Why Teardrops are BETTER than Scamps: Watch Before You Buy!

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so we take out tear drops and we take out scamp's through the state of Alaska putting them through their tests but in this episode we want to tell you why tear drop trailers are better than scamp's in many ways you might want to watch this one before buying either one hey guys welcome to playing with sticks we take you out on adventures in the scamp and the teardrop and just talk about our love for tiny campers and give you tips and tricks along the way in this episode we're gonna share with you why teardrop trailers are better than scamp's and a little of ice camps are awesome too and we're just going to share with you some things that you don't think about when initially purchasing a scamp or teardrop and why it will be beneficial for you when making that decision so this is the number one comment we've been getting on our teardrop verses scam videos people are really liking these scamp's we're getting a lot of positive comments but we're also getting comments in there that say but that's not why we go out in nature they're saying a tear drop forces you outside it forces you away from that chaotic life away from what you know into nature and it's a chance to commune a chance to hang out with friends and feel that fresh air and really that is what happens when you're in a teardrop a teardrop is basically a bed on wheels and you're not gonna hang out in that bed all day and so it forces you outside you throw up some sort of canopy we call it our outdoor living room you have the space to kind of hang around and you feel really refreshed the scamp is awesome too in just a totally different way for some reason it is so cozy in there you do stay in there more we noticed we sit inside and watch the rain come down the windows or just watch the outside from inside this cozy little trailer with a scamp you find yourself sitting more at the table and cooking your meals inside where the teardrop you'd be outdoors on the picnic table cooking your meals on the stove out there and it just depends what type of person you are and what type of lifestyle you're looking for so they do both have different impacts on how much you're getting outdoors one thing that people point out too is that a scamp has the potential for a little more danger because you are heating inside the scamp you are cooking inside the scamp where the teardrop you're doing everything outside yeah there's a little more potential for fires and issues in a scam we don't see it as a very big issue but I probably should put it on here two drops camp how does it do on gas mileage surprisingly they both do amazingly well we have a four cylinder vehicle and I'll put a link in the description below of our trip to Girdwood but in that trip we took the scamp out for over an hour got there drove around back and forth to camp and we were still on full now people will tell you you can pull a scamp with a four cylinder car kind of true yeah you can do that if you live in Kansas and even Kansas is going to have some hills that are gonna put some stress on your vehicle not dog in Kansas I know Kansas I know you have a lot of it I know you have a lot of hills down there but when you're in Alaska like this we found out really quick that the teardrop can get around with a four cylinder vehicle we got it up Thompson pass we also have that video too I'll link that in the description below but we didn't just make it over Thompson pass we made it over easy we were towing it like 35 miles per hour didn't impact our gas mileage didn't put strain on the or the engine the scamp you start towing up any sizable hill I mean he'll not Mountain not a pass and you're gonna start putting wear and tear on your vehicle your transmission your engine and so that's where we hit the can I afford the scamp can I afford the teardrop and you could probably afford both with just the sticker cost on them but often times if you plan on getting into the scamp with your 4-cylinder or standard car you might purchase that scamp for $10,000 but then you might be spending another ten thousand to twenty to thirty thousand getting that towing vehicle that has a towing capacity that has a towing package to be able to successfully pull it wherever you need to to drops and scamp's are both small tiny trailers but when you pull them into a campground or an RV site people look at them differently scamp's get put in the category of an RV tear drops often get put in the category of a tent I'm not sure why but that's just how it is and that really impacts the price that it costs to stay each night wherever you go in the description below I have a video of teardrop camping in RV parks and why it's beneficial and one of those benefits is that it's a lot cheaper than towing in an RV and the same thing tends to happen at some of the campgrounds with small campsites if the campsites too small you can't fit your scamp in there with your car and then that forces you to go and park in an RV site that you didn't really need in the first place so I just mentioned tear drops and scamp's can fit into pretty small tight spaces compared to other RVs and that's why they're both great options to get into the scamp however can only fit into what you can tow it into because of its weight we thought originally at a thousand pounds 1,500 pounds maybe you can pick it up and move it around and you can we've done it on smooth concrete you can pick it up and kind of drag it but if there's any rocks around or there's any slope it's not only hard to do I would even consider it dangerous to move it around it could get moving pretty quick down a slope or it could run over your foot or whatever a teardrop on the other hand you can just pull it off your vehicle move it around you can move it around by one hand some of these teardrops are so light and you can just set it up to get in those tight spaces sometimes you're having trouble backing into an area or you can only back up so far and then your vehicle can't fit in and that's where you take off your teardrop and move it down a trail or push it up next to the side of the river or the lake and it gives you that million-dollar view so it's not just a view you can get with taking the teardrop off the hitch and moving it around it gives you the confidence to go into places you wouldn't go so when we're going out fishing we're usually looking for intersecting the fish down the river and sometimes we're going back on trails that we don't know very well and with the scamp we're always a little nervous I'd get a little sweaty on the neck thinking is this getting tighter am I gonna have a spot to turn around how am I going to need to position the scamp so I can get out of here what if somebody pulls in too tight behind me and too tight here will I be able to move that's not the thought process that rolls through your head with a teardrop the teardrop because it's so small and so light you kind of just bulldoze in there and go wherever exploring for those boondocking sites and great fishing holes because you know if you ever did get in a hairy situation pop it off turn it around hook it back on your car and take off if you're new to towing a vehicle a scamp is typical to a regular tow trailer where is you're stuck to the trailer all the time a teardrop get you out of tough situations and if you're not comfortable backing things up it may be a godsend when you need it if you've never towed a small camper trailer you might be in for a surprise that it's much harder than towing a larger trailer when we tow a boat or a large trailer you can make pretty big turns and the trailer doesn't turn too hard the tear drops and scamp's a little bit of turn on the steering wheel and that thing moves quickly so you're slowing down your speed you're spending more time just checking out the situation now with the towing of the scamp we found it was a little easier than the teardrop because it's heavier and slightly longer and that made for a little more play in the steering wheel before that the scamp would turn quickly definitely make sure you get in a small parking lot and try it out before you get frustrated at the campsite because if you have driven a larger RV before it just doesn't control in the same way so when it comes to maintenance they're both pretty low maintenance vehicles a scamp although it's low maintenance you still have to drain out the water and the winter you still have to maintain let's say if you have a heater in there and the grill in there a basic teardrop there's really no maintenance except for you know greasing the bearings packing those bearings every spring and for both the scamp and the teardrop I would suggest right away getting a bearing that can be packed not by hands like a bearing buddy so each year you're just pulling off the top squeezing in some more oil pushing out the old oil and going so over the winter you do have to put your battery on a battery maintainer if you're in a cold place or not using it for a long time but not very much maintenance at all this one surprised us we did not see this one coming but when you're driving down the road the scamp and you're driving down the road with a teardrop when you get to your end destination what you expect to find in your teardrop and scamp in regards to things being thrown around during the drive are much different between the two so we notice every time we take out the scamp even if it's for five blocks you open up the door and the cabinet's are flung open and items are thrown from the kitchen area and things are just all over we also notice that as you go on a little bit longer journeys even an hour your continuingly needing to tighten down bolts in the scamp and if you go on forums this is something you'll see about scamp's they hold up great but for some reason the bolts always seem to be loosening a lot of people use you know like alot tight and other sorts of liquids to seal those bolts is the teardrop when we go out and we pull up to our spot we notice nothing's moved around everything's in the same place and we're not tightening down things and the only difference we can think of is that the scamp is taller so there's more sway the suspension may be a little different than the scamp's versus teardrops but there is an obvious difference on how much stuff gets thrown around it comes to heating and cooling a scamp and a teardrop they both heat up really quick and cool down really fast the teardrop instant you turn on your propane or your ceramic heater and it's up to the heat in no time the scamp we notice does take a little time to bring up to heat but it does maintain heat well because of the insulation so I think they're both pretty even in this area the teardrop again if you want quick heat I think winds a little quicker in this space but then the scamp may win faster if your teardrop isn't insulated by holding more of the heat longer so the first thing that to us caught us a little off guard was the height of the scamp we thought you could have a two-car garage throw the scamp in there have your car and the other one everybody's happy we need to pick up the scamp and found out the scamp is pretty darn high the scamp wasn't able to fit in the original garage that we picked it up at and then getting it to our house you could tell we're talking a ton of height above our garage and so unless you have something higher than a standard garage don't expect that scamp to be protected from the elements throughout the winter the teardrop on the other hand is small most teardrops are definitely small enough to get in your garage our 4 by 6 is so small that we only have a one car garage I think it might be oversized but we can put ours in there turn it sideways in the back that's how small it is we lose like four and a half five feet of space and then we can pull a car right up in there one car garage with a teardrop that's pretty cool okay this one's weird you probably don't care but for us we notice the scamp gets a ton of mud on it compared to the teardrop and we think that's because the scamp's a little wider and so where it sits in line with our wheels it's throwing mud up there constantly doesn't sound like a big deal but cleaning a scamp is kind of hard because the scamp we use is an 80 scamp so it's not as shiny and new like the factory so it takes a lot of work to get the mud off our teardrop we clean it like once a season you don't notice mud getting thrown up on it it stays very clean so it's not a lot of work during the year to keep her nice and spiffy clean so if meeting people is not your thing and you are going out to the wilderness to your campground to be by yourself I'm sorry but you are looking into the wrong types of trailers these scamp's and these teardrops bring in crowds of people they're unique I mean that's why we're here that's why you're probably watching this video you love the aesthetics of them you love the small size and you're a little inquisitive about what are they like and that's what people are like in the campgrounds and I would say scamp's people think they're neat but they still consider them an RV so you're not getting as many people teardrops everybody's coming by and I love it but it could be exhausting because they want to come and see you know is it classed or phobic does it feel like a coffin when you're in there how does your family sleep in there what's the gas mileage like how did you build it and that's fun for us that's kind of what we've liked about this journey is these are talking pieces so if you want people to talk to you get one of these unique small camper trailers I like customizing things I always like to tinker and modify them and do haxe and i'm not sure about how many modifications you can do with a fiberglass panel without you know sacrificing a little bit of the integrity of the structure where is with the teardrop I feel like I can continue to make modifications because I'm used to working with wood I'm used to working with aluminum I know how strong they are and know what they can hold up to and so for a teardrop we've made a lot of modifications a scape is not something we would try to do too many modifications to structurally because I think we'd be nervous and if any of you have made modifications to your scamp and doing a lot of drilling and you feel it holds up and you understand fiberglass let us know in the comments below or if you've had the opposite issue and fiberglass have caused you troubles let us know - speaking of fiberglass that's another thing we always worry about when you're backing up a trailer it's nice to know that if you bump into a log or you hit a low-hanging branch or you hit a little rock that it's just not gonna do a whole lot of damage and that's how I feel about a teardrop but a scamp I'm not sure like there's something about fiberglass that makes me a little nervous and so we're always very cautious with it we don't take quite as many risks and I think that's kind of the fun of these small camper trailers is taking risks and so I think a teardrop allows you to take a little more knowing you're going to get back home all in one piece we noticed with the scamp you can pull over to the side of the road pretty easily but sometimes your back end is hanging out a bit the scamp does sit wider than most small cars and with the teardrop that's something you never have to think about you see a moose or a deer or beluga whale in the ocean and you just pull over run down there with your camera and everything's fine and you're pretty far off the road the scamp because it's a little more top-heavy when we go over the edge it almost feels like it's gonna roll over it makes you a little nervous so I'd say again if you're new to this RV thing and you don't really have a good idea of what's being towed behind you you're not comfortable with the space a teardrop might be the way to go we notice up here in Alaska a lot of people who are just getting into RVs straugh parking these things struggle getting to the side of the road they're backing up traffic they're making it more dangerous for people and if that could potentially be you you might want to look to something smaller like a teardrop let's talk affordability so both of them are very affordable they both enter in at about the same prices scamp's you can buy them from the factory around ten grand at the base level for a 13 foot scamp the issue with it is is you have to wait to get your skin so they're building them as quick as people are buying them so there's always a little waitlist for getting your scamp if you want to get a you scamp you can get them for around $6,000 to $8,000 a good quality one I've seen them even go for four the issue with this is there's not a lot of scamp's out there so you're always waiting always looking at Craigslist eBay RV trading sites and with the teardrop because people are building them on their own because there's so many manufacturers finding a teardrop doesn't seem to be as hard as a scamp especially a new one because they're popping up all over the country now a new scamp like I said comes in at ten thousand dollars a new teardrop for about the same quality as a scamp is gonna be in that ten grand range to even up to 20 but if you're getting one like ours it's just a base model that has you know a couple doors a place to sleep possibly some electricity they'll start around forty five hundred dollars and then kind of move up from there okay I just fact-checked myself after saying that they actually come in way lower they come in at 28 to 29 hundred dollars if you go to the popular companies like hiker trailer and runaway campers you can find ones for twenty nine hundred thirty five hundred so it's definitely gonna be less than four grand so if you're going for very basic that brand new teardrops gonna cost you half the price of a scamp and it'll get you into it quicker and like I mentioned before because you don't have to buy an upgraded tow vehicle to pull the teardrop there's a much less cost upfront so now's the time to post in the comments why you think teardrops are better than scamp's things that we didn't think of it's okay to talk about Weiss camps are better than teardrops to let us know what made you purchase your scamp or your teardrop and why you moved from one to the other we'll see you guys in two weeks for another video [Music]
Channel: Playing with Sticks
Views: 679,020
Rating: 4.7374797 out of 5
Keywords: scamp versus teardrop, scamp vs teardrop, why teardrops are better than scamps, teardrop vs scamp, scamp versus teardrop Alaska, scamp trailer Alaska, teardrop trailer Alaska, scamp trailer, teardrop trailer, elsa rhae, scamp trailer versus teardrop trailer, scamp, teardrop camper, scamp or a teardrop?, Scamp 13, Scamp 13 ft, how much does a scamp trailer cost, how much does a teardrop trailer cost, teardrop trailer vs scamp trailer, fiberglass trailer, playing with sticks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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