Why The F-16 Viper Is An Animal | Wild Weasel | SEAD | Dogfight | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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this video is brought to you by thrustmaster if you want to get into dcs with an entry level stick definitely check out the flighthoutas1 i'll put a link to that in the video description and the pinned comments below and use the promo code you see on your screen now for an additional 15 off thank you again to thrustmaster all right guys i got a bit of a challenge for myself set up here today we have an sa-5 an sa-3 at an air base up ahead which is also scrambling 29s and make 21s and we have to deal with all of those threats with a singular f-16 as you can see here we have the sa-5 locked up okay sa-5 has missile in the air this little thing you saw me select the sa-5 with that is an hts pod that is uh hds for high-speed anti-radiation missile targeting system it's one of the things that makes the f-16 so so good at seed uh it's way over there so i'm gonna have to avoid this missile and then get closer to them and there should be some aircraft that are coming off that runway scrambling to uh come and try to kill me i'm going to defend a little bit more i just don't want to get smoked in the first few seconds of a fight with an sa5 sa5s can be kind of scary they have pretty decent range but nothing the f-16 can't deal with and you guys have to let me know what you think about this mission uh some more seed and stuff like that let me know what you guys think if you want to see more of that we're gonna go ahead and recommit here we are clean now not being locked by anything all right uh sa5 once again has fired on me it's right at the air base there i'm just a little bit scared to push them kind of new to this whole seed thing but whatever let's do it anyway we can't just hang out here if we stay here the aircraft are going to push us and kill us so we got to get up there and toss a harm for those of you unaware a harm is a anti-radiation missile you would call magnum when firing it and it goes and basically homes in on the radiation source which would be the sams search radar uh using the tgp here to have a look see if i can see anything there's the airfield i see that you see that black stuff on the runway there that looks like smoke so probably a couple guys getting on the runway now this sa5 is starting to get a little bit annoying is locking me up again and he launched again this guy's starting to piss me off all right let's get the nose on and let's get a magnum out at him hold this my dude all right we'll just go ahead and dive down defend and we're gonna have to probably switch over to air to air mode here all right down on the deck and that missile is chasing me but i should be okay i'm not super stressed about it i'm gonna switch us over to [Music] uh air to air now and we're gonna go ahead and recommit and see if we're being pushed if we are we'll kill whatever's pushing us and then we'll take out that other sam system here all right we see on the data link here on the radar we can see the fire control radar we can see multiple data link contacts showing uh these aircraft taking off from the runway and you see this white circle on the hts page there on the had page technically [Music] that is the range of the harms of which i have one left still so i'm going to probably use that for the s83 that sa5 is still showing up there but he's not doing anything which makes me think he's going to be dead momentarily or he is dead probably more than likely because his search radar is gone he'd be locking me he'd be shooting me right now if he was still alive so i think that harm found its mark uh off in front we got a mig-29 shooting at me fox three at nine ish miles that was we're gonna go ahead and defend here i have three m rams total one is gone so i have two left and i have one nine x for air to air that's his missile and we're going to go ahead i think that missile missed actually that guy dodged my mram that's not good because i have a very limited air-to-air capability here if i miss anything um i'm gonna be in big trouble kind of going cold here trying to get my sa back a little bit luckily that amram i threw it and made him turn away and i'm gonna go and recommit here oops lost the lock there i thought i had it cold again very cautious here we're dodging many many missiles there's the other missile we see that a couple of flares out because he probably fired a fox 2 at me or something so we have to recommit here this time he has to die or i am going to get killed by him uh six miles fox and we're gonna get out of here and hope that amram can do the job by itself where is he where is he oh there he is look at him he's way off to the right i can't turn my head that much there it is impact got him this is actually extremely challenging because you got to keep a bunch of things in your mind like who's pushing you what sam is targeting you how far they are there's another mig-29 i think it's a mig-29 off ahead here i imagine it's the wingman of the guy we just killed and the hat page says that the sa-5 is not transmitting anymore that's what the green means but that's where it was so technically we're safe that sa-5 is confirmed dead i would say we got to take care of this mig-29 here who's on my flank there's the dead guy and his buddy here should join him momentarily you see that little black speck off in the distance that is a mig-29 locked nine miles fox three and we'll defend and if he continues knows hot he's gonna eat that amaranth right to the face and he might notch it and if he notches it then i gotta go in for the 9x kill i really don't want to though and it's taking a very long time to hit him there we go all right splash that's two mc29s one sa5 so far all right we have couple more aircraft in the air but we'll deal with them on a as needed basis i'm going to go ahead and recommit to that airfield and try to knock out that sa-3 if possible and i'm probably gonna have to climb or something so you can see me do a little bit of wild weaseling because you need him to turn on his radar his search radar in order for you to be able to shoot a harm at it and uh it would be nice if he fired a missile at me because then i would know that you know he's got to keep that radar on the entire time which is not good for me i mean i don't want a missile launched at me but as long as it's on my harm has something to go and hit it's going to go and try to hit that search track radar but currently nothing which is a little concerning that sa3 doesn't seem to be it is searching i think that's what the yellow means from my understanding and it's pretty quiet out here actually and if i remember correctly a total of four aircraft scrambled off that that runway i saw on datalink so two of them are gone two more of them are out there somewhere and we're gonna go ahead and just pick up this essay three who's just started locking me up okay let's give them a magnum here we're well within range okay the last harm off the rail and hopefully that should hit him all right so that sa-3 won't be a problem here momentarily and then we just got to take out these two other aircraft oh never mind he shot at me i didn't think he would but that's good you know we talked about this we want him to shoot at me i'm just inside of his threat ring too so he has the range to shoot at me and we've kind of beamed him there you can see his missile trail it's kind of coming towards me it's a little scary and everything's off you see that everything's turned off no more lock tone no more missile indication everything's gone uh so i would bet money that that harm actually found its mark and smoked that sa-3 right in the face i see like a missile impact but no smoke so but it's fine i mean it's turned off so that serves my purpose and that smoke pile you see there plume sorry is the sa5 i believe that was the first one that we hit so we've knocked out the air defenses at that base so that thing is completely doors open for a strike to come in and just clean it up and hit whatever they want to hit but we do need to take out the uh two other aircraft that scrambled off that runway gotta find those guys and kill them [Applause] all right we just merged with a mig 21 here and he can have this 9x he's gonna die for sure got him splash one make 21. all right let me jettison these tanks there we go and we're going to gun kill the last guy because i am completely clean here so we're going to go ahead and head towards the data link contact the last known location where they saw him well they're actually still actively seeing him he's running away though so we'll see if we can catch up to him and uh hopefully kill him all right i did manage to catch up with this guy but he is in the clouds very difficult to see him there we go all right there's a mig-21 so it shouldn't be too much of a problem for the f-16 here get the lock the sun the clouds there we go and i am slow but that's okay i'm in a good position i'm on a six we'll just be patient here he's also pretty slow so he's gonna have to dump his nose to regain his energy that's perfect for me i will gain my energy got him in the hud now see that speed building 260 300 340 360 400 and let's pull him into the hud good hits good hit somehow he's still flying those were some really good hits i got on there and i hit him more why is this guy still flying it just riddled him full of holes man now there we go he broke his wings finally all that damage as soon as he put g's on the wings they ripped off and uh he's lucky to have ejected their splash one make twenty one all right guys let's do a quick little tacky review here we got the blue f-16 uh we're gonna keep this quick i just want to give a full rundown of what went down we have our a wax here we have the base as a five sa3 and four aircraft here that are going to scramble two mc29s and two mc21s as we can see our aywax dives down to the ground and basically provides no support luckily he actually does continue to i guess provide some data link as the guys take off so that's nice uh we have one sa5 launch there that just blew up in the air i don't know if you saw that right here watch this right here boom it just blows up in the air i guess it lost track because it looks like i went beam to him and uh we continue flying i pull up here what goes on here i think they fire again yet so he fires again and this is when we get the harm off so there's my arm and he's guiding his missile i'm defending you don't need to guide the harm it goes by itself it finds its own radiation homes in on it and it ends up hitting that sa-5 battery right there boom and we got the four guys scrambling into the air so while they were scrambling they saw missiles firing behind them and then as they took off they saw an impact of a harm their sa5 system just went down and the one and we come back around it's kind of a multitasking thing you know so we defended from that the harm hits and we come back around nose hot onto the air base and we got three guys nose hot the high altitude highest altitude not very high still a guy fires a missile first and i get a missile off at the guy who didn't shoot mig-21 lucky that that didn't like see him somehow but that guy did notch my amram so big congratulations to him that is difficult to do um amram goes for the chaff this guy yeah so there he goes to a flanking position mig-21 essentially tries to run away this guy continues to chase me down firing another missile and we do the kind of offset amram launch at about six miles and that thing hits him perfectly splash that guy this is the main bigger threat right here uh chase him down once again he is being shown to me on data link a wax is back up in the air he was down here on the ground basically not doing anything at one point but he's back up he's providing data link i see him i go after him i shoot an ammo at him he tries to notch again you're not going to get that lucky twice and we come back around we fire the last harm at the sa-3 we hit that sa-3 it's gone it's missile's gone the door is open on that air base for uh whatever strike aircraft want to come we go down we merge with a mig-21 i don't see him momentarily but then i see him we merge with him he goes vertical bad move 9x he's dead all right easy kill drop tanks and data link was showing this guy trying to run away so i run him down and he sees that i'm coming he realizes he's gonna have to fight this one which is not a good realization to have against an f-16 and we get into the merge against him easily take his six [Music] a couple of gun rounds he gets hit several times and doesn't die and then eventually here he breaks his wings and he crashes and dies so that's the mission uh so when i say three when i say five two make twenty uh nines and two make twenty ones uh lone f16 did all of that so imagine if there was a flight of four of these things all right guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 160,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: _n9putL76S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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