WHY The Chosen WORKS & other Christian shows Don't

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chosen is now a three season show and did you know that in season four they're requiring three million dollars for every single episode obviously the chosen has become a major phenomenon within the Christian realm in Christian Media there is nothing that surpasses it at least in my opinion it has reached nearly half a billion with a B people that's insane and I believe that it's sure to reach its goal of reaching a billion people by the end of the series over the last two years the show has won award after award and honestly just kept on getting better season after season but while the chosen is the first multi-season show about the life of Jesus it is not the first show about the life of Jesus and as we've seen there have been many other shows throughout the past that have done okay but they've never lived up to what the chosen is doing now specifically I'm thinking of a show called The Bible a one season show about a lot of the Old Testament into the Life of Christ and Beyond and this was a major major series that came out in 2013 so if you were a Christian during that time I am sure that you've seen at least one or two episodes this series begins truly at the beginning of time at the beginning of the Bible and goes through a bunch of the Old Testament pillar stories that we know and then at episode 7 we see the beginning of Jesus's Earthly ministry as then he is crucified and so on but there are a lot of parallels that we can draw in between the Chosen and this show so let's look at why why did the show not succeed what was wrong with it and what were the things that the chosen did correctly that allowed it to succeed further than this show ever could and you have to understand this show was not a flop people loved this series and of course at the very beginning it was one of the most massive series ever on television period even outside of the Christian realm the first episode of this series had 13.1 million people watching it that is a big number but luckily for us this show obviously talks about some of the same stories that The Chosen has done in the past or is doing now and in the future there may be even more scenes that we may be able to parallel and talk about why other Christian Productions aren't doing as well but for today let's talk about the healing of the paralytic since we have both of those scenes in the Chosen and the Bible series so let's go through both of these scenes little by little to see how each of them compares to the other how shall we picture the kingdom of God it is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field cannot be hit and if it were night time Zebedee wouldn't light his lamp and put it under a basket put it on the stand where he could light us all starting off we can actually see that these scenes are starting in a similar Place Jesus is talking to a crowd of people and he's speaking of a parable so in the Bible series he's talking about the parable of the mustard seed and in the chosen he's speaking of the parable of the lamp on a stand but then pretty quickly into his teaching he's interrupted by a man that is lowered through this roof and this brings us to our first problem with the Bible series that the chosen kind of gets right here we see that the chosen is building up this moment and it's making it as impactful as possible now one of the major things that I've seen in the Bible series struggles with is that it's too fast when it needs to be slow and it's too slow when it needs to be quick it's hard to manage the pace that needs to be done within a TV series like this but the Bible series just misses more often than it hits the smallest seed in the world yet when planted it grows up what's going on it becomes a tree Jesus looking isn't it I saw what you did to the leopard on the road this morning my friend has been paralyzed since childhood he has no hope but you please do for him what you did for the leper bye-bye I know you can do this and we can see a major difference in the reactions of the people of Jesus disciples especially when they see this man is being dropped through the roof this is not a normal thing that would have happened during this time they broke open the roof and let this person through so of course the proper reaction would be like what are you doing put that back like we see in the chosen but in the Bible series all we see is Peter kind of being like hmm What's Happening Here In The Chosen we are experiencing this moment from everybody's point of view it cuts from Jesus to Tamar to the Pharisees to Matthew to Peter everybody is all in on what's Happening Here and it's a culmination of the experience altogether but in the Bible series all we see is Peter kind of shortly react to this person coming through the roof and then he carries him over to Jesus and no one is surprised that this has happened there is no spectacle we're not involved in this moment we're just kind of observing what's going on and I have to talk about the music here as well in the chosen there's this massive soundtrack that's just building up and building up to this climax that we're about to see it builds up the enormity of the moment making you feel the pressure and the the heaviness of what's about to happen while in the Bible series nobody is reacting so he can't really get a good grasp on what's Happening here until one of the Pharisees steps in a little bit later but we'll talk about that in a second as we continue you on in the Bible series we see as Peter brings in this paralytic in front of Jesus and everybody starts to murmur a little bit and without any additional dialogue or explanation Jesus just bends down and begins healing this man sins are forgiven myself but there's nothing else to kind of build it up here let's look at the Chosen and see how it's done there you like who's Authority do you teach answer me if you are willing rabbi you know you can't I'm talking to you by whom do you teach certainly not the authority of any Rabbi from Nazareth where did you study your faith is beautiful son take heart your sins are forgiven first off in the chosen we see that we are building other storylines we see as Matthew and the children appear and Simon has an interaction with him which we know is going to be a contentious thing as this is his tax collector there's a lot of things that are building up Simon has a quick moment with Mary and then we shoot back to Tamar and then lowering him down everything is layered here it's not just a single moment for that single moment's sake and then we get a moment where shmuel comes up and he enters the conversation and this changes the tone of absolutely everything in the scene because shmuel is not just here to antagonize but it changes the whole scene to be shmuel versus Jesus and this is another point where I think that the chosen just executes way better than the Bible series did in the chosen it's way more biblically accurate Jesus has a conversation with the paralytic and says your sins are forgiven and then the Pharisees don't say anything in the Bible series The Pharisee speaks up and immediately starts shouting at Jesus and calling him a blasphemer and calling out all these things did you hear that he has forgiven his sins I thought only God could do that blasphemy he knows it is blasphemy is that your wish my friend but in scripture it's very clear none of these things were said out loud these were things that the Pharisees were thinking and Jesus was literally reading their minds and speaking it back to them who is this blasphemies who can forgive sins but God Alone right since we as the audience obviously don't know what the Pharisees are thinking and we don't have a narrator to tell us that this is a perfect way to tell us what the Pharisees are thinking at the same time as keeping it biblically based because Jesus knew their thoughts and I also love this subtle moment between shmuel and Yusuf where they look at each other like were you thinking the same thing I'm thinking this is where the Bible series starts to struggle with this pacing issue again every time Jesus speaks here it's like this slow kind of drawn-out moment when it should be believable right it should be more human and while there are intense moments in the chosen the dialogue always seems a little bit natural at least more natural than the Bible series for sure we can see as Jonathan Rooney playing Jesus he's getting upset about what's happening here and he's kind of showing that emotion more and more but the Jesus in The Bible series is very monotone very rarely did he show any sort of emotion and when he did it was very muted so it's kind of hard to relate to a character like that that tell me which is easier to say his sins are forgiven or saying get up and walk but I ask you which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or rise up and walk you say anything no thank you but to show you and so that you may know that the son of man has the authority on Earth to forgive sins and then as the man is healed in The Bible series we see that things are a little bit out of order again Jesus has all of these dialogue moments in the Bible before The Healing Begins and then he heals the paralytic that's what we see in the chosen that's what we see in the Bible but here it's kind of flip-flopped and it's a little bit different not that that's a huge deal but we can see the little bit of inaccuracies that start to add up and trust me there's a lot of inaccuracies in this series wait the son of man has authority to forgive sin so let's jump back over the chosen to see the rest of this healing I say to you my son ice and go home foreign we see again as the music helps to build the environment here we see as the music was huge it's his anthem-like moment and then it comes back down quiet for the healing and then it erupts again in the aftermath of what's happened there are so many things within these two scenes that I could nitpick and pick apart and we see so many of them I think the three main things that I focus on are accuracy of the scripture it's it's the humanity of what we see so do we relate to Christ do we relate to these other characters and how does that make us feel do we connect with them after we relate to them there's a big big difference between the Chosen and the Bible series and the reason is because of that connection it's because of the humanity that the chosen is able to show and even though the chosen is not a direct comparison to the Bible that's not why we watch it we don't watch the chosen to study we don't watch The Bible series to study it we watch it for entertainment we watch it because it's something that we relate to because it's our life we are Christians we love Christ and we just want to see it on the big screen we don't we want to see it on our TV screens we want to see it in a TV show and so the chosen has done that very very well this is one of the things that I talk most about when I talk about the chosen it's the fact that the writers of the show do not discount your intelligence they allow things to play out the way that they're going to and they don't use a narrator or anything else to explain what's happening so that we can spend time to dig into the show and find even more things if we want to or we can take it at face value and just follow along but for those of us who have the information this show is so much more valuable that we can walk through we can see the scriptures come alive and we can get those hints that are being dropped every single episode it's really an amazing experience and I cannot wait until the rest of the seasons come out if you like this like then as well it's all about a new show called Testament that I think has the potential to be as good as the chosen see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: The Snipe Life
Views: 113,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The chosen, brandon snipe, vanessa snipe, thechosentvseries, show to watch, the chosen season 2, The chosen episode 7, christian youtube channel, Artzabox, Logos.Logos bible software, the chosen tv series, what to watch, jesus show, The Chosen season 3
Id: l51aZcpMi4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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