Why the Tube Screamer is a MUST-HAVE Pedal: Discover 3 Amazing Reasons!

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what if I told you that there's one pedal that can change your tone game forever today we're going to discover three awesome reasons why the tube screamer is a must-have pedal for every guitar player [Music] hey Steve Stein here from guitarzoom.com and today we're going to dive into the legendary Tube Screamer and unveiled the top three reasons why this pedal is an absolute must-have for every guitar player so strap in and let's get ready to elevate your tone game alright so the Ibanez Tube Screamer is an overdrive pedal that can be used for all kinds of different things when I was younger I always thought like an overdrive pedal and a distortion pedal and all those things were the same thing and basically the reason why you'd run those is because you were running a clean channel on AMP and you wanted to get Distortion which oftentimes is very much true but there's other ways that you can use those and what I want to talk about today are three ways that I use these pedals to um help situations that I find myself in so number one for instance let's say you're playing through an amplifier where you only have a couple of channels and you've got a channel set up for more of a clean Channel and you've got a channel set up for more of a High Gain lead channel for instance what I love is the fact that you could use the tube screamer as sort of a bump in between those two channels so let me show you what I mean so right now what I'm doing is I'm using my Synergy amp and in this uh example I'm going to be using one of the Friedman modules and I've got a picture for you of that and basically what I'm going to do here is this is my tone okay and you can see that the tube screamer is off at this point now the tube screamer that I'm using is actually a custom made one uh by a gentleman by the name of Mike Fortin so this thing's got a lot of gain and what I want you to notice is just how I've got the settings on this okay so basically my first the first knob is all the way down the last knob usually on a tube screamer might be all the way up in this case there's just so much gain that I don't need that and uh and then the middle button or the middle knob is just kind of in the center and again I'm just trying to keep things very basic here so what I can do is let's say I was playing something [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of my favorite Kings act songs for instance and then it gets into the next section and I want more gain but I don't want a ton of gain okay what I could do is I could simply bump this on [Music] [Music] and then back off and it sounds really really nice so again maybe my amp only has two channels so I've I don't have a clean Channel I've got a little bit of gain on there but my other channel is really set up for leads and things like that so this is a perfect reason why I would use something like a tube screamer okay now again you don't have to have a custom Tube Screamer and you don't really have to have an actual Tube Screamer there's a lot of other pedals out there that are Tube Screamer like that could be a lot less expensive but it's a really great way of being able to fill that gap between those two channels now let's say I bump up to a little bit higher gain so I'm going to move over to the uh the ubershaw module of the Synergy app now [Music] and that's what it sounds like without the pedal on sounds great but watch what happens when I turn the pedal on now you're going to hear everything tighten up okay so it's not just about adding more gain although it is doing that but it's going to take the sound that I'm I have going here it's going to tighten that up and I want you to listen to it [Music] [Laughter] okay now obviously it's doing the same thing as the last example where it's adding a bit of a gain boost as well but you can hear that everything is tightening up so what's really great about this is I'm it's really it's really functioning as two things in one right now where I could be using it in the as of the first example where I'm just boosting it a little bit in terms of the gain going from maybe a more classic rock tone [Music] a more hard rock modern rock kind of tone I could be doing that but in addition to that it's taking my sound and making it a little less flubby if you will now again there's nothing wrong with either one of those sounds I just want you to understand the difference okay and then the last thing that I really love about this is that if you're like me and you you travel and maybe you go somewhere and you're gonna play um a back line you know a an amp that somebody has has set up for you to use at whatever situation that you find yourself in when you've traveled maybe you're playing with a band maybe you know I might be doing a guitar clinic or something like that and I'm using an amp and maybe that amp doesn't give me as much gain as I might need for a particular situation in my discussion or in my playing or whatever it is the nice thing about bringing a pedal like this along is that it obviously fits very well in whatever case that I'm bringing on the plane or traveling however I'm traveling and I can simply use that as sort of a comfort device if you will where no matter where it is that I go if I'm in a situation where the amp that I'm using isn't going to give me that comfort zone that I always like I know I've got this pedal that I can use to help me attain that that comfort zone now again if I'm playing clean or something it doesn't make any difference I'm perfectly fine but we've already talked about how this pedal can sort of act as a as a go between between a couple of different channels so if I'm using an amplifier that I'm not comfortable with or I'm not used to using or whatever the nice thing about this is that it offers me the availability of being able to add a bit more gain tighten that tone a little bit whatever the case may be because I've been in situations and maybe you have too where you've jumped on stage with somebody before and played through an amp and that amp is just so vastly different than what you're comfortable using and it's okay again if it's a song or something it's perfectly fine but if it's a set or a show you know or whatever it might be you want to become comfortable you know you want to play the way that you normally play and so that's what I really love about a pedal like this as well so hopefully that helps you to better understand maybe different reasons why you'd use a pedal like this again it doesn't need to be this exact pedal it's just the idea of having a pedal that can take your all your your the tone that you already have and just accentuate it a bit more or it can act as a go-between to just give you a little bit of a bump so there you have it three really great reasons why the tube screamer is really an essential pedal for every guitar player and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit the Subscribe button for more awesome content and check out guitarzoom.com also do me a favor leave me a comment below and let us know if this video helped you and if you're interested or maybe you already use a tube screamer alright so keep practicing and I'll see you in the next video [Music] thanks [Music]
Channel: Steve Stine Guitar Lessons
Views: 45,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric guitar lessons, electric guitar lessons for beginners, fuzz pedal, guitar effects pedals, guitar lesson, guitar lessons, guitar lessons for beginners, guitar licks, guitar solo lesson, guitar solo tutorial, how to play pinochle, how to solo on guitar, ibanez, ibanez tube screamer, ibanez tube screamer mini, steve stine, steve stine guitar lessons, tube screamer, tube screamer pedal
Id: T_ZOaNkD1uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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