Why the Klingon Bat'leth from Star Trek is STUPID!

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this episode of Chatty versity is brought to you by the Ford's shirt available through teespring link in the description other ratings I'm shadow and I'm a big fan of sci-fi and so I have watched it's funny basically I've watched every episode of Star Trek but this could be a absolute blasphemy what I'm about to say I haven't watched all the episodes of the original series just like all of the original series made in another time to a different level of quality a tie it's too painful to watch my apologies like I said that could be blasphemy but every other episode I've watched and took varying levels of enjoyment okay but still I love sci-fi all over so in regards to all the things I've watched with Star Trek I need to speak about something that bugs the heck out of me and something that I find ridiculous now having said that when you're really picky and I like to be really picky because look I'm a writer I like creating story and world setting and stuff like that so this is one reason why I'm so picky because I'm this picky with my own stuff okay and by analyzing other properties and seeing what worked and what didn't helps me figure out what can work and what doesn't for my own stories and so when you look at static you could find a lot of things it doesn't work because of sloppy writing housing like Prince's tachyons there Deus Ex tachyon whatever like well I've started what re watching our Voyager more recently the amount of pseudoscience techno mumbo-jumbo just till there is will do a neutronic phase variance of a tachyon pulse inverting the flow of the somethink the space-time continuum that'll do and they are able to stop the alien bad thing from doing something bad we don't really know what is doing but it will destroy the ships I'm it it's bad but we do this that's did released our tricks go through so now you could be thinking if you want and there's a lot to be picky about but in this video I'm going to be picking about one thing in particular and that is the Klingon bat'leth I was going to say what they called Star Trek but I stopped myself because I think that sacrilege if you want to say something at Sackler sacrilege or blasphemy calling this piece of crap a sword that is sacrilege because it is not a sword okay this is a sharpened metal piece of Modern Art which is about the same thing as saying it's a sharpened piece of solidified vomit no no literally I've actually seen a modern art which was some guy who he would try paint and hurl it onto a canvas and then sold it for depressing amounts of money but this thing is a mess ah what a classic example of people do you know writers creator or whatever doing something absolutely stupid because either future or aliens or inserts random reason because they want it to feel different okay aliens they're supposed to be different to us okay for the future future technologies supposed to be completely different than of Stuart and they forget a very important thing well you know in this context at least they're aliens that they are supposed to have being intelligent follow logic okay and any person who has any level of familiarity with that melee combat land I study medieval combat swordplay in particular but also other comments a few familiar with it all right you'll know that this weapon is absolutely stupid yeah is it better than nothing of course would be better than nothing anything that is sharpened you know has the ability to kill someone that's better than trying to fight them unarmed okay but in terms of as I'll saying intelligent warriors use logic they think up weapons that complement their own body mechanics okay and this is an interesting point as where I'm getting to is that the Klingons they are humanoid which is ridiculously I involve itself in regards to aliens the chairs of them being humanoid is but anyway okay that means they essentially have the same body mechanics as humans that if alien brains you would actually expect their types of melee weapons to be very very similar it is does not take a genius to invent the sword which is why the sword was invented multiple times in different cultures where does it come from comes with knife of course life is just a utility tool okay any race in that any premier Singh will invent a knife eventually because it's very very useful and there's a simple link in logic this knife is useful I can use it to defend myself oh it's really good at killing people Wow bad guys you want to come and steal my food I can kill them with this thing okay firstly that would be fairly Evan the next really simple leap is this is good making it bigger better and that's it the sword is essentially a really really big knife and if you're looking for betting evil you know sort of stuff like that there are even swords called dice the Meza if you don't know which makes it very evident that any humanoid aliens existed they would have swords as well okay like the evidence is the fact that so many other humans invented the sword amongst you know different cultures and stuff like that makes it evident that it's logical it's the process of events that it only the way the only way the sword wouldn't be invented if aliens didn't have knives and what's the likelihood of aliens not having knives and this is we think the Klingons they have knives like yeah and they're a warrior race you'd think that the figure had nice good bigger knife better but instead instead of bigger knife better we are going to invent the most retarded weapon senior and use that as our primal like gosh my goodness in terms of use swords are remarkably good at transferring force in the way that they are designed they have a handle and then they have an even weight distribution going up but because it's a straight line and there's no wasted weight on it like if yet like fit funny fantasy swords can have wasted weight like a massive cross guard for a functional practical sword that's bad okay every weight pieces no material that adds weight to this weapon you need to add purpose from reason okay because this is a weapon it's supposed to be used for function that's all all the weight on it there is on the business end and the blade okay I this is why it's very not only why they double bladed sword okay having a blade going down the back end not only is it just profoundly impractical that on every and every use but it creates problems because it adds a significant amount of weight that you would only be using half the time when you strike with one hand you're not really striking with the other end and that can I can make a number of problems and stuff like that but cutting it away it's just as effective a weapon but it's far more efficient now you see the sword is a very beautiful and I usually consider the sword an ingenious design in terms of its utility when you look at like swords that are made to be as effective as I can of sorts because there are some swords at a crap of course but I probably made sword it is a beautiful piece of geometry and also engineering and utility it's really amazing because that's what you see on it and so you have your handle you have the blade and the business is all there if we have a look at this bat wet thing it's all over the place you have multiple mere handles but we're to say you hold the Battle of the battle it bottom end and you strike with it they'll be pretty heavy top on the top but there's a lot of weight here they'll be messing up the balance of it which would make it less maneuverable and that's the other thing you see the sword is a very efficient design it's made to be balanced so you can redirect its weight really quickly and strike again because it's made for combat the battle F has more in common with a really heavy Club now of course clubs were used but it is definitively accepted that swords are better than clubs unless the person is wearing really heavy armor and that case a mace type of Club is better than the sword context but what I'm saying here is the bath with is profoundly inefficient design in regards to its weight distribution and also its practicality for the same level of material and same weight okay you could extend the blade and give you greater reach and you haven't really lost anything because the same amount of weight this is what I mean about efficiency in design okay with a weapon you want to emphasize properties you and I to emphasize its cutting capacity okay or emphasize its reach at speed and maneuverability and you generally want to make it not too light because you need to have enough weight but as light as you can get away with at the same time with it being as heavy as you can get away with so it's a very sophisticated thing that goes into weapon design and this what I mean like a bat'leth it's designed by someone has no idea about you know me lay combat and stuff like that because it would not be out of chop as well as an axe of equivalent weight because a weight is a good base point for in terms of weapons because weight will determine the speed that you can now use this weapon or so cutting a figure this if the weight is you know depending on where it's distributed over the weapon but this is what I mean if you've got an axe of the same weight as a bat'leth all their weight is focused on the business end which means that X would have far greater cutting capacity than this weird one piece of junk now a sword on the other hand like our sword wouldn't even be made out as much steel as well equivalent to steal whatever they made out of but it would probably cut way better you see there is so much useless material on it for what you're the effect that you're trying to get out of it you could redesign this way well you could either make it an axe or sword and suddenly it's a far more efficient weapon and it uses less weight or the weight is more focused for the job that it's supposed to do another way you would change about to make it more effective is instead of having the blades in front of the fists which is useless because you can get far more rotational energy if you extend the leverage and it's you know so extend the metal from the actual grips this is the same principle with swords and axe think of where the handles are and the striking point of the axe is extended further away from the actual you know the handles so you can get more rotational energy that's the exact same thing with a sword but the sort of advantage that this striking area on the sword is even greater than max with an axe you can sometimes overshoot the mark as I this was the axe head it can you know the axe head can actually over hit and you hit the haft on the target instead it's not what you wanted but with the sword you actually don't have that risk because the entire blade you can kill with but still the primary part on the sword that you strike with is that the sweet spot is extended that nearly you know about 2/3 to 3/4 up the blade and that's where it's got far more energy and so the bat'leth having braids right at the handles and only extended a little part away from the handles means the energy that you could produce with it is far less the only way you get some significant injuries you hold the this thing by one end so instead of like a things grab it wrist and basically use it like an axe but a horribly designed axe or indeed a horribly designed sword it should be way too heavy too much material and not nearly as much reach and for a warrior culture that's supposed to be good at fighting gyah they would never have invented this piece of junk and you will have noticed that I have avoided calling this thing a sword because it's so not a sword but just on that night okay the Federation is supposed to be intelligent Bible in fact without even going to Federation I'll ask you okay if you saw this weapon without knowing anything about Star Trek or any context at all would your response be hmm sword yeah yes or wood no oh God or not so why do they call it a Klingon slaw on your like nice body ah I get a burst a blood-vessel so the fact that they call it the Klingon sword in Star Trek is just joking so click on piece-of-crap weapon that should never exist there's no combination for anyone with a brain or not replace that because i respect the people who have did create this say they were trying out a lian's and stuff and they can write some good stuff they just didn't know a thing about weapons so they do our brains but ah yes consult that's what people should do so in going into territory that you're not you know versed in kinfolks so after doing a little bit more research it turns out that they Klingon bat'leth was actually designed by someone who claims to be a martial artist and he very well could have been okay but I have no way of confirming his credibility and that the bat'leth was also designed or based off of deep horn knives also known as crescent moon knives a type of Chinese martial art weapon well knowing how to use weapons doesn't automatically qualify someone to know how to design weapons because the martial artists who invented the bat'leth tried to also create forms in which it can be used effectively but that doesn't mean it's still an effective weapon for instance I can develop forms and ways in which a broom could be used effectively in combat but that doesn't mean it's the best type of weapon you would want to use in combat Jackie Chan has shown that is pretty good at fighting with a stool or a piece of cloth but given the choice I think even Jackie Chan would pick a sword over a stool or piece of cloth and I know that Jackie Chan is more of a showmanship martial artist and that you know it'll be far more difficult to use a stool in real combat but a throwing hate on Jackie Chan okay Jackie Chan is the man in any regards yes it's very true that some very weird and wacky weapons have been invented and used in the past so I'm not saying weird weapons can't be used what I am saying the weapons that end up being the most use and most prominent ones are the weapons that are the most effectively and elegantly designed there is a reason why the sword and axe have been used so prominently by so many different cultures throughout history now regard to the crescent moon knives and the souls the weapons that the bat'leth was based off of well first of all just increasing the size of say a crescent moon knife to make it a two-handed weapon is ridiculous that contradicts the very purpose or function in which they were originally designed for and in regard for its purpose of design being a single hand weapon that's can be used for parrying trapping but also slashing cutting an offense there are much more efficient weapons to achieve this purpose than this crescent moon weapon which I really think has been made just to look fancy not for true efficiency and practicality a better weapon to parried trap and manipulate an opponent's weapon a parrying dagger or a sigh very interesting that basically two versions of this weapon were developed in completely different cultures because when you really think about what is effective and what will work and you cut away the fluff you generally come down to a very standardized kind of form for the purpose that the weapon is meant to be used for and this is why a humanoid alien race is far more likely to develop its main melee weapons you know that it's used in its past throughout its culture why it's so much more likely that these types of weapons are actually going to be far more similar to human historical weapons they're different huh well I want to explain that and get it off my chest thank you for watching please don't hate on me for heating on Star Trek because look I love Star Trek okay but doesn't mean that I can't be picky and pick out certain things that are stable okay thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed and I visit you again and it's all then air Wow [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 382,494
Rating: 4.4876232 out of 5
Keywords: star trek, star, trek, star wars, wars, battlestar, gilactica, gelactica, syfi, scifi, science, fiction, science fiction, sifi, sci fi, sy fy, sword, swords, geek, nerd, trekkie, the next generation, voyager, deep space nine, discovery, shad, shadiversity, game of thrones, lord of the rings, rpg, mass effect, bioware, captain kirk, picard, captain, starship, space, ship, enterprise, uss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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