Why The Stock Market is Tanking | Stop Loss | Do This ASAP🔥🔥🔥

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[Music] what's up YouTube Liston family I'm tapping in as we got one more dat left in a week which means we got one more chance to get in our back and do what we do I got a jam Pack video for you guys I'm going to teach you a couple things especially relating to your stop loss and and how I want you guys to think about it okay stick around and take some notes class will be in session today all right but listen do me a favor please make sure you like subscribe help this video get at least 1,000 likes and without further Ado let's go ahead and dive into it all right guys I'm jumping right into the charts today I got the 15minute time frame pulled up on Apple all right now listen to this apple ran up this week it was a beautiful play but what goes up must come down and so now check it out apple on the 15minute time frame has came back to support that is the number one thing we want to spend some time talking about take your eyes to where we're currently at and understand we are at critical support on the 15minute time frame all right with that being said things you should be understanding and identifying when you see this okay the 15 is a prominent time frame so if we lose this level look at how it's making a flag this time guys it is making a bare flag yesterday's lesson was about a bull flag when stocks are going up a bare flag is what has helped us get all the way down to this level okay and so that be flag if it plays out Apple will begin to lose the breakout that it did to get way up here to 218 219 in the first place and it's going to come all the way back down guys to 28 okay but I want you guys to see resistance is at 211 so you need to understand you are in a little range two right now 209 209 to 21 and you need to see if we can't get back above 2172 then this bare flag will be in play and will take us down further towards that 208 level and then back to 196 level okay understand what's that play all right so so do your homework with this watch any TR this ain't about Apple this is just me giving an illustration but when you see your stock sitting at support what do do we do at support okay what do we do when support fails is the question when support fails if this was to fail what should you do let me know down in the comments below listen guys I wanted to put that on you I wanted to make sure that you guys understand that stocks go up and down when they lose their level okay the level for Apple was around 210 211 when they lose that what do you do so if support fails let me know down in the comments below what do you do let me know the answer down to the comments below okay now check this out now we going to pull out something I want you to see I want you guys to see this this is a Apple 207 A2 put all right I want you guys to see this this is more about a lesson that I want you guys to understand so earli in the week this play made lifechanging money from 211 218 okay boom you have to lock in profits in order for you to realize the actual gain okay then once it reach your all-time high guess what guys it's going to come right back down and so right now it is come down but this time it came down and is at support kind of broke through support so if support don't hold we are going to have a move back to actually 196 okay but check this out look at this this is just a small position but this is for teaching purposes I have three contracts everybody look at my average cost my average cost is 174 and so the current price is 186 does everybody see and understand this okay the average cost is 174 the current price is 1 cent so look at the bottom right now I'm up 6% almost 7 % okay so when I say use your stop loss it's not only to protect you but it's also to help you capture your gains and make sure you don't lose so listen to this there's no guarantee that Apple will go down even though they're making a b bare flag even though they're giving me the signs that if this gaps down tomorrow then yes we will go down but is's no guarantee that that will happen Wall Street can do anything they can Gap up some news can come out while I'm making this video but check this out how do you protect yourself coach whether you are in a car and I help you knock one out the park and it's only Monday but you got till Friday or next week you still need to do what I'm about to teach you now watch this guys so you would go to trade you would go to lock this you would go to sell watch this everybody so from here you would go to trade you would go to sell and then you would drop this limit down to a stop limit okay now remember I got this at 174 it is currently 18 186 so to make sure that I don't lose let's just say I want to sell to I'm a keep a runner okay you have to move your stop loss up you have to protect yes it protects you so you never take a big loss but you can also move it and use it in a way where it make sure you at least capture a win you don't let your win I'm winning this play I'm up 6% almost 7% I don't want to lose that and let it come all the way back down to 174 then go down to 154 when I'm up 8 to 10 points okay so what we would do here we would put this at 1.82 and just for the sake of this I'll put this at 1 180 and then I'm going to lock this in guys and what this does is make sure that listen when this if this comes back to the upside at nothing else I least locked in a couple dollars okay and if it and I got a runner just in case it go and then go back to the downside okay but you see how No Matter What scenario they come at me with I'm in position to still win does that make sense I'm in position to still win win in this particular play the majority of my contracts will be in profit no remember I say small victories are better than no victories small victories are better than losses so even if they come back to 180 and stop me out I got this at 174 does that make sense on top of that if it don't come back to 180 and this takes off and goes to from 174 well 182 or 186 wherever it's at to 286 tomorrow I'm up big but you see how I protected myself when you're in cause you got to do the same thing it's the this whole game is the same puts and calls is the same exact thing guys never get caught up in that it's the same exact thing so if your play go up and you're up 30% you need to move the stop loss off so up so that you at least able to capture the majority of that move and you have to live with the results on a pullback if it stops you out okay okay cuz we'll rather it pull back and stop you out then it pull back and then it come all the way back down and then you didn't do anything the stop loss is meant to help you protect yourself manage your risk as well as locking in Gaines when the play is done running up we got apple with The Money Team guys we took Apple from 2 11 if you've been with me for any amount of time we really had it earlier than that but I'm just giving more recent numbers 190 to 219 219 is resistance so you have to lock in some profit at 28 217 219 because now from 219 it's all the way back to 209 does that make sense now if this Fails Like I taught you at the beginning of the video now you have to Pivot and consider where it might go to the downside okay but again guys you have to manage your RIS along the way okay so take this lesson make sure that you are moving your stop using your stops to also lock in your wins I know you guys are up but don't let a winning play turn into a losing play because you don't have anything in place to make sure you capture the piece of profit that you're in all right don't let this come back to 174 like in my case this ain't getting I'm blocking it at I'm keeping it up above 174 at 180 I'm either going to be out or this will never come to 180 and it'll just run does that make sense I take my small wins with my big wins I add them all up and at the end of the day a win is a win you stack enough small victories together guys they eventually become big wins and as I often say always take the base hit because they to get you into the Hall of Fame you don't always have to go for the Home Run Okay so with that being said listen guys use this stop loss lesson for risk management purpose and to lock in profit purposes okay we don't have to be greedy this is a long game we play every day the market going to go up and down up and down depending on which side you choose to trade you can take a play to the upside or a play to the downside but when you're up you got a move to make you either got to see profit take profit or move your stop loss up so that if it comes down it stops you out but in profit okay don't get the money back to Wall Street hopefully you guys like today's lesson hopefully you ready to make some money to finish off the week we say Monday sets the tone but Friday sets the standard so guys be in the Discord first thing in the morning we make videos like this every day so if you like this one make sure you check out the next one remember most people see the end result bear if you consider the journey do me a favor don't forget to like subscribe make sure you guys grab some free stock using my link below and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Chris Sain
Views: 38,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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