Why should I buy a WiFi Nugget?

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what does the wi-fi nugget specifically do like what's the sort of what's the use case why would i buy one because i mean i was looking at the website i was thinking i should buy one of these as soon as i fell in love with microcontrollers there were two in particular that i really really liked the first one is the esp8266 and that's the one that's really excellent for wi-fi hacking and the second one is the esp32 s2 which supports native usb and makes it the perfect usb hacking tool i mean if you know like the usb rubber ducky like it's really easy to create something that's just like that and this is expensive as well yeah so that's a problem exactly exactly and like the fact that you know this little chip and i have one right here um is about four dollars on aliexpress it has wi-fi it has usb that's like oh now i have a usb connectable wi-fi you know remote accessible hacking tool here and i can really make it into whatever i want so i was like what should what should it be cat shaped so because i have a cat that is completely worthy of having projects dedicated to him his nickname is the nugget so we decided that like the physical incarnation of one of these chips that is basically um everything you would want it to be in a handheld device so what's cool about these microcontrollers they can do all sorts of crazy hacking stuff but what do you need to do in order to work with them well you have to plug them into a computer open up a command line application and then like speak directly to the microcontroller telling it exactly what to do in some language that it understands that is way too much work for the average person and i used to work a lot with my friends uh stefan aka space hoon on his wi-fi d author project which has many incarnations but my favorite one is the d author wristwatch this is produced by like a friend of his in china and it is everywhere if you're on like aliexpress or like amazon you see this thing absolutely everywhere and the sad thing is staphon doesn't really make very much money on this because of uh you know other people copying the design but what that design has done is you know taken the microcontroller and turn it into something that's you could use like 80 percent of the features that i've you know i just mentioned just by pressing a couple buttons and having a screen on it and i was like so inspired by that i was like this is so cool that you can unlock the potential of a microcontroller that somebody can use immediately either just by pressing buttons and having a screen or by connecting their phone and having a web interface like that's such a cool way of taking this kind of like you know locked up potential and opening it up for the average person so that's when my friend alex and i really started working on this wi-fi nugget design we have a bear uh nugget here and then i have one in a case it's like my personal nugget that has like a lanyard and and everything has buttons it has a screen it has a neopixel and then has a bunch of outputs that allow you to connect it to other things and we would be able to scale this and be able to make you know tutorials around it teach people about wifi hacking the other thing that's cool is this is so powerful it can host a web application so when i'm teaching people about web like web pen testing i can have them download owasp's app a very free powerful and excellent tool and then attack a vulnerable web application that connects to their wi-fi network sits there and you can pummel the hell out of it and nobody will get upset at you you can do such bad degrading things to this poor vulnerable web application and no one's going to get upset because you're allowed to this is legal it's permissible and i think that that's really the thing that my tutorials on null bite kind of lacked is like a punching bag that's always allowed that's totally defensible so that when people say like hey you're teaching criminals how to hack i'm like no i'm giving them a safe place to learn this skill that's going to get them hopefully you know a job down the line or at least like be able to carry their interest until they find out what it is they want to do we created the wi-fi nugget by just taking this d1 uh this d1 mini module that i had worked with so much and then marrying it to a cat-shaped board that broke it out and allowed you to you know do all the stuff with it but right around that time um they came out with the s2 mini so what's cool is that um these are pin compatible like you can plug one into something that's meant for the other and i was like what a lucky coincidence i wonder if this new board they just came out with would actually be more useful or more powerful than the d1 mini so i took the s2 mini i plugged it into our existing design with zero modifications whatsoever and it works perfectly we really got lucky in that um we didn't need to change our design at all from the wi-fi nugget to the usb nugget we literally just had to put a different micro-controller on the back and suddenly it has completely new powers and you know new abilities
Channel: David Bombal Clips
Views: 21,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifi, wifi kali linux, kody, nullbyte, kody kinzie, best wifi adapter for kali linux, kali linux wifi, wifi kali, kali wifi, parrot os, parrot os wifi, best wifi adapters, best wifi hacking adapters, best cybersecurity certs, cybersecurity, cybersecurity careers, ceh, oscp, itprotv, ine, ejpt, elearn securtiy, oscp certification, ctf for beginners
Id: hURcRszMivk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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