on you on all of us he cares what you're going through but he said you can cast all your care on me but you've got to believe that I'm that way that's what I am and you've got to be that I'm going to reward you now faithful he said Nathan just forgive you cleanse you from all unrighteousness and rewarder of those who diligently seek Him in other words here's how you seek Him by believing what he said I you believe what he said that he's interest and everything has to do with you you believe that everything that you have in your heart now the trouble is you you can take it to him right now in prayer and lay it down and give it to him and he'll start doing what he has to do - first of all lift you above the problem there sense what first thing he does he doesn't just take away all your troubles he lifts you by his Spirit above them so that you're here sitting in high places in Christ Jesus and then he said you trust me down here all these things trust me it's not going to happen overnight but believe that I'm behind the scenes working I'm doing things I'm putting things in process that are happening just trust me with it that will you do that now pray this with me right I hear Jesus I know you're interested in everything in my life every detail every problem everything that makes me sad everything that's come against me everything in my life and my job and my whole and I bring it to you with confidence but you love me and you care about me and I'm giving you my faith forgive my unbelief forgive my sins and I come to you as a child in simple faith saying lord I believe ask you to reward me now with confidence and that you would lift this burden from my heart lift it now oh Jesus you promised you'll never fail me and you told me I could cast all my cares on you because you said you cared for me and I believe that now let me pray father in the annexe for those that are standing between the screens go there now and here in this auditorium and I pray Lord Jesus that you hear me from on high because you're here now to meet us you're here to meet our needs Oh God we're overwhelmed when we think of all the needs when we think of all the financial problems when we think of people that have come to the end of their rope they don't even have any more tears left there are people here Lord that if we heard their story we would be so shocked and overwhelmed we would probably be cast down and say Oh Lord it's beyond hope but nothing's beyond hope with you nothing is impossible with our God nothing say it with me nothing is impossible with my god again nothing is impossible with God now Lord let that be let that be what we carry away from this meeting tonight this morning we walk out the door Lord I turn it to you because nothing is impossible to you and I believe you to turn it around do whatever you have to do give me strength in the mean time and give me hope and put joy in my heart and rejoicing hallelujah thank you for we give you thanks for Jesus we give you thanks [Applause]
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 127,837
Rating: 4.8640165 out of 5
Keywords: David, Wilkerson, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2010
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