Why Sudan is Dying

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this video was made possible by nebula use the link down in the description below to support real life FL directly by signing up where you can watch dozens of additional and exclusive full length videos in my ongoing nebula modern conflict series covering recent major Wars and crises including this video's next part covering the course of the genocide that was committed across darur in the mid 2000s as major ongoing Wars in Ukraine and Gaza continue to capture most of the world's headlines there is another third war that's just as catastrophic and consequential for the world as these other two that's going on right now in Sudan that is nearing its one-year anniversary of beginning Sudan has been locked in a devastating Civil War ever since April of 2023 when two rival generals commanding two rival armies in the country began openly clashing and firing upon each other's forces in the sudin capital cartoon ever since then carum a city that had a pre-war metropolitan population of more than 6 and A2 million people has transformed into a smoldering Crater of a war zone subjected to devastating air strikes artillery bombardments armored assaults and fierce house to house and Street to- Street combat there were some who've even referred to cartoon now as the Aleppo of Africa after the biggest city in Syria that was almost completely destroyed by the fighting during the Civil War in that country last decade more than half of cartoon's pre-war metropolitan population is believed to have fled the area for their lives as the Rival armies Clash inside for control while Nationwide the United Nations estimates that at least 13,000 people have already been killed since the War Began while more than 10.7 million people or more than one in five sudanes have been forcibly displaced from their homes 9 million of these people are displaced within Sudan's borders representing the largest internal displacement crisis anywhere in the world right now that's even larger than in Ukraine while roughly 1.7 million more sudanes have fled the country as refugees and more likely to continue following out of Sudan's massive internally displaced population representing a potential cascading crisis as refugees flee into the already fragile states that surround Sudan like Libya Chad the Central African Republic South Sudan and Ethiopia all countries that are either currently trapped in their own Civil Wars or have had recent devastating civil wars in the past decade that could become reignited again and what many of these sudin are fleeing from is not only the massive violence being waged between the two rival armies in the country but a potentially renewed genocide that is ongoing in Sudan's perennially troubl darur region just last month in January of 2024 a damning report made to the United Nations Security Council that is considered to be credible concluded that one of the Rival armies in Sudan known as the rapid support forces or the rsf systematically massacred somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 people in just a single City in West arur over the summer of 20123 and forcibly drove hundreds of thousands more across the border into neighboring Chad if that report is accurate it potentially represents more deaths in just that one city than what the entire Nationwide death toll from the war previous prly stood at which implies a crisis going on in Sudan that is of a scale far worse than what most Outsiders believe or know the reports coming out of darur today are being further reinforced by the fact that for every two female refugees who have escaped across the border into Chad only one male Refugee has made it which implies that the rsf has been systematically targeting men in darur for mass killings the conflict being waged in Sudan today has evidently dumped gasoline upon the Embers that were still small in in darur Left Behind from the last genocide in the region that largely went on between 2003 and 2005 when around 300,000 people in darur were killed and as the fires of genocide potentially rage again in darur today and as the Rival generals finding for Domination over the country's leadership shows no signs of stopping anytime soon Sudan faces the genuine risk of further balkanization and separatism after the previous secession of the South a decade ago back in 2011 and as the war War within Sudan rages multiple external Wars within the war are being fought by numerous outside powers that are busy transforming Sudan into one of the world's most complicated proxy battlefields pitting the United Arab Emirates up against Saudi Arabia Egypt against Ethiopia turkey against Libyan nationalists and there are even credible reports of Ukrainian Special Forces fighting gun battles with Russian vagan group mercenaries on the streets of cartoon that are all overlapping the primary war between the two rival Sudanese generals and in order to understand all of this fish complexity that's going on in Sudan right now and why Sudan's fate is so important to the entire rest of the world it helps to begin with a brief overview of how Sudan's geography and history have led to the current crisis Sudan you see has been a troubled place for practically all of its history going back centuries the country's territory exists at the crossroads of the Arab world to the North and the East and the subsaharan African world to the South and the west and this placement between these two worlds has defined in Sudanese culture for ages between the 14th and 15th centuries Arab Nomads began migrating and settling the area of modern Sudan which up to that point was almost entirely inhabited by African peoples by the 19th century the African ruled fune and darur sulat ruled the west of modern Sudan while the Ottomans ruled the East and the coast later on in the 19th century most of modern-day Sudan was conquered by the Egyptians and further arabized and then in 1899 under pressure from the British the Egyptians agreed to transform Sudan into an inter ational condominium ruled jointly by themselves and the UK the nominally independent sulate of Dar fur ruled by Africans was later invaded by the British and Egyptians in 1916 conquered and annexed into anglo-egyptian Sudan which created Sudan's borders that would persist for the rest of the 20th century Sudan would be granted its independence from the British and the Egyptians in 1956 and it would emerge as the largest country in Africa and one of the top 10 largest countries in the entire world taking up a geographic area roughly a third of the sign size of the Mainland Continental 48 United States and with this huge size in this location at the crossroads between the Arab and African worlds Sudan was also one of the world's most highly diverse countries as well it was home to nearly 600 distinctly different ethnic groups in more than 400 different languages though Arabic was the more common lingua franka in the north and English was the more common lingua franka in the South owing to the Colonial period Sudan's Northeast based around the upper reaches of the Nile River and the country's coastline on the Red Sea was predominantly Arab and Muslim while the peripheral regions of the country to the west and darur and to the South and southern Sudan were substantially more diverse darur was overwhelmingly Muslim but largely populated by various subsaharan African tribal groups who were largely settled Farmers along with smaller numbers of nomadic Arab identifying herders in the north and on the other hand southern Sudan was populated by hundreds of different subsaharan African ethnic groups who were largely not Muslim at all and who followed either various traditional African animist faiths or Christianity because of these sharp internal divisions tensions bubbled up to the surface in Sudan between the Arab Muslim dominated North and the ethnically and religiously distinct peripheral regions and the country's first civil war between the North and the South began in 1955 the year before independence was even granted that first Civil War was devastating and it would last for the next 16 years until 1972 around 1 million people were killed across Sudan during the war and it ended with the north agreeing to Grant the southern half of the country its political autonomy with the establishment of the southern Sudan autonomous region however only a decade later in 1983 under the rule of the ARA military dictator gafar Muhammad and Neri carum would revoke the South's hardfought autonomous status and introduced strict Islamic Sharia law for the entire country including within the non-muslim non-arab formerly autonomous South this ended up leading to the southern half of Sudan rebelling against the government again which led to the Second Sudanese Civil War that will last for another 22 agonizing years until 2005 in which another estimated 2 million more people across the country would be killed making the wars in Sudan among the deadliest conflicts worldwide since World War II and a huge part of the reason why the arab-dominated Sudanese government didn't want the South to leave and was willing to pay millions of lives to keep them was because that's where most of the country's oil reserves happened to be located significant oil reserves had only been discovered in Sudan later on in the game by Chevron in 1978 in between the two big Civil Wars and it turned out the country had similar reserves of oil as Oman or Mexico and was a top 25 oil State worldwide however an overwhelming 75% of all Sudan's discovered oil reserves were in the non-arab south of the country and so if the South was autonomous and kept all their oil money for themselves then the north would never actually benefit from them this is a huge reason why the north decided to suddenly revoke the South's autonomy only a few years after the oil was discovered there and why the north was then willing to fight a war that killed Millions to try and hang on to the South but by 2005 the country was exhausted for more than two decades of war and all the parties involved agreed to sign what became known as the comprehensive peace agreement which established a timetable for an independence referendum to be hosted in southern Sudan that referendum would be held a few years later in January of 2011 and it resulted in an utterly overwhelming Landslide victory for the yes campaign with 98% of the votes choosing Independence which led to South Sudan formerly seceding from the rest of the country a few months later in July of 2011 as the world's newest country and they took 75% of Sudan's oil wealth with them in the process but many unresolved questions between them continue to linger on an oil Rich border region between them about the same size as Lebanon that's known as abier was set up by the pece as a condominium to be jointly ruled by both Sudan and South Sudan as equals and so both countries have continued claiming the territory for themselves that is sporadically resulted in violence two more highly ethnically and religiously diverse southern states that remained within Sudan South caon and Blue Nile were supposed to also host vaguely defined popular consultations in 2011 to determine their own constitutional Futures but these popular consultations were indefinitely suspended by the government in cartoon and so splinter group of the primary South Sudan people's Liberation movement or splm that was instrumental in achieving South Sudan's Independence formed across the border in South caon and Blue Nile that became known as the splm north they would continue to wage a low-level Insurgency against the Sudanese government in South caon and Blue Nile with demands for greater autonomy on each and a more federalized Sudanese government structure and within only two years of South Sudan's Independence the world's newest country would descend into its own catastrophic Civil War in 2013 13 that would last for seven more years until 2020 and kill another 400,000 people during the Second Sudanese Civil War in 1989 a charismatic Sudanese Army General known as Omar Al Basher launched a successful coup d' that overthrew the democratically elected government in the country as it was attempting to negotiate with the rebels in the South Al Basher was a Hardline islamist and Arab Nationalist and deing his authoritarian military regime he pursued a policy of harsh crackdowns against the non-arab and non-muslim Rebels the South and in darur in 2003 non-arab Rebel factions in darur launched attacks against Sudanese military facilities in the name of Greater autonomy and al- Bashir responded with one of the 21st Century's most brutal campaigns of repression the al-Bashir regime created a militia organization out of the nomadic Arab identifying hurting peoples of Northern darur that they called the janed which roughly translates into English as the Devils on Horseback faced with the rebellion of the non-arab peoples in southern and western darur and faced with a par parallel ecological crisis of the Sahara Desert continuing to expand southwards and pressuring their migration Southward the janed rolled across southern and western darur with their horses and their guns and burned hundreds of African villages to the ground and massacred around 300,000 people within only 2 years of unprecedented violence between 2003 and 2005 actions that have been labeled as a genocide by the United States government and by multiple un agencies Millions more were forcibly displaced by the violence in Darfur in the 2000s and the international criminal court or IC in the ha would take the unprecedented step of issuing multiple arrest warrants for Omar al-Bashir in 2009 and again in 2010 on charges of crimes against humanity and genocide for his government's actions in darur which made Al Basher the first sitting head of state to ever be ordered arrested by the IC in its history Al Basher and his regime naturally rejected the icc's jurisdiction in Sudan and refused to cooperate with the warrant which continued to fuel Al bashir's own dictatorial paranoia he expelled NOS from the country like Doctors Without Borders in the UN world food program accusing them of spying in the country on behalf of the IC while Financial sanctions slapped on Sudan by the United States were continuing to bite him in his economy even further Sudan and the United States had had a fraught relationship pretty much ever since he had assumed power his islamist ideology led him to host Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda in the country up until 1996 which led to Washington designating Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism and introducing comprehensive sanctions against Sudan in 1997 the al-Qaeda bombings at the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 that killed hundreds resulted in the United States retaliating by firing cruise missiles at alleged Al-Qaeda targets that were still operating in Sudan even harsher economic and trade sanctions were applied by the United States on Sudan following Washington's accusations of the regime carrying out genocide in darur in the 2000s and after the loss of 75% of the country's oil reserves with the South's Independence in 2011 the Sudanese economy was being relentlessly battered and it crashed by 177% in 2012 alone fearful of the struggling economy and the South Independence negatively impacting his domestic popularity and fearful of the icc's active arrest warrant for him Al Basher grew increasingly paranoid that the military would eventually conspire to overthrow him just like how he had overthrown the previous government that had came before him this led to him establishing a system of supposedly coup proofing himself in Sudan with the creation of two parallel military structures within the country the primary Sudanese armed forces or saf that were placed under the command of General Abdel fatal burhan and the creation of a new paramilitary Force out of the genocidal janid militias from darur that evolved into the rapid support forces or the rsf under the command of rival General Muhammad hamand dealo better known by his known Nar hedi for years across the 2010s the rsf continued carrying out violent pgms against darfur's non-arab populations to try and keep Dar furry Rebel activity suppressed and they served as a mercenary group for hire in multiple external conflicts Beyond Sudan's borders rsf troops traveled to neighboring Libya to fight on behalf of the warlord Khalifa haftar to Brook based government during the Civil War there while thousands of other rsf Fighters were contracted by the United Arab Emirates and transported to Yemen to fight for the emir's interests in the Civil War there as well Al bashir's intentions within Sudan were to always play the Ambitions of the saf and the rsf against one another in order to keep them both too busy and occupied with each other to ever be able to collaborate together in overthrowing him but all of that suddenly changed in 2019 the sunin economy was beginning to shrink again with negative growth in GDP in both 2018 and 2019 and frustrated with a worsening economy and Al bashir's continued three decade long author authoritarian rule popular protests and uprisings against him began forming in cartoon that began demanding his resignation in Greater democracy and as the protests grew larger the Rival generals alberan and hedi of the saf and the rsf who were supposed to always be struggling against one another actually decided to collaborate together and launched a joint coup d' that finally overthrew al-Bashir from power and in the aftermath they set up what they claimed was only a temporary military Administration that would eventually transitioned Sudan back towards a civilian-led democratic government which the country hadn't known ever since the 1980s a man named abdalah hamdok was quickly appointed as Sudan's new interim civilian prime minister until the elections could take place at an undetermined future date but then he was also really quickly forcefully removed from office and kidnapped by the saf and the rsf during another military coup in October of 2021 when they suspended the Constitution civilian protests against Sudan's military leadership erupted again while the IMF and the World Bank suspended their debt relief programs to Sudan in response worsening Sudan's financial crisis even further the civilian prime minister humock was briefly reinstated to his position by the military the following month of November but then he almost immediately resigned in January of 2022 as the anti-military protest continued and as the military continued repressing them with ever increasing violence Al burhan and hedi and their rival armies were then left over as Sudan's deao joint leaders but pressure from Sudan's civilian population and protest were growing on them to finally commit to a timetable of fully transitioning back to civilian rule in December of 2022 they agreed on a deal that established a 2-year timeline for Nationwide elections that would finally establish the civilian leadership but the deal also laid out the groundwork for hd's rsf Army to become absorbed and integrated into the primary saf Army that was led by Al burhan and critically the deal didn't actually specify a clear timeline for any of this to actually take place alberan was evidently insisting on a shorter 2-year timeline for the rsf to become fully integrated into the saf under his command while hedi was counter insisting on a much more drawn out 10-year process to do so tensions between both sides continued growing with hdy seemingly unwilling to give up his army quickly and with both generals wary of giving up any of their power to a future civilian government on the 15th of April in 2023 the tensions finally reached a boiling point and gunfire and explosions rang out across cartoon the saf and the rsf each blamed each other for firing the first shot and the newest Civil War in Sudan had begun both sides began the civil war with similar numbers of Manpower at their disposal the rsf consisted of more veteran Fighters with recent combat experience serving as mercenaries in The Civil Wars in Libya and Yemen but as a paramilitary militia they lacked the air power and armor that the primary saf had under their command for nearly a year now since the War Began both the saf and the rsf have been openly batt battling against one another all across the country for the ultimate control of Sudan while the rsf has been increasingly gaining the momentum they've managed to capture most of the capital city including Sudan's only oil refinery in cartoon's International Airport which prompted the saf to withdraw their headquarters from the capital and relocate further behind the front line in Port Sudan on the Red Sea the rsf have captured virtually every major city in the darur area and in December of 2023 they overran the major city of wad madani to the South east of cartoon which had a pre-war population of more than 330,000 people and as the successors to the janed that carried out the US defined genocide in darur in the early 2000s the rsf have begun committing similar atrocities in darur today after several darur Rebel factions announced their support for the saf and Al burhan multiple large scale massacres of Africans by rsf forces in darur have been reported which has led the United States to publicly accuse the rsf of war crimes and ethnic cleansing but the United States States has also accused the saf of committing war crimes during the conflict 2 faced with the more experienced fighters in the rsf the saf has resorted to their Superior air power to bomb rsf positions from the sky and they frequently carried out indiscriminate air strikes of Civilian populated areas in the name of attacking the rsf and their supply lines and the rsf has been continuing to swell their numbers because they're attracting large numbers of volunteers from thousands of miles away when you look in Northern Africa through the lens of ethnicity you will see a nearly continuous belt of Arab identifying tribes that extends Westward from Sudan and darur through Chad and ner and then into Mali and marania hedi as a member of one of these Arab identifying tribes himself has made strategic alliances and overtures to many of these other tribes spanning all the way to the Atlantic and thousands of men from these regions have flocked to join the rsf in his active fights in Sudan and in darur many of them are coming for Loot and plunder as cars and other valuable goods are stolen in Sudan during their raids and then trans transported Westward across the Sahel and resold to unsuspecting buyers in so-called dallo markets named after hon dealo himself and unlike the John Jed of the past who largely carried out their atrocities in darur with horses and AK-47s the rsf of today are acquiring very heavy Advanced weapons to help them in their War this time around like anti-tank weapons surfac to air missiles machine guns and grenade launchers because of all the different proxy wars that are taking place in Sudan a top of the war between the SF in the saaf first and foremost is the struggle for Supremacy in Sudan that is ongoing between the Rival royal families of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates both are major investors in the Sudanese economy with substantial assets they stand to lose if the side they don't want to win comes out on top the Emirates have already invested more than 13 billion into the country while the Saudis announced in 2022 Before the War Began that they would invest up to $24 billion into the country as well Sudan is is after all a very valuable piece on the board in the United Arab Emirates grander geopolitical objectives around the Red Sea Abu Dhabi and Riad are each actively competing against the other to become the leading Arab and Persian Gulf State though the UAE only has a fourth of Saudi Arabia's population the Emirates have an economy that punches far above their weight that's about half the size of the Saudis and the two are the leading economic powers in the Arab world the Saudis dominate the eastern shore of the Red Sea with their own Shoreline one of the most critical shipping routes in the world with the Suez Canal to the North and the bavel Mev straet to the South the UAE has therefore spent years attempting to build up their position and influence around the Red Sea Shores to challenge Saudi heemy in the area by backing the secessionist southern transitional Council in Yemen against the Saudi backed government and Iranian backed houthis and by building up military bases on the yemeni islands of so Catra and perah by investing hundreds of millions of dollars into developing the port of Bara nearby to the red sea in the Breakaway state of Somali Land by supporting the government of ABI akmed in Ethiopia and by cultivating ties to the rsf and hedian Sudan whose Fighters the UAE used in Yemen and fought alongside of in Libya before the war in Sudan even began the UAE then quickly chose to back Hedy in the rsf in Sudan once the War Began hoping that an outright rsf victory in the country would cement their growing geopolitical influence and clout in the Red Sea region at the expense of the Saudis and although Abu Dhabi denies it there is credible evidence that the UAE has been supplying the rsf with massive quantities of weapons a report from The Wall Street Journal showed several dozen armed deliveries that the UAE made to the rsf After the War Began through the airport of amaras just across the border in Chad while the UAE is further giving the rsf access to their Banks and financial system so they can skirt around us sanctions in exchange for Emira access to the rsf's controlled gold mines and oil fields in Sudan Khalifa haar the warlord who rules the eastern half of Libya that the UAE and the rsf both supported for years during the Libyan Civil War has also apparently decided on returning the favor by opening up the stockpiles of the previous Gaddafi regime in Libya to the rsf that has included anti-tank weapons in addition to convoys carrying Libyan oil to power the rsf's vehicles and in addition to the military support they're receiving from the UAE and from haftar's Libya and from thousands of volunteers who are coming from all across the Sahel hedi and the rsf are also receiving significant military support from Russia's paramilitary Vagner group as well the Vagner group has been known to have had a presence within Sudan since at least 2017 as a mercenary group for hire Vagner soldiers were contracted in Sudan to guard valuable gold mines in the unstable darur region and they brought in Russian Weaponry in exchange for Sudanese gold the Vagner group fought in Libya for the haftar regime in the East alongside the rsf and the UAE and after Russia's inv invasion of Ukraine began in February of 2022 vogner's operations in Sudan became even more critical to the Russian government Sudan is the world's 10th largest producer of Gold with extensive gold mines found all across the country but particularly in darur that was under the influence of the rsf perhaps anticipating their future increase needs for Sudanese gold hedi himself was in Moscow the very day the Russians invaded Ukraine signing paperwork after the United States and the European Union and other Western countries severed the Russians from their financial systems following The Invasion the Russians began having to turn to more alternative and covert methods of funding their Army in Ukraine like by securing more untraceable gold from places like Sudan within the first year of Russia's invasion of Ukraine beginning the Vagner group and their Affiliates are believed to have managed to covertly smuggle nearly $2 billion worth of gold out of Sudan to help Finance their army and they've almost certainly smuggled billions more since the war in Sudan between hedi and Al burhan began which led to the Russians more firmly cementing their alliance with the rsf hd's forces currently control most of the country's gold trade and they've been able to essentially trade billions of dollars worth of gold to the Vagner group that is then smuggled back to Russia in exchange for advanced Russian Weaponry like service to air missiles howitzers and multiple rocket launchers in addition to Vagner troops themselves serving as mercenaries as weapons from the United Arab Emirates are allegedly entering into the rsf's hands from across the border in Chad Russian weapon is also allegedly entering into their hands at the same time through the Vagner group's parallel operations in the Central African Republic and in Libya Russia is interested in an rsf victory in Sudan to secure continued access to their gold that will help them further circumvent Western economic sanctions and to eventually establish a Russian naval base on Sudan's Coast on the Red Sea a longtime objective of the Kremlin that would add increased security along their own oil export route towards their biggest customers in India and China if the rsf emerges victorious in Sudan they would be likely to reward the Russians for their heavy support in the aftermath and for these reasons the Russian and emirati foreign policies are directly aligned in Sudan which is probably part of the reason why Vladimir Putin himself made an official visit to the United Arab Emirates in December of 2023 to coordinate their strategies where he was welcomed with the highest levels of pump and Circumstance by Abu Dhabi and it's also why credible reports emerged this month in February of Ukrainian special forces being present in Sudan finding Vagner troops as they attempt to sever Russia's gold trade with the country that is helping to finance their War Machine the war is also causing a tremendous amount of instability to the South and South Sudan as well South Sudan may have taken the vast majority of the country's oil reserves with them back in 2011 but the country remained entirely dependent upon Sudan for their ability to actually export any of their oil to Global markets South Sudan is landlocked and a pipeline constructed in the 1990s known as the greater Nile oil pipeline between their oil fields and Port Sudan on the Red Sea remained their only viable way to transport large amounts of oil to Global markets the pipeline passes directly through the Sudanese capital city of cartoon that's also home to the country's only oil refinery and which has been a catastrophically violent war zone for nearly an entire year now which has been severely disrupting South Sudan's ability to export their oil and earn any money this has led to proposals to construct a new oil pipeline from South Sudan's fields that will run through Ethiopia instead towards the port of jouti but this is also potentially problematic because Ethiopia isn't really that much more stable than Sudan is with its own active Civil War and armed rebellions continuing they could threaten the new pipeline's viability too the splm north Rebel group that's active in Sudan South copon and Blue Nile States has escalated its Insurgency into a fullscale rebellion since the War began as well with some of its members even advocating for further partitions of Sudan either in the form of South copon and blue Nile's outright into dependence or Union with South Sudan while violence between Sudanese and South Sudanese forces have further escalated over the contested oil Rich abier region further to the West as well with its ultimate status between them still being undetermined there is now an increasing degree of concern of Sudan devolving into either a Libya scenario with the capital in the country west of the Nile River falling under the control of hedi and the rsf and the territory east of the Nile and along the coastline falling under the control of alberan and the saf or a further balkanization scenario for Sudan in which the country could further collapse along ethnic and religious lines not only in South caon and Blue Nile but in darur as well which was a nominally independent sultanate until the early 20th century when it was conquered and absorbed into Sudan a combination of the Libya and balkanization scenarios for Sudan are also possible too as is a complete takeover by either hedi or Al burhan and their proxy supporters and increased Refugee surges into neighboring fragile States like Ethiopia South Sudan the Central African Republic Chad and Libya stand to exacerbate or trigger additional conflicts in Africa in a cascading domino effect of war and Washington is growing increasingly frustrated with this uncertain situation and worsening instability in Sudan so far all peace and ceasefire negotiations and attempts in Sudan between the Rival generals and their proxy supporters have failed Washington definitely doesn't want an outright rsf victory in Sudan due to fears that an rsf dominated Sudan would become a pro-russian Pari state in Africa like Syria is in the Middle East and they would continue funneling gold to Moscow to continue undermining the West sanctions on Russia and probably allow a Russian port to be established on the Red Sea too the United States is trying to convince the UAE to abandon their support for the rsf in order to help avoid this outcome but they aren't very likely to be successful because of how close the US UAE relationship is outside of Sudan the UAE has been the most significant Arab state to normalize its relations with Israel since the Abraham Accords began in 20 20 and owing to its high degree of influence and investment in the country the UAE was further instrumental in securing Sudan's subsequent normalization with Israel in 2021 which curried a huge degree of favor towards the UAE in Washington the UAE is also one of Washington's largest customers for the American Arms industry worth tens of billions of dollars Abu Dhabi agreed on a deal with the previous Trump Administration to purchase a whopping $23 billion worth of American milit Ary Hardware that included 50 cuttingedge F-35 fighter jets and 18 mq9 Reaper drones even though the Biden Administration later paused the deal for review the United States also maintains a major air force base in the UAE at alafa that's home to around 5,000 American military personnel that proved critical to supporting America's Wars against Isis in Iraq and Syria and against the Taliban in Afghanistan convincing the United Arab Emirates to abandon its support for the rsf in Sudan would be a tough set as it would compromise on Abu dhabi's Ambitions to become the new hegemon in the Red Sea at the expense of Saudi Arabia and the United States doesn't want to alienate the United Arab Emirates too much because of all of their cooperation with Israel their shared antagonism towards Iran and huge arms purchases not to even mention the fact that the UAE is also the eighth largest oil producer in the world and can significantly affect the global price of oil in America's favor by choosing to either cut or raise production nonetheless there are increasing calls within Washington for the United States to begin quietly supporting the saf and Al burhan in the country anyway to destroy the Russian gold smuggling route to begin bringing some kind of stability back to Sudan in the increasingly chaotic Red Sea region that threatens us allies in the region like Egypt and Saudi Arabia and to bring a halt to the rsf's apparent ethnic cleansing and potentially genocidal campaign of annihilation being waged across darur because of how remote and undeveloped of a region darer is and how few people there actually have access to the internet or other telecommunications and because of the nature of the fog of War nobody really knows exactly what's been going on there or how many people have died since the rsf overran the area but there is that United Nations report that estimate the massacre of as many as 15,000 people in the city of El Janina alone satellite images have revealed dozens of villages that have been torched and several more mass Graves and more than half a million people mostly from darur have fled across the border into neighboring Chad since the War Began many of their eyewitness testimonies speaking of escaping across streets littered with the bodies of the Dead Thomas abacar the governor of the West arur Province plainly stated back in June of 2023 that the rsf was waging a campaign of renewed genocide against the Africans in Dar furan and demanded an international intervention to save them merely hours after he made these comments though abachar was kidnapped and murdered by forces that allegedly belonged to the rsf the US Secretary of State Anthony blinken publicly condemned the rsf for committing crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing and darur in December of 2023 and he referred to the rsf's actions as quote haunting Echoes of the genocide that began almost 20 years ago in darur that previous genocide in darur is widely regarded as being the first genocide committed during the 21st century it was largely perpetrated by the rsf's predecessors between 2003 and 2005 on a scale in tempo of ferocity that has been compared to the wandon genocide of 1994 hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur were systematically annihilated under orders that were given by the Sudanese regime of Omar al-Bashir himself while the issue of what was happening within Darfur became a media sensation of its Time in the West with celebrities from Angelina Jolie to George Clooney tirelessly campaigning to try and spread awareness of the horrors that were going on there the unbelievable atrocities that were carried out in darur by the janid and the sudin government in the 2000s has a direct impact on The Echoes of the genocide that are ringing out in darur again today Echoes that are largely falling on ears that are distracted by the parallel atrocities and crises happening in Gaza and in Ukraine I want to tell the next part of this story that covers everything that happened in darur during the genocide of the 2000s and why it's important to understanding the horrors that are happening in darur today but unfortunately due to the inherently violent disturbing and recent nature of discussing one of this Century's most appalling crimes would cause the video to become demonetized and age restricted which I actually completely believe should happen but it also ultimately means that YouTube's algorithm that's based around ads would suppress the video here on YouTube and so it wouldn't ever actually promote the video to you and that means that there's simply no way you'd ever see it here and that's why instead I created yet another ful length companion video to this one in my ongoing modern conflict series that's about the same length as this video that covers the entire course and explanation into the genocide that happened in darur and I uploaded it for you to watch next on neula which as you've probably heard by now is home to tons of exclusive AdFree content like my entire modern conflict series with dozens of other fulllength episodes containing hours worth of additional content and context that you can go and watch right now covering recent major Wars and conflicts from all around the world that will help you stay up todate on what's going on in our world and why from this episode covering the entire history of the Israel Gaza conflict to these episodes covering the war in Ukraine to these episodes covering the Civil Wars and conflicts in Libya Lebanon Yemen Syria Iraq turkey the former Yugoslavia Myanmar Ethiopia and many others with brand new episodes releasing every single month and what's even more you also get access to all of the other amazing exclusive content that's on nebula because the best part about this site is that it's jointly co-owned by all of its creators 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Views: 1,396,775
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Keywords: real life lore, real life lore maps, real life lore geography, real life maps, world map, world map is wrong, world map with countries, world map real size, map of the world, world geography, geography, geography (field of study), facts you didn’t know
Id: 7HbMDwgXhJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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